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A dozen observers matched numbers to the apparent brightness of a target viewed by one eye or by both eyes. Brightness grew as a power function of luminance, and the functions were practically identical for the two modes of viewing. Throughout its course, the obtained binocular function tended to fall about a decibel above the monocular function. This small degree of binocular summation, of the order of a jnd, mayor may not be significant.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported in which part of the stimulus to be after-imaged was presented to each eye, producing simultaneous, binocular, after-images. In each case the monocular stimuli were complementary to each other, so that the binocular combination constituted a meaningful whole. The subjects' reports on the appearances and fragmentations of their after-images suggest the existence of some central, integrative, mechanism.  相似文献   

Binocular rivalry was recorded between various achromatic figures in or near the foveae. For a pair of intersecting contours, one in the field of each eye, it was found that the percentage of time for which a contour was dominant at the point of intersection increased with the contrast at that contour, and also with average luminance when contrast was constant. Further, for 1° circles in corresponding positions in the two fields, one darker than its surround and one lighter, the same results were obtained. Various auxiliary results, on rate of rivalry, eye-dominance, the occasional mixture of the rivalling stimuli, and binocular lustre, are given. Finally the relationship between predominance in rivalry and perceived brightness is discussed.  相似文献   

Ooi TL  He ZJ 《Perception》2006,35(5):581-603
Theoretical and empirical studies show that the visual system relies on boundary contours and surface features (e.g. textures) to represent 3-D surfaces. When the surface to be represented has little texture information, or has a periodic texture pattern (grating), the boundary contour information assumes a larger weight in representing the surface. Adopting the premise that the mechanisms of 3-D surface representation also determine binocular rivalry perception, the current paper focuses on whether boundary contours have a similar role in binocular rivalry. In experiment 1, we tested the prediction that the visual system prefers selecting an image/figure defined by boundary contours for rivalry dominance. We designed a binocular rivalry stimulus wherein one half-image has a boundary contour defined by a grating disk on a background with an orthogonal grating orientation. The other half-image consists solely of the (same orientation) grating background without the grating disk, ie no boundary contour. Confirming our prediction, the predominance for the half-image with the grating disk is approximately 90%, despite the fact that the grating disk corresponds to an area with orthogonal grating in the fellow eye. The advantage of the grating disk is dramatically reduced to about 50% predominance when a boundary contour is added to the background-only half-image at the location corresponding to the grating disk. We attribute this reduced advantage to the formation of a corresponding binocular boundary contour. In experiment 2 the grating background was substituted by a random-dot background in a similar stimulus design. We found that the perceptual salience of the corresponding binocular boundary contours extracted by the interocular matching process is an important factor in determining the dynamics of binocular rivalry. Experiment 3 showed that vertical lines with uneven thickness and spacing as the background reduce the contribution of the monocular boundary contour of the grating disk in binocular rivalry, possibly through the formation of binocular boundary contours between the local edges (vertical components) of the vertical lines and the corresponding grating disk.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of binocular rivalry have provided important clues to the relationship between neural activity in the brain and visual awareness. However, uncertainty about these insights has been raised by a recent study showing that the events underlying binocular rivalry occur earlier in the visual pathway than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Three experiments examine features of a simple memory task on which right-handed, right eye dominant subjects have been reported to recall digits projected to the right eye more accurately than those projected simultaneously to the left eye. Superior recall by these subjects of information projected to the right eye was observed only when stimuli projected simultaneously to both eyes were seen as overlapped in the binocular percept. Under monocular presentations, accurracy of recall was not related to the eye with which stimuli were viewed. The binocular oveslap condition has a significance other than that of simply increasing the difficulty of identifying the elements in a visual display for there were no differences in accuracy of recall from each eye when overlapped stimuli were viewed monocularly. More accurate recall of right eye information appears to reflect the resolution of a conflict between inputs from each eye. The possible relation of this finding to cerebral dominance is also discussed. Order of recall in these experiments depended mainly on spatial cues provided by the experimental situation.  相似文献   

Any explanation of binocular rivalry based on a reciprocal inhibition mechanism would require that unilateral increases in the stimulus strength of the rivalry target in one eye produce increases in the mean nonsuppression duration of that eye and concommitant decreases in the mean nonsuppression duration of the contralateral eye. To test that hypothesis, the stimulus strength (in this case, contrast) of one rivalry target was varied (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 ft-L) while the strength of the target in the other eye remained constant. The data, obtained from six experienced Ss, indicate that variations in stimulus strength do not alter the mean nonsuppression duration of the recipient eye. This outcome offers a fundamental difficulty for the reciprocal inhibition concept. A model that assumes partially independent suppression and dominance mechanisms is suggested as a more adequate alternative.  相似文献   

