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The recent interest in peer supervisory groups for psychoanalytic therapists raises important questions regarding both psychoanalytic training and group process. The present paper explores these issues and suggests that there exists a continuum from case-centered peer supervisory groups to process-centered peer supervisory groups. Transference and countertransference and the recognition of parallel processes in psychotherapy supervision are examined in their relation to the supervisory group experience. The authors suggest that the model a therapist employs regarding the role of countertransference will most likely influence the kind of peer supervisory group that s/he will choose. Further, there are specific techniques, as well as experiences, which may foster alteration of the group's psychic organization. Illustrative case examples are provided throughout.  相似文献   

Supervisees and consultees may take their groups and the feelings associated with them to another group for clinical advice. Crucial to the practice of consultation is the perplexing question of how material is carried from one group to another. This paper presents a model, with illustrative vignettes, of a consultative sequence that relies on the conveyance of subjective as well as objective data. As the presenter tells about his or her therapy group, the members of the consultant or supervisory group experience reactions that mirror, parallel, or identify with dynamic processes that originated in the first place. In response to the creative interaction between presenter, presented, and receivers, the consultation group can arrive at formulations that provide the consultee with new understandings and action plans. This protocol can be used for single-session consultations or adapted for ongoing group supervision.  相似文献   

This article points out the merits of conducting an interlocutory analysis of a group meeting held between two administrations of a questionnaire. Here, the Company Climate Questionnaire was filled out individually by the members of the group before and after the meeting. Changed attitudes toward the supervisory staff were observed after the discussion. All participants were members of a mobile palliative care team at a university hospital. The verbal interaction analysis allowed us to identify the collaborative facet of the complaint that surfaced, and to determine what inter - subjective processes arising during the group discussion triggered the expressed changes of opinion.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was designed to test the effect of group member interdependence on supervisory performance ratings. Subjects played the role of supervisors in charge of evaluating members of a three-person work group which was constructed to include two good performers and one poor performer. Supervisors were either told that group members would work closely together (high interdependence) or independently (low interdependence). As hypothesized, supervisors rated the poor performer higher and the good performers lower when the group was portrayed as highly interdependent than when the group members were relatively independent.  相似文献   

Group supervision is an integral part of developing counseling skills and case conceptualization. Group supervision can also be used as a supervision intervention to facilitate the development of supervisory skills when group members are supervising counselors and the focus of the group is on supervision of supervision. As with any group, group supervision members can often become stagnated when group trust and cohesiveness have not been well developed, thus hindering the group supervision process. The authors describe how an intermodal expressive arts technique was employed to develop trust and cohesiveness in a supervision group that was experiencing ineffective group dynamics.  相似文献   

Haber R  Hawley L 《Family process》2004,43(3):373-390
This article describes the rationale and methodology of a supervisory approach that recruits family-of-origin members as resources to help resolve professional dilemmas. We have found that professional impasses resonate with family-of-origin themes. As supervisory consultants, family-of-origin members have access to family stories, rules, myths, and resources that can provide new messages for a more differentiated use of self in the clinical setting. The standard format of this family supervisory consultation is separated in three phases. First, the supervisor discusses and explores the nature of the supervisee's professional dilemma (i.e., difficulty with angry clients). Second, the supervisor explores the evolution of this same theme through the historical and personal stories of the family-of-origin members. Third, the supervisee anonymously presents a specific case that exemplifies this theme. The supervisor, along with consultation from the family, focuses on the development of a more flexible use of self in the therapeutic system. Thus, the session begins and ends with the professional development of the supervisee. However, there is personal sharing during the second phase, so there are sections that address developmental, supervisory, and ethical considerations. Even though the goal of this meeting is to promote professional growth, personal and family changes are common by-products. Four supervisory anecdotes illustrate this approach to supervision.  相似文献   

