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主客体互倚性模型(APIM)以成对数据作为分析单元,是成对数据分析的重要方法。基于APIM中的主体效应与客体效应,Kenny等人论述了APIM的四种成对模式:主体模式、客体模式、对偶模式与对比模式。通过定义客体效应与主体效应的比值为k,Kenny等人提出了定量指标,以分析主客体互倚性的成对模式。成对模式分析有助于简化数据结果、检验理论模型、解析群体互动过程。虽然k值的检验程序较为复杂,但APIM成对模式及k值的提出,对于成对数据分析,特别是家庭研究与组织心理学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究考察了父母的成人依恋对亲子关系的影响以及怜悯的中介作用。采用方便取样法调查广东省某市小学2~5年级学生的父母。534对父母自我报告了各自的成人依恋、怜悯和亲子关系质量。主客体互倚模型分析发现:(1)父母各自的依恋焦虑和依恋回避显著负向预测自己与孩子的关系质量(主体效应),但无法显著预测伴侣与孩子的关系质量(客体效应);(2)父母各自的怜悯在上述主体效应中起到中介作用;(3)母亲的怜悯在自身依恋回避对父子关系的客体效应中起到“遮掩效应”;(4)母亲的怜悯在自身依恋焦虑对父子关系的客体效应中起到中介作用。研究结果有利于从成对关系视角理解父母成人依恋如何影响亲子关系,实际干预中可以通过提高父母的怜悯能力来改善亲子关系。  相似文献   

尽管朋友是影响青少年学业成就的重要因素,但对于朋友之间双向影响的方式和途径尚缺乏研究。本研究采用同伴提名和自我报告问卷收集了8年级青少年在两个学期末的数据,获得在一个学期中稳定的同性别朋友对216对;使用主客体互倚性模型,探究朋友之间学业成就的影响效应,以及成就目标取向在朋友相互影响间的中介作用以及性别差异。结果发现:(1)青少年朋友之间在学业成就上的相似性既源于选择效应,也源于影响效应;(2)掌握目标取向不仅在个体自身当前和后续学业成就的关系中发挥中介作用,而且朋友一方的学业成就还能通过自身或对方的掌握目标取向影响对方或自己后续的学业成就,男生的中介路径多于女生;(3)对于男生而言,表现-接近目标取向在个体当下学业成就和自己后续学业成就的关系中发挥负向中介作用,但对朋友后续的学业成就有积极影响。研究结果支持了成对友谊关系是青少年学业发展的重要情境之一,并突显了成就目标取向在朋友之间学业成就相互影响中的关键作用和性别差异模式。  相似文献   

选取120名大学生,通过两个研究考察了自我在心理时间旅行中的动力机制。研究1以核心自我评价为评估自我概念的指标,发现自尊和一般自我效能对指向未来的心理时间旅行具有一定的预测效力。研究2通过启动使不同类型的自我概念在意识中占优,发现互倚组比独立组报告出更多具体的事件,且更关注他人和关系。研究表明,自我概念能够引导个体对过去和未来事件的建构。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对两所高中学生的1024对父母进行调查,借助主客体互倚调节模型分析父母婚姻冲突与教养方式的关系,以及焦虑在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)无论父亲还是母亲报告的婚姻冲突均负向预测自身的温暖接纳,正向预测自身的拒绝惩罚;(2)母亲焦虑加剧了父亲婚姻冲突对母亲温暖接纳的负向客体预测,缓和了母亲婚姻冲突对自身温暖接纳的负向主体预测;(3)父亲焦虑加剧了父亲婚姻冲突对自身拒绝惩罚的正向主体预测,母亲焦虑缓和了父亲婚姻冲突对母亲拒绝惩罚的正向客体预测。结果有助于从二元视角理解婚姻冲突与教养方式的关系,以及焦虑在其中的调节作用。  相似文献   

