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徐薇 《学海》2005,23(6):91-93
现实的、成熟的市场经济必然蕴含着一系列道德伦理,伦理观念、规范和制度的存在是市场经济生存与发展的必要条件。经济发展所要求的伦理道德基础可以表现在以下几个方面:首先,它尊重人的独立、自由,肯定人在人格、个性、尊严和机会等方面的平等。其次,充分肯定和彰显个体价值与主体性价值原则。再次,市场经济内含着人道主义的伦理原则。最后,市场经济的发展内在地要求建立严格的经济行为伦理规范和市场伦理规范。  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想的伦理思想是以推进党的建设伟大工程,加强党的执政伦理建设为核心而形成和发展起来的,本质上是一种追求先进与崇高并始终以人民利益为最高价值取向的政党伦理,并贯穿在社会主义经济伦理和伦理文化建设等方面,是以江泽民为代表的第三代中国共产党人在实践中坚持、丰富和发展马克思主义伦理思想所做出的创造性成就与历史性贡献的集中体现.  相似文献   

社会保障的伦理阐释是一项以伦理学的讨论为基础,同时运用哲学思辨的方法探讨社会保障的道德正当性、内涵的伦理意蕴及伦理价值并对它们进行反思的活动。活动的起点是社会保障的道德正当性,即社会保障的伦理基础问题。作为一种道德权利的人的尊严体现着人之为人的价值,彰显出社会保障的道德正当性。社会保障通过保障每个人免于生存危机来实现人的尊严;社会保障体系的建立意味着对人的尊严和自由的生存状态的保障。  相似文献   

经济发展方式转变的政治价值意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济发展方式转变不仅意味着要促进经济增长与社会财富的积聚,还意味着要保证经济增长的质量与可持续发展,更重要的是它还折射出政治价值的变迁,从整体上来说是由注重物化目标转而开始关照人的目的性与人的发展。而具体来说,经济发展方式转变意蕴着一些良善的政治价值目标:人的独立尊严是经济发展方式转变意蕴的首要的政治价值;而人的自由发展不仅是人的独立尊严的应有之义,也是后者实现的基础;社会公平正义则是人的独立尊严与自由发展的基本要求;民主参与是人的独立尊严与自由发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

正义是评价和选择发展模式的伦理之维。强调发展模式的正义之维,要求发展必须以人的尊严和自由价值为根本,保障发展权利,促进公平发展和共享发展,提升人的生存质量和生命价值。在新时代,随着我国社会主要矛盾的变化,现阶段正是我国发展模式调适的重要时期。应该以正义原则来反思并调适发展模式,抑制现实发展中的不公正不合理现象,才能促进社会公平正义和健康有序发展。  相似文献   

伦理精神自信是文化自信的核心和根本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伦理精神自信是伦理精神对自身意义和价值的高度肯定,它既代表着伦理精神的纵深跃进和境界提升之自我确证,又标志着伦理精神对其方向性和深刻性的自我肯定和赞许。文化自信源于并依存于伦理精神自信,伦理精神自信支撑和挺立文化自信。伦理精神自信源于人自身的精神自信特别是对自己所形成和涵养的伦理精神的自信,成于人自身的社会实践并必然表现为在文化观念和精神境界上的自信,进而催促和激励人们不断地创造文化、发展文化乃至在极端困难的条件下去保护和拱卫文化。  相似文献   

越来越多的正常或健康人通过药物手段增强神经功能。药物神经增强不同于医学治疗,其面临着安全性、有效性和公平性的伦理拷问,一般情况下很难获得伦理辩护。某些不安全的药物神经增强,不但严重损害了人的生理健康和心理健康,而且从根本上违背了人的尊严这一基本价值原则,对人的生命尊严和人格尊严构成严峻挑战。要防范药物神经增强带来的尊严损害,必须加强医学和伦理审查,严格限制药物神经增强的适用范围,制定伦理规则,从根本上维护人的尊严。  相似文献   

中国当前的社会道德状况呼唤具有整合社会、凝聚人心的国家伦理的复归,社会主义核心价值体系因应了这一需要,它的伦理价值体现出需求伦理的色彩。当今社会人与人、人与社会、人与环境的事实冲突与旨在协调的各种努力都使需求这个概念具有了独立的伦理研究价值,西方工业文明的经验与教训,中国改革开放以来的成果与反思,都为需求伦理提供了丰沛的理论基础和实践参考。社会主义核心价值体系在需求伦理的视野下显示出强大的伦理力量,它具有4个伦理分层,以人为本是其核心价值,满足人的需要是其价值起点,构建和谐社会是其价值终点,实现中华民族的伟大复兴是其始终不变的价值守望,其伦理实践主要落足于坚持公平正义和坚持科学发展,此二者分别体现了需求伦理的保障性原则和协调选择性原则,其伦理精神与需求伦理的三大价值观相契合。  相似文献   

