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A total of fifty-five subjects were tested in three experimental situations. Blinking was recorded electrically, and related to various features of the three non-visual tasks. A new type of suction electrode was developed for this purpose.

It was found that blink rate fell below the normal resting rate during the learning of a stylus maze, and during a special audio-tracking task. During pauses between each trial, blink rate was above the resting rate.

There was a significant tendency for those subjects who showed the greatest difference in blink rate during the trials and the pauses between each trial to make the fewest errors per run of the stylus maze.

In the audio-tracking task the subjects followed a changing note with a second oscillator. Blink rate was found to be inversely related to the rate of change of the course tone.  相似文献   

Despite substantial evidence indicating a close link between action production and perception in early child development, less is known about how action experience shapes the processes of perceiving and anticipating others’ actions. Here, we developed a novel approach to capture functional connectivity specific to certain brain areas to investigate how action experience changes the networks involved in action perception and anticipation. Nine- and-12-month-old infants observed familiar (grasping) and novel (tool-use) actions while their brain activity was measured using EEG. Infants’ motor competence of both actions was assessed. A link between action experience and connectivity patterns was found, particularly during the anticipation period. During action anticipation, greater motor competence in grasping predicted greater functional connectivity between visual (occipital alpha) and motor (central alpha) regions relative to global levels of whole-brain EEG connectivity. Furthermore, visual and motor regions tended to be more coordinated in response to familiar versus novel actions and for older than younger participants. Critically, these effects were not found in the control networks (frontal-central; frontal-occipital; parietal-central; parietal-occipital), suggesting a unique role of visual-motor networks on the link between motor skills and action encoding.


  • Infants’ motor development predicted functional connectivity patterns during action anticipation.
  • Faster graspers, and older infants, showed a stronger ratio of visual-motor neural coherence.
  • Overall whole-brain connectivity was modulated by age and familiarity with the actions.
  • Measuring inter-site relative to whole-brain connectivity can capture specific brain-behavior links.
  • Measures of phase-based connectivity over time are sensitive to anticipatory action.

The link between visual-motor integration (VMI) and executive functions (EF) has been repeatedly documented in preschool children. VMI is often assessed using the Copy Design task measuring the product, thereby neglecting the processes that lead to a specific copy. Furthermore, EF are assumed to be mainly involved when a task is new. The involvement of EF after minimal practice in VMI, however, is unknown. Therefore, the present study investigated product- (i.e., accuracy) and process-based measures, namely velocity, and fluency, in five consecutive trials of copying shapes. Contributions of manual dexterity and EF to both VMI product and VMI processes across five trials were investigated in a sample of 5- to 6-year-old kindergarten children. Results revealed that children did not copy the shapes more accurately across the five trials, but quicker and more fluently. In line with previous findings, children's performance on VMI, manual dexterity, and EF were interrelated. The results indicate that over and above the copy's accuracy, also fluency of copying is a crucial indicator of VMI, which is related to EF and manual dexterity. Furthermore, findings on the VMI–EF link point to strong EF involvement during copying when the task is new and to a decreasing EF involvement with increasing practice, already after five trials. New insights into VMI in preschool children are discussed with regard to underlying cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Serial reaction time tasks and, more generally, the visual-motor sequential paradigms are increasingly popular tools in a variety of research domains, from studies on implicit learning in laboratory contexts to the assessment of residual learning capabilities of patients in clinical settings. A consequence of this success, however, is the increased variability in paradigms and the difficulty inherent in respecting the methodological principles that two decades of experimental investigations have made more and more stringent. The purpose of the present article is to address those problems. We present a user-friendly application that simplifies running classical experiments, but is flexible enough to permit a broad range of nonstandard manipulations for more specific objectives. Basic methodological guidelines are also provided, as are suggestions for using the software to explore unconventional directions of research. The most recent version of gSRT-Soft may be obtained for free by contacting the authors.  相似文献   

The smelling behavior of 52 right-handed subjects was videotaped during tasks involving identification and recognition of different odors. Analysis showed that men more often used the right nostril than the left whatever the odor. There was no significant difference for the women. These results support a more marked cerebral asymmetry in men than in women and a main involvement of the right cerebral hemisphere in the olfactory processes at least by right-handed men.  相似文献   

These experiments examine the role of vision and step height in the selection of a simple binary choice of movement pattern by human subjects. The subjects selected a heel strike movement pattern (HS) (as used during level surface locomotion) or a toe strike movement pattern (TS) (as used during stair descent). The functional task involved descending a step of adjustable height followed by level surface walking under vision and nonvision conditions. Triceps surae and tibialis anterior electromyographic (EMG) activity, ankle angle position, and vertical force were examined. As step height was increased, there was an indistinct threshold at which subjects switched from landing with a HS movement pattern to a TS movement pattern. The tibialis anterior and triceps surae precontact EMG burst and subsequent ankle movement for HS and TS trials appear to be part of preprogrammed movement patterns, which are presumably of central origin. The particular mixture of voluntary, stereotypic, and reflex actions for any specified movement is based on the intent or functional outcome desired. The switching to the TS movement pattern as step height increased presumably results in the most efficient and stable movement.  相似文献   

