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通过问卷法对576名大学生进行测试,分别考察父母养育方式的蒙汉族差异以及成人依恋模式在父母养育方式和心理困扰间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)蒙古族父母给子女的关爱和自主性都显著高于汉族;(2)汉族的成人依恋模式在父母过度保护与心理困扰之间起着部分中介作用,蒙古族成人依恋的中介作用不明显,但母亲冷漠拒绝和过度保护可以预测个体的依恋回避和依恋焦虑,父母亲的冷漠拒绝和过度保护可以预测个体的心理困扰。  相似文献   

采用青少年父母依恋问卷、中学生心理素质问卷(简化版)和流调中心用抑郁量表在全国六大片区调查1482名初一至高三的学生,通过结构方程模型和bootstrap法考察青少年父亲依恋和母亲依恋对抑郁的影响及其差异以及心理素质的中介作用。结果表明:(1)青少年父母依恋与心理素质正相关、与抑郁负相关,心理素质与抑郁负相关。(2)心理素质在父亲依恋与抑郁间起部分中介作用,心理素质在母亲依恋与抑郁间起完全中介作用。(3)父亲依恋比母亲依恋对抑郁的预测作用更强。  相似文献   

采用父母心理控制、亲子依恋、抑郁量表对从北京市、山东省和云南省14所小学筛选出来的246名对立违抗障碍(Oppositional Defiant Disorder,ODD)儿童进行施测,并由被试的班主任填写儿童攻击行为量表,考察父、母心理控制对ODD儿童抑郁和攻击行为的影响,以及父子依恋和母子依恋在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)ODD儿童中男生人数更多,且男孩的抑郁和攻击行为更严重;(2)父亲对男孩的心理控制更强,而母亲在对男孩和女孩的心理控制上没有显著差异;(3)父、母心理控制与ODD儿童的父子依恋、母子依恋和抑郁均呈显著相关,但只有父亲心理控制与ODD儿童的攻击行为显著相关;(4)父子依恋在父母心理控制和ODD儿童抑郁之间没有起到显著的中介作用,母子依恋在母亲心理控制和ODD儿童抑郁之间有显著的中介作用。父子依恋和母子依恋在父、母心理控制和ODD儿童攻击行为之间均没有起到显著的中介作用。  相似文献   

以163个家庭为被试进行追踪研究,比较父亲和母亲童年期情感虐待经历对学步儿问题行为的影响及其内部机制的差异。在婴儿6个月(T1)时评估父母童年期情感虐待经历与成人依恋表征;14个月时父母分别报告消极共同养育关系;24个月(T3)时父母报告学步儿内外化问题行为。结果发现:(1)母亲儿童期的情感虐待与学步儿问题行为呈显著正相关,父亲儿童期的情感虐待与学步儿问题行为相关不显著。(2)母亲过度投入/未解决依恋表征与消极共同养育在母亲儿童期情感虐待与学步儿外化问题行为中的链式中介作用显著,而在学步儿内化问题行为中的链式中介不成立。父亲过度投入/未解决的依恋表征与消极共同养育在儿童期情感虐待与学步儿问题行为中的链式中介不成立。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷集体施测,收集了651名小学高年级学生的父母教养方式、学业拖延以及时间管理倾向的状况,探讨小学高年级学生父母教养方式与学业拖延的关系及时间管理倾向作为中介变量的影响。结果表明:时间效能感在父母教养方式中的父亲情感温暖理解、父亲惩罚严厉、父亲拒绝否认、母亲情感温暖理解、母亲惩罚严厉、母亲拒绝否认与学业拖延之间起完全中介作用;时间效能感在父亲惩罚严厉、母亲过度干涉保护与学业拖延之间起部分中介作用。研究认为,良好的父母教养方式,有助于个体形成合理的时间管理倾向,并可能在一定程度上降低个体的学业拖延行为。  相似文献   

采用父母养育倦怠量表、关系评估量表、父母共同教养的关系感知量表和亲子关系量表,对416对中小学生父母进行施测,以探讨父母养育倦怠与亲子关系的关系及婚姻质量和共同教养在其中的作用。结果发现:(1)父亲的养育倦怠明显高于母亲的养育倦怠水平。(2)父亲和母亲的养育倦怠可以分别显著预测自身的亲子关系,两者之间都显著负相关。(3)父亲婚姻质量在养育倦怠和亲子关系之间存在部分中介作用;而母亲婚姻质量在养育倦怠和亲子关系之间部分中介作用不显著。(4)父亲的婚姻质量和共同教养在父亲养育倦怠和亲子关系之间起链式中介作用;母亲的婚姻质量和共同教养在母亲养育倦怠和亲子关系之间也起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

基于社会信息加工的情绪-认知整合模型,以949名学前儿童父母为被试,采用工作性通信工具使用量表、粗暴养育问卷、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表和主管支持感量表探讨父母工作性通信工具使用与粗暴养育的关系及其作用机制。结果表明:(1)工作性通信工具使用与焦虑抑郁、粗暴养育呈显著正相关,焦虑抑郁与粗暴养育呈显著正相关;(2)焦虑抑郁在工作性通信工具使用与粗暴养育的关系之中起中介作用;(3)主管支持感调节该中介模型的前后两半段路径。具体来说,相对于高主管支持者,低主管支持者的工作性通信工具使用对焦虑抑郁的作用更大,而低主管支持者的焦虑抑郁对粗暴养育的作用更小。研究结论有助于揭示父母粗暴养育的形成机制,对粗暴养育的干预具有参考价值。  相似文献   

