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Supervisor development theories typically give focus to growth of the supervisor via practice. But in what ways does the foundational psychotherapy supervision seminar stimulate and first set in motion the supervisor development process? That question is subsequently considered. Based on personal experience in training supervisors via seminars and ongoing reflection about that learning process, five seminar-induced themes that potentially reflect beginning tensions of supervisor development are proposed, and their seeming evolution over the course of the supervision seminar is considered. Points that are raised include the following: (a) the supervision seminar is the first, primary stimulus of supervisor development and sets the stage for later growth via practice; (b) early themes that are identified in supervisor development theories also make appearance in the supervision seminar experience; (c) to best understand the full arc of supervisor development, the seminar as both developmental initiator and intervention preparedness foundation merits more careful scrutiny; and (d) through more completely understanding the seminar as instigator of supervisor development, supervisor educators might be better positioned to develop seminars that most constructively affect the very beginnings of the supervisor development process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses supervision as a means of professional and personal development in adulthood and analyzes its relevant mechanisms and processes. By using several theoretical concepts of development the stage and contextual approaches to supervision are discussed. While the stage approach describes the movement of supervisee, supervisor, and supervision relationship along perceivable and predictable stages, the contextual approach understands the development of an adult as a progression towards increased differentiation and integration of some of its functions, to which experiences, the context of one's life, and one's own activity contribute a great deal.  相似文献   

Many presume that White culture supports psychotherapy utilization. However, cultural analyses suggest that many aspects of White culture are antithetical to the values and practices underlying psychotherapy, which appear more congruent with Ashkenazic Jewish attitudes and values. The current research empirically tested this possibility by comparing older Jewish White people, non-Jewish Whites, and Black participants on attitudes relevant to psychotherapy. Results indicated that Jews had greater confidence in a therapist's ability to help, were more tolerant of stigma, and more open to sharing their feelings and concerns than participants in the other groups. Furthermore, initial differences between Whites and African Americans were lessened when Jewish identity was included in the analysis. Results suggest that Jewish culture is relatively accepting of psychotherapy, and that previous reports of different rates of mental health seeking attitudes and utilization by Whites and Blacks may be due, in part, to the inclusion of Jewish individuals in these samples.  相似文献   

Lisa DiDonato  JoNell Strough 《Sex roles》2013,69(11-12):632-643
To better understand contextual influences on gender segregation in emerging adulthood, we examined the extent to which college students (N?=?285; 178 females, 107 males) from the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. nominated same-gender peers when listing their close friends, preferred workmates for projects in English and math classes, and preferred partners for “hanging out.” We used an established, self-report measure to examine the relation between preferences to affiliate with same-gender peers and students’ gender-typed activity involvement (i.e., involvement in activities stereotypically associated with one’s own gender). The majority of close friends nominated by both women and men were same-gender peers, but men nominated relatively more same-gender friends than did women. Workmate nominations for class projects followed gender stereotypes. Women were least likely to nominate same-gender workmates for a math project compared to an English project or to “hang out.” Men were least likely to nominate same-gender workmates for a project in English compared to a math project or to “hang out.” For both women and men, nominating more same-gender friends and workmates was associated with less involvement in activities stereotypically associated with the other gender. The stability of emerging adults’ preferences for same-gender peers across contexts is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined situational and individual influences on the proactive information seeking of newcomers. Task interdependence was expected to be positively related to information seeking, given that it links newcomers to organizational insiders. Newcomers' work related self-efficacy and the physical accessibility of organizational insiders were both predicted to moderate the relationship between task interdependence and information seeking. Usable surveys were completed by 421 co-op students (295 males and 126 females) who had been participating in career-relevant internships for approximately 4.5 weeks. All students were enrolled in an educational programme that rotates students between twelve weeks in class and twelve weeks on internship over a period of five years. Controlling for the number of previous internships and size of work group, results supported the joint moderating effect, with newcomers low on self-efficacy exhibiting greater information seeking when task interdependence and accessibility were high. Applied implications of the results and directions for future research on proactive information seeking and socialization are discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical supervision is central to the successful training and ongoing professional development of counselors and psychotherapists. Although clinical supervision shares much in common with psychotherapy, it is a distinct activity from psychotherapy that requires its own distinct theories and techniques (Bernard & Goodyear, 2014). In this article, an approach to clinical supervision (which I refer to as constructive clinical supervision) that is grounded in constructivist principles of learning, growth, and development is presented. In addition to outlining the key constructivist principles that have influenced this approach, I also provide supervision strategies that can be used to facilitate critical self-reflection in supervisees, which includes establishing a solid relationship, asking reflective questions, and implementing reflective-based activities. Additionally, guidelines for conducting supervisee assessment and evaluation in ways consistent with constructivist thinking are described.  相似文献   