Taking as their starting point the Baranger and Baranger model of the ‘psychoanalytic field’, the authors extend the notion of intersubjectivity in the analytic relationship to the supervision process. They use a practical example of a supervision to show the development of what they term the ‘supervisory field’, formed from the superimposition of the two fields of analyst‐patient and supervisor‐supervisee. They emphasize the interplay of projective identifications with objects emanating from the inner world of the patient that are relived in the analytic relationship and transposed to the supervisory field. They believe that the concept of the ‘supervisory field’ contributes to a deeper understanding of the unconscious processes occurring in the mind of analysand, supervisee and supervisor during supervision, particularly regarding the identification, comprehension and resolution of persistent disturbances in the supervisory process.  相似文献   

Following a review of various traditional models of supervising group therapy, an experiential model of supervising group in a group setting is presented. The model stresses the group aspect of the supervisory process, encourages group interaction, here-and-now responses and associations, and employs concepts from both object relations and group-as-a-whole theory to understand what is taking place. The model's premise is that case material presented in a supervision group stimulates parallel material in supervisees, which is then used to elucidate what has taken place in the therapy group being presented. Excerpts from one supervisory group are used to illustrate major features of the model.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is offered to explain mood contagion processes in groups. Specifically, we describe and test a two-stage leader activation and member propagation (LAMP) model that starts with the activation of the contagion process by leaders (Stage 1), followed by the mutual propagation of the mood among members (Stage 2). Results from 102 self-managing groups provide support for the LAMP model. Group mood convergence was negatively related to attribute diversity (in extroversion and neuroticism) between the leader and group members (Stage 1) and among group members (Stage 2). In both stages, group members’ susceptibility to emotional contagion and interpersonal attraction had positive main effects on group mood convergence, and moderated the relationship between attribute diversity and mood convergence in groups. The findings offer new insights into group mood convergence, as it unfolds over time.  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact of race on the supervisor-subordinate relationship. The purpose is to examine this relationship with minority subordinates reporting to both majority and minority group members. Using the subordinates needs framework identified by Baird and Kram (1983), 5 areas were addressed: supervisory support, developmental opportunities, procedural justice, acceptance or assimilation, and discrimination. The results indicated that African American subordinates with White supervisors experience less supervisory support, developmental opportunities, procedural justice, assimilation, and more discrimination than African American subordinates with African American supervisors.  相似文献   

This article examines attention to justice cues in the novel context of the nascent democracy of Tanzania. Using secondary national survey data, we illustrate Tanzanian citizens' attention to justice cues. We then test two competing hypotheses about the impact of religious identity on attention to justice cues. The first hypothesized model, based on System Justification Theory, predicts that subordinate group members (Muslims) will stay more loyal than dominant group members (Christians) to their government due to a decreased attention to justice cues. The second hypothesized model, based on the relational model of procedural justice, predicts that subordinate group members (Muslims) will dissent more than dominant group members (Christians) from their government due to an increased attention to justice cues. Multiple regression and mediational analyses indicate support for the procedural justice framework, with trust in the dominant political party mediating the relationship between process satisfaction and party identification. Implications for political and psychological theorizing about democratic processes will be discussed.  相似文献   

Roberts, Winek, and Mulgrew are to be commended for attempting to develop a model of family therapy supervision that is general (as opposed to therapy model specific), that focuses on processes rather than content, and that integrates a number of concepts critical to the supervisory enterprise. In this commentary, I will begin by pointing to a number of strengths in their model. Then, I will turn to ways in which the model could be strengthened.  相似文献   

Markham L  Chiu J 《Family process》2011,50(4):503-515
Through a poststructural lens, we examine how power may show itself in relationships between supervisees and supervisors, producing both helpful and harmful effects. Drawing from our own experiences, as well as conversations with other members of our supervisory group, we demonstrate how privileged discourses around professional status, gender, and race may bring about difficulties including a sense of doubt, worry, inadequacy, and a fear of speaking up. We also illustrate how these difficulties can be addressed in a manner that may lessen their influence, while increasing supervisees' sense of agency.  相似文献   