依恋内部工作模型反映了个体在关系中对自我和他人的认知,虽然有很多研究证实了依恋风格与关系质量存在紧密关联,但自我和他人两个工作模型是否在预测关系质量上存在差异性尚未得到明确回答。本研究以老年群体为研究对象,直接考察自我模型与他人模型分别以怎样的方式预测婚姻满意度。研究使用问卷法对112对老年夫妻的内部工作模型、夫妻依恋取向、婚姻满意度等进行了测量,采用中介模型、交叉互倚模型以及方差分析分别从被试个体、夫妻主客体效应、以及夫妻匹配模式三个分析视角考察了依恋的两种内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联性。结果发现,相比他人模型,老年人自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为密切,且可以通过夫妻依恋双维度对其产生影响。但同时也发现,老年人依恋的内部工作模型与婚姻满意度的关联受到夫妻角色差异的影响:对于丈夫而言,自我模型与婚姻满意度的关联更为紧密,这可能与中国传统文化中的男性主导地位有关;而对于妻子而言,他人模型与婚姻满意度的关系更为紧密,这可能与女性在社会互动中更倾向于关系导向有关,也可能是传统文化中的“夫为妻纲”对老年女性的影响使然。  相似文献   

拒绝敏感性是一种人格特质,在人际互动情境中尤为凸显。在人际交往过程中,对拒绝特别敏感的个体会焦虑地预期他人的拒绝,易于察觉拒绝线索且对拒绝反应过度。以往研究认为拒绝敏感性形成和发展的重要原因可能是早期不良的依恋关系,以及来自父母或同伴的拒绝经历。这种早期不良的交往经历会从一种关系迁移到另一种关系中,使个体在之后的人际互...  相似文献   

抑郁的人际模式——人格、人际情境与抑郁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
国外对人格中的两种引起抑郁的特质:依赖和自我批评的研究已经持续了十几年。本文首先对这些研究进行了回顾。抑郁素质论者把这两种特质从人格中分离出来,之后抑郁认知理论提出导致抑郁的认知图式。但这两种理论都孤立了情境来研究人格与抑郁的关系。目前流行的抑郁人际模式把人际情境引入到人格和抑郁的关系研究中。本文比较了人际模式中的调节模式和中介模式,并探讨了对两种模式整合的趋势,最后,提出将来抑郁研究的展望。  相似文献   

通过多年临床实践,反复研读<内经>、<伤寒论>、<金匮要略>等经典著作,认为中医理论中有脏腑经络之气互藏理论.分别从五行互藏理论、寸口脉的临床应用、脏腑之气和经络之气及十二经脉与奇经八脉的关系、各脏腑的功能发挥与脏腑经络之气的关系、中医辨证论治的临床应用等五个方面探讨了脏腑经络之气是互藏的理论.  相似文献   

夫妻沟通模式与婚姻质量的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文拟采用主-客体互倚模型(Actor-partner interdependence model,APIM)的方法深入探讨夫妻双方感知到的夫妻间的沟通模式与其自身及配偶感知到的婚姻质量之间的关系。以方便取样的方式在澳门地区选取130对成年夫妻,采用Christensen等人修订的沟通模式调查问卷(Communication Pattern Questionnaire,CPQ)和Spanier编制的婚姻质量问卷(Dyadic Adjustment Scales,DAS),要求夫妻双方分别以自陈问卷的方式报告其感知到的沟通模式和婚姻质量。通过配对t检验、相关分析和结构方程模型统计分析发现:(1)夫妻间的沟通以建设性沟通为主,双方回避和要求/回避型沟通较少;丈夫感知到的婚姻质量总体上优于妻子感知到的婚姻质量。(2)夫妻双方在沟通模式和婚姻质量的感知上具有一致性,在沟通模式中的两个和婚姻质量中的三个分量表上的得分不存在显著差异。(3)夫妻间建设性沟通可以显著地正向预测自身感知到的婚姻质量;而双方回避和要求/回避型沟通则显著地负向预测自身感知到的婚姻质量。(4)在控制了丈夫、妻子感知到的沟通模式对其自身婚姻质量的主体效应之后,丈夫感知到的沟通模式可以显著地预测妻子感受到的婚姻质量;然而妻子感知到的沟通模式并不能显著地预测丈夫的婚姻质量。  相似文献   

