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从医学社会学角度探讨我国传统的社会规范与医学观念对抑郁症病患心理的影响,以及社会心理支持与家庭关怀的调节作用,探查抑郁症患者的发病特点及其本土文化根源,丰富我国抑郁症研究的医学社会学内容.  相似文献   

抑郁症作为一类精神疾患其隐喻由来已久,精神病学与心理学对该病认识的不断深入,相互运作并将抑郁症置于异化之中,社会文化等诸因素强化了病患扭曲的认同感。从社会、文化功能的角度探讨隐喻对抑郁症病患心理的消极影响,旨在丰富我国抑郁症研究的医学社会学内容。  相似文献   

抑郁症作为一类精神疾患其隐喻由来已久,精神病学与心理学对该病认识的不断深入,相互运作并将抑郁症置于异化之中,社会文化等诸因素强化了病患扭曲的认同感.从社会、文化功能的角度探讨隐喻对抑郁症病患心理的消极影响,旨在丰富我国抑郁症研究的医学社会学内容.  相似文献   

抑郁症的频频出现亟需学界对其现状开展不仅仅局限于医学科学范畴的调查研究。运用医学社会学知识,通过观察及访谈的质性方法收集资料,结果发现对抑郁症来说,就其社会性本质而言,抑郁症作为污名化的结果,是一种符号暴力;就其表征而言,抑郁症患者的病人角色和病人身份十分复杂,这体现在病因多源性和治愈不易性两个方面;就其网络化应对而言,虚拟社区中的患际关系之于抑郁症康复的功能有利有弊,需要加以辩证认知。这些事实决定了对抑郁症的治疗需要投入更多的关怀与努力。  相似文献   

我是一名医科大学的本科生,并获医学“学士”学位,现从事医学临床工作已有10年。可一年前因生活、工作上的不良刺激,导致心理调节失衡,竟糊里糊涂地患上了“抑郁症”,作为医生却陷入“心理障碍”的泥潭不能自拔,令许多人费解。 “抑郁症”是一种常见的心理障碍,在国外俗称“心理感冒”,尤其发达国家此病的发病率是很高的,在我国“心理障碍”类疾病的发病率有逐年升高趋势。“抑郁症”多发于性格内向、对自己要  相似文献   

随着现代社会生活压力的逐渐增大,抑郁症的发病率也在不断的提高。医学与社会学的进步使得我们对抑郁症的认识不断深化,诊断率也随之上升。抑郁症的发病原因至今不明,且传统疗法存在诸多限制,如许多患者对于药物副作用无法耐受,结合认知心理治疗价格昂贵,导致患者依从性差。近年来发现脑-肠-微生物轴通过神经、内分泌、免疫等途径对抑郁症的发病及进展有着深远影响。现将脑-肠-微生物轴与抑郁症的关系作一研究进展综述,希望为临床开辟新的诊疗思路。  相似文献   

身边的心理疗法──爱情医学与健康长寿广西医科大学一附院(南宁530001)戴霞广西中医学院陶昌华“爱情医学”是研究人类心理与生理,即爱情与人体健康的科学,这是一门属于身心健康的科学。这是由英国医学家唐纳森首先创立,遂引起了各国医学家、心理学家和社会学...  相似文献   

如何有效地遏止尿毒症患者抑郁症的发生,是急待解决的医学问题,也是严峻的社会问题.本研究联合应用药物与心理干预方法,探讨理想的治疗措施,报道如下:  相似文献   

如何有效地遏止尿毒症患者抑郁症的发生,是急待解决的医学问题,也是严峻的社会问题。本研究联合应用药物与心理干预方法,探讨理想的治疗措施,报道如下:  相似文献   

学校心理辅导是本世纪教育改革运动中出现的新观念,是现代心理学、教育学、精神医学、生理学、社会学等学科理论与学校教育实践相结合的产物。20世纪50-60年代以来,在世界许多国家,特别是在世界一些发达国家和地区,校心理辅导的理论与实践都有了长足的进展。心理辅导在某种意义上已成为现代学校的一个重要的标志。我国地区在20世纪80年代中后期,学校心理卫生、心理咨询与辅导工作开始受到关注,并有了快速的发展。  相似文献   

转型期中国社会的精英群体普遍面临着身体与精神的双重危机。从医学社会学的独特解释视角来看,这一非正常的“精英症候群”实质上是反复循环状态下生产与再生产的一种“社会病”。在社会病理分析的基础上,从社会结构、社会评价体系、预防与保障机制诸方面为“精英症候群”会诊。  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are extremely common in the elderly with medical problems. They can manifest not only as symptoms of a primary psychiatric illness, but also as physiologic sequelae of medical illnesses and medical treatments. Recognition and treatment of depression and anxiety in the medically ill is especially difficult. If these states go untreated, they result in higher morbidity and mortality, higher health care costs and utilization, and poorer functional status and outcomes. Three of the most common medical illnesses that afflict geriatric patients, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, and rheumatoid arthritis, will be presented to illustrate the difficulty in recognizing depression and anxiety and the impact of treating these symptoms in the medically ill elderly. Multidisciplinary approaches combining optimal medication regimens and psychosocial interventions can be effective for treatment of anxiety and depression in the medically ill elderly.  相似文献   

