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In typical discrimination experiments, participants are presented with a constant standard and a variable comparison stimulus and their task is to judge which of these two stimuli is larger (comparative judgement). In these experiments, discrimination sensitivity depends on the temporal order of these stimuli (Type B effect) and is usually higher when the standard precedes rather than follows the comparison. Here, we outline how two models of stimulus discrimination can account for the Type B effect, namely the weighted difference model (or basic Sensation Weighting model) and the Internal Reference Model. For both models, the predicted psychometric functions for comparative judgements as well as for equality judgements, in which participants indicate whether they perceived the two stimuli to be equal or not equal, are derived and it is shown that the models also predict a Type B effect for equality judgements. In the empirical part, the models' predictions are evaluated. To this end, participants performed a duration discrimination task with comparative judgements and with equality judgements. In line with the models' predictions, a Type B effect was observed for both judgement types. In addition, a time-order error, as indicated by shifts of the psychometric functions, and differences in response times were observed only for the equality judgement. Since both models entail distinct additional predictions, it seems worthwhile for future research to unite the two models into one conceptual framework.  相似文献   

Investigations of sensory memory have often relied on discrimination processes: participants judge whether a reference stimulus is identical to a remembered stimulus. Recently, investigators have used response modes in which participants directly reproduce stimuli. Findings using reproduction tasks have suggested new ways of thinking about biases that pervade psychophysics. To allow an assessment of whether results obtained using reproduction responses persevere for discrimination tasks, this paper presents a statistical model that links the two approaches. The model uses the pattern of discrimination judgements to estimate parameters that represent the means and standard deviations that would have occurred under a reproduction task. An analysis of stimuli that have been previously studied using reproduction responses illustrates the method. Simulations investigate bias and efficiency, large‐sample confidence intervals and the performance of likelihood‐ratio tests of the adequacy of special submodels.  相似文献   

Several findings from duration perception literature suggest that when making decisions about time, participants rely on an internal reference memory for time rather than merely on the current physical stimuli. According to a recent account, such an internal reference is formed by a continuous dynamic updating process that integrates duration information from previous trials and the current trial. In the present work, we show how such a dynamic mechanism can account for the classical yet unresolved Vierordt effect, which refers to the overestimation of relatively short and the underestimation of relatively long temporal intervals. We conducted an experiment to examine this and related predictions by means of a temporal reproduction task. Specifically, participants were presented with two successive time intervals — a standard s with constant duration and a comparison c with variable duration. Instead of performing a comparison judgment, however, the participants were subsequently cued to reproduce one of the two presented stimuli. Reproductions were affected not only by the temporal position of the to-be-reproduced stimulus, but also by the stimuli presented on earlier trials. These results support the notion of a dynamically updated internal reference underlying our judgments about the time elapsed, which might also be the basis of the Vierordt effect.  相似文献   

Phantom decoys are alternatives that asymmetrically dominate a targeted alternative and yet lead to increased selection of the target when the decoy is declared to be unavailable. This effect is difficult to explain within most standard theoretical accounts of decoy effects. The current experiments tested between three explanations of this effect: (1) the relative advantage model based on loss aversion, (2) similarity substitution, and (3) range weighting. In Experiment 1, participants were presented trinary choice sets, with half of the sets containing a phantom decoy in one of five possible locations within the attribute space. Phantom decoy effects were robust across all decoy locations but one, and the pattern of effects most closely corresponded to predictions of the relative advantage model. Experiment 2 used a within‐subjects manipulation of the five phantom decoy locations. The overall pattern of effects most closely corresponded to predictions from the relative advantage model, as did the pattern for the group of participants who exhibited the strongest phantom decoy effects. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although a number of theoretical accounts of proactive interference (PI) in episodic memory have been proposed, existing empirical evidence does not support conclusively a single view yet. In two experiments we tested the predictions of the temporal discrimination theory of PI against alternative accounts by manipulating the presentation schedule of study materials (lists blocked by category vs. interleaved). In line with the temporal discrimination theory, we observed a clear buildup of (and release from) PI in the blocked condition, in which all the lists of the same category were presented sequentially. In the interleaved condition, with alternating lists of different categories, a more gradual and smoother buildup of PI was observed. When participants were left free to choose their presentation schedule, they spontaneously adopted an interleaved schedule, resulting again in more gradual PI. After longer delays, we observed recency effects at the list level in overall recall and, in the blocked condition, PI-related effects. The overall pattern of findings agrees with the predictions of the temporal discrimination theory of PI, complemented with categorical processing of list items, but not with alternative accounts, shedding light on the dynamics and underpinnings of PI under diverse presentation schedules and over different time scales.  相似文献   

