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四时与五行相配在战国中后期成为一个思潮。我们对于这一命题的把握既需要审视阴阳、四时、五行的传统渊源,也需要从西汉时期阴阳五行融合的完成态反向回溯。在《管子》诸篇中,四时五行相配时也呈现不同的思想形态。我们从阴阳二气与"五政苟时"两个角度来理解四时五行相配何以可能的问题。《四时》与《五行》篇中呈现的两种思想形态差异与《管子》同《礼记·月令》系统在四时五行相配问题上所产生的差异很不相同。阴阳(四时)五行合流之所以成为一个潮流并存在形态差异则与战国中后期普遍存在的政治改革思潮、理性祛魅思潮、区域性月令系统差异有关。  相似文献   

本文通过对秦简《日书》中众多规则和方法的研究,指出在战国时期,不仅已经有了五行相生和五行相克的完整表述,有了五行与四时、五行与四方(五方)、五行与天干地支以及五行与河图十数等的配属,而且五行寄生十二宫和三合理论亦已完成并普遍应用;此外,还出现了阴阳穷绝、阴阳击冲、五行无气等观念;关于五行旺相休囚死的重要观念也已产生。据此,本文认为,五行作为一种哲学观念,在战国时期已经基本完备,基本成熟了;战国是我国五行观念发展最为重要的一个时期,即成熟时期。在此之后,五行观念主要是在应用方面加以发展。  相似文献   

方以智易学中的"密衍"思想,主要体现在"<河图>变<洛书>"的过程中,认为<河图>强调五行相生,而<洛书>强调五行相克,二者展示了儒家所推崇的生生之德.由"金火易位"出发,方以智等人深化了对"五行尊火为宗"与"金生水"等命题的认识,形成了较为系统的全新观念.  相似文献   

从文王卦图到五行、十翼赵缊一、《周易》与文王的关系当我最初接触《周易》文王演卦作易的传说时,认为那不过都是孔子为依托圣王立说的溢美之词而已。在以后结合先秦史的学习研究中,我对文王于《周易》有重大影响的观念反而是越发坚定了,这种认识变化大体基于如下原因...  相似文献   

旧题归有光撰<易经渊旨>与归有光<震川先生集>中最核心的易学思想、政治思想颇为一致.<易经渊旨>认为易图非作<易>之本、对<说卦>的解释不必拘泥于卦位、邵雍易学晦涩难懂,这些观点正是归有光易图论的主要理论环节;<易经渊旨>的仁政观重视上下有亲、反对以势临民,与<震川先生集>之最重要的政治观念相呼应.<易经渊旨>是<周易>文本与归有光思想的精密结合.<石镜山房周易说统>等材料也为<易经渊旨>乃归氏真作提供了佐证.  相似文献   

《管子》吸取了以往阴阳说与五行说的基本思想,将二者有机地融为一体,完善了阴阳五行说体系,阴阳与五行相结合是在四时观念系统中完成的,而《管子》就有非常大的贡献;《管子》中论述四时之象透露出二气消息不同状态与格局之信息,为汉代易“卦气说”奠定了基础;并且《管子》“精气说”为王充以后的“禀气说”产生重大影响。以上三个方面《管子》对易学发展的贡献是不可低估的。  相似文献   

帛书《二三子问》篇有"理顺五行""必顺五行"之语,其中具有时令含义,核心内容是"顺天",顺应天时之意,具体指顺应五行、四时以及寒暑之代序。此在国家政治生活和农事活动中有重要作用,即《管子·四时》所云"圣王务时而寄政"之意。可以说,《管子》"知四时"与《二三子问》篇"顺五行"在本质上是一致的,皆源于对四时的关注,关键在于如何理解"播五行于四时"。对此,帛书《易传》没有给出具体方案,而《管子·五行》篇对此有详细的阐述,这涉及君主行政的具体措施,其中透露出天地人一体的宇宙整体思维模式。  相似文献   

