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The aim of this note is to show (Theorem 1.6) that in each of the cases: = {, }, or {, , }, or {, , } there are uncountably many -intermediate logics which are not finitely approximable. This result together with the results known in literature allow us to conclude (Theorem 2.2) that for each : either all -intermediate logics are finitely approximate or there are uncountably many of them which lack the property.  相似文献   

We tested the relationships and predictive power of family factors on rural, suburban, and urban adolescent substance use. A representative statewide survey of 11th grade students for gender, place of residence, and ethnicity was conducted. No significant differences were found between rural, suburban, and urban adolescents for substance use. For family sanction variables across all locations, adolescent substance involvement was significantly lower the more they perceived their families would stop them or care if they got drunk, smoked cigarettes, or used marijuana. Rural and suburban youth who reported that their parents talked to them about the dangers of smoking and getting drunk were less involved in substance use. While controlling for location, gender, and ethnicity, regression analyses showed that family sanctions against smoking cigarettes and marijuana explained a modest proportion of the variance in substance use. Finally, family talking about the dangers of cigarettes, family involvement in schools and belief that their families cared about them predicted lower substance use regardless of location, although minimal variance was explained. The findings have implications for social service providers regarding location settings, prevention, education, and intervention programming.  相似文献   

Aristides Baltas 《Synthese》1991,89(2):299-320
Bachelard's concept of the problématique is used in order to classify physical problems and their interrelations. This classification is effectuated along two dimensions. Along the horizontal dimension, physical problems are divided into the kinds that the different modes of physics' development define. These modes are themselves determined by the interplay among the conceptual system, the object and the experimentation transactions specific to physics. Along the vertical dimension, physical problems are classified according to the different stages of maturation they have to undergo before the process of their solution is effectively undertaken. To determine these maturation stages, the Althusserian conception of ideology is used. The interrelations between physical problems are examined through the introduction and elaboration of the notion interdependence network.It is a pleasure to thank Marcello Pera and Kostas Gavroglou for their very helpful comments and criticisms.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe eines 2×2×2-Designs wurde die Wirkung der Anzahl der Signalflächen, Anzahl der irrelevanten Reize und Art der Motivation auf die Vigilanzleistung untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, daß die Wahrscheinlichkeiten von verpaßten Signalen und falschen Alarmen mit der Anzahl der Signalquellen zunehmen. Die Menge der Nicht-Signale gleicher Modalität wie die Signalreize beeinflußt weder die Signalentdeckungen noch die falschen Alarme.Weiterhin wurde versucht, eine Systematisierung von Motivationswirkungen in Vigilanzaufgaben im Rahmen des detection-Modells vorzunehmen. Bei großen Gewinnen für richtige Signalentdeckungen und geringen Verlusten für falsche Alarme (Risiko-Motivation) ergab sich eine wesentlich höhere Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und eine geringfügig höhere Rate von falschen Alarmen als bei geringen Gewinnen für richtige Signalentdeckungen und hohen Kosten für falsche Alarme (Vorsichts-Motivation). Weiterhin zeigte sich unter Risiko-Motivation ein Abfall der Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und bei Vorsichts-Motivation ein Anstieg, während sich die entsprechenden Raten der falschen Alarme im Verlauf der Aufgabe nicht signifikant veränderten.
Experimental application of detection theory to vigilance behaviour
Summary In a 2×2×2-design the effects of number of dials, number of irrelevant stimuli and kind of motivation were combined. It was found out, that probabilities of missed signals and false alarms increased with spatial uncertainty. The number of irrelevant stimuli, which were of equal sensory modality as the relevant stimuli, had no influence either on detection probability or on false alarms rate.Further attempt was made to systematize effects of motivation on vigilance performance in the detection model. With great values for hits and small costs for false alarms (risky motivation) there was an essentially higher detection pobability and a slightly higher false alarms rate than with small values for hits and high costs for false detections (cautious motivation). The probabilities of detections decreased under risky motivation and increased under cautious motivation as the watch prolonged, whereas the corresponding probabilities of false alarms showed no significant changes.

