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Visual signal detection measured by event-related potentials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compared the performance of 10 well-functioning university students who had experienced a mild head injury (MHI) an average of 6.4 years previously and 12 controls on a series of standard psychometric tests of attention, memory, and thinking and on a series of auditory oddball vigilance tasks to which we also took event-related potentials (ERPs). The MHI and Control groups performed equivalently on all the psychometric tasks and on self-report questionnaires of everyday memory and attention difficulties. The MHI group performed more slowly and with lower accuracy on only the most difficult of the oddball tasks, yet they showed substantially and significantly reduced P300 amplitudes and subsequent attentuation on all the oddball tasks, both easy and difficult. There were no alterations of N1, P2, and N2 components. These data suggest that despite excellent behavioral recovery, subtle information processing deficits involving attention nevertheless may persist long after the original injury and may not be apparent on a variety of standard psychometric measures.  相似文献   

Contradictory evidence as to the effects of alcohol on early information processing stages has been obtained from behavioral and psychophysiological investigations. In the present study, choice reaction times, error rates, and event-related potentials (EEPs) were recorded in a task in which variations in stimulus discriminability and of the (task irrelevant) correspondence between stimulus location and response location were orthogonally combined. Both discriminability and stimulus-response correspondence affected reaction time and electrophysiological Chronometrie measures as expected. However, no behavioral effects of alcohol were observed, possibly because of strategic adjustments. Psychophysiological Chronometrie measures indicated that alcohol leaves the initial flow of perceptual evidence to motor stages unimpaired, whereas it appears to increase the duration of stimulus evaluation. Interestingly, a number of alcohol effects appeared in the EEP amplitudes. Decrements in early EEP components indicate alcohol-induced impairments of involuntary visual attention and/or the automatic stimulus location-dependent activation of response channels. In contrast, a strong enhancement of a late slow-wave component under alcohol may reflect the investment of processing resources in order to maintain normal performance levels.  相似文献   

A longstanding debate exists in the literature concerning bottom-up vs. top-down influences on bistable perception. Recently, a technique has been developed to measure early changes in brain activity (via ERPs) related to perceptual reversals (Kornmeier & Bach, 2004). An ERP component, the reversal negativity (RN) has been identified, and is characterized as an increase in negative potential over the posterior scalp from 150 to 350 ms for perceptual reversals compared to perceptual stability. This finding, although interesting, has not helped resolve issues related to the bottom-up vs. top-down debate because top-down influences have not been directly manipulated. The current study focused on resolving some of these issues by measuring the RN while observers maintained one of three 'intentional approaches', (1) try to reverse perception as often as possible, (2) try to stabilize perception for as long as possible, and (3) maintain a passive approach. Enhancements in RN amplitude were found for the intention-to-reverse condition compared to the passive condition. This finding suggests an early influence (150 ms) of top-down control on perceptual reversals of bistable figures. Results are discussed in terms of competing attention shifting vs. fatigue-based theories of bistable perception.  相似文献   

Potentially decision-relevant stimuli have been proposed to undergo immediate semantic processing. The current study investigated whether information regarding the general desirability (‘Wanting’) of visually presented ‘everyday’ objects was rapidly and automatically processed. Participants completed a foreground task while their electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded, and task-irrelevant images were presented in the background. Following this, participants rated the images with regards to Wanting and the potentially related attributes of Relevance, Familiarity, Aesthetic Pleasantness and Time Reference. Multivariate pattern classification was used to predict the ratings from patterns of EEG data. Prediction of Wanting and Relevance was possible between 100 and 150 ms following stimulus presentation. The other dimensions could not be predicted. Wanting and Relevance ratings were highly correlated and displayed similar feature weight maps. The current results suggest that the general desirability and subjective relevance of everyday objects is rapidly and automatically processed for a wide range of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-based technique to evaluate the scalp topography of event-related potentials is described. This technique uses only four electrode locations and produces a 24 × 24 element color matrix of the topography of scalp electrical activity across time. The program also displays the coordinates, latency, and value of the maximum point within the matrix. The program is implemented on an Apple II+/IIe computer and is adaptable to other computers with graphic capabilities.  相似文献   