Transference-love in supervision remains a relatively unexplored subject in psychotherapy. This article describes and analyzes an incident of the supervision of a student whose dress code raised a question regarding the existence of transference-love. The role of the institution in maintaining a protective envelope is shown to be significant in the satisfactory resolution of what appeared to have been an impasse. In addition, multicultural and gender issues are examined to illustrate the complexity of the subject.  相似文献   

Supervisors representing different levels of experience viewed videotape vignettes of counselors demonstrating the first three developmental levels of Stoltenberg's (1981) Counselor Complexity Model. Supervisors assessed each counselor on his or her developmental level and on the supervision environment he or she would provide for the trainee. Results indicated that supervisor experience did not influence the assessment of developmental level or the ability to make accurate environmental matches. Nevertheless, supervisors had the most difficulty accurately assessing counselors representing Level 2 in Stoltenberg's model and tended to make relative judgments about counselor developmental level. Implications for training and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Fault trees are used to organize potential causes of a problem to facilitate better judgments about potential problem solutions. However, fault trees can lead to biased judgments because decision makers tend to overestimate the likelihood of problem causes that are explicitly mentioned in the fault tree and underestimate the likelihood of problem causes that are not. In this research, we examined the impact of context information and need for cognitive closure on these estimates. In 2 experiments, participants with a low need for cognitive closure used the informational content of experimenter provided and self‐generated context information as a basis for making likelihood estimates. In contrast, participants with a high need for closure did not use experimenter provided context information at all but used the ease of producing self‐generated context information (rather than informational content) as a basis for their likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

Change strategies/principles, a well-recognized and accepted component of therapeutic practice, have yet to be comparably considered in psychotherapy supervision. Can there be educational change strategies/principles for psychotherapy supervision? I take up that question subsequently. I contend that supervision is forever a principle-driven activity, that supervisors practice in a principle-driven manner, and that a common core of guiding supervision strategies/principles can be identified. Reasoning by analogy from the seminal works of Goldfried (Am Psychol 35:991–999, 1980; How people change: inside and outside therapy, Springer, New York, 1991; Clin Psychol Rev 33, 862–869, 2013) and Castonguay and Beutler (Principles of therapeutic change that work, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006a; J Clin Psychol 62:631–638, 2006b; Principles of therapeutic change that work, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006c), I propose one such common core: 20 educational strategies/principles that cut across any and all forms of supervision. What follows is foremost a stimulus paper, a starting point, designed to provoke further dialogue about this crucial but unconsidered aspect of supervision practice.  相似文献   



We examine how supervisor stress is associated with employee-rated abusive supervision. In addition, we test the premise that higher levels of physical exercise by supervisors can buffer the negative effects of stress on their relationship with their subordinates.


A matched sample of 98 employed individuals and their direct supervisors was used to test our hypotheses.


Results suggest that increased levels of supervisor-reported stress are related to the increased experience of employee-rated abusive supervision. We also find that the relationship between supervisor stress and abusive behavior can be diminished when supervisors engage in moderate levels of physical exercise.


While the current economic conditions and a host of other trying workplace factors mean that supervisors are likely to experience workplace stress, we found evidence that they do not necessarily have to transfer these frustrations onto those they supervise. Our study supports a link between supervisor stress and employee perceptions of abusive supervision, but this is a link that can be loosened if supervisors engage in moderate levels of physical exercise.


The results of this study add to the modest number of antecedents to abusive supervision that have been discovered in existing research. In addition, this is the first study to examine how exercise can buffer the relationship between supervisor stress and employee perceptions of abusive supervision.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a comprehensive picture of supervision for the beginning and the advanced graduate student of counseling and psychotherapy. Even though early-level supervision is generally characterized by high levels of structure, a didactic orientation, and a skill focus, it is argued that supervision should encourage continuous reflection at all levels of expertise. For the beginning student, the impact of performance anxiety and the advantages and disadvantages of modeling are examined. For advanced students, tension in supervision is considered and the rationale for an explicit contract is explained. For both levels, the quality of the supervisory relationship is considered critical for effective supervision,  相似文献   

Live supervision of genetic counseling students is critical for ensuring quality client care and student clinical skill development. However, no research has investigated students' and supervisors' experience of this primary supervision method. In this study, separate focus groups of students and supervisors discussed their perceptions of the nature and impact of live supervision. A modified Consensual Qualitative Research method (Hill et al. (1997) Couns Psychol 25:517–572) was used to analyze the data. Results suggest that live supervision is an essential and effective method that promotes student skill development and professional development for both students and supervisors. There is a lack of formal training regarding supervision; most learning is trial and error. Students worry about being evaluated, and supervisors wonder if they are providing supervision effectively. Both samples emphasized that client care should not be compromised. Participant recommendations for improving live supervision are described, and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

