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We present an adaptive procedure to conduct psychophysical discrimination experiments. In a discrimination experiment, an observer senses (sees, hears, feels, etc.) two stimuli (separated in space or time) and is asked to order these stimuli with respect to a particular parameter (say,s). Under the usual assumption of a locally linear internal representation ofs, perturbed by additive Gaussian noise, the probabilityP(s 2)—of judging test stimuluss 2 “larger” than a reference stimuluss 1—is an error function (a cumulative normal distribution). Such an error function,Erf [(s 2μ)/σ], is parametrized by two parameters: μand σ. The parameter μ is the value for whichP(s 2) = 50% and is related to possible bias effects in the internal representation of the observer. The parameter σ is √2 times the standard deviation of the noise distribution and is generally called thediscrimination threshold. In this paper, we present (1) an algorithm to estimate μ and σ given the data generated by such an observer, (2) an analysis of the efficiency of a stimulus presentation with respect to the estimation of μ and σ , and (3) a method that controls the specific choice of stimulus values during an experiment so that an optimal estimation of μ and σ is obtained.  相似文献   

In psychophysical experiments, one’s goal is usually to measure some continuous parameter hypothesized to determine the statistical properties of a subject’s responses. Methods are well developed that adaptively manipulate stimulus characteristics in such a way that the reliability of the parameter estimate is maximized. However, such methods are inapplicable in situations in which the goal is to assign subjects to discrete categories, rather than to measure a continuous parameter. This paper introduces a technique that is directly applicable to efficient categorization and that adaptively manipulates stimulus characteristics in such a way that the information obtained from each trial is maximized. This technique is based on the principle of minimum estimated expected entropy, whereby stimulus parameters on each trial are chosen in order to minimize the estimated expected entropy of the a posteriori probability distribution that expresses how likely a subject is to belong to each of a group of mutually exclusive categories. A sample implementation of the technique—the classification of infant subjects according to their audiograms—is then described and evaluated via computer simulation.  相似文献   

Pigeons were presented a series of keylight time periods (separated by blackouts) during which two response keys were lit, one by blue light and the other either by orange or green. Blue-key responses changed the color on the other key. Orange-key responses sometimes produced food during the first half of a time period; green-key responses sometimes produced food during the second half. In three experiments, the probability of a green-key response increased as a function of elapsed time. Experiment 1 compared performance when the duration of the keylight periods was varied across a wide range. Discrimination of performance was similar across the range of durations. Experiment 2 varied both relative reinforcement rate and the local reinforcement rate for orange-key and green-key responses. These manipulations produced changes in response bias but not discrimination sensitivity. Experiment 3 varied the local temporal placement of reinforcers within time periods and demonstrated that choice behavior was affected by differential reinforcement at different points during the time periods. The results were consistent with previous research on duration discrimination that used psychophysical trials procedures.  相似文献   

Psychophysical thresholds reflect the state of the underlying nociceptive mechanisms. For example, noxious events can activate endogenous analgesic mechanisms that increase the nociceptive threshold. Therefore, tracking thresholds over time facilitates the investigation of the dynamics of these underlying mechanisms. Threshold tracking techniques should use efficient methods for stimulus selection and threshold estimation. This study compares, in simulation and in human psychophysical experiments, the performance of different combinations of adaptive stimulus selection procedures and threshold estimation methods. Monte Carlo simulations were first performed to compare the bias and precision of threshold estimates produced by three different stimulus selection procedures (simple staircase, random staircase, and minimum entropy procedure) and two estimation methods (logistic regression and Bayesian estimation). Logistic regression and Bayesian estimations resulted in similar precision only when the prior probability distributions (PDs) were chosen appropriately. The minimum entropy and simple staircase procedures achieved the highest precision, while the random staircase procedure was the least sensitive to different procedure-specific settings. Next, the simple staircase and random staircase procedures, in combination with logistic regression, were compared in a human subject study (n = 30). Electrocutaneous stimulation was used to track the nociceptive perception threshold before, during, and after a cold pressor task, which served as the conditioning stimulus. With both procedures, habituation was detected, as well as changes induced by the conditioning stimulus. However, the random staircase procedure achieved a higher precision. We recommend using the random staircase over the simple staircase procedure, in combination with logistic regression, for nonstationary threshold tracking experiments.  相似文献   