Sounds emitted by different sources arrive at our ears as a mixture that must be disentangled before meaningful information can be retrieved. It is still a matter of debate whether this decomposition happens automatically or requires the listener’s attention. These opposite positions partly stem from different methodological approaches to the problem. We propose an integrative approach that combines the logic of previous measurements targeting either auditory stream segregation (interpreting a mixture as coming from two separate sources) or integration (interpreting a mixture as originating from only one source). By means of combined behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures, our paradigm has the potential to measure stream segregation and integration at the same time, providing the opportunity to obtain positive evidence of either one. This reduces the reliance on zero findings (i.e., the occurrence of stream integration in a given condition can be demonstrated directly, rather than indirectly based on the absence of empirical evidence for stream segregation, and vice versa). With this two-way approach, we systematically manipulate attention devoted to the auditory stimuli (by varying their task relevance) and to their underlying structure (by delivering perceptual tasks that require segregated or integrated percepts). ERP results based on the mismatch negativity (MMN) show no evidence for a modulation of stream integration by attention, while stream segregation results were less clear due to overlapping attention-related components in the MMN latency range. We suggest future studies combining the proposed two-way approach with some improvements in the ERP measurement of sequential stream segregation.  相似文献   

Little is known about psychophysiological correlates of interpretation bias in social anxiety. To address this issue, the authors measured event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in high and low socially anxious individuals during a task wherein ambiguous scenarios were resolved with either a positive or negative ending. Specifically, the authors examined modulations of the P600, an ERP that peaks approximately 600 ms following stimulus onset and indexes violations of expectancy. Low-anxious individuals were characterized by an increased P600 to negative in comparison with positive sentence endings, suggesting a positive interpretation bias. In contrast, the high-anxious group evidenced equivalent P600 magnitude for negative and positive sentence endings, suggesting a lack of positive interpretation bias. Similar, but less reliable results emerged in earlier time windows, that is, 200-500 ms poststimulus. Reaction time, occurring around 900 ms poststimulus, failed to show a reliable interpretation bias. Results suggest that ERPs can detect interpretation biases in social anxiety before the emission of behavioral responses.  相似文献   

We combined event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and behavioral measures to test whether subliminal visual stimuli can capture attention in a goal-dependent manner. Participants searched for visual targets defined by a specific color. Search displays served as metacontrast masks for preceding cue displays that contained one cue in the target color. Although this target-color cue was spatially uninformative, it produced behavioral spatial cuing effects and triggered an ERP correlate of attentional selection (i.e., the N2pc component). These results demonstrate that target-color cues captured attention, in spite of the fact that cue localization performance assessed in separate blocks was at chance level. We conclude that task-set contingent attentional capture is not restricted to supraliminal stimuli, but is also elicited by visual events that are not consciously perceived.  相似文献   

The P3 component of the event-related potential (ERP) to an acoustic startle probe is modulated during picture viewing, with reduced P3 amplitude when participants view either pleasant or unpleasant, as opposed to neutral, pictures. We have interpreted this as reflecting capture of attentional resources by affective pictures, with fewer resources available for processing the secondary startle probe. In the present study, we tested this resource allocation hypothesis by presenting either pictures or sounds as foreground stimuli, with the prediction that P3 amplitude in response to secondary startle probes would be reduced for affectively engaging foregrounds regardless of modality. Using dense-array electroencephalography and a source estimation procedure, we observed that P3 amplitude was indeed smaller when startle probes were presented during emotional, as opposed to neutral, stimuli for both sound and picture foregrounds. Source modeling indicated a common frontocentral maximum of P3 modulation by affect. The data support the notion that emotionally arousing stimuli transmodally attract resources, leading to optimized processing of the affective stimuli at the cost of the processing of concurrent stimuli.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from subjects as they attended to colored bars that were flashed in random order to the left or right of fixation. The task was to detect slightly smaller target bars having a specified color (red or blue) and location (left or right). The ERP elicited by stimuli at an attended location contained a sequence of phasic components (P122/N168/N264) that was highly distinct from the sequence associated with selection on the basis of color (N150-350/P199/P400-500). These findings suggested that spatially focused attention involves a gating or modulation of evoked neural activity in the visual pathways, whereas color selection is manifested by an endogenous ERP complex. When the stimulus locations were widely separated, the ERP signs of color selection were hierarchically dependent upon the prior selection for spatial location. In contrast, when the stimulus locations were adjacent to one another, the ERP signs of color selection predominated over those of location selection. These results are viewed as supporting “early selection” theories of attention that specify the rejection of irrelevant inputs prior to the completion of perceptual processing. The implications of ERP data for theories of multidimensional stimulus processing are considered.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that brain potentials evoked around 300 ms after stimulus onset index the processes underlying perceptual decision-making. However, the sensitivity of these evoked potentials to the task rules, which link sensory perception to the proper action, has not been studied previously. In this study, event-related potentials (ERPs) of the human brain were examined when subjects randomly performed delayed-matching-to-identity (DMI) and delayed-matching-to-category (DMC) tasks. The results showed that the amplitudes of the brain potentials evoked 228–328 ms after test-stimulus onset varied according to the task rules and indexed the processes responsible for decision-making. In contrast to these potentials, the preceding evoked activity (< 228 ms) did not show any sensitivity to the changes in the subjects’ responses and indexed the processes responsible for stimulus perception. These findings support the idea that the potentials evoked after 228 ms from stimulus onset are influenced by the task rules and do not index simple sensory perception.  相似文献   