Teil I der Dissertation, die im Januar 1969 der Philosophischen Fakultät der Freien Universität Berlin vorgelegt wurde.  相似文献   

Stevenson's classic yarn, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is explored as a vivid, insightful story of addiction. In spite of clinical temptations to chase deeper issues connected with the dark side, this article suggests that pastoral counselors and psychotherapists need to first ask whether a client's shadow may be chemically induced.  相似文献   

All systems behave, interact, vary in their level of complexity, and are related in subsystem-suprasystem hierarchical relationships. The behaviour of the whole system is more complex than the sum of its parts. Systems are seen to evolve in complexity along a continuum from nonliving matter, to simple living matter with the ability to reproduce itself, and on to organisms with increasing levels of complexity and consciousness.  相似文献   

The issue of how to provide support for patients with a life-threatening illness continues to be a problem for pastors and chaplains. The authors discuss the significance and reasons for looking at the present day social support patterns as an unnatural problem. Unless the unnatural nature of support in the modern medical setting is understood pastors and chaplains can miss the target on answering the question of how to provide support. The authors conclude the article by addressing this question from the position of reserving the unnatural nature of providing support.Dr. Bergen is Professor of Psychiatry, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH 03755. Dr. Nelson is affiliated with the Chaplain Service, Veterans Administration Center, White River Junction, VT 05001 and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Dartmouth Medical School.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 90 Oberschüler beantworteten 214 Fragebogenitems und bearbeiteten 41 Leistungsaufgaben, die zusammen drei in einer faktorenanalytischen Untersuchung von Jäger gefundene Faktoren repräsentieren. Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Fragen- und Aufgabengruppen wurden korrelations- und faktorenanalytisch untersucht. Die Leistungen in den den Faktor Anschauungsgebundenes Denken repräsentierenden Aufgaben korrelierten positiv mit durch Fragebogenitems definierten Verhaltensdimensionen Hinwendung zum Konkreten und Wohlbefinden-Emotionale Stabilität-Leistungszuversicht. Die Leistungen in Einfallsreichtum und Produktivität korrelierten positiv mit Überlegenheitsgefühl-Leistungszuversicht-Emotionale Stabilität-Wohlbefinden, sowie mit Spontaneität, Selbständigkeit und Flexibilität. Die Leistungen in einem dritten Faktor, der Tempo-Motivation bei einfach strukturierten Aufgaben benannt werden könnte, korrelierten positiv mit Soziale Zuwendung-Extraversion und scheint darüberhinaus mit einem Merkmal kompensatorischer Leistungsehrgeiz in Beziehung zu stehen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert und Hypothesen zur Überprüfung und Ausweitung der Befunde formuliert.
Summary 90 subjects answered 214 questionnaire and 41 ability test items, tbe latter representing three factors found by Jäger in an extensive factor analytic investigation. The relations between all the variables were analyzed by correlational and factor analytic methods. It was found that the ability called vision-related thinking is positively correlated with questionnaire-defined behavioral dimensions called reality orientation and well-being-emotional stability-achievement confidence. The ability fluency and productivity is positively correlated with superiority feeling-achievement confidence-emotional stability-well-being, with spontaneity, independence, and flexibility. Speed-motivation in simple tasks is positively correlated with social participation-extraversion and seems to be related to a trait called compensatory achievement orientation. The findings are discussed and hypotheses for subsequent test and extension formulated.

Wir danken Herrn Dr. A. O. Jäger für die freundliche Erlaubnis, Aufgaben und Ergebnisse aus seiner Forschungsarbeit vor deren Veröffentlichung zu verwerten. Herrn Dipl.-Math. P. Schnell vom Deutschen Rechenzentrum in Darmstadt für die Durchführung der Berechnungen, unseren Kollegen, den Dipl.-Psychologen K. Althoff, Ch. Balzert, K. D. Stoll und P. Wolff für freundliche Mithilfe, nicht zuletzt unseren Vpn für ihren Einsatz und den Herrn Oberstudiendirektoren Jung, Hadamar, Dr. Keller, Montabaur, und Sauer, Limburg, für die Erlaubnis zur Durchführung der Untersuchungen an ihren Schulen.  相似文献   