Frequency characteristics of head stabilization were examined during locomotor tasks in healthy young adults(N = 8) who performed normal walking and 3 walking tasks designed to produce perturbations primarily in the horizontal plane. In the 3 walking tasks, the arms moved in phase with leg movement, with abnormally large amplitude, and at twice the frequency of leg movement. Head-in-space angular velocity was examined at the predominant frequencies of trunk motion. Head movements in space occurred at low frequencies (< 4.0 Hz) in all conditions and at higher frequencies (> 4.0 Hz) when the arms moved at twice the frequency of the legs. Head stabilization strategies were determined from head-on-trunk with respect to trunk frequency profiles derived from angular velocity data. During natural walking at low frequencies (< 3.0 Hz), head-on-trunk movement was less than trunk movement. At frequencies 3.0 Hz or greater, equal and opposite compensatory movement ensured head stability. When arm swing was altered, compensatory movement guaranteed head stability at all frequencies. Head stabilization was successful for frequencies up to 10.0 Hz during locomotor tasks. Maintaining head stability at high frequencies during voluntary tasks suggests that participants used feedforward mechanisms to coordinate head and trunk movements. Maintenance of head stability during dynamic tasks allows optimal conditions for vestibulo-ocular reflex function.  相似文献   

Previous theories of intrinsic motivation have traditionally ignored the experiential or subjective aspects of engagement in intrinsically and extrinsically motivated tasks. Part of the reason for the lack of research in this area was our ignorance of which emotions to study. Data are presented here from two studies designed to produce the first systematic evidence of changes in basic emotional states during task engagement. Our findings suggest that intrinsic and extrinsic tasks can be differentiated according to the emotional changes subjects retrospectively report about their engagement with these tasks, and point the way to future research incorporating emotion as an important variable to consider.The first author was supported in part by a Minority Fellowship administered by the American Psychological Association under a Clinical Training Grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (5 T01 MH13833), and by a Regents Fellowship from the University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

Two experiments focused on whether performing actions described by to-be-remembered phrases during recognition enhances recognition compared with results of a standard verbal recognition test. The enhancement was predicted when the actions described by the phrases had been performed during study, but not when the phrases were verbally encoded by simply listening to and memorizing the material. Both experiments showed that enactment prior to recognition improved memory performance, but only when subjects had encoded by enactment. Experiment 1 also demonstrated that this test-procedure effect was independent of a bizarreness effect, which was observed only with the verbal encoding task. Experiment 2 showed that the effect of enactment during recognition was reduced when subjects used different hands for performing the actions during study and recognition- The findings support the assumption that some kind of motor memory record underlies the enactment effect that occurs when actions are performed during recognition.  相似文献   

To examine the role of current visual monitoring in the between-hand differences in skilled movements, eye movements and errors during bilateral tracing tasks were analyzed in 10 subjects. When subjects traced a horizontal course abductively with both hands, the subject's gaze followed the movement of the right hand, and more errors were observed on the left hand. When subjects traced a vertical course, where fine motor control for alteration of movement direction was necessary, more errors were shown on the left hand despite the alternate visual scan of the two hands. The results were interpreted as showing that the between-hand differences in skilled movements are primarily due to the left hand's poor ability in motor output, and that the differential efficiency in the use of visual monitoring becomes an important factor in the between-hand differences when symmetrical movements of both hands with a low degree of difficulty are required.  相似文献   

Measures of visual-motor integration skills continue to be widely used in psychological assessments with children. However, the construct validity of many visual-motor integration measures remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the relative contributions of maturation and cognitive skills to the development of visual-motor integration skills in young children (N = 856). We used a block regression analysis to determine the contribution of maturation, as indicated by age, followed by broad cognitive factors (Study 1) and subsequently by individual subtests in verbal and nonverbal domains subsumed under each factor (Study 2) in explaining score variance of the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test (2nd ed.; BG-II; Brannigan & Decker, 2003) Copy and Recall scores in children between the ages of 4 and 7 years. Results confirm that maturation accounted for a large proportion of variance in both BG-II Copy and Recall performance, above which Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (5th ed.; SB-5; Roid, 2003) Quantitative Reasoning and Fluid Reasoning factors significantly contributed to visual-motor integration performance for the Copy phase, and SB-5 Quantitative Reasoning and Visual-Spatial factors accounted for a significant amount of variance for the Recall phase. Additionally, nonverbal domains were more related to visual-motor performance than verbal domains. Results from this study are interpreted to suggest nonverbal reasoning and visual-spatial attention are important contributing factors to visual-motor integration, as measured by the BG-II. Developmental implications of visual-motor integration skills, nonverbal problem solving, and mathematical competence are discussed.  相似文献   

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