The Education Committee of the Australian Psychoanalytic Society, inspired by David Tuckett's research, relating to the measurement of candidate competence, conducted a similar study that, they believe, added value to his earlier work. The indicators of analytic competence were more numerous and specific, and greater emphasis was placed on how these criteria could further be operationalized. Besides being used in the measuring of candidate competence, the author makes a case for how the criteria can be adapted for use in the selection of prospective trainees; the defining of teaching and supervisory objectives and processes; and as a basis for further research. The close resonance that the qualitative research method used has with analytic thought and practice is highlighted. It is proposed that this synchrony reduces the resistance that analysts often have in participating in such research. There were definite advantages that arose out of the Australian project aside from producing a society-specific schema of candidate capacities. The research process opened up a space for dialogue, debate and experimentation that increased group cohesion and society identity. Including the candidates in the survey facilitated the increase of transparency between candidates and members, contributing to the strengthening of the educational alliance.  相似文献   

The Florida Bureau of Employment Service within the Florida Department of Commerce has developed and implemented a competency-based counselor training model. The model has established competencies for counselors in the areas of relationship skills, career development, individual and group assessment, group guidance and counseling, continuity of services, community relations skills, professional development and workload, and intra-office relationships. In the supervisory portion of the model competencies were explicated in the areas of supervisory skills, assuming that all the counselor competencies are also present in the supervisor's behavior. This article is limited to a discussion of the basic components of the supervisory model and the presentation of an actual case, to illustrate its direct application in the field.  相似文献   

Conclusion Through this paper, I have tried to explore and illustrate the dynamics of the supervisory experience, in terms not so much of the content particulars as the subtle shifts in the interpersonal meanings of communication processes. Birdwhistell (1) has even gone so far as to suggest that individuals do not communicate; they engage in or become part of communication. He may move, or make words ... but he does not communicate. He may see, he may hear, smell, taste, or feel—but he does not communicate. In other words, he does not originate communication; he participates in it. In a parallel fashion, supervasion is not a simple linear model of student presentation followed by supervisor's intervention, leading to student's further presentation or pause for questioning of what the supervisor meant.Supervision, in my view, is a system that is only to be comprehended on a transactional level. Future research in this area would do well to investigate just how the student analyst projects his counter-transference reactions with patients as transference projections onto the supervisory group, and how the induced reactions in the listeners (the supervisory group) can be used to recapture in very vivid fashion the atmosphere surrounding the analyst and the patient in session together. The answer to these questions would help to clarify some of the existing theoretical confusion regarding internalization, identifications, and introjections. This approach of participating leadership and the free use of the process emerging in the supervisory session helps to dispel the omnipotent parental transference image, and seems to lead to increased empathy, responsiveness, perceptivity and intuition in trainees.  相似文献   

This paper discusses clinical cases presented by Comins and Eliot within a paradigm of psychoanalytic supervisory work based on relational theory. Here, in making the medium of supervision more symmetrical with the message of contemporary psychoanalytic ideas about structure of mind health, pathology, and treatment, the relationship between the supervisor and supervisee is considered to contain crucial supervisory data to be delineated and discussed by both members of the dyad. The supervisory relationship is described using three dimensions: power and authority, the data held to be relevant for supervisory conversations, and the mode of the supervisor's participation in the supervisory process.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to test a two-stage model of the psychological mechanisms underlying the overconsumption of scarce resources in small groups. The model proposes that members of groups sharing resources first anchor their consumption choices on an “equal-division” heuristic and then, given sufficient cognitive capacity, adjust their choices in a self-serving direction. The results from both studies support the model. The first study found that when faced with a common resource pool almost all group members expressed thoughts regarding equality; however, individuals with sufficient cognitive capacity requested more from the pool and expressed more task-relevant thoughts than individuals lacking the necessary cognitive resources. The second study provided additional support for the two-stage model by demonstrating that group members' cognitions occur in the order predicted by the model and by demonstrating that an individual difference, social value orientation, affects thought processes only when individuals are not experiencing high cognitive loads. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the author’s supervision of a psychoanalytic candidate, including the development and resolution of impasse in both the supervised analysis and the supervisory relationship. When the author became aware of the degree to which her own anxieties and defenses were implicated, she sought consultation, after which both supervision and analysis moved forward. As supervision continued, work on supervisee’s and supervisor’s interlocking anxieties and defenses, and understanding of their impact on the supervised analysis, deepened. The author concludes that exploring supervisory disruptions allows both members of the supervisory dyad to come to grips with conflicts that subtly distort their work and facilitates a deepening of the supervised analysis.  相似文献   

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