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In the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel discusses marriage in his analysis of the first shape of Spirit, Ethical Life. Since it is analyzed in terms of a particular shape of spirit and set in Ancient Greece, it is difficult to understand both its use in the Phenomenology as well as what claims, if any, he is making about the institution of marriage as such. I aim to show that in this text, marriage functions as a fundamental context in which self-knowing occurs.  相似文献   

This study examined how sensitive support provision and receipt were related to marital outcomes in a sample of 57 happily married, middle-class couples from the Midwestern U.S. To assess how observed supportive behaviors may be differentially associated with self-reported support satisfaction, marital love, and marital conflict for men and women, we utilized a series of Actor Partner Interdependence Models (APIM). This dyadic approach revealed significant gender differences regarding how the supportive role enacted (i.e., provider versus recipient) contributed considerably to marital outcomes. Specifically, husbands’ sensitive support provision significantly predicted both spouses’ support satisfaction. Additionally, husbands’ sensitive support provision was significantly associated with wives’ marital love. Wives’ reported conflict was predicted by the combination of both providing and receiving sensitive support. For husbands’ outcomes, husbands’ own sensitive support provision was most critically associated with their reporting greater love and less conflict. These findings reveal notable gender differences as men’s ability to provide sensitive support was critical not only to their wives’ marital outcomes, but to their own as well. Our results build upon and extend the literature implicating the importance of examining gender differences in supportive interactions in marriage. Moreover, our findings suggest that simultaneous consideration of spousal support receipt and provision is critical when seeking to understand how support is related to marital outcomes for men and women.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the marriage and wellbeing relationship using variables reflecting marriage quality and data from the US, the UK and Germany. People in self-assessed poor marriages are fairly miserable and much less happy than unmarried people, even in the first year of marriages. However, people in self-assessed good marriages are even happier than the literature suggests. Women show greater range of responses to marriage quality than men. The effect of employment status and subjective health on happiness and the marriage effects on interpersonal trust and mental health change dramatically when marriage quality is controlled for. A strong link from happiness to marriage does not exist. However, happier people are more likely to stay single instead of being unhappily married, but less likely to stay single compared to being very happily married and happiness cannot predict staying single versus being pretty happily married.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between maternal employment and college students’ expected work–family conflict as well as the relationship between expected conflict and the anticipated use of family-altering and career-altering strategies. Results indicated a positive relationship between the extensiveness of maternal employment and expected work–family conflict only for men. In addition, students who expected extensive work–family conflict anticipated delaying marriage, limiting the number of children they will have, and, in the case of men, intending not to have children. There was no relationship between expected work–family conflict and the anticipated use of career-altering strategies. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is quite possible that the suggested changing nature of mental ability may have an explanation in the selection of items in the four original schedules set up by Gesell and in their scoring usage. Most studies of these tests give them small credit for later predictive value, stating their value lies in neurologic and intellectual evaluation of the infant at the time of testing, rather than any agreement with later tests as the infant matures.Later and more extended evaluation of the test items indicates that if they were treated with modern methods of scoring and standardization they might yield results that would give predictive information about infant development. More precise directions for giving the items is essential. Surely the contributions of these elaborate studies of infants deserve to be absorbed as they have been in our modern analysis of infant behavior.  相似文献   

The study of Muslim–Christian relations often focuses on Islamic theology and Muslim behavior while overlooking the role that Christians play in shaping interreligious encounters. This article examines a series of historical examples from various periods of Palestinian history that highlight Arab Christians' insistence that they were Palestinian Arabs first and were fully engaged in the nationalist movement. Palestinian Christians' approach to local politics, even in the face of interreligious conflict, allowed them to maintain far better relations with Muslims than Arab Christians in some neighboring Arab countries. By way of comparison, the article highlights the Druze's acceptance of a unique communal relationship to the Zionist leadership and later, to the state of Israel. The article concludes that, while modern Islamism presents a challenge to minority Christian groups, historical examples suggest that Christians' actions have a profound impact on the nature of Christian–Muslim relations.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Parents’ beliefs about their children’s schools are important influences on their parenting and on their children’s outcomes. Because of...  相似文献   

Women’s feminist identification is associated with a growing list of favorable outcomes, predicting that these correlations will extend to egalitarian and assertive role expectations for committed and sexual partnerships, respectively. Surveying 165 undergraduate US women, nonfeminist passive acceptance was linked to low egalitarian expectations overall and across all seven subscales of the marriage role expectation inventory. It also was related to depressed sexual assertiveness overall and specifically in initiating sexual encounters and engaging in safe sexual practices. These negative associations were nonsignificant or positive for women with stronger feminist identification. When endorsement of passive acceptance was controlled for, the positive correlation between egalitarian and assertive expectations fell to nonsignificance, consistent with regarding nonfeminist attitudes as a confounded third common factor.  相似文献   

