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影响大学生参与网上招聘意向的因素模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨洋  雷雳 《应用心理学》2006,12(1):36-42
该研究基于“计划行为理论”探索了影响大学生参与网上招聘意向的因素模型。研究结果证实了创建的模型对大学生参与网上招聘意向的预测和解释效力:(1)态度、针对网上招聘的特殊互联网自我效能感以及知觉到的对行为实施与否的控制力对大学生参与网上招聘的意向有显著的直接正向影响;(2)人际规范和知觉到的有用性对态度有显著的正向影响,知觉到的危险性对态度有显著的负向影响;(3)一般互联网自我效能感(ISE)对针对网上招聘的特殊ISE有显著的正向影响,对大学生参与网上招聘意向并没有直接的影响,而是通过针对网上招聘的特殊ISE这一中介变量产生间接影响。  相似文献   

Stasson and Fishbein (1990) reported findings indicating that college students' intentions to wear seat belts in low-risk situations were attitudinally controlled, while their intentions to wear seat belts in high-risk situations were normatively controlled. If these findings are valid, manipulations of attitude (toward wearing a seat belt) should have a greater impact on intentions to wear a seat belt in a safe situation than on intentions to wear a seat belt in a risky situation. Three experiments provided strong support for this hypothesis. The implications of these findings for defining behavior and for designing interventions to increase seat-belt use are discussed.  相似文献   

College Students' Racial Attitudes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Factor analyses of responses from white ( N = 260) and black ( N = 81) college students in two neighboring universities were utilized to develop contemporary measures of racial attitudes and of the degree of interracial contact experienced by blacks and by whites. Two sets of 112 attitudinal statements were utilized for the initial factor analyses, one set for black respondents and one for whites. About 60% of the items in the two sets were identical or the same except that the racial designations were reversed. Two 20-item racial attitude scales were derived from the factor analyses, one for blacks and one for whites. For students of each race, scores on the attitude measure showed a weak but significant relationship with a 16-item self-report scale of amount of interracial contact experienced, past and present. The relationship of these scales to earlier racial attitude measures (symbolic racism, modern racism, the MRAI, value rankings) were assessed. Second-order factor analyses suggested that the black students' racial attitudes were more heterogeneous than were the white students' racial attitudes. In general, black respondents tended to show more support than whites for programs designed to increase opportunities for, and recognition of, blacks. Black students also tended to endorse a greater degree of social distance between the races than white students did. The pattern of relationships between racial attitudes and sociopolitical issues differed for whites and blacks.  相似文献   

大学生职业价值观:手段与目的   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
金盛华  李雪 《心理学报》2005,37(5):650-657
大学生职业价值观研究随着大学生就业问题的加剧变得日趋重要。通过25例深度访谈、60例开放式问卷调查和813例各类大学生调查,建立了大学生职业价值观的四因子的目的性职业价值观和六因子手段性职业价值观模型。并据此编制了大学生目的性职业价值观和手段性职业价值观量表。验证性因素分析结果验证了模型假设高度拟合,同时也证明了目的性价值观对手段性职业价值观所具有的影响。  相似文献   

Clear associations exist between religiousness and conservative sexual attitudes, but there is a paucity of research on spirituality's interaction. In this study, the authors examined the link between 297 male and 642 female college students' reports on sexual attitudes coupled with multidimensional measures of intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of spirituality and religiousness. Results indicated significant links between private religious practices, daily spiritual experiences, and conservative sexual attitudes for all respondents. However, for male but not female participants, self-reported spirituality had significant inverse correlation with permissive sexual attitudes. Further, spiritual disclosure and self-reported extent of religiousness were related to female participants' reports of more conservative sexual attitudes. Finally, hierarchical regression analyses found that spirituality provided unique variance toward conservative sexual attitudes for male but not female participants. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Hong  Zuway-R 《Sex roles》2004,51(7-8):455-467
This study is an investigation of sexist attitudes of 940 Taiwanese female college students. Participants completed a Chinese version of the Sexist Attitudes Toward Women Scale (SATWS) as part of a larger study. Twelve women with the highest sexist attitude scores and 12 women with the lowest scores were interviewed individually. Results showed significant main effects due to age and grade point average (GPA) for responses to the SATWS. Students majoring in musicand interior design had higher mean scores than did students in four other majors. To examine differences further, items rated highest and lowest by students in four other academic major groups were identified and compared. Implications and research recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

