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情侣依恋与情感投入:性别的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
考察情侣依恋、情感投入和性别之间的关系。结果发现,承诺和满意度与焦虑依恋和逃避依恋相关显著,对两种依恋预测作用显著。性别调节作用仅存在于承诺和满意度与焦虑依恋的关系中:男生的承诺与焦虑依恋关系较强;女生的满意度与焦虑依恋关系较强。承诺和满意度与逃避依恋的关系没有性别差异。焦虑依恋和逃避依恋相对独立。性别对承诺和满意度与焦虑依恋和逃避依恋的关系中有不同调节作用。  相似文献   

本研究以306名父外留守、147名双留守和288名非留守青少年为被试,以亲子依恋问卷、领悟社会支持量表和儿童焦虑量表为研究工具,考察了亲子依恋与留守青少年焦虑的关系以及教师支持的保护作用。结果发现:(1)双留守青少年的母子依恋、父子依恋安全性显著低于,焦虑水平显著高于父外留守和非留守青少年,后两组青少年之间差异不显著;(2)安全性母子依恋能降低父外留守青少年的焦虑水平,安全性父子依恋能降低非留守和双留守青少年的焦虑水平;(3)安全性母子依恋能补偿不安全父子依恋对父外留守青少年焦虑的影响;(4)教师支持既能降低非留守和双留守青少年的焦虑水平,也能增强安全性父子依恋对父外留守青少年焦虑的保护作用。  相似文献   

采用开放式与封闭式问卷相结合的方式对27对60~84岁(M=69.93±5.89)的老年夫妻测查了老年人夫妻依恋风格及夫妻冲突的特点。结果表明,老年人夫妻冲突具有低频率、低强度、较低的威胁性、较高的建设性及易解决的特点;不同依恋风格的老年人夫妻冲突的强度、频率、冲突解决程度均不存在显著差异;在冲突性质上,安全型依恋风格老年人感知到的冲突建设性显著高于不安全型依恋风格个体,但其感知到的冲突威胁性无显著差异;老年夫妻对冲突的感知存在冲突知觉一致性效应。  相似文献   

贾成龙  吴婷  孙莉  秦金亮 《心理学报》2023,55(3):455-468
依恋对象的敏感性回应是儿童安全依恋发展的重要前因。研究采用改编版依恋预期范式考察实时互动情境中依恋对象确定性和概率性回应对幼儿支持提供预期及预期修正的影响。结果发现:相对不安全型依恋幼儿,初始预期中安全型幼儿更多预期依恋对象会向依恋者提供支持;幼儿能够基于依恋对象的确定性和概率性回应一致地修正对该对象是否提供支持的预期。同时,低水平回应对幼儿预期修正的影响高于高水平回应。研究表明5岁左右幼儿能够基于实时互动中依恋对象的回应信息修正其对该依恋对象的预期,这对理解幼儿依恋表征的发展具有重要启示。  相似文献   

以依恋理论为基础的研究已证明依恋对情绪调节的影响,但这些研究忽视了情绪调节作为一个过程的复杂性和多样性,因此现有研究无法回答依恋为何会对情绪调节产生影响。扩展过程模型将情绪调节分为三个阶段,并清晰地描述了情绪调节的过程以及过程中各因素之间的关系。从该模型来看,在情绪调节的三个阶段均可发现与依恋有关的个体差异,并且依恋对于情绪调节早期阶段的影响可能是导致后期阶段产生个体差异的原因。未来的研究应在探讨依恋对情绪调节的影响的同时关注环境因素的影响;设计新的实验范式以证实情绪调节三阶段的连续性并探索依恋影响情绪调节的潜在机制;探讨依恋对情绪调节灵活性的影响。此外,未来的干预研究应设计更具针对性的干预措施来改善非安全依恋个体的情绪调节。  相似文献   

为考察初中生依恋风格与欺凌保护行为的关系,同时探讨社会支持和欺凌应对效能的链式中介作用,采用问卷法对565名初中生进行调查。结果发现:(1)依恋焦虑与欺凌保护行为呈显著正相关,依恋回避与欺凌保护行为呈显著负相关;(2)社会支持和欺凌应对效能在依恋回避与欺凌保护行为之间起链式中介作用。若要增加依恋回避初中生的欺凌保护行为,应注重为其提供社会支持,提升欺凌应对效能。  相似文献   

