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It is often assumed that in lesbian relationships a high degree of closeness is reached at the expense of autonomy of the partners. The present study among 119 Dutch lesbian couples examined the effect on relational satisfaction of two dimensions of closeness, emotional dependency and intimacy, and of autonomy and equity. The women in this study were generally open about their lesbian relationship, and reactions of the social environment were mostly positive. Autonomy was negatively related to dependency, but not at all to intimacy. Intimacy and equity as reported by the respondent and her partner, as well as dependency and autonomy reported by the respondent, were independent predictors of relationship satisfaction. Support from the social environment and participation in lesbian subcultures did not play a role in relationship satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study broadens the construct of intimate relationships to include the experience of lesbian couples. Various psychological variables were assessed in both partners of 275 lesbian couples who considered themselves to be dual career. Because of the paucity of information on lesbian relationships in the literature, considerable attention is first given to describing this sizable sample. Individual and couple scores on each variable were correlated with relationship satisfaction scores. Among individuals, role conflict and personal autonomy were found to correlate negatively with relationship satisfaction, whereas dyadic attachment, power, intimacy, self-esteem, and life satisfaction were all positively correlated with relationship Satisfaction. Although career commitment was not correlated with relationship satisfaction among individuals, differences between partners'levels of career commitment correlated negatively with each partner's relationship satisfaction. The findings counter extant stereotypes regarding lesbian relationships and provide a more accurate basis for developing an heuristic model of intimate relationships among women.  相似文献   

Despite a large body of literature addressing relationship quality and domestic violence in women's same-sex relationships, few studies have empirically examined how stress specific to living as a lesbian or bisexual woman might correlate with these relationship variables. Degree of outness, internalized homophobia, lifetime and recent experiences of discrimination, butch/femme identity, relationship quality, and lifetime and recent experiences of domestic violence were assessed in a sample of 272 predominantly European American lesbian and bisexual women. Lesbian and bisexual women were found to be comparable on most relationship variables. In bivariate analyses, minority stress variables (internalized homophobia and discrimination) were associated with lower relationship quality and both domestic violence perpetration and victimization. Outness and butch/femme identity were largely unrelated to relationship variables. Path analysis revealed that relationship quality fully mediated the relationship between internalized homophobia and recent domestic violence.  相似文献   

A study was conducted with 104 hospital employees to assess the relationship between pay-for-performance perceptions and pay satisfaction. Unlike previous research examining this relationship, a multi-item measure of pay-for-performance perceptions and a multidimensional measure of pay satisfaction were used. As hypothesized, the results indicated a positive relationship between pay-for-performance perceptions and pay-raise satisfaction, pay-level satisfaction, and overall pay satisfaction even after the effects of salary level, salary increases, performance ratings, job tenure, job satisfaction, and promotions were controlled. The importance of gathering perceptual data on characteristics of the pay system believed to have differential relationships with the subdimensions of pay satisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to earlier evidence that the relationship between level of occupation and job satisfaction is positive and monotonic, analysis of a recent national survey shows that craftsmen are more job satisfied than other males in clerical, sales, and professional-technical occupations and that this variation is independent of a number of other variables. Removal of occupational prestige modifies the occupation-job satisfaction relationship in a manner which suggests that job satisfaction may arise more from ascribed prestige than from such job characteristics as work autonomy, authority, and income.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to analyze how hope, resilience, optimism, and efficacy individually and as a composite higher-order factor predicted work performance and satisfaction. Results from Study 1 provided psychometric support for a new survey measure designed to assess each of these 4 facets, as well as a composite factor. Study 2 results indicated a significant positive relationship regarding the composite of these 4 facets with performance and satisfaction. Results from Study 2 also indicated that the composite factor may be a better predictor of performance and satisfaction than the 4 individual facets. Limitations and practical implications conclude the article.  相似文献   

This field study of 327 hospital nurses investigated the relationship between perceived satisfaction with organizational communication and job satisfaction and job performance. The researcher developed a research model incorporating nine dimensions of communication satisfaction and hypothesized their varying relationships with job satisfaction and job performance. Correlation, multiple regression, and canonical correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction, and communication satisfaction and job performance. The communication satisfaction-job satisfaction link was stronger. The same facets of communication—supervisor communication, communication climate, and personal feedback—were found to be most strongly related to both job satisfaction and performance. Although the importance of the superior-subordinate communication relationship was confirmed, top management communication also was substantially related to job satisfaction and, to a lesser degree, job performance. Rank-order correlation results of this study were compared to several other studies and some congruent patterns were found.  相似文献   