This article reports results from a study of contextual influences on participation among people involved in congregation-based community organizing. Data are drawn from 11,538 individual participants in 115 congregations taking part in one of five local organizing initiatives in different cities over a five-year period. Analyses used 3-level longitudinal models with binary indicators of participation/non-participation in group meetings each successive year as the criterion. Time-varying predictors at level-1 included prior participation in group meetings as a control, the types of group meetings that participants attended, the number of face-to-face meetings held between each participant and organizing staff of the local organizing initiatives, and a measure of the involvement of participants' affiliation networks. At level-2, demographic information was collected for a subset of participants (N = 461) and was included in a separate model. Neighborhood compositional characteristics were examined at level-3, including median income, economic heterogeneity, and residential stability. Study results found that characteristics of organizational settings (i.e., types of group meetings attended and frequency of face-to-face contact) predicted future participation in group meetings but that individual and neighborhood-level demographic characteristics were generally not predictive of future participation in community organizing activities.  相似文献   

Promotions in organizations traditionally have represented the principal measure of career success, and they tend to be based on evaluations or judgments of employees' promotability made by supervisors. Yet theory and research on the antecedents of promotability judgments have presented an inconsistent and ambiguous picture of just what factors are best predictive of such evaluations. In the present investigation, longitudinal data obtained from supervisors of professional employees were used to rigorously test the relative influence of task and contextual performance on judgments of promotability. Results indicate that task and contextual performance not only explain unique variance in judgments of promotability but also interact, such that subordinates who excel in task performance and in the job dedication aspect of contextual performance are judged more suitable for promotion than subordinates who excel in one but not in the other. Implications of results are discussed and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the relative contribution of individual and contextual predictors to students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism. A group of 324 students from a tertiary institution in New Zealand completed an online survey. The findings indicate that gender, justice sensitivity, and understanding of university policies regarding academic dishonesty were the key predictors of the students’ attitudes toward the acceptability of cheating and plagiarism, both as agents of dishonest conduct and as witnesses of misconduct among their peers. The implications of these findings for the development of policies and initiatives in tertiary institutions are discussed.  相似文献   


Historical and newly emerging models of schizophrenia suggest it is a disorder characterized by the fragmentation of the experience of the self and the world, leading to the interruption of how a unique life is unfolding in the world. It has been proposed that psychotherapy might therefore promote recovery by facilitating the development of a greater ability to integrate information about the self and others. In this paper we explore how the supervision of a metacognitively-oriented psychotherapy can assist therapists to experience and conceptualize fragmentation within sessions, join patients in the gradual process of making sense of their psychiatric problems and life challenges, and ultimately envision and achieve recovery. Common challenges and responses within supervision are described and discussed.


Boundary issues and multiple relationships potentially affect all supervision interactions. Boundary crossings are departures from the strictest professional role and may or may not benefit supervisees. Boundary violations are outside common practice and may place supervisees at significant risk. Multiple relationships occur when supervisors concurrently or consecutively hold two or more roles with supervisees. Studies in other fields indicate supervisors and supervisees may be uncertain about professional conduct regarding these issues. In this study, genetic counselor supervisors (n?=?126), non-supervisors (n?=?72), and genetic counseling students (n?=?129) completed an anonymous survey investigating four major questions: 1) Are various boundary issues and multiple relationships perceived as differentially appropriate? 2) Do supervisor, non-supervisor, and student perceptions differ? 3) What challenging situations have respondents experienced? and 4) What management strategies did they use? There was general agreement among groups in their appropriateness ratings of 56 hypothetical supervisor behaviors, although supervisor ratings tended to reflect stricter boundaries regarding the appropriateness of interactions than student ratings. A majority rated unavoidable boundary crossings and supervisor multiple relationships involving an academic relationship as most appropriate, and romantic/sexual multiple relationships and/or boundary violations as least appropriate. Analysis of respondents’ actual challenging situations revealed many involved boundary violations, placed students at risk of harm, and often resulted in student compliance.  相似文献   

朱文臻  江光荣  朱旭  陶嵘 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1502-1507
对82位当事人在咨询中的症状改变过程进行纵向研究,检验突然获益模式(Sudden Gain, SG)的发生及其与咨询效果的联系,并探索初始症状水平、工作同盟对SG的影响。结果表明,24.93%的当事人经历了SG,咨询效果显著好于其他当事人;SG组与对照组在初始症状水平和总体工作同盟水平上差异显著。结论:SG出现于本土心理咨询中,经历SG的当事人取得了更好的咨询效果,工作同盟与初始症状水平与SG的发生相关。  相似文献   

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