Event-Related Potentials were recorded over occipital and parietal scalp from left- and right-handed adults presented with a language and a non-language visual stimulus using a divided field, "oddball" paradigm. The major finding of interest was that the P300 component was larger over the left than the right hemisphere of the right-handers when the language stimulus was presented to the left hemisphere; there were no hemispheric differences for the left-handers, regardless of field of presentation. These results are discussed in the context of developing noninvasive measures to lateralize language function.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the effects of visual aesthetic perception on event-related potentials (ERPs). Eight subjects assigned an aesthetic judgment (beautiful, neutral, or ugly) and a 10-step beauty estimation to the target stimuli, consisting of famous artistic pictures and geometric shapes. In a further task, the subjects performed a motor response to the previously judged pictures and geometric shapes. ERPs were recorded through 54 scalp electrodes during both tasks. The P3b amplitude was increased during the categorization of the geometric shapes compared to the artistic figures and during the vision of the beautiful targets preceding the motor response. The categorization of the aesthetic qualities of geometrical shapes seems to induce a higher level of attention, while a higher arousal variation was elicited by the recognition of beauty, in any form that was presented.  相似文献   

The physiological processes underlying the segregation of concurrent sounds were investigated through the use of event-related brain potentials. The stimuli were complex sounds containing multiple harmonics, one of which could be mistuned so that it was no longer an integer multiple of the fundamental. Perception of concurrent auditory objects increased with degree of mistuning and was accompanied by negative and positive waves that peaked at 180 and 400 ms poststimulus, respectively. The negative wave, referred to as object-related negativity, was present during passive listening, but the positive wave was not. These findings indicate bottom-up and top-down influences during auditory scene analysis. Brain electrical source analyses showed that distinguishing simultaneous auditory objects involved a widely distributed neural network that included auditory cortices, the medial temporal lobe, and posterior association cortices.  相似文献   

Choice reaction time is strongly determined by the sequence of preceding stimuli. With long response-stimulus intervals (RSIs), a cost-benefit pattern is observed, which has been related to expectancy, whereas with short RSIs a benefit-only pattern emerges, possibly because of automatic facilitation. In the present study, event-related potentials were recorded while subjects performed serial choice responses to visual and auditory stimuli at long and short RSIs. As expected, reaction times displayed cost-benefit and benefit-only patterns at long and short RSIs, respectively. In contrast, sequential effects in event-related potential amplitudes displayed a cost-benefit pattern, unaffected by the RSI. The results demonstrate that an expectancy-like mechanism is always active in serial tasks but appears to influence performance only when the RSI is long.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the modulation of event-related potentials (ERPs) by semantic priming and item repetition. In Experiment 1, subjects silently counted occasional non-words against a background of words, a proportion of which were either semantic associates or repetitions of a preceding word. Compared to control items, ERPs to repeated words were distinguished by an early (ca. 200 msec) transient negative-going deflection and a later, topographically widespread and temporally sustained positive-going shift. In contrast, semantically primed words showed a relatively small, topographically and temporally limited positive-going modulation peaking around 500 msec. These data were interpreted as evidence against models of priming and repetition which postulate similar loci for these effects. In Experiment 2, subjects counted occasional words against a background of non-words, some of which were repeated. ERPs to repetitions showed a similar early ERP modulation to that in Experiment 1, and also displayed a later slow positive shift. This latter effect was smaller in magnitude and had a delayed onset in comparison to Experiment 1. It was concluded that the effects of repetition differ as a consequence of whether, prior to their first presentation, items possess a representation in lexical memory.  相似文献   