In this paper I use interdependence theory as an analytic framework for depicting the logically interconnected network of expectations that determines social interaction. The framework focuses on expectations about a partner’s goals (B) relevant to particular interdependence situations (S), and suggests that expectations about these two elements define the social situation that activates a person’s own goals (A). Together, these elements determine interaction behavior (I). This SABI framework is complementary to Mischel and Shoda’s (1995) CAPS theory of personality in its logic. It depicts a person’s interpersonal dispositions as having profiles or signatures dependent on both the expected features of situations and the expected dispositions of partners. A taxonomic theory for classifying both situations and the functionally relevant goals of interaction partners is outlined. Research on attachment theory and trust is used to illustrate the model. Finally, I suggest that people’s expectations about partners’ prosocial motivations—their perceived responsiveness toward the self—play an imperial role in social cognition, and, further, that complex SABI models can be seen as detailing a set of security operations that serve as a program for social action. SABI models detail the set of mechanisms that constitute the basic survival kit of interpersonal relations.  相似文献   

This article presents a developmental dual-process theory of the understanding of conditionals that integrates Evans’ heuristic–analytic theory within the revised mental model theory of conditional proposed by Barrouillet, Gauffroy, and Lecas (2008). According to this theory, the interpretation of a conditional sentence is driven by unconscious and implicit heuristic processes that provide individuals with an initial representation that captures its meaning by representing the cases that make it true. This initial model can be enriched with additional models (a process named fleshing out within the mental model theory) through the intervention of conscious and demanding analytic processes. Being optional, these processes construct representations of cases that are only compatible with the conditional, leaving its truth-value indeterminate when they occur. Because heuristic processes are relatively immune to developmental changes, while analytic processes strongly develop with age, the initial model remains stable through development whereas the number of additional models that can be constructed increases steadily. Thus, the dual-process mental model theory predicts in which cases conditionals will be deemed true, indeterminate, or false and how these cases evolve with age. These predictions were verified in children, adolescents and adults who were asked to evaluate the truth value and the probability of several types of conditionals. The results reveal a variety of developmental trajectories in the way different conditionals are interpreted, which can all be accounted for by our revised mental model theory.  相似文献   

Marcia的同一性地位理论及其模型开辟了同一性研究的实证道路。在此基础上产生了诸多扩展模型,主要有Berzonsky的同一性风格模型;Grotevant的同一性探索过程模型;Kerplman的同一性控制模型;Luyckx的四维度模型;Crocetti的三维度模型。该文对这些模型的基本内容、价值与局限进行了简评,并指出了同一性地位理论模型发展的特点及未来趋势。  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyze Jean Laplanche's revision of Freudian metapsychology, which emerged from a critical return to Freud's officially abandoned seduction theory of 1895-1897. Where Freud gradually replaced the model of traumatic seduction with a theory of infantile sexuality and its drives, Laplanche articulates both trauma and sexual drive in a new theory of primal seduction, the fundamental anthropological situation in which human subjectivity is formed. The author concludes by considering Laplanche's modeling of the psychoanalytic situation and his reformulation of transference in relation to mourning and sublimation within the framework of the general theory of seduction.  相似文献   

用“元衡论”的思路对痤疮病因及治疗的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
痤疮是一种着有复杂发病机制的疾病,在现代医学中对于它的病因及治疗仍有许多不同的观点。运用传统中医的阴阳平衡理论结合现代医学组织结构理论、微生态学理论和生物物理学的超循环理论,通过建立一个单元平衡模型,简称"元衡论",以它来解释痤疮的发病机制及指导治疗方案。运用这一思路能够更好地分析病因并有助于治疗。  相似文献   

试析对象关系学派的精神分析思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对象关系学派是在英国发展起来的精神分析学的分支,它把对象关系特别是亲子关系置于理论和临床的视野中心,形成独特的对象关系理论。这一理论代表与传统驱力结构模式相对应的关系结构模式,是精神分析的一种新范式。Klein发展起来的游戏疗法是这一理论的重要临床技术。  相似文献   