In this study, we look at marriage migration patterns among Thai Americans using US Census data drawn from 5% PUMS sets made available through the IPUMS project. Marriage is one of the most important means of migration to the USA and the overwhelming majority of Thai Americans are foreign-born women married to non-Thai men. Therefore, the sources and nature of Thai marriages to non-Thai men constitute essential elements of contemporary Thai migration and can provide valuable insight into how this key process of marriage migration can be established and maintained. Analyzing data from 1980, 1990, and 2000, our results are consistent with the argument that much of the marriage of Thai Americans to non-Thai is historically rooted in the military connection between the USA and Thailand. However, there is evidence that the marriages of Thai women to non-Thai men have been “demilitarized.” The military background of spouses has become much less compelling over the years as a predictor of the types of marriages resulting from marriage migration. Therefore, we argue that the American military presence in Southeast Asia established a pattern that continued to contribute to marriage migration even as that presence greatly diminished.  相似文献   

This study focused on the daily activities and related quality of experience of two distinct groups of Italian high school students analyzed in 1986 and 2000. Altogether, 120 participants, aged between 15 and 18, were administered the experience sampling method, a procedure providing on-line repeated samplings of daily time budget and associated quality of experience. In particular, attention was paid to optimal experience, characterized by a balance between environmental challenges and personal skills, intrinsic motivation, involvement, and well-being. In spite of the time gap, no major differences in the daily activity distribution were detected. Adolescents in both groups spent most of their time studying at school and at home, interacting, watching TV, carrying out maintenance, and engaging in structured leisure activities. The use of new technologies (computers, internet, mobile phones) emerged in the data gathered in 2000. As concerns the quality of experience, each daily activity showed a specific experiential profile recurring in both groups. Studying at home and engaging in structured leisure activities were primarily associated with optimal experience, as was using new technologies in 2000. These results shed light on students' preferential engagement in specific domains and allowed us to explore the active role of adolescents in shaping their future. Findings also highlighted the importance of providing adolescents with meaningful activities in order to foster their personal growth, well-being, and social integration.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of generational, contextual, and individual influences on Millennials’ career expectations.  相似文献   

Media representations shape public opinion of immigration, affect policy debate, and influence immigration law. This paper examines media coverage of immigration in the context of the development and conception of the Canadian 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The paper performs a topoi analysis on a data set of 490 articles published in five prominent Canadian English-language daily newspapers that address aspects of immigration law. The results reveal that danger is the most frequent and a relatively consistent theme associated with immigration in media coverage. Cultural aspects are relatively unimportant compared to humanitarian, political, and economic considerations.  相似文献   

Within the theoretical framework of attachment theory, this study examined associations between adolescents’ attachment relationships with both mother and father and their academic adjustment, and explored the potential mediation role of self-worth in the associations. Participants were 384 Chinese adolescents (49.6% male, average age?=?15.13 years) from public schools in Shanghai, China. They completed self-report measures of mother–adolescent attachment, father–adolescent attachment, general self-worth, academic engagement and school grades. The results indicated that adolescents’ attachments to both parents were associated with higher levels of academic engagement. There was partial support of the mediating role of self-worth, as adolescents who had high levels of parent–adolescent attachment were more likely to have high levels of self-worth, which in turn enhanced their academic engagement and then improved high school grades. The findings highlighted the importance of parental attachment-based intervention strategies to promote and maintain academic adjustment among adolescents.  相似文献   

The current study analyzes the evolution of language used to discuss marriage equality in The New York Times between February and May 2004 and February and May 2012. Specifically, the study examines how sexual orientation labels were used as modifiers for “marriage,” “couples,” and “individuals.” Results indicate that the language evolved from a focus on the sexual orientation label gay in 2004 to a more inclusive language, with same-sex as the predominant modifier for marriage and couples in 2012. Further, while the overall language in The New York Times became more inclusive of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community at large, bisexual women and men are still largely absent within the marriage equality discourse.  相似文献   

The marriage role expectations of female university students enrolled in an introductory marriage and family course at the University of Kentucky in 1961 (N=72), 1972 (N=58), 1978 (N=115), and 1984 (N=81) were compared. The 1972 group was found to be significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group in overall marriage role expectations and on all subscales except authority. The 1978 and 1984 groups were significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group on overall marriage role expectations and on all seven of the subscales: authority, homemaking, child care, personal characteristics, social participation, education, and employment and support. The 1978 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority and homemaking, with no significant differences on the other five subscales or on overall role expectation score. The 1984 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority, homemaking, and child care, and was slightly (not satistically significant) more traditional on personal characteristics and social participation. There were no significant differences between the 1978 and 1984 groups on overall expectation or on any of the subscales. In fact, the 1984 group was slightly more traditional on homemaking, personal characteristics, social participation, employment and support, and overall expectations. The data from this study showed the greatest gain in egalitarian trends to be between 1961 and 1972, with a continuation of the trends at a somewhat slower rate of change between 1972 and 1978, and a discontinuation of the trend toward more egalitarian expectations between 1978 and 1984.The data were collected in February 1961, January 1972, September 1978, and September 1984. Special acknowledgement and appreciation are expressed to Jessie Ringo (retired), University of Kentucky, for making the 1961 data available for this study.  相似文献   

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