Thresholds for a masked 1-kHz tone were obtained in single sessions from 60 inexperienced listeners. A two-alternative forced-choice procedure was used in conjunction with one of three adaptive psychophysical techniques. These techniques comprised two staircase techniques targeting either 70.7% or 79.4% correct detection (Staircase-71 and Staircase-79), and parameter estimation by sequential testing (PEST), targeting 80% correct detection. Listeners were provided with a rationale for maintaining concentration at weak signal levels. Similar threshold values were obtained from the Staircase-79 and PEST groups in equal numbers of trials. The degree of oscillation in the level of the signal around the value finally chosen as the threshold was comparable for both staircase techniques. Subsequent fixed-level testing did not provide a true indication of the subjects' capabilities. The amount by which percent correct in fixed-level testing differed from expectations based on adaptive testing varied among the techniques. Additional thresholds were obtained in a second session from 30 of the original subjects. Thresholds with both staircase techniques improved by about 1 dB on retest, while thresholds with PEST were constant across sessions. The variability of the data compared well with that from studies involving experienced listeners.  相似文献   

Twenty-four rats were reinforced for releasing a lever between t and t + .20 sec after pressing it. Response duration differentiation performance decreased monotonically as t was increased in length from .10 sec to 1.60 sec. A response analogue of Weber’s ratio was constant throughout the middle range of duration bandwidth requirements and increased at the ex tremely short bandwidth—a response-differentiation finding analogous to Weber’s law of stimulus discrimination. This finding was interpreted as support for the conceptualization that response differentiation represents a special instance of response discrimination or discrimination based on response-produced stimuli.  相似文献   

Notman LA  Sowden PT  Ozgen E 《Cognition》2005,95(2):B1-14
Categorical perception is often cited as a striking example of cognitive influences on perception. However, some evidence suggests the term is a misnomer, with effects based on cognitive not perceptual processing. Here, using a psychophysical approach, we provide evidence consistent with a learned categorical perception effect that is dependent on analysis within the visual processing stream. An improvement in participants' discrimination between grating patterns that they had learned to place in different categories was 'tuned' around the orientation of the patterns experienced during category learning. Thus, here, categorical perception may result from attentionally modulated perceptual learning about diagnostic category features, based upon orientation-selective stages of analysis. This argues strongly that category learning can alter our perception of the world.  相似文献   

Orientation-contingent color aftereffects (CAEs) were measured using 174 observers ran-domly allocated to one of eight experimental conditions formed by the factorial combination of three two-level factors. These were experimental design (pretest and posttest measures taken vs. posttest measures taken alone), psychophysical method (forced-choice vs. magnitude estimation), and inspection procedure (inspection of real contours vs. inspection of imagined contours). In addition to color responses, written introspective reports of the strategies used in providing color responses were obtained. As a basis for the rejection of observers using inappropriate strategies, reported strategies were coded as appropriate or inappropriate. An analysis of the color reports of all observers was performed, as well as two analyses of the color reports of only those observers identified as using appropriate response strategies. In all cases, the results showed that CAEs were reported after inspection of real contours irrespective of the experimental design or psychophysical method used. There were no significant CAEs reported in any conditions that involved the imagination of contours. A separate analysis of the relationship between observers’ response strategies, the coding of these strategies, and observers’ actual color reports revealed some problems concerning the use of such introspective techniques. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of theoretical assumptions about the nature of imagery and perception.  相似文献   

Postpowanie czlowieka [Human activity] in [Ajdukiewicz 1985], vol. 1, 317–324.  相似文献   

Although researchers generally accept the proposition that movement costs are taken into account in the planning of voluntary movements, there is no established psychophysical method for estimating such costs. The authors tested and introduce a possible method. Participants were given every possible pair of tasks from a set of tasks that varied along one or more dimensions. In each trial, they indicated which task was easier to perform. The authors used participants' probability of preferring any given task over others to estimate the judged relative cost (JRC) of that task, and they used the JRCs of all the tasks to quantify the relation between task preference and task properties. The method was applied in 3 experiments in which university students (Experiment 1, N = 20; Experiment 2, N = 40; Experiment 3, N = 20) chose which spatial target to move to in carrying an object from one position to another. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that the JRC of moving an object increases with the degree to which the object must be translated and rotated. The simplicity of the method encourages its application to a wide range of questions about motor behavior.  相似文献   

A new, maximally efficient technique for measuring psychophysical thresholds (Pentland, 1980) has been implemented on the microcomputer. This PEST (parameter estimation by sequential testing) technique is the most efficient sequential parameter estimation technique possible, given that the form of the psychometric function is known. The technique is similar to but faster and more accurate than other staircase procedures and may be applied whenever staircase techniques are applicable. The “Best PEST” is easily implemented on the micro-computer; a BASIC program for the Apple II which does so is presented. The Best PEST is compared with other staircase procedures, including one recently implemented on a micro-computer (Corwin, Kintz, & Beaty, 1979).  相似文献   

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