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近来研究表明杏仁体与感觉、情绪和记忆关系密切。对恐惧条件反射的研究发现杏仁体是情绪活动的关键性结构;导致恐惧条件反射的细胞及分子机制研究征实杏仁体具有情绪学习与记忆机能;杏仁体在向中感觉信息的筛选和凋制中具有显著作用和重要意义。本文将综述这方面的进展。  相似文献   

蒋长好  陈婷婷 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1889-1898
身体活动不仅有助于提高人的生理机能, 还具有改善心境、调节情绪的功能。有规律的身体活动不仅能够增强个体的积极情绪, 提升幸福感和自尊感, 也可以缓解消极情绪、矫治情绪障碍。关于身体活动对情绪影响的脑神经机制, 研究者先后提出神经递质假说、大脑可塑性假说、前额叶偏侧化假说和双模型假说。进一步的研究需要控制运动强度对身体活动情绪效益的影响, 比较不同类型身体活动的情绪调节效果, 同时考察基因、神经生长及社会互动等因素对情绪的交互作用。  相似文献   

采取整群抽样对1043名中学生进行问卷调查,主要探讨身体自尊、情绪智力与青少年进食障碍倾向之间的关系,检验情绪智力的调节作用。结果表明:(1) BMI、性别、年级和年龄均是青少年进食障碍倾向的预测因素。(2)青少年身体自尊负向预测其进食障碍倾向。(3)青少年情绪智力在身体自尊和进食障碍倾向之间起调节作用,具体来说,无论情绪智力高低,青少年身体自尊均显著预测其进食障碍倾向,然而,相对于高情绪智力被试,低情绪智力被试的身体自尊对其进食障碍倾向的预测力更大。  相似文献   

身体攻击行为学生自主神经活动的情绪唤醒特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用情绪生理学的方法,以31名具有身体攻击行为的初中工读学生和30名普通初中生为研究对象,研究了身体攻击行为学生与普通学生在基线生理唤醒和情绪生理唤醒的方面不同特点。结果发现,在生理唤醒的基线水平上,身体攻击行为学生与普通学生在指温、R-R间期、心率、指脉率方面差异显著,身体攻击行为学生的指温、心率、指脉率比普通学生低,身体攻击行为学生的R-R间期比普通学生R-R间期长。在愤怒刺激条件下,身体攻击行为学生报告的愤怒体验水平比普通学生高;愤怒诱发刺激引起身体攻击行为学生R-R间期、心率变化显著,而普通学生R-R间期、心率变化不显著。厌恶与恐惧、悲伤、愉快诱发刺激引起普通学生皮肤电变化显著,而身体攻击行为学生皮肤电变化不显著  相似文献   

本研究的目的在于探讨青少年情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感之间的关系及情绪调节方式在其中的中介作用。采用《情绪调节自我效能感量表》、《情绪调节方式量表》和《主观幸福感量表》对1128名中学生进行测查,结果表明:(1) 情绪调节自我效能感与情绪调节方式、生活满意度、积极情感、消极情感关系紧密;(2) 情绪调节自我效能感和情绪调节方式可显著预测主观幸福感;(3) 减弱调节在情绪调节自我效能感与主观幸福感间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

童年中期身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的情绪适应   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用整群抽样法选取2603名小学儿童(平均年龄9.05 ± 0.53岁)作为被试,考察童年中期同伴侵害现象的基本特点,以及同伴侵害与情绪适应(孤独感、社交焦虑和抑郁)的关系。结果发现:(1)在性别差异方面,男生的身体侵害与关系侵害水平均显著高于女生,与身体侵害相比,关系侵害的性别差异程度较小。在同伴侵害的类型特点方面,儿童遭受身体侵害的水平显著高于关系侵害。(2)身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的各情绪适应指标显著正相关,身体侵害和关系侵害能同时预测儿童的情绪适应不良;并且与身体侵害相比,关系侵害对情绪适应的影响更大。(3)身体侵害与社交焦虑的关系表现出性别差异,即身体侵害能预测女生的社交焦虑,而对男生的社交焦虑不存在预测作用;但同伴侵害与孤独感、抑郁的关系不受性别的调节。总体而言,有同伴侵害经历的男生和女生具有相似的情绪适应问题。  相似文献   

本研究通过信任游戏的实验范式探讨了在与“受信任者”高/低可信赖性有关的信任线索时,具体情绪的确定性维度对信任行为的影响。实验一发现,当被试被告知“受信任者”在可信赖量表上的得分(高/低)时,个体在高确定性情绪(开心和愤怒)下的信任判断比低确定性情绪(悲伤)下的信任判断上更容易被受信任者的“可信赖性”水平的高低所影响;实验二发现,当告知被试“受信任者”的群体身份(内/外群)时,个体在高确定性情绪(开心和愤怒)下的信任判断比低确定性情绪(悲伤)下的信任判断更容易被受信任者的“内外群”身份所影响。上述结果表明,高确定性的情绪比低确定性的情绪更容易使被试的信任判断受到与“受信任者”是否值得信赖有关的线索所影响。  相似文献   

