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Ownership is not a “natural” property of objects, but is determined by human intentions. Facts about who owns what may be altered by appropriate decisions. However, young children often deny the efficacy of transfer decisions, asserting that original owners retain rights to their property. In Experiment 1, 4–5-year-old and 7–8-year-old children and adults were asked to resolve disputes between initial owners and various types of receivers (finders, borrowers, buyers). Experiment 2 involved disputes both before and after transfers of ownership. At all ages participants privileged owners over non-owners and accepted the effectiveness of property transfers. Overall, children's intuitions about property rights were similar to those of adults. Observed differences may reflect older participants’ willingness to segregate property rights from other considerations in assessing the acceptability of actions.  相似文献   

作为社会经济生活中的一种根本制度安排和人们的一种基本权利,产权是社会道德的基础。一定的利益差别和产权界定,是道德产生的前提;社会产权制度的性质和变迁,规定着社会道德体系的特质和演变;社会产权安排的结构和状况,影响和制约着人们的道德行为选择和社会道德风尚。健全的产权安排有利于规范和约束人们的行为选择,安定人们的生活心态,创造积极的道德环境和条件,从而优化人们的道德行为选择,促进良好社会道德秩序的形成。  相似文献   

In this article I argue for the equal right of both spouses to divorce, since moral autonomy as embodied in the right to self-determination calls for this. The powerful moral demand of the contemporary human rights discourse has left no choice for Western countries but to allow divorce to be granted when the parties consent. The same factor has pushed many Muslims, including Iranians, to reform their system in favour of women. The problem for Shicites, unlike Christians, was not the denial of the right to divorce to both parties, but rather the unilateral privilege of the husband. Their reform was thus to direct the system toward an egalitarian position rather than to establish permissibility. Yet, the compelling factor for both was the same, that is, the appeal to individual autonomy and the right to self-determination. We will see that moral reinterpretation of the Islamic sources can offer an egalitarian right to divorce without diluting fundamental qur'anic teachings. An essential prerequisite for such an achievement is a methodological shift from literalistic interpretation of the qur'anic teachings and authentic sunna to the moral spirit of the textual sources.  相似文献   


Crescent in a Red Sky: the Future of Islam in the Soviet Union by Amir Taheri. London: Hutchinson and Co. Ltd., 1989. 287 pp., £18.95.

Conscience and Captivity by Janice Broun, with a chapter on Poland by Grazyna Sikorska. Washington DC: Ethics and Public Policy Centre, 1988, Paperback, 376 pp.

38. Internationaler Kongress in Königstein. Christen in Osteuropa: ‘Perestrojka’ und Religion (38th international conference in Königstein. Christians in Eastern Europe: perestroika and religion) edited by Wolfgang Grycz. Konigstein: Albertus‐Magnus‐Kolleg/Haus der Begegnung e.V., 1988. Paperback, 178 pp.

Kirche und Glaube in Rumanien (Church and Faith in Romania) Munich: Kirche in Not, 1990. 136 pp.  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Ethics》2013,9(2-3):215-225
In the presence of anthropogenic climate change, gross environmental degradation, and mass abject poverty, many political theorists currently debate issues such as people's right to water, the right to food, and the distribution of rights to natural resources more generally. However, thus far many theorists either focus (somewhat arbitrarily) only on one particular resource (e.g. water) or they treat all natural resources alike, meaning that many relevant distinctions within the group of natural resources are overlooked. Hence, the paper will start with an analysis of the various forms which natural resources can take and how this might influence one's conception of resource rights. In so doing, the paper argues that we have to carefully distinguish between the actual physical resources people might control and how we distribute these, and the life-sustaining benefits each and every person draws from sustainable and functioning ecosystems. Based on this distinction, the paper will argue for a right to the benefits of life-sustaining ecosystem services as a universal basic right every person has. Further distributive claims with respect to particular physical resources would thus be limited by the requirements of such a basic right.  相似文献   