In the 1960s when evaluation research came into fashion in the US, the assumption was that it would be used by public policymakers in an instrumental way for purposes of problem solving. This entailed a linear, knowledge-driven model for research utilization in which a direct relationship exists between knowing and doing (i.e., knowledge leads to action). The model combined the “rational” paradigm of organizational theory and the “scientific” paradigm of positivist philosophy of science into a consistent model of how evaluation research should be conducted and would be utilized. Both with respect to its normative and its empirical dimensions, original evaluation research model failed. Today evaluation research and its utilization are seen in quite a different perspective. However, though a parallel paradigm revolution or shift has taken place both with respect to the organization theory of evaluation research and its methodological basis, no new comprehensive and coherent evaluation research model has emerged to replace the original linear one. Erik Albaek is an associate professor of public administration at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. One of his main research areas is the utilization of social science in public policymaking.  相似文献   

涂冬波  蔡艳  戴海琦  丁树良 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1329-1340
本研究介绍并引进了现代测量理论中的前沿技术—— 多维项目反应理论, 采用MCMC算法实现了其参数估计; 并将MIRT应用于瑞文高级推理测验, 以探讨MIRT在心理测验中的具体应用。研究结果表明:(1)本研究自主编制的MIRT参数估计程序基本可行, 其估计的精度与国外研究结论相当甚至更好。(2)在测验维度和样本容量两因素完全随机实验设计下(2×3), 随着被试和题目样本容量的增加, MIRT参数估计的精度越高且估计的稳定性越强; 但随着测验维度的增加, MIRT参数估计精度和稳定性均随之降低。(3)MIRT对心理测验的分析比UIRT能提供更为精确和细致的信息。它对心理测验的编制、开发及评价具有重要的指导和参考价值, 值得引进及借鉴。  相似文献   

In the present article, the neo-Piagetian theories that were presented in the previous articles are placed in historical context; then compared and contrasted. It is suggested that all the theories arose in response to a common dilemma, namely that of building a revised theory of development which would preserve the strengths of classical Piagetian theory, while elminating its weaknesses. Since one of the strengths of the classical theory was its ability to explain the universal features of cognitive development, most of the new theories retained the core set of structural postulates which made this explanation possible. This gives the new theories a strong family resemblance with regard to their structural claims. Since one of the weaknesses of the classical theory was its inability to explain the aspects of cognitive development that are not universal, most of the new theories have modified and/or added to this set of core postulates, and specified a set of structural transformation processes which go beyond the classical theory as well. In this latter regard there are more dissimilarities among the new theories than there are similarities. Two reasons for this divergence are suggested. The first is that Piaget's structural transformation model was less clearly falsified than other aspects of his theory, by the data on cognitive-developmental non-universality. It was therefore less clear which aspects of the transformation model should be retained, and which eliminated. The second reason is that current theorists are divided on the question of which other theoretical approach - among those that are currently available in other branches of psychology - offers the greatest promise, when it comes to extending Piaget's transformation model in a productive fashion.  相似文献   

Within the framework of valence-instrumentality (VI) theory, a fourfold model is developed to predict the contribution which is made by one outcome of an alternative to the valence of that alternative. The proposed model uses four subjective conditional probabilities which are based on the presence and absence of an alternative, and on the occurrence and nonoccurrence of an outcome. Valence is defined as the difference between the attractiveness values of the occurrence of an alternative (or an outcome) and the nonoccurrence of an alternative (or an outcome). Also, differences between subjective probabilities replace instrumentalities. Alternative valence-instrumentality formulations are analyzed in relation to the proposed fourfold model. The proposed model can be understood as a consistent application of Vroom's model (1964, Work and motivation, New York: Wiley), while other models are judged to be relatively deficient. The fourfold model, in combination with a matrix formulation of expectancy concepts, addresses a number of criticisms of VI theory and makes possible a test of the theory within the limits of its own assumptions.  相似文献   

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