大学生成人依恋、社会支持与抑郁的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过整群随机抽样的方法抽取了438名大学生, 对其施测关系问卷、亲密关系经历量表、社会支持评定量表和抑郁问卷, 以探讨成人依恋关系、社会支持与抑郁之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)依恋回避、依恋焦虑、社会支持和抑郁在依恋类型上存在显著差异;(2)依恋回避与不同来源社会支持均存在显著负相关, 与抑郁存在显著正相关。依恋焦虑与主观社会支持存在显著负相关, 与抑郁存在显著正相关。不同来源社会支持与抑郁均存在显著负相关;(3)社会支持可以部分中介成人依恋对抑郁的影响。  相似文献   

成人依恋表征与婚恋依恋   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
近年来依恋研究已拓展到成人的依恋表征和婚恋依恋,依恋表征是成人对其早期依恋经验的回忆和重构,婚恋依恋是成人与情侣间构成的依恋情感联结。该文介绍了依恋表征和婚恋依恋研究的理论背景、测量方法及主要成果——依恋的代际传递性、依恋的临床应用、婚恋依恋对成人婚恋关系质量和工作的影响。最后探讨了成人依恋领域有待深入研究的问题,如依恋表征与婚恋依恋的关系问题、依恋的稳定性与变化问题以及依恋是个体差异还是关系变量等,并分析了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

传统依恋理论认为个体依恋心理和行为模式具有相对稳定性, 但无论在信息加工还是个体发展过程中, 个体依恋模式均表现出二重性, 即既具有相对稳定性, 又具有情境敏感性。个体在情境中所表现出的依恋模式是个体相对稳定的特质性依恋和情境特征相互作用的结果。依恋启动研究中特质性依恋特征与依恋启动效应之间的交互作用模式为理解依恋二重特征及其关系提供了窗口。依恋系统激活的两阶段模型为整合和解释这些相互作用模式提供了框架。未来研究应优化依恋二重特征关系研究中启动效应的操作检验, 考虑依恋焦虑和回避维度的交互作用, 关注高焦虑群体内的依恋差异, 以理析依恋二重特征之间的相互作用方式, 同时关注依恋策略影响依恋启动效应的时间进程, 探究依恋二重特征相互作用的机制。  相似文献   

通过追踪研究,考察了老年人夫妻依恋的稳定性及配偶支持情况对夫妻依恋稳定性的影响.共有75名配偶健在的老年人参与了间隔3年的两次调查,第一次参与研究时的年龄范围为60~84岁.老年人夫妻依恋问卷和配偶支持问卷分别用来测量夫妻依恋和经历生活事件时夫妻间的支持情况.结果表明:(1)老年人夫妻依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避的跨时间稳定性较低;(2)对于依恋的变化,配偶支持是较生活事件发生数量更有效的预测指标,觉知到的配偶支持水平和支持满意度能够显著预测依恋安全、依恋焦虑和依恋回避分数的改变.  相似文献   

《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(6):532-542
One aim of this study was to determine the relative contribution of partner conflict and support to satisfaction with a romantic relationship when conflict and support are measured in terms of the same characteristics. Another aim was to ascertain whether support is indirectly associated with relationship satisfaction through reduced conflict and depression, as suggested by C. E. Cutrona (1996). The Relationship Assessment Scale (S. S. Hendrick, 1988), the Revised SCL-90-R Depression subscale (L. R. Derogatis, 1983), and a conflict and support scale were completed by 76 female and 35 male college students. Relationship satisfaction was explained only by support. Support was indirectly associated with relationship satisfaction through a reduction of depression but was not associated with conflict. The results suggest that a better understanding of satisfaction with a romantic relationship may be obtained through the study of support rather than conflict.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the relationships between current attachment to mother and attachment to romantic partners, and the role of current partner support and culture as moderators of that relationship. University students who were currently in a romantic relationship were recruited from Hong Kong and USA, and completed measures on attachment styles and partner support. Results showed that maternal attachment anxiety was correlated with romantic attachment anxiety; maternal attachment avoidance was correlated with romantic attachment avoidance, but this linkage varied by level of current partner support. Romantic attachment avoidance was also associated with current partner support, but this linkage was stronger for HK Chinese than for Americans. These results are discussed in terms of how interpersonal and personality factors promoted by culture can affect the developmental course of romantic relationships.  相似文献   

This study explores the importance of romantic relationship partners' beliefs about argument. Findings support a model in which a view of argument as threatening to relationships mediates the positive association between both anxious and avoidant attachment and the use of self‐focused conflict tactics such as dominating and denying. A belief that argument is devoid of benefit mediates a negative association between avoidant attachment and the use of other‐oriented tactics such as integrating/compromising and obliging.  相似文献   