Prospect theory is criticized in this article for being borrowed from psychology without appropriate acknowledgement, for requiring mathematical calculations that are beyond the average person, for not investigating information processing during prospect theory choices, and for lacking application to real‐world decisions—such as important product and service choices made by consumers. Further criticism is leveled at the prospect theory‐derived technique known as “framing,” which is based on one‐sided presentation of information and would be unethical in most consumer behavior situations.  相似文献   

Martin Eger 《Man and World》1997,30(3):343-367
The hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to the natural sciences has a special interest in the interpretive phases of these sciences and in the circumstances, cognitive and social, that lead to divergent as well as convergent interpretations. It tries to ascertain the role of the hermeneutic circle in research; and to this end it has developed, over the past three decades or so, a number of adaptations of hermeneutic and phenomenological concepts to processes of experimentation and theory-making. The purpose of the present essay is to show how appropriate these concepts are to an important current research program (solar neutrinos) and thus to point out what difference they make to our understanding of science as a whole. This goal is pursued by means of comparison. The program of social constructivism in natural science has produced alternative but parallel concepts, embodied in an alternative and parallel vocabulary. The contrast between this vocabulary and that of hermeneutics and phenomenology reveals, so I argue, the advantages of the latter. But actually it does more: It reveals as well the pre-understanding or prejudgment of science embedded in each approach.  相似文献   


I am a deputy headteacher in a comprehensive school. I believe that the widespread re-introduction of counselling into secondary schools offers possibilities for great benefit, both in terms of the personal well-being and emotional health of students, and also in terms of academic results and other educational indicators. It is my view that, currently, this may particularly be true for boys.

This paper is a double case study: first, of the failure of a student to cope with ordinary schooling because of his emotional difficulties; and, second, of the establishment of a counselling service which resulted from his permanent exclusion from the school.

I allude to some of the theoretical issues which meshed with the practical details of establishing the counselling service, and offer some tentative conclusions about the rationale for counselling in secondary schools and the kind of model which seems most likely to be beneficial.  相似文献   

The results presented by A. R. Luria receive special attention in this presentation of three principle directions of current neuropsychological research: the problem of attributing aspects of mental performance to specific regions of the brain, psychometric approaches to brain function measurement, and model approaches to neuropsychological therapy. More recent knowledge pertaining to activity and personality centres diagnosis and efficiency measurements should receive closer consideration. Attention is drawn to the inclusion of learning and concentration training in therapeutic schemes.  相似文献   

This article seeks to rebut Robert Baker's contention that attempts to ground international bioethics in fundamental principles cannot withstand the challenges posed by multiculturalism and postmodernism. First, several corrections are provided of Baker's account of the conclusions reached by the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Second, a rebuttal is offered to Baker's claim that an unbridgeable moral gap exists between Western individualism and non-Western communalism. In conclusion, this article argues that Baker's "nonnegotiable primary goods" cannot do the work of "classical human rights" and that the latter framework is preferable from both a practical and a theoretical standpoint.  相似文献   

According to Rosenthal's higher-order thought (HOT) theory of consciousness, one is in a conscious mental state if and only if one is aware of oneself as being in that state via a suitable HOT. Several critics have argued that the possibility of so-called targetless HOTs—that is, HOTs that represent one as being in a state that does not exist—undermines the theory. Recently, Wilberg (2010) has argued that HOT theory can offer a straightforward account of such cases: since consciousness is a property of mental state tokens, and since there are no states to exhibit consciousness, one is not in conscious states in virtue of targetless HOTs. In this paper, I argue that Wilberg's account is problematic and that Rosenthal's version of HOT theory, according to which a suitable HOT is both necessary and sufficient for consciousness, is to be preferred to Wilberg's account. I then argue that Rosenthal's account can comfortably accommodate targetless HOTs because consciousness is best understood as a property of individuals, not a property of states.  相似文献   

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