In this study, an extended pacemaker-counter model was applied to crossmodal temporal discrimination. In three experiments, subjects discriminated between the durations of a constant standard stimulus and a variable comparison stimulus. In congruent trials, both stimuli were presented in the same sensory modality (i.e., both visual or both auditory), whereas in incongruent trials, each stimulus was presented in a different modality. The model accounts for the finding that temporal discrimination depends on the presentation order of the sensory modalities. Nevertheless, the model fails to explain why temporal discrimination was much better with congruent than with incongruent trials. The discussion considers possibilities to accommodate the model to this and other shortcomings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of forgetting of the standard duration on temporal discrimination in a generalization task. In two experiments, participants were given a temporal generalization task with or without a retention delay between the learning of the standard duration and the testing of the comparison durations. During this delay, they either performed or did not perform an interference task. Results failed to reveal any effect of 15-min and 24-h retention delays on time judgments (Experiment 1). However, when an interference task was performed during the 15-min delay (Experiment 2), there was a subjective shortening effect, indicating that the standard duration was judged shorter with than without an interference task. These findings suggest that when an interference task occurs immediately after initial temporal encoding, it affects the process of consolidation in reference memory.  相似文献   

Structural aspects of visual similarity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that visual representations for lines and/or points are independent structural units was tested using similarity judgment and speeded discrimination for pairs of six-segment letter-like figures. The stimuli were constructed such that each of two comparison figures had five segments in common with a standard figure. One figure was similar to the standard in its higher order structure (connectedness and closedness properties), whereas the other differed. The results show that the figures with similar higher order structure were systematically judged more similar to the standard than the figures with different structure. The former were also more difficult to discriminate from standards than the latter, as indicated by both time and error measurements. These effects were less pronounced in sequential than in simultaneous comparisons.  相似文献   

Exemplar and distributional accounts of categorization make differing predictions for the classification of a critical exemplar precisely halfway between the nearest exemplars of 2 categories differing in variability. Under standard conditions of sequential presentation, the critical exemplar was classified into the most similar, least variable category, consistent with an exemplar account. However, if the difference in variability is made more salient, then the same exemplar is classified into the more variable, most likely category, consistent with a distributional account. This suggests that participants may be strategic in their use of either strategy. However, when the relative variability of 2 categories was manipulated, participants showed changes in the classification of intermediate exemplars that neither approach could account for.  相似文献   

Absolute identification by relative judgment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In unidimensional absolute identification tasks, participants identify stimuli that vary along a single dimension. Performance is surprisingly poor compared with discrimination of the same stimuli. Existing models assume that identification is achieved using long-term representations of absolute magnitudes. The authors propose an alternative relative judgment model (RJM) in which the elemental perceptual units are representations of the differences between current and previous stimuli. These differences are used, together with the previous feedback, to respond. Without using long-term representations of absolute magnitudes, the RJM accounts for (a) information transmission limits, (b) bowed serial position effects, and (c) sequential effects, where responses are biased toward immediately preceding stimuli but away from more distant stimuli (assimilation and contrast).  相似文献   