Data from three separate investigations are presented to support the conclusion that suppression of visual contours occurs during binocular fusion of identical figures. These data are discussed in relation to examples of confirming and disconfirming results of other investigators.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the concept of “total situation” which, even though introduced into psychoanalytic thinking via sister disciplines, such as sociology, the neurosciences, etc., has gradually acquired a relatively prominent position in current therapeutic practice. It is used as a metaphor for the envelopment of the unfolding transferential and related events in the analytic process. Irrespective of whether one focuses on the individual analytic condition or the group-analytic one, contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives include both the bi-personal unconscious interactions and the various levels of the total situation in their conceptualizations of the nature of the process. Such a complex approach in conceptualization can only be achieved through the so-called binocular vision of the analyst.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to ascertain whether a particular member of the class of sequential processing models (Estes & Taylor, 1964; Townsend, 1966) should be further developed in terms of the contributions of information from the separate eyes. Using the detection paradigm (Estes & Taylor, 1964), nine Ss were each run 576 trials under each of three viewing conditions: (a) monocular left, (b) monocular right, and (c) binocular, after four days of practice and calibration. The serial processing model was used to make predictions for three possible cases of binocular information summation: (a) complete independence of the monocular channels, (b) partial independence of the monocular channels and (c) complete dependence in the monocular channels. Complete dependence provided the best fit to the data with a possible stress on use of a “best” eye, but a marginal level of significance was obtained between a simple average of monocular performance and binocular performance with transformed scores. Thus, although there seems to be little or no information summation in terms of the present model of multi-symbol perception, follow-up experiments were suggested to further delineate monocular-binocular relationships in the detection paradigm.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of stimulus factors causing retinal rivalry or allowing stereoscopic depth perception, given a requisite positional disparity. It is shown that similar colour information can be “filtered” out from both eyes; that stereopsis is not incompatible with rivalry and suppression of one aspect of the stimulus, and that the strongest cue for perception of stereoscopic depth is intensity difference at the boundaries of the figures in the same direction at each eye. Identity of colour can also act as a cue for stereopsis. The brightness of different monocular figures seen in the stereoscope in different combinations was estimated by a matching technique, and it is suggested that the perceived brightness is a compromise between the monocular brightness difference between figure and ground seen in relation to the binocular fused background, and the mean brightness of the figures. The results are discussed in terms of neurophysiological “on,” “off” and continuous response fibres.  相似文献   

In the present research the authors examined the time course of binocular integration in goal-directed aiming and grasping. With liquid-crystal goggles, the authors manipulated vision independently to the right and left eyes of 10 students during movement preparation and movement execution. Contrary to earlier findings reported in catching experiments (I. Olivier, D. J. Weeks, K. L. Ricker, J. Lyons, & D. Elliott, 1998), neither a temporal nor a spatial binocular advantage was obtained in 1 grasping and 2 aiming studies. That result suggests that, at least in some circumstances, monocular vision is sufficient for the precise control of limb movements. In a final aiming experiment involving 3-dimen- sional spatial variability and no trial-to-trial visual feedback about performance, binocular vision was associated with greater spatial accuracy. Binocular superiority appeared to be most pronounced when participants were unable to adjust their limb control strategy or procedure on the basis of terminal feedback about performance.  相似文献   

Ooi TL  He ZJ 《Perception》1999,28(5):551-574
When the right eye and the left eye view dissimilar scenes, the observer does not experience a stable superimposed percept of the images presented to the two eyes, but instead perceives an alternation between the images seen by each eye. A critical question confronting this robust and intriguing phenomenon of binocular rivalry is how the visual system selects the image to be perceived (dominant). The current main-stream literature emphasizes a bottom-up explanation in which the rivalry stimulus with the higher contour strength has the advantage, and becomes dominant in rivalry. Nevertheless, some workers in the past have favored an attention-selection explanation for binocular rivalry. We investigated the role of attention in binocular rivalry by employing novel psychophysical paradigms which capitalized on several established phenomena (e.g. the Cheshire Cat effect, attention cueing, pop-out effect). Our results revealed two major aspects of attention modulation in binocular rivalry. We found that a dominant image is less likely to be suppressed when voluntary attention is directed to it. This suggests the role of voluntary attention in retaining the dominant image in visual awareness. Second, a rivalry stimulus is more likely to become dominant if accompanied by a pop-out cue (in the same eye and proximity). Since a pop-out cue attracts involuntary attention to its location/eye, this result suggests that cue-mediated involuntary attention can promote the ability of a rivalry stimulus to reach visual awareness.  相似文献   

Binocular forced-choice detection rates were measured under conditions where both eyes received positive flashes, both eyes received negative flashes, and one eye received a positive flash while the other received a negative flash. When both eyes received the same kind of flash, both positive or both negative, detection rates were,greater than probability summation. When one eye received a positive flash while the other received a negative flash, detection rates were near a level expected on the basis of probability summation. It is concluded that, at the level of forced-choice detection. positive and negative flashes are detected as though they were separate, independent events.  相似文献   

We describe a stimulus pattern designed for use in test probe investigations of binocular rivalry. The pattern consists of a contour-free disk that is identical in luminance in both eyes surrounded by a dimmer annulus in one eye and a brighter annulus in the other. Temporal characteristics of rival alternations can be controlled by manipulating luminance of the annuli. Sensitivity to probes inserted in the rival region can be measured uncontaminated by differences in the adaptation state of the eyes or pattern masking.  相似文献   

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