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On an adjusting schedule of reinforcement, a parameter of the schedule is varied as a function of some characteristic of the animal's performance. In Experiment I, the fixed-ratio response requirement was varied as a function of the time that elapsed before the animal started responding in each fixed-ratio (initial pause). When initial pauses were shorter than a specified duration, the response requirement was increased; when they were longer than the specified duration, the response requirement was decreased. Specified durations of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 15 min were studied. The average response requirement maintained by each monkey was directly related to the length of the specified duration of initial pause. In Experiment II, the fixed-ratio response requirement was constant, but reinforcement occurred only when the initial pause was longer than a specified duration. The average durations of initial pauses were directly related to the length of the specified duration and to the response requirement. Meprobamate consistently decreased the average durations of initial pauses.  相似文献   

Key pressing was maintained under a fixed-ratio schedule in which electric shock was scheduled for delivery at a fixed time (t seconds) after each stimulus onset, and every nth response terminated the stimulus and initiated a timeout from shock. Under this procedure, the higher the rate of responding, the briefer the duration of the stimulus presentation and the lower the frequency of shock delivery. The effects of several schedule parameters were studied to determine whether the maintenance of responding was dependent on an inverse relation between response rate and shock frequency. Shock rate and shock frequency were made independent of response rate by decreasing the value of t to 0.5 second and delivering shock only during the first presentation of the stimulus after a fixed time, including stimulus and timeout durations, had elapsed since the previous shock. The experiments showed that shock frequency and response rate are inversely related when t is of relatively long duration compared to the value of the fixed-ratio parameter, but that a decrease in shock rate or frequency due to a high rate of responding is not necessary for the maintenance of responding under a fixed-ratio schedule of stimulus termination.  相似文献   

A graphical method has been developed for the concurrent recording of heart beats and lever responses during behavioral experiments. The EKG signal fed into any DC amplifier goes to a fixed level trigger circuit and relay driver with its own power supply. The signal from this drives any standard cumulative recorder. Lever response rates are recorded concurrently on an additional cumulative recorder using the same paper speed.  相似文献   

After learning to peck a key when each peck removed a slowly increasing series of electric shocks, pigeons were placed on fixed-ratio and fixed-interval escape schedules. The resulting behavior was comparable to that of other species on ratio and interval escape schedules. Thus, while the pigeon apparently requires special techniques for the initial shaping of a key-peck response with negative reinforcement, this response, once obtained, can be subjected to intermittent schedules of negative reinforcement with no great difficulty.  相似文献   

A reversal design was employed for the analysis of transfer of fear and avoidance through equivalence classes. Two 5-member equivalence classes (A1-B1-C1-D1-E1 and A2-B2-C2-D2-E2) were established. Then B1 and C1 were paired with shock (CS+) and served as SDs in avoidance training (B2 and C2 were trained as CS-/Ss for avoidance). Further avoidance training followed with D1 and E1 (as SDs) and D2 and E2 (as Ss), with the first presentation of each of these stimuli serving as the first transfer test. Afterwards, aversive conditioning contingencies were reversed: B2 and D2 were paired with shock and trained as SDs for avoidance, B1 and D1 were presented without shock (CS-/Ss). Transfer was tested again with C1, E1, C2 and E2. This reversal was implemented to allow for the within-subject replication of transfer effects upon changes in the function of only a subset of each class's elements. Avoidance (key presses) and conditioned fear (skin conductance and heart rate) were simultaneously measured. Results show a clear transfer effect for avoidance, with between- and within-subject replications. For physiological measures, transfer effects in the first test could only be imputed on the basis of group-based inferential statistical analysis. Evidence for between-subject replication was weaker, with only a limited proportion of participants meeting the individual criterion for transfer.  相似文献   