帛书<周易>六十四卦卦序以上下卦相重,反映了卦的变化的思想,其上卦体现了"分阴分阳"的阴阳分类观念,其下卦则既体现了阴阳交错、阴阳相配的观念,又体现了正位的观念.更重要的是,帛<易>八卦序列与<大戴礼记·易本命>、<孔子家语·执辔>等典籍中所暗含的具有独特宇宙论意义的八卦序列具有相关性,由此我们提出一种设想,帛<易>八卦序列很可能反映的也是这种独特宇宙论思想.  相似文献   

论《周易》的阴阳和谐思维   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
阴阳和谐思维是建构<易经>体系和<易传>解释系统的灵魂,它的形成与中国社会、历史条件密切相关,是古代"五行"、"阴阳"、"天人合一"等观念发展的必然结果.<周易>的阴阳和谐思维充分彰显了中国哲学与文化和谐思维的特色,它逐渐积淀成尚中求和的思维模式,对其后中国哲学与文化发生了广泛而深刻的影响.  相似文献   

<黄帝内经>中有丰富的<易>学象数学内容.<内经>吸纳<易>学的"三才"之道,作为其理论建构的基础,蕴含着天人同构、天人之气相通的"天人合一"理念.天人相应是通过动态的阴阳的消息、四时的更替、五行的运转、八风的常正转换、及五运六气的运行来具体展现的.医、<易>皆注重"时"的作用,但<内经>更注重五行之间的生克制化,而<易>则更重阴阳之间的对待与流行.<内经>理论与八卦"卦气"说有内在的联系.医、<易>皆注重天人合一,但前者更注重人与天的自然的合一,注重天地自然对人的生理病理的影响,而后者注重本天道以立人道,开天文以立人文,充满着浓郁的人文关怀.两种"天人合一"的思维理路非但没有根本的矛盾,而且具有内在的联系.人类可以同时追求人与天的自然的与人文的合一.  相似文献   

刘彬 《周易研究》2004,(6):22-27
<易纬>的<乾凿度>和<通卦验>分别记载了两种八卦卦气思想,虽然都是关于八卦于一年中用事的学说,但二者在具体内容、卦序、所属易学流派等方面有所不同.本文即对这些方面作了初步探索.  相似文献   

"先天八卦"中具有数理内涵,同样,"后天八卦"中亦具有数理内涵。前者呈二进制形态,后者则为三进制形态。《系辞》曰:"太极生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦。"其实,四象生八卦有两种不同的逻辑法则,这两种不同的逻辑法则导致二进制八卦与三进制八卦。而且"后天八卦"与五行具有内在的关联,因此,"后天八卦"中的数理内涵比"先天八卦"中的数理内涵更显丰富。  相似文献   

胡渭对后人以"五行生成数"和"九宫数"为"河图"、"洛书"的来龙去脉进行了剖析,辨明了五行、九宫与八卦的关系,指出,春秋战国时期的阴阳五行之说,是一套独立的系统,它的五行生成之数说与<周易>中的天地之数说还是相矛盾的,也没和八卦发生任何关系."九宫数"原本与九数图的"河图"(或称"洛书")也毫无关系,也是后人硬把它们扯到一起的.胡渭的考证虽有待进一步的深入,但他认为五行数、九宫数与八卦、古河图原不相涉的说法,还是无可辩驳的.  相似文献   