采用教养方式问卷、亲子冲突量表、抑郁自评量表,对2041名青少年进行调查,以考察父母过度教养、亲子冲突和青少年抑郁的关系及发展性差异。结果发现:(1)总体上,父子冲突中介了父亲过度教养和青少年抑郁的关系,母子冲突中介了母亲过度教养和青少年抑郁的关系;(2)在发展阶段上,母亲过度教养的中介模型在青少年早中晚期均成立。父亲过度教养的中介模型仅在早期成立;中期父亲过度教养总效应不显著;晚期父亲过度教养仅具有直接效应。  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨父亲和母亲的抚养压力在母亲抑郁与学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的作用。以北京市某区75所幼儿园的2222名3~5岁在园幼儿及其父母为被试,采用《流调中心抑郁量表》、《抚养压力量表》、《学龄前儿童问题行为问卷》分别对母亲抑郁、父母抚养压力及儿童问题行为进行测查,结果发现:(1)母亲抑郁可以正向预测儿童的内、外部问题行为;(2)母亲抑郁对儿童内部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径部分中介;(3)母亲抑郁对儿童外部问题行为的作用被"母亲抚养压力"、"母亲抚养压力-父亲抚养压力"两条路径完全中介。综上,研究揭示了母亲抚养压力、父亲抚养压力在母亲抑郁和学龄前儿童内、外部问题行为间的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

为了探明父母养育方式与大学生心理适应能力之间存在的关系,本研究采用父母养方式自评问卷(EMBU)和大学生心理适应能力量表对江西师大500名大一、大二学生进行施测。结果表明:心理适应能力强与心理适应能力一般的人在父母情感温暖、惩罚严厉、拒绝否认,母亲的过度保护母子上存在显的差异。说明父母的养育方式对子女的心理适应能力有巨大影响,这一研究结果为父母应采取何种教养方式提供了科学依据,具有较强的参考价值。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships of adult attachment, mental toughness (MT), and psychological well-being of international students. We hypothesized that attachment anxiety and avoidance would predict psychological well-being outcome variables and that MT would mediate the attachment-wellbeing links. The participants were 217 international students from a large public college in the United States. Structure Equation Modeling analyses were used to examine the proposed mediation effects. Result showed that MT functioned as a mediator for the paths between attachment anxiety and the two well-being latent variables of psychological distress and life satisfaction. On the other hand, attachment avoidance was found to have a more direct effect on adjustment difficulties without going through MT. Limitation and counseling implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined the individual and joint effects of self‐reported adult attachment style, psychological distress, and parenting stress on maternal caregiving behaviors at 6 and 12 months of child age. We proposed a diathesis‐stress model to examine the potential deleterious effects of stress for mothers with insecure adult attachment styles. Data from 137 mothers were gathered by the longitudinal Durham Child Health and Development Study. Mothers provided self‐reports using C. Hazan and P. Shaver's ( 1987 ) Adult Attachment Style measure, the Brief Symptom Inventory (L.R. Derogatis & P.M. Spencer, 1982 ), and the Parent Stress Inventory (R.R. Abidin, 1995 ); observations of parenting data were made from 10‐min free‐play interactions. Consistently avoidant mothers were less sensitive with their infants than were consistently secure mothers; however, this effect was limited to avoidant mothers who experienced elevated levels of psychological distress. Results suggest that the association between insecure adult attachment style and insensitive parenting behavior is moderated by concurrent psychosocial stress. Clinical implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Associations between gender, age, emotional involvement, and attachment style and reactions to romantic relationship dissolution were studied in a survey of more than 5,000 Internet respondents. It was hypothesized that individual reactions to breakups would be congruent with characteristic attachment behaviors and affect-regulation strategies generally associated with attachment style. Attachment-related anxiety was associated with greater preoccupation with the lost partner, greater perseveration over the loss, more extreme physical and emotional distress, exaggerated attempts to reestablish the relationship, partner-related sexual motivation, angry and vengeful behavior, interference with exploratory activities, dysfunctional coping strategies, and disordered resolution. Attachment-related avoidance was weakly and negatively associated with most distress/proximity-seeking reactions to breakups and strongly and positively associated with avoidant and self-reliant coping strategies. Security (low scores on the anxiety and avoidance dimensions) was associated with social coping strategies (e.g., using friends and family as "safe havens"). Attachment insecurity, particularly anxiety, was associated with using drugs and alcohol to cope with loss.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that relationship experiences and contextual factors may influence attachment security, anxiety, and avoidance. In the present study, we investigated the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the State Adult Attachment Measure (SAAM), a personality scale aimed to assess temporary variations in adult attachment styles (Gillath, Hart, Noftle, & Stockdale, 2009). Four hundred Italian participants took a set of standardized self-report attachment scales and other measures of subjective wellbeing and mental-health. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed an acceptable fit between the SAAM three-factor model and the data, confirming the hypothesized measurement model for security, anxiety, and avoidance. SAAM subscales also attained high internal consistency reliability, were properly related to mainstream attachment style scales, and had incremental validity in predicting psychological well-being and mental health. The Italian SAAM translation is indeed a reliable and valid measure, showing promise as a clinical assessment of short-term changes in attachment states, even in non-English cultural context.  相似文献   