Trafimow & Finlay (1996) employed between- and within-subjects analyses to show that people, as well as behaviors, can be under attitudinal or normative control. Using both types of analyses, Finlay, Trafimow & Jones (1997) provided evidence that subjective norms are particularly important in the health domain. The current research compares health and domain general behaviors to show that people intend to perform health behaviors that have relatively large subjective norm beta weights more than those with smaller normative beta weights. Also, people whose behaviors are generally under normative control intend to perform more healthful behaviors than do people whose behaviors are generally under attitudinal control. These results were not found using domain-general behaviors.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted with 1,632 college vocational students in North Carolina to test the job satisfaction postulate of Rusbult's (1980a) investment model. The model postulate, that satisfaction is a function of perceived positive and negative outcomes, received support and proved to be defensible even after controlling for a broad array of situational variables. This postulate has also received empirical support from studies of satisfaction with business relationships, friendships, and romantic associations. The present study also introduced a new measure of outcomes: the Perceived Outcomes of College Life measure.  相似文献   

Nurses compose the largest segment of employees in the U.S. health care industry. Nurses whose professional functioning is impaired because of substance abuse represent a threat to the health and safety of patients, other health care staff, and themselves. Attitudes toward substance use have been studied in relation to nurses' intentions (decisions) to report impaired colleagues. Whether, and to what extent, these attitudes may interact with the characteristics of the "offense" to influence intentions to report impaired practice is unknown. In this article we analyze intentions to report a variety of impaired nursing practice scenarios, obtained using a policy-capturing method, to determine the extent to which attitudes held by the "reporter" influence intentions by moderating the effects of the offense characteristics. Intention data from a sample of 120 nurses were modeled using hierarchical techniques to test the moderating hypothesis. Evidence for the moderating effects of attitudes is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine differences between respondents who recycled during a 2-week observation period and those who did not. Of interest was the ability of factors drawn from Ajzen and Madden's (1986) theory of planned behavior and situational factors such as perceptions of borough councils' recycling programs to predict who would recycle. It was found that, although attitudes and intentions to recycle household newspapers were significant predictors of recycling behavior, factors associated with the inconvenience of recycling and the programs provided by borough councils, as well as respondents' past recycling behavior, were also significant predictors.  相似文献   

The effects of two dimensions of job insecurity (job loss insecurity and career insecurity) on turnover intentions were tested in a sample from the Dutch armed forces (N = 3,580) after a major downsizing operation was announced. Results suggested that especially perceptions of career insecurity increased turnover intentions. Next to this direct effect, career insecurity was also associated with lowered affective organizational commitment which in turn increased turnover intentions as well. Our results imply that, at least during downsizing operations, a multidimensional conceptualization of job insecurity helps to predict important organizational outcomes in the military. Both perceptions of the risk of losing one’s job and perceptions of possible future career opportunities are important for employee retention.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine the role that knowledge of abortion information and various demographic variables play in discriminating between those who approve and those who disapprove of abortion. Four hundred and fifty-four college students completed the Abortion Knowledge Test, constructed by the researchers, as well as an abortion attitudes questionnaire which asked subjects to indicate their degree of approval or disapproval of abortion in the case of 7 different scenarios. Attitudes toward abortion were significantly predicted by knowledge of abortion-related information above and beyond the significant influence of degree of religiosity, religion, and age. No significant gender differences were found. Respondents who indicated approval of abortion scored significantly higher on the Abortion Knowledge Test and tended to be older, less religious, and non-Catholic compared to those who disapproved of abortion.  相似文献   


Given the anti-Asian sentiment expressed in recent Australian Gallup polls, the present study sought to determine the dynamics of attitudes toward Vietnamese refugees. The respondents included 83 residents from Canberra and 56 residents from Toowoomba, Queensland. Results indicated that, for both samples, educational level and authoritarian attitudes were significantly related to negative racial attitudes and to negative racial behavior. For the Canberra sample, highly authoritarian behavior and high levels of conformity were significantly related to both negative racial attitudes and negative racial behavior. For the Toowoomba sample, only high levels of conformity were associated with negative racial attitudes, whereas perceived economic deprivation was related to negative racial behavior. We concluded that individual levels of authoritarianism may be the best single explanation of racial prejudice.  相似文献   


Wolff, W. The Expression of Personality: Experimental Depth Psychology. New York: Harper, 1943. Pp. 334. Reviewed by Eugene Lerner.