德国社会市场经济使自由竞争的市场与国家适度干预相结合,以促进市场经济、自由竞争,提高效率,同时保证社会公平,矫正市场自由放任竞争带来的弊病,不致贫富差距过大.它是二战后德国各种政治力量、学派及思想相互妥协、达成平衡的产物,内涵着寻求多种价值平衡的经济秩序伦理.这种作为体制伦理的经济秩序伦理,深受基督教伦理的影响,以基督教对人的认识与人的尊严为基础,遵循保证人的自由、独特性及社会秩序的三原则,即人格原则、辅助性原则和团结原则,突出自由与责任、竞争与社会公平这两对价值,并在新的国内与国际情势下,又增加了可持续性原则和公众幸福原则.  相似文献   

人类基因组序列的测定和研究具有重大的科学价值和经济价值,同时,也带来一系列社会问题。基因组计划和基因革命对伦理造成了致命的冲击。人类基因商品化对公正原则提出了挑战;基因设计引发生命唯物化,引起了人类的尊严危机;优生运动有可能违背自主原则和平等原则。人类基因组计划应坚持那些体现了人类及其社会本性、价值和尊严的伦理原则即不伤害人、尊重人、有益于人、公正对待人,以及人与人之间互相团结等。  相似文献   

My purpose is to examine two of the foundations of medical ethics: the principle of autonomy and the concept of the human. I also investigate the extent to which health technology makes autonomy and humanness possible. I begin by underlining Illich's point that the same health technology designed to promote health and autonomy also is pathogenic. I proceed to analyse the Kantian concept of autonomy, a concept which is closely associated with health and which continues to determine current ethical thinking. In so doing, I uncover an unexpected ontological function of health technology, a function described in Heidegger's work on technology. Based on this discovery, I suggest that calls for Kantian autonomy may often be self-defeating or even sometimes harmful. I conclude by calling for continued ethical vigilance, but also for a questioning of the hitherto virtually unquestionable concepts of ethics and humanness which may themselves play a role in our era's greatest problems.  相似文献   

Pak‐Hang Wong 《Zygon》2015,50(1):28-41
The burgeoning literature on the ethical issues raised by climate engineering has explored various normative questions associated with the research and deployment of climate engineering, and has examined a number of responses to them. While researchers have noted the ethical issues from climate engineering are global in nature, much of the discussion proceeds predominately with ethical framework in the Anglo‐American and European traditions, which presume particular normative standpoints and understandings of human–nature relationship. The current discussion on the ethical issues, therefore, is far from being a genuine global dialogue. The aim of this article is to address the lack of intercultural exchange by exploring the ethics of climate engineering from a perspective of Confucian environmental ethics. Drawing from the existing discussion on Confucian environmental ethics and Confucian ethics of technology, I discuss what Confucian ethics can contribute to the ethical debate on climate engineering.  相似文献   

人类基因组伦理:问题与前景   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
人灰基因组计谋(HGP)试图在分子层次上更深入、更全面的认识人体,为战胜疾病增进健康提供科学依据。从而造福人类。这是人类认识生命、认识自身的自然而又必然的结果。必须反对“基因决定论”,保护基因隐私,防止基因歧视,警惕“优生运动”死灰复燃。HGP与生老病死密切相关,对伦理特别敏感,尤其要强调伦理的规范和引导作用,而不能把科技与伦理对立起来。  相似文献   

Nin Kirkham 《Zygon》2013,48(4):875-889
“Arguments from nature” are used, and have historically been used, in popular responses to advances in technology and to environmental issues—there is a widely shared body of ethical intuitions that nature, or perhaps human nature, sets some limits on the kinds of ends that we should seek, the kinds of things that we should do, or the kinds of lives that we should lead. Virtue ethics can provide the context for a defensible form of the argument from nature, and one that makes proper sense of its enduring role in debates concerning our relationship to technology and the environment. However, the notion of an ethics founded upon an account of the essential features of human nature is controversial. On the one hand, contemporary biological science no longer defines species by their essential characteristics, so from a biological point of view there just are no essential characteristics of human beings. On the other hand, it might be argued that humans have, in some sense, “transcended our biology,” so an understanding of humans as a biological species is extraneous to ethical questions. In this article, I examine and defend the argument from nature, as a way to ground an ethic of virtue, from some of the more common criticisms that are made against it. I argue that, properly interpreted as an appeal to an evaluative account of human nature, the argument from nature is defensible with the context of virtue ethics and, in this light, I show how arguments from nature made in popular responses to technological and environmental issues are best understood.  相似文献   

