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会话、心灵与实在——塞尔言语行为思想的三个维度 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Speech act is an important issue of the philosophy of language. With the development from analytic philosophy to the philosophy of language,and then to the philosophy of mind,the contemporary philosopher Searle has been dedicating himself to perfecting speech act theory for decades. Firstly,based on the whole process of conversation,he enriched speech act theory within the framework of pragmatics,widening the scope of the philosophical study of meaning; secondly,by introducing the notion of intentionality,h... 相似文献
在本中,我首先阐述和解释理解中国语言的基本语义特征和中国哲学的五项原则。这五项原则如下:1.关于开放性句法和语法的原则;2.关于历史参照(历史性)和生活世界的原则;3.关于整体性与终极起源的原则;4.关于历史创造性的原则;5.关于内在 相似文献
塞尔(John R.Searle)是当今世界最著名、最具影响力的哲学家之一,日常语言分析学派和言语行动(speechact)理论的主要代表,其主要研究旨趣在语言哲学、心灵哲学和社会哲学。塞尔著述等身,且对许多研究领域产生了深广影响,有些著述已被译为20余种语言文字。 相似文献
本文试图对《易传》中的语言哲学思想,以及以孔子、孟子、荀子为代表的儒家和以老子、庄子为代表的道家的语育哲学思想进行初步分析,对先秦哲学中的语言哲学所关涉到的问题作一点探索性的研究,看先秦部分思想家考察了汉语言的哪些方面的特征,为我们反思现代汉语与现代中国哲学的关系提供某些启示。 相似文献
在以往的英语教学中,我们往往侧重于词汇、语法、听力、阅读等方面的学习,学生们大多只是掌握了语言层面的东西,可是真正在生活中应用这门语言的时候就会遇到很多瓶颈,因为人们在交流中并非直截了当地,而是间接地向对方表达自己的真实意图,这就是语言使用的间接现象,这个现象时刻影响着我们日常的交流,尤其是对英语学习者造成了很大的困难。文章试图就间接言语行为在大学英语教学中的应用作以初步探讨,以期对大学英语教学起到指导作用。 相似文献
杨大春 《Frontiers of Philosophy in China》2008,3(4):595-606
The view of language is greatly changed from early modern philosophy to later modern philosophy and to postmodern philosophy.
The linguistic question in early modern philosophy, which is characterized by rationalism and empiricism, is discussed in
this paper. Linguistic phenomena are not at the center of philosophical reflections in early modern philosophy. The subject
of consciousness is at the center of the philosophy, which makes language serve purely as an instrument for representing thoughts.
Locke, Leibniz and Descartes consider language from a representationalist point of view. To them, language itself is idealized
and represents thought as if it were thought representing itself. Like the structural linguist Saussure, the founders of phenomenology
and analytical philosophy give much attention to the logical or static structure of language, and stick up for the representationalism
of early modern philosophy. However, their successors refuse to accept this attitude, meaning the final collapse of representationalism.
Translated by Cui Zengbao and Yang Dachun from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Research), 2007, (8): 62–67 相似文献
迈克尔·戴维特(Michael Devitt)是美国著名语言哲学家、纽约城市大学哲学系教授、澳大利亚人文科学院院士、北美哲学与心理学协会主席(2011-2012)。1972年在哈佛大学获得哲学博士学位,师从著名哲学家蒯因。他的研究领域涉及语言哲学、心灵哲学、心理学哲学、 相似文献
<正>众所周知,"语言哲学转向"是20世纪以降世界哲学的一大基本发展趋势。说到这里,很多人都不会忘记美国当代哲学巨擎里查德·罗蒂的一段名言:"所谓语言哲学,我意指这样一种观点,它认为哲学问题是这样一些问题:它们要么可以通过改善语言而得到解决,抑或不解决,要么可以通过更好地理解我们现在使用的语言而得到解决,抑或不解决。这种观点被支持者中的许多人看作是我们这一时期,甚至确实是这一时代最重 相似文献
本文以对当前我国公众言语交际实际情况的调查为基础 ,提出了建立语言伦理学的基本构想 ,并探讨了该学科的研究对象和研究任务 ,阐述了该交叉学科产生的理论基础和社会基础以及该学科的理论价值和社会价值。 相似文献
Around four years of age, children recognize that action is less a consequence of the way the world is than the way it is represented by the actor. This understanding is characterized as a “theory of mind.” This study examines the possibility of the development of a parallel theory of language; specifically, the understanding that, in opaque contexts, terms do not simply map on to the referent of the expression, but rather indicate how that object is to be represented. 120 3- to 7-year-olds were tested on their theory of mind (using false belief tasks) and sensitivity to opaque contexts. Children who passed false belief tasks performed more successfully on the opacity measure than those who did not, even when age was partialled out (r (117) = .2453, p < .01). It is concluded that children come to realize that language does not refer to the world directly, but rather via one's representation of it. The results are consistent with the view that both abilities are manifestations of a more general understanding of representation, and that children's theories of mind and language follow similar developmental paths. 相似文献
A concert pianist the second author videotaped herself learning J.S. Bach's Italian Concerto Presto, and commented on the problems she encountered as she practised. Approximately two years later the pianist wrote out the first page of the score from memory. The pianist's verbal reports indicated that in the early sessions she identified and memorised the formal structure of the piece, and in the later sessions she practised using this organisation to retrieve the memory cues that controlled her playing. The practice and recall data supported this account. Both were organised by the formal structure of the music. Practice segments were more likely to start and stop at boundaries of the formal structure than at other locations, and recall was higher for the beginnings of sections than for later portions. Like other forms of expert memory, pianistic memory appears to be based on use of a highly practised retrieval scheme which permits rapid retrieval of information from long-term memory. 相似文献
索绪尔的语言学对语符现象以能指与所指关系的分析为基础,展示了蕴含其中的语言的一系列两面性,从认识论的视域解读其学理精要,有助于我们清醒理解当下喧嚣的媒介文化,掌握其思想逻辑. 相似文献