Meier, N. C. Military Psychology. New York: Harper, 1942. Pp. 395. Reviewed by Nathan Israeli.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students (96 female, 72 male) read 3 scenarios depicting either male or female characters with symptoms of depression, alcohol abuse, and common stress. Participants then completed measures assessing their attitudes about the character in the scenarios, as well as their level of social dominance orientation, empathy, adherence to traditional gender roles, and familiarity with mental illness. As predicted, participants who labeled the target mentally ill were more likely to view the target as dangerous. This, in turn, led to an increased desire for social distance. In contrast, empathy, although associated with increased likelihood of labeling, was associated with decreased desire for social distance. Implications of the results for reducing the social stigma of mental illness are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined differences between Japanese international college students and U.S. college students on stigma toward people with psychological disorders, stigma tolerance in help seeking, and self‐concealment. Japanese international students had greater stigma toward individuals with psychological disorders than did their U.S. counterparts. No interrelationships between these variables, however, were found in the Japanese international student group. Este estudio examinó las diferencias entre estudiantes universitarios internacionales japoneses y estudiantes universitarios estadounidenses en lo concerniente al estigma hacia las personas con trastornos psicológicos, la tolerancia del estigma al buscar ayuda y la auto‐ocultación. Los estudiantes internacionales japoneses mostraron un mayor estigma hacia los individuos con trastornos psicológicos que sus homólogos estadounidenses. Sin embargo, no se encontró ninguna interrelación entre estas variables en el grupo de estudiantes internacionales japoneses.  相似文献   

With recent progress in the identification of genes for deafness, it is highly likely that genetic testing, including pre-natal testing, for deafness will become more widely available. In a context where there are concerns about pre-natal testing, and where many in the Deaf community contest the understanding of deafness as a disability, it is important to examine the attitudes of Deaf/deaf people toward genetic testing. This qualitative study employed in-depth interviews to investigate the views about genetic testing for deafness of 19 participants, who were identified as functionally deaf or hearing impaired, or as belonging to the Deaf community. The key findings are that participants were generally supportive of genetic testing for deafness but only when full information about all relevant aspects of deafness is given to prospective users of genetics services. Participants emphasized informed choice, stating that information about medical and technological options for deaf people should be provided, together with information about communication, education, and the experience of being deaf. Although there was less support for pre-natal diagnosis and termination of pregnancy for deafness, most participants nonetheless felt that individual choice was important and that pre-natal diagnosis should be made available to those who wanted to use it.  相似文献   

This study related female college students' ( n = 377) reports of symptomatology to their reports of parental attitudes suggesting limitations inherent in being female. Young women completed a scale measuring their perceptions that their fathers would have been prouder of them if they were male, and a scale measuring their distress over the limitations experienced by their mothers. Respondents who scored high on either scale exhibited much higher prevalence than other respondents of self-reported depression accompanied by anxiety, somatic symptoms including headaches, insomnia, dyspnea, fatigue, disordered eating, and poor body image/preference for thinness (labeled anxious somatic depression ). Compared to men ( n = 191), women exhibited much higher prevalence of anxious somatic depression, but not higher prevalence of depression unaccompanied by the other symptoms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine pre-entry expectations, attitudes, and intentions as predictors of tenure among military members. Data from nationally representative (U.S.) samples of youth on attitudes toward military service, expectations about the effect of joining the military on quality of life, and intentions to join the military were linked to tenure among those who later joined the military as adults. Results from survival analyses indicate that those who initially had no desire to join the military and did not expect military service to have positive effects on their quality of life, but ultimately joined the military nonetheless, tended to have shorter military careers. Explanations for these findings are offered along with implications for military staffing.  相似文献   


The relationship between perceived overqualification and psychological well-being was explored within the framework of stress-illness models, using multiple regression analysis. Data were collected from 179 male and 109 female members of a local midwestern chapter of the American Postal Workers Union. As expected, there was a significant, positive relationship between perceived overqualification and psychological well-being: The greater the perceived overqualification, the greater the psychological distress. The interaction between perceived overqualification and gender was not significant.  相似文献   

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