吴莹莹  连榕 《心理科学》2014,37(5):1197-1203
摘要:情绪能力(emotional competence,简称EC)是近来教师心理的研究热点,但中国大陆对这方面的研究较为匮乏。本文在梳理国内外的相关文献后发现,教师EC的研究多集中于两方面,一是与教师职业倦怠、工作满意度、教学效能感等教师工作变量的相关关系研究,一是教师EC的干预。虽然目前已有一定的研究成果,但还存在概念不统一、研究较单一以及干预不够科学的问题。  相似文献   

目的:研究基于YAH地图进行方位判断时是否存在方位效应及其表现形式。方法:90名被试分为三组参加三个被试内设计实验,实验一为基于YAH地图的绝对朝向判断,实验二为基于YAH地图的相对方位判断,实验三为不同绝对朝向条件下(失匹配)的相对方位判断。结果:绝对朝向判断中存在绝对朝向效应及北优势效应,反应时上表现为“0°〈(90°/180°/270°)〈(45°/135°/225°/315°)”;相对方位判断中存在相对方位效应,表现为反应时“(0°/90°/180°/270°)〈(45°/135°/225°/315°)”;失匹配条件下相对方位效应表现为“0°〈(90°/180°/270°)〈(45°//315°)〈(135°/225°)”,相对方位效应模式不受绝对朝向影响。结论:基于YAH地图定向存在绝对朝向效应及相对方位效应,相对方位效应不受绝对朝向的影响。  相似文献   

陈曦  李明  叶浩生 《心理学探新》2012,32(3):267-271
以444名青年为研究对象,采用Schutte编制的《情绪智力量表》、艾森克人格问卷和Diener等人编制的《国际大学调查》为研究工具,调查青年各群体的主观幸福感水平,并对情绪智力和主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。结果发现,青年不同群体之间存在显著的主观幸福感差异,本科生群体的主观幸福感水平最高;在控制了人口学变量和人格变量之后,情绪智力能独立预测主观幸福感各维度的变异。  相似文献   

This paper presents an introduction to theoretically informed qualitative psychotherapy research (QPR). Although QPR researchers have traditionally remained silent on theory, we suggest this has resulted in an implicit and unacknowledged use of theory. We argue instead for a clear articulation of qualitative researchers' theory and outline how theory can be incorporated to inform the entire qualitative research process. This approach assumes the research problem is embedded in a clearly defined and articulated theoretical framework, which also informs data collection and data analysis. We outline how researchers can use explicit theoretical frameworks to inform research question formulation, data collection and data analysis and illustrate this with specific applications of the method in practice. We believe that starting from a declared theoretical framework sets up a dialogue between the research problem, the type of data required and their meaningful analysis and interpretation. This aims not only to achieve greater depth in the final product of research, but also to enhance its utility in terms of practice; it contributes to building, altering and differentiating theory; and it allows for greater transparency by openly articulating the theoretical framework that scaffolds the entirety of the research process.  相似文献   


As the use of qualitative methods in health research proliferates, it becomes increasingly necessary to consider how the value of a piece of qualitative research should be assessed. This article discusses the problem posed by the novelty and diversity of qualitative approaches within health psychology and considers the question of what criteria are appropriate for assessing the validity of a qualitative analysis. In keeping with the ethos of much qualitative research, some open-ended, flexible principles are suggested as a guide to the quality of a qualitative study: sensitivity to context; commitment and rigour; transparency and coherence; impact and importance. Examples are given of the very different ways in which various forms of qualitative research can meet these criteria.  相似文献   

在质性研究中,资料饱和通常被用以评估研究资料的充足性。但在研究实践中,资料饱和却存在概念模糊及操作性问题。作为某项质性研究所抽取的样本量已满足研究需要的标志,按照在研究过程中判定时点的先后顺序,资料饱和可划分为数据饱和、编码或主题饱和、意义饱和及理论饱和4种主要形式。4种形式的资料饱和各有其特定的内涵、评估方式和判定标准。研究认为,达到资料饱和的样本量标准不应统一设定,其检验需嵌入具体的研究过程;资料饱和存在逻辑上的不确定性,适度追加抽样有助于进一步确认;资料饱和作为考察研究质量的一项重要指标,并不适用于所有质性研究。  相似文献   

躯体和面孔是个体情绪表达与识别的重要线索。与面部表情相比,躯体表情加工的显著特点是补偿情绪信息,感知运动与行为信息,及产生适应性行为。情绪躯体与面孔加工的神经基础可能相邻或部分重合,但也存在分离;EBA、FBA、SPL、IPL等是与躯体表情加工相关的特异性脑区。今后应系统研究面孔、躯体及语音情绪线索加工潜在的神经基础,探讨躯体情绪加工的跨文化差异,考察情绪障碍患者的躯体表情加工特点。  相似文献   