刘彬 《周易研究》2007,(2):12-18
马王堆帛书《要》篇有“五正”一词,乃为古代易学讲君道的特定术语。其内容是帝王取度于身所建立的规矩绳权衡五种法度,与八卦中的某些卦、四时和五方等相配纳,而形成的易学模式。此配纳模式说明,君主布施规矩绳权衡五正,其旨在因顺阴阳、谐和四时、理顺五行,以达致天人祥和的理想政治境界。此古《易》“五正”的要义,是君道合于天地、阴阳之道。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated trigram detection in a continuous recognition task. In Experiment 1 consonant trigrams were presented visually, one at a time, with occasional repetition of a trigram after an interval of 0, 2, 4, 8, or 16 other trigrams. Subjects were told to respond with a button press every time they saw a repeated trigram. If a subject responded to a repeated trigram, it was not repeated again. However, if a subject did not respond to a repeated trigram, it was repeated again at the same interval for up to 3 repetitions. For all intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. In Experiment 2 meaningless shape trigrams were presented, and occasionally a trigram was repeated after an interval of 0, 1, or 2 trigrams. For both intervals greater than 0, the probability of noticing a repeated trigram did not increase with the number of repetitions. The results demonstrate that a repeated input does not necessarily leave a permanent trace in memory.  相似文献   

Studied parafoveal word processing during eye fixations in reading to answer two questions: (a) Is the processing of parafoveally available words limited to the identification of beginning letters? (b) Does the parafoveal processing of words affect the following interword saccade? Reading afforded either no parafoveal preview, preview of beginning trigrams, preview of ending trigrams, or preview of the whole parafoveal word. Previews were controlled by replacing original letters either with X's or dissimilar letters. Preview benefits were larger for the whole word previews than for beginning or ending trigram previews. X-masks yielded preview benefits from intact beginning and ending trigrams but dissimilar letter masks yielded benefits from beginning trigrams only. Saccades were larger for whole word previews than for no previews. These results support Logogen-type models of word recognition and a model of saccade computation that posits a time-locked functional relation between the acquisition of parafoveal word information and the positioning of each fixation.  相似文献   

The central question of this report concerned the role of formal similarity in free recall of lists of trigrams and lists of three-letter word triads. Similarity was manipulated among trigrams by duplicating letters and among triads by duplicating words. An initial study showed that lists of 16 letters were learned more rapidly than a list of 16 three-letter words. Therefore, in the major experiment, the Ss were given all appropriate elements on test trials so that only associative learning was required. Increases in formal similarity caused decreases in rate of learning for both types of lists, and the mechanisms of the interference seemed to be the same for both types of lists, However, the learning of the trigram lists was more rapid than the learning of the triad lists, the difference being maximal with low similarity.  相似文献   

《易经》的宇宙观与阴阳五行家思想之渊源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
若从思想自身的发展来看,阴阳五行家与《易经》有着重要的渊源关系。《易经》的阴阳变化观念和带有浓厚的原始思维特性的宇宙观,是阴阳五行家思想的理论基石,阴阳五行家的宇宙发生图式和序列便滥觞于此。《易经》的以“因果联想”为重要特征的认知方式对阴阳五行家认识和把握世界的基本方式产生了重要的影响。《易经》的时空观念也与阴阳五行家以阴阳五行配四时、四方,以阴阳五行说明宇宙之大化、社会之变迁、人事之行止的思想紧密联系在一起。  相似文献   

Manipulations were introduced in three experiments to produce letter-by-letter analysis of orthographic (CVC) and nonorthographic (CCV or VCC) trigrams. Letters in the trigrams were presented in a different form (normal orientation and order, normal orientation but reversed order, reversed orientation but normal order, or reversed orientation and order) to each of four groups in the first experiment, and in each of the two normal orientation forms to different groups in the second experiment. Subjects both detected the presence or absence of a target letter and classified each trigram as a word or nonword. Additional changes were introduced in the third experiment to ensure that letters were being analyzed in the desired order. Performance was consistently better on orthographic trigrams, but only if the letters were oriented normally. This word-superiority effect (WSE) was related to feature testing that may be carried out letter by letter, with more efficient testing on words. Failiar orientation of letter features seems to be necessary; otherwise, testing becomes so difficult that there is no WSE. However, testing apparently is not finished on a given letter before it is begun on the next.  相似文献   

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