Several of the so-called fallacies in Aristotle are not in fact mistaken inference-types, but mistakes or breaches of rules in the questioning games which were practiced in the Academy and in the Lyceum. Hence the entire Aristotelian theory of fallacies ought to be studied by reference to the author's interrogative model of inquiry, based on his theory of questions and answers, rather than as a part of the theory of inference. Most of the fallacies mentioned by Aristotle can in fact be diagnosed by means of the interrogative model, including petitio principii, multiple questions, babbling, etc., and so can Aristotle's alleged anticipation of the fallacy of argumentum ad hominem. The entire Aristotelian conception of inquiry is an interrogative one. Deductive conclusions caught Aristotle's attention in the form of answers that every rational interlocutor must give, assuming only his own earlier answers. Several features of Aristotle's methodology can be understood by means of the interrogative model, including the role of endoxa in it. Theoretically, there is also considerable leeway as to whether fallacies are conceived of as mistakes in questioning or as breaches of the rules that govern questioning games.  相似文献   

Conclusion This essay took one of the externalities of education, equality of opportunity, and suggested that the more extensive state intervention argued for by the left was not needed for its provision. This was argued by saying that what the left wanted from equality of opportunity was not equality as such, but merely adequate resources for all. An adequate education it was suggested, could be provided without extensive state intervention for the great majority of children. Only for those children who were too poor, or whose parents were too irresponsible, would it be necessary for the state to intervene to ensure the provision of education, and then only to ensure that these children had access to sufficient funds to enable them to share in the educational experiences provided for other children.Several details in this argument need to be worked out in more detail, including the important matter of exactly what an adequate education might comprise. However, if these details could be worked out satisfactorily, the argument could serve to challenge the left's anxieties about moves towards a market in educational provision. The argument suggests that such moves need not lead to the sacrifice of those externalities which the left holds dear.  相似文献   

This essay examines the similarities and dissimilarities between a gerotranscendental person's and a Sufi's view of ontological questions, of self and of social and individual relationships. Using the Life History Approach followed up by thematic semi-structured interviews, I studied thirteen Iranian Sufis residing in Sweden, dividing the interviewees into two groups according to the stage of their life in which they became familiar with the Sufi ideas: those who became familiar with Sufi ideas early in their life (30 years) are called early Sufis, and those whose familiarity with Sufi ideas came about in their later life (>30) are called later Sufis. The study posits that the existence of a cosmic view of self and the surrounding world can be observed among early Sufis due to their intemalization of the Sufi ideas in early life. Regarding later Sufis, we can hypothesize that the existence of such a cosmic view is not only due to the intemalization of Sufi ideas, but also to aging.  相似文献   

Our work at the interface of psychology and religion can proceed in two complementary directions. When reading a psychological theory, (1) we may pay special attention to how certain concepts in particular, and the system of ideas as a whole, are being or might be used to interpret religious phenomena. We may focus on how those ideas may be involved in doing psychology of religion: the psychological interpretation of religious phenomena. Alternatively, (2) we may pay special attention to how certain concepts in particular, and the system of ideas as a whole, are being or might be used, either implicitly or explicitly, to make claims about human nature, about the meaning and purpose of life, about God. We may identify the psychology as religion-theology: psychological ideas potentially functioning in a religious-theological manner. I will illustrate this by: (a) examining D. W. Winnicott's article, Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena (1953/1986) in terms of three successive concepts or categories: transitional object, transitional phenomena, and a third intermediate area of experiencing; (b) considering how these categories can be used in psychology of religion; (c) reconsidering how the psychological categories may function as religious-theological. The discussion is intended to illustrate how we might more fully appreciate how and why a psychological theory may work well in doing psychology of religion when we more fully appreciate how that psychology implicitly functions as theology.  相似文献   

The ω-rule     
Michael Thau 《Studia Logica》1992,51(2):241-248
We prove that all proofs in -logic (a first order logic with -rule added) in which -rule is used finitely many times can be turned into proofs in which the -rule is used at most one time. Next, we prove that the word finitely above cannot be changed by the word infinitely.  相似文献   

In order to illustrate the nature of the indeterminacy of meaning, Donald Davidson sometimes compares it to the fact that we can measure length or temperature on different scales. In the following paper I try to explain first why we are supposed to expect such an analogy, given the semantics of the word meaning and of the word length or temperature. In the second part I examine how close the analogy is by distinguishing different forms of indeterminacy of meaning (viz., the indeterminacy of reference and the indeterminacy of truth) and ask whether both forms have an equivalent in a theory of measurement. I shall conclude that this is indeed the case.I would like to thank an anonymous reviewer for his or her detailed comments on a first version of this paper, which helped me to clarify my views considerably.  相似文献   