Two undergraduate males worked for money on a button-pressing task associated with concurrent fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement. Manipulations of the fixed-ratio requirement produced an interaction between the various fixed-ratio and fixed-interval performances. When the fixed ratio was small, more fixed-interval responding occurred per interval than when the fixed ratio was large. In general, the data were similar to those obtained with lower organisms except that no post-reinforcement pause or ratio strain was seen.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to an ascending series of small fixed-ratio schedules from fixed-ratio 1 to 7. Two of those pigeons were later placed on a fixed-ratio 30 schedule. The two primary dependent variables were the postreinforcement pause and the interresponse time. Changes in these variables under small fixed ratios were sometimes opposite to changes reported with large fixed ratios. For example, postreinforcement pauses decreased in length as the fixed-ratio requirement increased from fixed-ratio 1 to fixed-ratio 3. Also, the interresponse times early in the small fixed-ratio schedule were shorter than those immediately preceding reinforcement. These findings question the role of interresponse-time reinforcement in determining temporal patterns of responding under small fixed-ratio schedules. They also suggest that there may be a limited region in which the independent variable, fixed-ratio size, does not operate as previously described.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the importance of operant-reinforcer distance as a factor affecting continuous reinforcement (CRF) and fixed-ratio (FR) performance in mice, with nest material and food as reinforcers. In Experiment 1, nest material (paper strips) was presented on a series of FR schedules of increasing size, with the operandum located as close as possible to the reinforcer dispenser. Subjects compensated for increases in FR size by proportionately increasing their response output, but ratio strain occurred at low FR values. In Experiment 2, response rate was found to be inversely related to operant-reinforcer distance on a CRF schedule with nest material as reinforcer. In Experiment 3, food was presented on a series of FR schedules at two levels of deprivation, and with three operant-reinforcer distances. Operant-reinforcer distance was found to affect CRF response rate, degree of compensation for increases in FR size, and occurrence of ratio strain, but only when deprivation level was low. The results support the view that nest material and food share fundamentally similar reinforcing properties, but that nest material is a weaker reinforcer under normal test conditions.  相似文献   

This experiment measured pigeons' choices between delayed reinforcers and fixed-ratio schedules in which a force of approximately 0.48 N was needed to operate the response key. In ratio-delay conditions, subjects chose between a fixed-ratio schedule and an adjusting delay. The delay was increased or decreased several times a session in order to estimate an indifference point--a delay duration at which the two alternatives were chosen about equally often. Each ratio-delay condition was followed by a delay-delay condition in which subjects chose between the adjusting delay and a variable-time schedule, with the components of this schedule selected to match the ratio completion times of the preceding ratio-delay condition. The adjusting delays at the indifference point were longer when the alternative was a fixed-ratio schedule than when it was a matched variable-time schedule, which indicated a preference for the matched variable-time schedules over the fixed-ratio schedules. This preference increased in a nonlinear manner with increasing ratio size. This nonlinearity was inconsistent with a theory that states that indifference points for both time and ratio schedules can be predicted by multiplying the choice response-reinforcer intervals of the two types of schedules by different multiplicative constants. Two other theories, which predict nonlinear increases in preference for the matched variable-time schedules, are discussed.  相似文献   

Five rats were submitted to a signaled free-operant avoidance contingency. Throughout the experiment, shock intensity was varied from 0.1 to 8.0 mA, with shock duration constant at 200 milleseconds. Results indicate: (a) an all-or-none effect of shock intensity on response and shock rates, on percentage of shocks avoided, and on frequency of occurrence of responding during the preshock stimulus; and (b) no systematic effect of shock intensity on stimulus control, measured either by the percentage of stimulus presentations accompanied by a response or by the percentage of responses that occurred during those preshock stimuli. Such results indicate that for each subject there is a minimum shock intensity necessary to establish and maintain avoidance responding; intensities higher than this minimum value have little or no effect on responding (with an upper limit for those strong intensities with a general disruptive effect on behavior).  相似文献   

Two rhesus monkeys responded on a fixed-ratio schedule in Stimulus 1 (blue light) to avoid the onset of Stimulus 2 (green light). Failure to avoid Stimulus 2 required a second fixed-ratio performance to avoid Stimulus 3 (red light) in the presence of which unavoidable shock occurred. Relative frequencies of avoidance performance in the blue light and in the green light were inversely related to the ratio requirement under each stimulus condition. Both differential response-cost and avoidance-failure probability factors were related to the observed changes.  相似文献   

Albino Sprague-Dawley rats with complete septal lesions and rats with control operations were studied under fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement. Both groups were trained for 10 sessions each under FR 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. In contrast to findings from progressive FR studies and some simple FR studies, septal lesions resulted in lower overall and local response rates along with longer postreinforcement pauses. These effects were especially evident during the FR 100 schedule of reinforcement. A comparison of reinforcement rate as a function of FR size within the context of behavioral economics (i.e., a demand function) indicated that septal lesions did not alter the reward value of food. These findings suggest that responding on FR schedules of reinforcement can be altered by the various procedures used to train rats to reach the terminal value of a reinforcement schedule.  相似文献   

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