This article assesses whether the two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) and the reminder tasks (i.e., method of constant stimuli) yield identical estimates of the difference limen (DL). In a series of six experiments, participants discriminated between two duration stimuli. Experiments 1-5 employed auditory stimuli, and Experiment 6 employed visual stimuli. Experiments 1 and 2 combined each of the two tasks with an adaptive and a nonadaptive procedure for threshold estimation. Experiment 3 varied the distribution of the comparison levels, whereas Experiment 4 employed random interstimulus intervals. Experiments 5 and 6 examined the influence of the presentation order of the standard and comparison stimuli. Results indicate that both the adaptive and the nonadaptive procedures yield virtually identical DL estimates; yet, the 2AFC task produces consistently larger DLs than does the reminder task. In addition, DL increases when the standard occurs in the second rather than in the first stimulus position. In order to account for these results, we assume that participants use an internal standard instead of the actually presented standard as a reference for their judgment.  相似文献   

Recent findings demonstrating that the Simon effect diminishes when the preceding trial is a noncorresponding trial led researchers to develop two alternative accounts. The conflict monitoring account argues that the automatic activation from stimulus location information is under the regulation of a control mechanism, which adjusts the level of activation depending on conflict in the preceding trial. In contrast, the feature integration account holds that sequential modulations of the Simon effect can be attributed to the integration of stimulus and response features into event files. Previous research demonstrated a potential contribution to sequential modulations from both mechanisms. We use a four-choice task to extend these findings and to investigate the exact nature of the feature overlap effects. Both conflict monitoring and feature overlap effects were found to contribute to sequential modulations. However, the feature overlap effects did not conform to predictions of the feature integration account. We argue that the feature overlap effects are accounted for better by strategic shortcuts in response selection.  相似文献   

Three experiments assessed whether perceived stimulus duration depends on whether participants process an expected or an unexpected visual stimulus. Participants compared the duration of a constant standard stimulus with a variable comparison stimulus. Changes in expectancy were induced by presenting one type of comparison more frequently than another type. Experiment 1 used standard durations of 100 and 400 ms, and Experiments 2 and 3 durations of 400 and 800 ms. Stimulus frequency did not affect perceived duration in Experiment 1. In Experiments 2 and 3, however, frequent comparisons were perceived as shorter than infrequent ones, and discrimination performance was better for infrequent comparisons. Overall, this study supports the notion that infrequent stimuli increase the speed of an internal pacemaker.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the perception of stimulus durations represented by elderly faces or by young faces. In a temporal bisection task, participants classified intermediate durations as more similar to a short or a long reference duration. The results showed that the durations represented by elderly faces were less often classified as “long” than the durations represented by young faces. According to internal clock models of time perception, this shortening effect is due to a slowing down of the speed of the internal clock during the perception of elderly faces. Analyses also revealed an interaction between sex of face and sex of participant such that this shortening effect occurred only when the participants share the same sex than the stimulus faces. As discussed, this finding is quite consistent with embodied cognition approaches to information processing, but alternatives accounts are also considered.  相似文献   

The demonstration of a sequential congruency effect in sequence learning has been offered as evidence for control processes that act to inhibit automatic response tendencies (Jiménez, Lupiáñez, &; Vaquero, 2009) via unconscious conflict monitoring. Here we propose an alternative interpretation of this effect based on the associative learning of chains of sequenced contingencies. This account is supported by simulations with a Simple Recurrent Network, an associative (connectionist) model of sequence learning. We argue that the control- and associative-based accounts differ in their predictions concerning the magnitude of the sequential congruency effect across training. These predictions are tested by reanalysing data from a study by Shanks, Wilkinson, and Channon (2003). The results support the associative learning account which explains the sequential congruency effect without appealing to control processes (either conscious or unconscious).  相似文献   