Five married and 5 engaged couples, matched on socio-economic and interactional criteria, completed the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values and Gordon's personality tests and predicted their mate's answers on these tests. Married partners predicted significantly better than engaged partners on the Study of Values but not on the Gordon tests. With the second part of the Study of Values, engaged couples predicted the mate's preferred motives relatively better than non-preferred ones, whereas married partners were equally well acquainted with both types. The results are discussed in terms of pain-avoidance by cognitive means in open versus closed ecological fields.  相似文献   

In order to explore factors that influence gender differences in same-sex friendship behaviors, the present study examined how affiliation motive, as measured by thematic apperception to same-sex cues, and affiliation value, obtained from a modified Edwards (1957) Personal Preference Scale, determined type of friendship situation (unstructured, structured, or group) and its particular qualities for 37 female and 31 male undergraduates. Men consistently had lower affiliation motivation and affiliation values than women. Subjects' reports of actual friendship episodes showed gender differences in type of friendship episode, self-disclosure, and involvement. However, there were no gender differences in mood and levels of meaningfulness, pleasantness, and satisfaction with the episodes, suggesting that the sexes differed in their manner of engaging in friendship, but not in subjective outcomes. Regression analyses indicated that some of these differences were partially a function of gender differences in personality determinants of friendship behavior.  相似文献   

The workplace has been examined as a source of potential stressors, e.g., role conflict and ambiguity, and the relationship between these stressors and job satisfaction has been empirically demonstrated. The relationship between job satisfaction and health, however, has not been clearly established empirically. Data were collected from 416 experienced Air Traffic Controllers to examine the hypothesized positive relationship between job satisfaction and psychiatric symptomatology. Job satisfaction was measured with self-report instruments while psychiatric symptomatology was assessed via a standardized diagnostic interview. The results provide strong support for the existence of the hypothesized relationship. Satisfaction with the work itself for the ATCs, followed closely by coworker satisfaction, showed the most frequent relationships to the presence or absence of different psychiatric symptoms. The results are discussed in terms of their relationship to research on job related stress.  相似文献   

Reliable measurement of needs and need satisfaction on Maslow's hierarchy is possible. Clerical employees (mainly female) indicated a high need for self-actualization and autonomy. In this respect they are similar to lower level managers described by Porter (1962) and women described by Jurgensen (1949). There was no substantial difference in need satisfaction patterns between clerical employees in routine jobs and those in more complex clerical jobs. Similarly, no difference was found in the motivation of these two groups. It was concluded that jobs which appear to management as higher in responsibility and complexity, and which are commonly viewed as promotions, may not always provide additional satisfactions in self-actualization, autonomy, or esteem. This study focused on the importance of defining accurately what constitutes job enlargement. An increase in variety and responsibility does not necessarily result in increasing higher order need satisfaction or motivation. How much job enlargement makes a difference in these variables is still open to question and must be the subject of further investigation.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported racial differences in intelligence, abilities, motivation, job satisfaction, and so forth. Relatively few of these studies, however, limited their comparisons to blacks and whites experiencing similar work conditions. The present effort compared black ( n = 166) and white ( n = 1,451) sailors assigned to the same shipboard divisions in order to investigate possible differences in perceived work conditions, satisfaction, need strength, and relationships among these variables. Also explored were two hypothesized sources of race-related satisfaction differences–differences in perceived work conditions and differences in need strength. The results tended to support the need strength hypothesis although satisfaction differences were fewer than expected.  相似文献   

This study used path analysis to test a model that posits that relevant personality traits will have both direct relationships with counterproductive work behaviors (CPBs) and indirect relationships to CPBs through the mediating effects of job satisfaction. Based on a sample ( n = 141) of customer service employees, results generally supported the hypothesized model for both boss- and self-rated CPBs. Agreeableness had a direct relationship with interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors (CPB-I); Conscientiousness had a direct relationship with organizational counterproductive work behaviors (CPB-O); and, job satisfaction had a direct relationship to both CPB-I and CPB-O. In addition, job satisfaction partially mediated the relationship between Agreeableness and both CPB-O and CPB-I. Overall, results show that personality traits differentially predict CPBs and that employees' attitudes about their jobs explain, in part, these personality–behavior associations.  相似文献   

中学生一般生活满意度与家庭因素的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对兰州市190名中学生进行父母教养方式、生活满意度以及相关家庭因素的问卷调查发现:(1)家庭所在地,家庭经济水平,父母职业、文化程度对中学生一般生活满意度无显著影响;亲子关系满意度、对父母婚姻幸福程度的评价对中学生一般生活满意度的影响显著;(2)情感温暖型教养方式与中学生一般生活满意度显著正相关,惩罚严厉、拒绝否认型教养方式与中学生一般生活满意度显著负相关。(3)亲子关系满意度、父亲拒绝否认、母亲惩罚严厉型教养方式是预测中学生一般生活满意度的有力因子。  相似文献   

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