以医患言语交际为切入点,主要研究医者一方言语表达的得体性。对医患言语交际的得体性作出定义,分析认为医患言语交际的得体性具有医学伦理学、医学社会学、医学心理学及语义学、语用学等学科基础。进一步描述了医学会话中不得体现象的表现,提出了得体性的实现途径。  相似文献   

Awareness of depression in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer disease is essential for genetic counselors seeing patients at risk for early-onset familial Alzheimer disease (EOFAD). The genetic counselor is in a unique position to recognize depression as the cause of symptoms mimicking early-onset Alzheimer disease. While generating a family medical history, the counselor can evoke significant emotional history as well. Based on this information, appropriate referrals can be given for neurological and psychological evaluation. The counselor also serves to explain EOFAD and the benefits and limitations of genetic testing for each individual patient. Whether or not patients choose testing, they can benefit from correct diagnosis of troublesome, or even debilitating, symptoms that imitate symptoms of the feared hereditary disease.  相似文献   

对植物状态生存的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析植物状态生存的判定和分类,从人的本质分析植物状态的生存价值,从生物学、社会学角度分析植物状态生存与死亡的区别与联系,认为植物人仅仅是生物学上的不完全生命状态,在社会学意义上,他是死亡个体。对我国卫生费用的现状进行评估,从医学、社会学和经济学角度对植物状态生存者维持或放弃治疗进行了理性分析。  相似文献   

It is well known that depression can be a consequence of medical illness and disability, but a growing literature suggests also that depression can cause biological changes linked to morbidity and mortality. Depression is strongly implicated as a contributor to cardiovascular disease and mortality. Using the cascade-to-death model as a conceptual framework, we explore the complex relations among behavior, affect, motivation, and pathophysiology that might account for the association between depression and premature death. Our model suggests that some individuals become entrapped in a downward spiral in which behavior, medical illness, and depressive affect feed on each other to undermine the biological integrity of the organism. In addition to specifying behavioral and biological mechanisms linking depression to mortality, future research needs to more closely examine phenomenological aspects of depression in order to determine what aspects of depression and related constructs such ashopelessness, vital exhaustion, and motivational depletion account for the link between depression and mortality.  相似文献   

Compared with men, women are more likely to experience depression, and depression increases risk of morbidity and mortality in individuals with heart disease. Psychosocial interventions have been developed for depressed patients with heart disease; however, women's experience of chronic disease differs from men's and women may benefit from interventions tailored to address their difficulties. Spirituality and social roles have been related to depressive symptoms in other populations. To identify the relationship between depression and spirituality and social role performance (i.e., role concerns, role rewards and confidence in ability to fulfill roles) in women with heart disease, we assessed depressive symptoms, spirituality, social role functioning and medical history in 125 women with heart disease. After controlling for age and severity of medical conditions, spirituality, role confidence and role concerns were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. Consideration of spirituality and aspects of social role performance may be important when developing psychosocial interventions for depressed women with heart disease.  相似文献   

Medically ill patients face unique physical and emotional challenges that place them at increased risk for symptoms of depression and anxiety. Despite high prevalence and significant impact, depression and anxiety are infrequently treated in the medically ill because of a variety of patient, provider, and system factors. The current article describes the development of an innovative, modular-based cognitive-behavioral intervention (Adjusting to Chronic Conditions Using Education Support and Skills [ACCESS]) that integrates treatment for symptoms of anxiety and depression with medical disease self-management in patients with heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data from 3 patients who participated in an ongoing open clinical trial are reviewed to illustrate the feasibility, acceptability, and potential strengths and limitations of this intervention.  相似文献   

Herein, the background information reflecting roles of medical burden, cerebrovascular disease and risk factors, and cognitive impairment in geriatric depression are reviewed. The authors then propose a nonparametric statistical approach to the data analysis of multiple putative causal variables for late-life depression, the Classification and Regression Tree Analysis. This analysis presents a useful approach to modeling nonlinear relationships and interactions among variables measuring physical and mental health, as well as magnetic resonance imaging and cognitive measures in depressed elderly. This method uncovers the existing interactions among multiple predictor variables, and provide thresholds for each variable, at which its predictive power becomes statistically significant. It presents a "hierarchy" of the predictors in a form of a decision tree by finding the best combination of predictors of an outcome. The authors present two models based on demographic variables, measures of vascular and nonvascular medical burden, neuroimaging indices, the Mini-Mental State Examination score, and neuropsychological test scores of 81 elderly depressed subjects. Cognitive tests of verbal fluency and executive function are identified as the best predictors of depression, followed by the frontal lobe volume and Mini-Mental State Examination. The authors observed that an interaction between frontal lobe volume, total lesion volume, and medical burden was predictive of depression.  相似文献   

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