We investigated the relative contributions of perception and reference memory to behavioural variability in a temporal discrimination with human subjects. We used two temporal bisection tasks. In both tasks each trial consisted of a sequential presentation of three intervals, two standards, and a probe, and subjects were asked to judge the similarity of each probe against the two standards. In a "single bisection", the standards' duration was constant across trials. In a "roving bisection", the two standards were trial unique. We compared our results with the predictions from a model related to Scalar Expectancy Theory, with the added assumption that the decision process minimizes the expected number of errors given the information available. The model shows that if errors in reference memory were dominant the psychometric function should be identical for single and roving tasks, and if perceptual errors were dominant the psychometric function should be steeper for the single than for the roving bisection. As we found that psychometric functions were steeper for the single than for the roving tasks, we concluded that perceptual errors are dominant.  相似文献   

Many eyewitness researchers have argued for the application of a sequential alternative to the traditional simultaneous lineup, given its role in decreasing false identifications of innocent suspects (sequential superiority effect). However, Ebbesen and Flowe (2002) have recently noted that sequential lineups may merely bring about a shift in response criterion, having no effect on discrimination accuracy. We explored this claim, using a method that allows signal detection theory measures to be collected from eyewitnesses. In three experiments, lineup type was factorially combined with conditions expected to influence response criterion and/or discrimination accuracy. Results were consistent with signal detection theory predictions, including that of a conservative criterion shift with the sequential presentation of lineups. In a fourth experiment, we explored the phenomenological basis for the criterion shift, using the remember-know-guess procedure. In accord with previous research, the criterion shift in sequential lineups was associated with a reduction in familiarity-based responding. It is proposed that the relative similarity between lineup members may create a context in which fluency-based processing is facilitated to a greater extent when lineup members are presented simultaneously.  相似文献   

Drawing from theories of social cognition and perception, the effects of information consistency and distinctiveness implied by semantic cues in reference price ads are examined in a 2 (Levels of Distinctiveness) × 2 (Levels of Consistency) × 3 (Levels of Reference Price) between-subjects experimental design. Both the reference-price level and the perceived distinctiveness of information implied by the semantic cue had significant effects on internal price standard and attitudinal and perceptual dependent variables. Consistency information had no effect. Competing rationales drawn from assimilation-contrast theory and anchoring and adjustment effects on judgment are offered as bases for reference-price predictions. Results reveal that reference-price level had a monotonic effect on most dependent variables, and thus are more consistent with effects predicted by anchoring and adjustment rationales.  相似文献   

The question of whether age-of-acquisition (AoA), frequency, and repetition priming effects occur at a common stage or at different stages of processing is addressed. Two single-stage accounts (i.e., cumulative frequency and a neural-network simulation) are considered in regard to their predictions concerning the interactions between AoA and frequency with aging and priming effects. A repetition-priming face-classification task was conducted on both older and younger participants to test these predictions. Consistent with the predictions of the neural-network simulation, AoA had an effect on reaction times that could not be explained by cumulative frequency alone. Also, as predicted by the simulation, the size of the priming effect was determined by the cumulative frequency of the item. It is discussed how this evidence is supportive of the notion that AoA , frequency, and priming all have effects at a common and single stage during face processing.  相似文献   

Just noticeable differences in orientation are smaller at principal standard orientations than at oblique standard orientations when they are measured with the method of single stimuli. We determined whether this oblique effect is due to an anisotropy in decision factors. A first series of experiments showed that the subjects compare the stimulus with an internal criterion, and that this decision rule is used at all standard orientations. A second series of experiments determined the influence on the oblique effect of nonsensorial variables related to criterion setting. The results strongly suggest that the effect is not due to a criterial noise anisotropy and that criterion-setting processes are similar at principal and oblique standard orientations. The latter conclusion was also supported by an analysis of the sequential stimulus and response dependencies in this task. Hence, it appears that the oblique effect in line orientation discrimination, when it is measured with the method of single stimuli, is due not to decision factors but to a sensorially based anisotropy.  相似文献   

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