Parents (N= 124) completed surveys assessing their adult attachment style, conflict resolution style, social self‐efficacy, and perspective taking. Findings supported hypothesized relationships between secure attachment and mutual forms of conflict resolution. More equivocal support was obtained for hypothesized pairings of specific nonsecure attachment styles and nonmutual conflict styles. Findings suggested mediating effects for social competencies (social self‐efficacy and perspective taking), which accounted for some of the negative association between attachment avoidance and mutual conflict style. Follow‐up analyses identified mediating effects of social competencies on specific combinations of attachment and conflict styles–thus suggesting avenues for counseling interventions.  相似文献   

For emerging adults, the development of psychosocial intimacy may be a key developmental task shaped by past parenting. In this study, 232 emerging adult, college students completed a questionnaire about their intimacy development, identity development, self-efficacy in romantic relationships, parenting (i.e., attachment styles, parental caring and overprotection, and parental challenge), and well-being (i.e, depressive symptoms, loneliness, happiness, and self-esteem). Findings indicate that identity development, low attachment avoidance, and self-efficacy in romantic relationships predicted intimacy development. Furthermore, those individuals with high intimacy have less loneliness, greater self-esteem, and more happiness than those with low intimacy. Achieving psychosocial intimacy may have benefits for well-being.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution to parent‐adolescent conflict resolution of parental adult attachment styles and attitudes toward adolescent separation. Questionnaires were completed by 295 couples with early to late adolescent children. Structural equation models were used to test self and partner influences on conflict resolution for three attachment orientations: confidence (model A), anxiety (model B) and avoidance (model C). Model A showed self influences between parents' confidence orientation and negotiation and also via positive attitudes towards separation. Also, the fathers' use of negotiation was facilitated by the mothers' confidence orientation and vice versa, indicating partner influences as well. Model B showed self influences between parents' anxiety orientation and the use of dominance and withdrawal and also via negative attitudes towards separation. Model C showed self influences between parents' avoidance orientation and dominance and withdrawal, and a partner influence between fathers' avoidance and mothers' use of dominance. The results indicated that the parents' adult attachment system and the parenting system were related in the area of conflict resolution, and that self influences were stronger than partner influences.  相似文献   

Theory and research have focused on the relationships among coping processes, stressful life events, and psychological and physical distress. This study was designed to examine the relationship of stressful life events and three styles of coping—emotion oriented, task oriented, and avoidance oriented—to physical and psychological distress. Questionnaires measuring coping styles, recent life stressors, and both physical symptoms and psychological symptoms were completed by 205 undergraduates (101 males and 104 females). It was hypothesized that task-oriented coping would negatively predict distress and that emotion-oriented coping would positively predict distress. The relationships of two types of avoidance-oriented coping (distraction and social diversion) to distress were also examined. Multiple regression analyses revealed that task-oriented coping was negatively related to distress, but only for males. Emotion-oriented coping was significantly positively predictive of distress for both males and females. The two subcomponents of avoidance-oriented coping—distraction and social diversion—were differentially related to measures of distress. Life event stress positively predicted distress, both as an independent contributor of variance and in interaction with several coping styles.  相似文献   

This research examines differential associations between attachment dimensions (anxiety and avoidance) and emotion regulation (ER) strategies (dysregulation and suppression) in middle childhood and early adolescence. Furthermore, the study investigates how attachment and ER relate to depressive symptoms and perceived parenting. Two cross‐sectional studies (N = 339 and N = 746) supported the hypothesized associations between attachment anxiety and avoidance and emotional dysregulation and suppression, respectively. Mixed evidence was found for ER as a mediator in associations between attachment and depressive symptoms. Study 2 found that parental responsiveness and autonomy‐support are related differentially to the attachment dimensions. The Discussion focuses on the dynamics involved in associations between parenting, attachment, ER, and depression and on directions for future research.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine parental psychological distress and confidence after an infant’s birth, when parenting an infant with a diagnosis of a congenital anomaly, and to understand the role of attachment representations on parental adjustment. Parents of infants with a congenital anomaly (44 couples) and parents of healthy infants (46 couples) completed measures of adult attachment representations and of psychological distress and parental confidence (one month after the infant’s birth). Results showed no group differences in psychological distress. Mothers in the clinical group presented lower confidence than mothers in the comparison group, while for fathers the inverse pattern was found, showing their involvement in the caretaking of the infant. Insecure attachment representations predicted parental psychological distress, and a moderator role of group was found only for fathers. These results highlight the role of secure attachment representations as an individual resource in stress-inducing situations.  相似文献   

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