The working assumption of this paper is that noncommuting variables are irreducibly interdependent. The logic of such dependence relations is the author's independence-friendly (IF) logic, extended by adding to it sentence-initial contradictory negation ¬ over and above the dual (strong) negation . Then in a Hilbert space turns out to express orthocomplementation. This can be extended to any logical space, which makes it possible to define the dimension of a logical space. The received Birkhoff and von Neumann quantum logic can be interpreted by taking their disjunction to be ¬(A & B). Their logic can thus be mapped into a Boolean structure to which an additional operator has been added.  相似文献   

Let g E(m, n)=o mean that n is the Gödel-number of the shortest derivation from E of an equation of the form (m)=k. Hao Wang suggests that the condition for general recursiveness mn(g E(m, n)=o) can be proved constructively if one can find a speedfunction s s, with s(m) bounding the number of steps for getting a value of (m), such that mn s(m) s.t. g E(m, n)=o. This idea, he thinks, yields a constructivist notion of an effectively computable function, one that doesn't get us into a vicious circle since we intuitively know, to begin with, that certain proofs are constructive and certain functions effectively computable. This paper gives a broad possibility proof for the existence of such classes of effectively computable functions, with Wang's idea of effective computability generalized along a number of dimensions.We are grateful to an anonymous referee for Studia Logica for valuable advice leading to substantial improvements in the presentation of the main definitions and theorem.  相似文献   

Piaget suggests that animistic thinking is a pervasive feature of children's cognition. To test this notion, 4- to 8-year-old children were shown several inanimate objects and asked to pick those which perform activities characteristic of living organisms. These activities were typified by six verbs: eat, sleep, breathe, grow, die,, and be alive. Fifty percent of the younger children responded animistically, by misattributing life processes to inanimate objects, but only 18% of their total responses were animistic. Twenty percent of the older children responded animistically, but only 20% of their responses were animistic. In Experiment II, children were shown drawings singly and asked if the object could perform activities named by one of the six verbs. Results were similar to those of Experiment I but with somewhat less animism. Experiment III required children to spontaneously name things that are alive. There were no animistic responses. It was concluded that animistic thinking is not a genuine phenomenon but linguistic confusion elicited by novel objects and unfamiliar words.This work was supported by NSF Grant GB 23083.A portion of the data of Experiment I constituted a Bachelor Honors Thesis conducted by the first author under the direction of the second and submitted to Florida State University. These data were presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, April 1973.  相似文献   

Peter C. Fishburn 《Synthese》1970,21(2):204-221
a–b* c–d is taken to mean that your degree of preference for a over b is less than your degree of preference for c over d. Various properties of the strength-of-preference comparison relation * are examined along with properties of simple preferences defined from *. The investigation recognizes an individual's limited ability to make precise judgments. Several utility theorems relating a–b * c–d to u(a)–u(b) are included.  相似文献   

This study investigated managerial stress in Taiwan and UK using the Occupational Stress Indicator-2 (OSI-2) and the Work Locus of Control (WLCS) scale. Results showed that the reliability and validity of the measures used were acceptable and comparable in the two samples. There were similarities as well as differences in managerial stress in the two countries. Recognition and Managerial role were important predictors of strain for the Chinese managers, whereas Relationships, Organizational climate, and Personal responsibility were important predictors of strain for UK managers. There were consistent moderating (vulnerability) effects of internal control for the Taiwanese managers. Results corroborated some previous studies conducted in the West. However, caution was also suggested for generalizing Western-originated concepts and theories across cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

Cann  Arnie  Siegfried  William D. 《Sex roles》1990,23(7-8):413-419
Research has consistently found that effective leadership is perceived as characterized by traits similar to those associated with masculine gender roles. These perceptions would appear to be at odds with extensive research indicating that effective leadership requires consideration and structuring behaviors—behaviors that seem to represent both masculine and feminine styles. In two separate studies, the correspondence between gender stereotypes and dimensions of effective leadership were assessed. Results indicate that consideration behaviors are perceived to be feminine, while structuring behaviors are perceived to be masculine. Similarly, qualities that characterize the masculine gender role are perceived to be consistent with structuring, while qualities associated with the feminine gender roles are perceived to be consistent with consideration. It is suggested that an increased awareness of the androgynous nature of effective leadership behaviors might weaken the biases in favor of male leaders.  相似文献   

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