The event-related potential (ERP) was recorded to identify the time epochs during which different independent variables have their effects on stages in a memory search task. Stimulus intensity, memory set size and response type were varied. For the most part, the order and timing of effects (evaluated by Principal Components Analysis of within-subjects ERP differences) were consistent with the presumed underlying stages, except for early effects of response type prior to memory set effects (suggesting precategorical target recognition). The usefulness of this type of analysis for the investigation of information processing stages is discussed.  相似文献   

The standard methods for decomposition and analysis of evoked potentials are bandpass filtering, identification of peak amplitudes and latencies, and principal component analysis (PCA). We discuss the limitations of these and other approaches and introduce wavelet packet analysis. Then we propose the "single-channel wavelet packet model," a new approach in which a unique decomposition is achieved using prior time-frequency information and differences in the responses of the components to changes in experimental conditions. Orthogonal sets of wavelet packets allow a parsimonious time-frequency representation of the components. The method allows energy in some wavelet packets to be shared among two or more components, so the components are not necessarily orthogonal. The single-channel wavelet packet model and PCA both require constraints to achieve a unique decomposition. In PCA, however, the constraints are defined by mathematical convenience and may be unrealistic. In the single-channel wavelet packet model, the constraints are based on prior scientific knowledge. We give an application of the method to auditory evoked potentials recorded from cats. The good frequency resolution of wavelet packets allows us to separate superimposed components in these data. Our present approach yields estimates of component waveforms and the effects of experiment conditions on the amplitude of the components. We discuss future extensions that will provide confidence intervals and p values, allow for latency changes, and represent multichannel data.  相似文献   

Theories of attentional control are divided over whether the capture of spatial attention depends primarily on stimulus salience or is contingent on attentional control settings induced by task demands. The authors addressed this issue using the N2-posterior- contralateral (N2pc) effect, a component of the event-related brain potential thought to reflect attentional allocation. They presented a cue display followed by a target display of 4 letters. Each display contained a green item and a red item. Some participants responded to the red letter and others to the green letter. Converging lines of evidence indicated that attention was captured by the cues with the same color as the target. First, these target-color cues produced a cuing validity effect on behavioral measures. Second, distractors appearing in the cued location produced larger compatibility effects. Third, the target-color cue produced a robust N2pc effect, similar in magnitude to the N2pc effect to the target itself. Furthermore, the target-color cue elicited a similar N2pc effect regardless of whether it competed with a simultaneous abrupt onset. The findings provide converging evidence for attentional capture contingent on top-down control settings.  相似文献   

The social content of affective stimuli has been proposed as having an influence on cognitive processing and behaviour. This research was aimed, therefore, at studying whether automatic exogenous attention demanded by affective pictures was related to their social value. We hypothesised that affective social pictures would capture attention to a greater extent than non-social affective stimuli. For this purpose, we recorded event-related potentials in a sample of 24 participants engaged in a digit categorisation task. Distracters were affective pictures varying in social content, in addition to affective valence and arousal, which appeared in the background during the task. Our data revealed that pictures depicting high social content captured greater automatic attention than other pictures, as reflected by the greater amplitude and shorter latency of anterior P2, and anterior and posterior N2 components of the ERPs. In addition, social content also provoked greater allocation of processing resources as manifested by P3 amplitude, likely related to the high arousal they elicited. These results extend data from previous research by showing the relevance of the social value of the affective stimuli on automatic attentional processing.  相似文献   

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