Recent research on bodily self-consciousness has assumed that it consists of three distinct components: the experience of owning a body (body ownership); the experience of being a body with a given location within the environment (self-location); and the experience of taking a first-person, body-centered, perspective on that environment (perspective). Here we review recent neuroimaging studies suggesting that at least two of these components—body ownership and self-location—are implemented in rather distinct neural substrates, located, respectively, in the premotor cortex and in the temporo-parietal junction. We examine these results and consider them in relation to clinical evidence from patients with altered body perception and work on a variety of multisensory, body-related illusions, such as the rubber hand illusion, the full body illusion, the body swap illusion and the enfacement illusion. We conclude by providing a preliminary synthesis of the data on bodily self-consciousness and its neural correlates.  相似文献   

情绪识别一直是学界关注的热点。虽然已有研究探讨了动态面孔表情、动态身体表情和声音情绪的脑机制, 但对每种情绪载体的整体认识相对不完善, 同时对不同情绪载体之间神经机制的共性和区别知之甚少。因此, 本研究首先通过三项独立的激活似然估计元分析来识别每种情绪模式的大脑激活区域, 然后进行对比分析以评估三种情绪载体之间共同的和独特的神经活动。结果显示, 动态面孔表情的大脑活动包括广泛的额叶、枕叶、颞叶和部分顶叶皮层以及海马、小脑、丘脑、杏仁核等皮层下区域; 动态身体表情的激活集中于颞/枕叶相关脑区以及小脑和海马; 声音情绪则引起了颞叶、额叶、杏仁核、尾状核和脑岛的激活。联合分析表明, 三种情绪载体跨模态激活了左侧颞中回和右侧颞上回。对比分析的结果证明了视觉刺激比听觉刺激更占优势, 动态面孔表情尤为突出, 同时动态身体表情也发挥着重要作用, 但声音情绪有其独特性。总之, 这些发现验证和拓展了三种情绪载体的现有神经模型, 揭示了情绪处理中心的、普遍性的区域, 但每种情绪载体又有自己可靠的特异性神经回路。  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the perception of body in hypochondriasis and implications that it has for fear of death and for treatment of hypochondriasis. It is suggested that a sense of threat posed by the body in hypochondriasis is intimately related to the fear of body, expectations of bodily failure, fear of disease and pathological fear of death. Clinical aspects and potential antecedents of these phenomena are discussed in the article. It is emphasized that fear of the body and fear of death should be adequately addressed in the course of treatment, regardless of the nature of the primary treatment approach. Relevant treatment strategies are outlined, with treatment goals including an adoption of the non-threatening perception of one’s body, modification of attitudes and beliefs related to health, illness and death which heighten fear of death, and substantial alleviation or elimination of the pathological fear of death.  相似文献   

In qualitative research paradoxes abound in research design, sampling, generalisation, ethics and the behaviour of the researcher. The ultimate paradox is that qualitative inquiry is impossible — both conceptually and practically — yet it still goes on. It must do so if the professions of counselling and psychotherapy are to advance.  相似文献   


To commemorate that Cognition & Emotion was established three decades ago, we asked some distinguished scholars to reflect on past research on the interface of cognition and emotion and prospects for the future. The resulting papers form the Special Issue on Horizons in Cognition and Emotion Research. The contributions to Horizons cover both the field in general and a diversity of specific topics, including affective neuroscience, appraisal theory, automatic evaluation, embodied emotion, emotional disorders, emotion-linked attentional bias, emotion recognition, emotion regulation, lifespan development, motivation, and social emotions. We hope that Horizons will spark constructive debates, while offering guidance for the future growth and development of research on the interface between cognition and emotion. Finally, we provide an update on how Cognition & Emotion has fared over the past year, and announce some changes in editorial policies and the editorial board.  相似文献   

At the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), an interdisciplinary conference dedicated to sonification and the use of non-speech sound to represent information, presenters make use of a variety of bodily skills and representations that appeal to the senses of their audience. In many established disciplines, the conventions that guide the use of these skills and representations are taken for granted; but within ICAD, they are often explicitly negotiated. The practice of ‘data karaoke', in which researchers mimic the sound of a sonification with their own voice, is particularly instructive for understanding these negotiations, and the ICAD community more generally. Data karaoke fulfils five functions: embodiment, highlighting, illustration, authorisation and integration. To make sense of data karaoke, we have to understand the institutional and intellectual environment in which this peculiar practice has emerged; but conversely, an understanding of data karaoke can help us throw new light on epistemological debates about the hierarchy of the senses: data karaoke is a multisensory skill engaging the whole body of the sonification researcher, and thus calls into question the dominant epistemological discourse within the ICAD community, in which the different sensory modalities are framed as competitors. The ICAD case shows that studying conferences as sites where bodies interact, and presentations as performances involving the bodies and senses of scientists, helps us to understand not only the conference cultures, but also the ideals about scientific scholarship and academic authority held by scientific communities.  相似文献   

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