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Network analysis techniques were utilized to corn- Dare the dace of the church in the lives of resoondents from three Jmifafne rCenatth 'coolincg. rAeg bartiieofn sd:e bslaccrki~ Btiaopnot ifs te, aEc R icscoonpgare'lgiaanti,o ann di sP porloisvhid Redo.- Differences were found both'in network structiresand in the subjective experience of the churches as reported by respondents. Irnplications for theological education and congregational work are suggested, with approaches tailored to each type of congregation.  相似文献   


LEARNING FROM OUR MISTAKES: BEYOND DOGMA IN PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, by Patrick Casement. The Guilford Press: New York and London, 2002, 150 pp. Reviewed by Brian Rasmussen.  相似文献   


The Creating Lasting Family Connections® (CLFC) program is designed to help improve relationship skills and reduce antisocial behaviors. Strader and colleagues propose that prosocial connectedness is responsible for program outcomes. We propose that the intersection of high agreeableness and low impulsivity represent an operational definition. We examined this definition in the context of a RCT with 246 men in prison reentry. CLFCFP increased the number of connected individuals. Being connected and the program independently impacted relationship skills, but no evidence was found to support the hypothesis that the program impacts would be more pronounced among those who were connected.  相似文献   

We discuss the interrelations between BCK-algebras and posets with difference. Applications are given to bounded commutative BCK-algebras, difference posets, MV-algebras, quantum MV-algebras and orthoalgebras.  相似文献   

Diagnostic criteria and empirical research suggests an intimate connection between low self-esteem and psychopathology. The purpose of the present work is to provide a review of the literature that focuses on the interconnections between self-esteem and psychopathology. The most prominent explanations for this link are explored including the vulnerability model (low self-esteem increases the probability of psychopathology) and the scar model (low self-esteem is a consequence of psychopathology rather than a cause). Recent advancements in the self-esteem literature concerning distinctions between secure and fragile forms of self-esteem are discussed in terms of their potential implications for psychopathology. Finally, the role of self-esteem in psychotherapeutic interventions is reviewed.  相似文献   

This article discusses a project whose purpose was to review existing qualitative and quantitative data from two separate studies to provide new insights about everyday religion and belonging. Researchers engaged in knowledge exchange and dialogue with new and former research participants, with other researchers involved in similar research, and with wider academic networks beyond the core disciplines represented here, principally anthropology and geography. Key concluding themes related to the ambivalent nature of ‘faith’, connections over place and time, and the contested nature of community. Implicit in terms like ‘faith’, ‘community’, and ‘life course’ are larger interwoven narratives of space, time, place, corporeality, and emotion. The authors found that understanding how places, communities, and faiths differ and intersect requires an understanding of social relatedness and boundaries.  相似文献   

Accepting as a given that the humanities disciplines are not product or "results" driven, this paper argues that the core of an interdisciplinary field of medicine and humanities, or medical humanities, is an interpretive enterprise that is not readily open to quantitative assessment. A more humanistically oriented medical practice can derive, however, from the process that produces new insights and works toward the development of a new, mutually shared, and humanizing language.  相似文献   

Four therapists have worked closely in a professional support group. More recently attention has been given to the group processes and internal experiences of the group itself. An observation of the four members of this group is that the group process has allowed for peer validation, fortuitously resulting in their professional identities shifting and evolving. They have become curious about the interface between and the integration of personal and professional facets of the therapist's self. A resulting discovery has been that the very mechanisms which disconnect the therapist out there may serve to promote connection in the support group.  相似文献   

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