和谐伦理精神探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和谐社会是一种和而不同的动态的理性社会,它需要一种全新的和谐伦理精神来支撑。这种和谐伦理精神主要体现在公平正义、诚信友爱、尊重自然等三个方面。公平正义是构建社会主义和谐社会制度的首要美德;诚信友爱是协调和谐人际关系的道德基石;尊重自然是实现人与自然和谐相处的生态伦理精神。这三种伦理精神的统一体现了社会、人和自然的统一。  相似文献   

Since it is now broadly acknowledged that ethics should receive early consideration in discourse on emerging technologies, ethical debates tend to flourish even while new fields of technology are still in their infancy. Such debates often liberally mix existing applications with technologies in the pipeline and far-reaching visions. This paper analyses the problems associated with this use of ethics as “preparatory” research, taking discourse on human enhancement in general and on pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement in particular as an example. The paper will outline and discuss the gap between the scientific and technological state of the art and the ethical debates, pointing out epistemic problems in this context. Furthermore, it will discuss the future role of genuine ethical reflection in discourse on human enhancement, arguing also that such discourse needs to include a technology assessment—in the broad sense of the term—which encompasses, inter alia, anthropological perspectives and aspects of social theory.  相似文献   

The realities of human agency and decision making pose serious challenges for research ethics. This article explores six major challenges that require more attention in the ethics education of students and scientists and in the research on ethical conduct in science. The first of them is the routinization of action, which makes the detection of ethical issues difficult. The social governance of action creates ethical problems related to power. The heuristic nature of human decision making implies the risk of ethical bias. The moral disengagement mechanisms represent a human tendency to evade personal responsibility. The greatest challenge of all might be the situational variation in people’s ethical behaviour. Even minor situational factors have a surprisingly strong influence on our actions. Furthermore, finally, the nature of ethics itself also causes problems: instead of clear answers, we receive a multitude of theories and intuitions that may sometimes be contradictory. All these features of action and ethics represent significant risks for ethical conduct in science. I claim that they have to be managed within the everyday practices of science and addressed explicitly in research ethics education. I analyse them and suggest some ways in which their risks can be alleviated.  相似文献   

It is almost universally accepted that traditional provider-patient relationships should be governed, at least in part, by the ethical principles set forth by Beauchamp and Childress (Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of biomedical ethics, 1979). These principles include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice (Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of biomedical ethics, 1979). Recently, however, the nature of medial practice has changed. The pervasive presence of computer technology in medicine raises interesting ethical questions. In this paper we argue that some software designers should be considered health care providers and thus be subject the ethical principles incumbent upon “traditional” providers. We argue that these ethical responsibilities should be applied explicitly rather than as a passive, implicit, set of guidelines.  相似文献   

A standard view in ethics is that ethical issues concern a different range of human concerns than does politics. This essay goes beyond the long-standing dispute about the extent to which applied ethics needs a commitment to ethical theory. It argues that regardless of the outcome of that dispute, applied ethics, because it presumes something about the nature of authority, rests upon and is implicated in political theory. After internalist and externalist accounts of applied ethics are described, “mixed” approaches are considered that contain inevitable political dimensions. A feminist alternative, Walker’s metaethic of responsibility, shows that authority is best understood as relational and that situations of unequal power are therefore often the places where applied ethics arises. Furthermore, in a democratic society, commitments to democracy should shape the account of authority, and, thus, the nature of applied ethics as well.  相似文献   

Much of the work in professional ethics sees ethical problems as resulting from ethical ignorance, ethical failure or evil intent. While this approach gets at real and valid concerns, it does not capture the whole story because it does not take into account the underlying professional or institutional culture in which moral decision making is imbedded. My argument in this paper is that this culture plays a powerful and sometimes determinant role in establishing the nature of the ethical debate; i.e., it helps to define what are viable action options, what is the organization’s genuine mission, and what behaviors will be rewarded or criticized. Given these conclusions, I also argue that consulting ethicists need more than an understanding of ethics theory, concepts and principles; they also need a sufficiently rich understanding of organizational culture and a willingness and an ability to critique that culture. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology” meeting, New Orleans, 2003.  相似文献   

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