选取恋爱中的青年,探讨触摸类型、依恋和嫉妒的关系。实验1选取50名大学生,采用想象情境范式,探究触摸类型(分为“无触摸、脸部触摸和腰部触摸”三种条件)对嫉妒的影响。选择害怕、生气、尴尬、性唤起、悲伤和妒忌作为测量指标。结果显示,三种条件下嫉妒情绪无显著差异。实验2选取113名青年,将无触摸条件分为远距离和近距离两种,进一步探讨触摸类型、依恋和嫉妒的关系。依恋的测量选用亲密关系经验问卷,分为焦虑、回避两个维度。结果发现:(1)在远距离无触摸条件下,依恋焦虑和悲伤、害怕、妒忌、生气正相关;(2)近距离无触摸条件下,依恋回避和悲伤、妒忌、生气负相关;(3)脸部触摸条件下,依恋焦虑和害怕、性唤起正相关。总的来看,爱情依恋对嫉妒情绪的影响受到触摸类型的调节。  相似文献   


Couple support processes—typically occurring in the context of non-relationship distressing issues—are crucial to our understanding of relationships (Pasch, Bradbury, & Sullivan, 1997 Pasch, L. A., Bradbury, T. N., & Sullivan, K. T. (1997). Social support in marriage: An analysis of intraindividual and interpersonal components. In G. R. Pierce, B. Lakey, & I. G. Sarson (Eds.), Sourcebook of social support and personality (pp. 229256). New York, NY: Plenum Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). These couple support processes influence important relationship outcomes, including relationship satisfaction and longevity (i.e., Collins & Feeney, 2010 Collins, N. L., & Feeney, B. C. (2010). An attachment theoretical perspective on social support dynamics in couples: Normative processes and individual differences. In K. T. Sullivan, & J. Davila (Eds.), Support processes in intimate relationships (pp. 89120). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). In this study, we examined 51 couples’ support perceptions and physiological arousal during individually distressing support conversations. Using dyadic data analysis, results reveal important findings in terms of avoidant attachment and couple support perceptions. Additionally, significant results were found between attachment anxiety and psychophysiological arousal. Implications of the current findings for couple relationships and therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that mild autistic-like characteristics can be measured among relatives of individuals with autism and in the general population. These characteristics have been referred to as the broader autism phenotype (BAP), and include pragmatic language difficulties, aloofness, and rigidity. Evidence is growing to suggest that individuals with BAP encounter difficulties in their social interactions. Recent work demonstrates that college students scoring high on the BAP report more loneliness (Jobe & Williams White, 2007) and more interpersonal problems (Wainer, Ingersoll, & Hopwood, 2012). Because intimate relationships are important in development and are very salient in emerging adulthood, the authors examined the relation of the BAP to romantic attachment and empathy among young adults. Higher BAP scores were associated with lower empathy and higher attachment anxiety and avoidance. Specifically, pragmatic language difficulties were related to higher rates of avoidant attachment and this relationship was mediated by empathy. In contrast, pragmatic language deficits were directly related to anxious attachment.  相似文献   

Given that social anxiety disorder is a common, chronic, debilitating disorder and socially anxious women appear to have different experiences related to social development and social support than men, it is essential that the gender differences in social anxiety and social support be understood. The present study examined perceived social support quantity and satisfaction in 23 women and 28 men seeking treatment for social anxiety disorder. Contrary to expectations, men and women did not differ on measures of social support. However, younger, unmarried women reported having smaller social support networks and less satisfaction with their social support networks than older, married women. Analyses of socially anxious men did not reveal such a pattern. The current study provides preliminary evidence that younger, single women have social support networks that are less satisfying than the social support networks of older, married women. Inclusion of social support modules within a cognitive behavioral treatment approach for social anxiety disorder may be warranted, particularly for young, unmarried women.  相似文献   

Bryan  Laura  Fitzpatrick  Jacki  Crawford  Duane  Fischer  Judith 《Sex roles》2001,45(7-8):481-499
This study examined the association between support/interference from the best friend and closest parent to women's (a) satisfaction with the parent–daughter relationship, (b) satisfaction with the friendship, and (c) love for the romantic partner. The respondents (n = 162 females; 84% Caucasian, 1% Asian American, 10% Hispanic, 4% African American, and 1% Multiracial) completed a questionnaire packet to assess each of the factors. Results revealed that romantic love was unrelated to friend support, friend interference, or parental interference, but positively related to parental support. Parent support was a significant correlate of parent satisfaction, and a similar pattern emerged between friend support/friendship satisfaction. Further, best friend support moderated the relationship between friend interference and friendship satisfaction, such that interference was negatively related to satisfaction in low support conditions. Overall, the results suggested that network reactions to romance played a limited role in romantic affection, but were more strongly associated with network satisfaction.  相似文献   

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