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为探讨正念与大学生手机成瘾倾向的关系以及无聊倾向的中介作用和未来时间洞察力的调节作用,采用问卷法对790名大学生进行了施测。结果表明:(1)正念对大学生手机成瘾倾向具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)无聊倾向在正念与手机成瘾倾向之间起中介作用;(3)正念通过无聊倾向对手机成瘾倾向所起的间接效应受到未来时间洞察力的调节作用,即相较于未来时间洞察力水平高的大学生而言,该间接效应在未来时间洞察力水平低的大学生中更强。研究结果有助于揭示正念如何与手机成瘾倾向相联系,以及正念与手机成瘾倾向的关系在何种条件下更强或更弱。这对于移动互联网络时代预防和干预大学生手机成瘾倾向具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

对361名大一新生进行为期3个月的追踪测量,以考察羞怯、自尊与网络依赖的发展变化及相互关系。结果发现:(1)大一新生的羞怯、自尊和网络依赖的水平具有一定程度的横向稳定性。(2)羞怯与网络依赖正相关,自尊与网络依赖负相关。(3)T1的网络依赖正向预测T2的羞怯,T2的羞怯正向预测T3的网络依赖;T1和T2的网络依赖分别负向预测T2和T3的自尊。结论:羞怯与网络依赖之间存在恶性循环,并且网络依赖会导致自尊水平的下降。  相似文献   

为探究无聊倾向对青少年网络成瘾的预测作用和影响机制,选取云南省和山东省5所普通中学的1553名青少年进行调查。结果发现:(1)青少年无聊倾向显著正向预测网络成瘾;(2)学习倦怠在青少年无聊倾向与网络成瘾之间起中介作用;(3)积极应对方式在无聊倾向与学习倦怠之间起调节作用。本研究结果揭示了青少年网络成瘾形成的内部机制,并基于I-PACE模型构建了青少年网络成瘾的形成过程模型,为青少年网络成瘾的干预提供决策依据。  相似文献   

运用方便取样的方法从河北省选取河北大学、河北科技大学、邢台学院3所高校共522名大一至大四学生,采用问卷法考察手机成瘾倾向在无聊倾向与认知失败间的中介作用,以及独生与非独生对上述中介作用的调节作用。结果发现(1)无聊倾向、手机成瘾倾向与认知失败两两均呈显著正相关;(2)大学生手机成瘾倾向在无聊倾向外部刺激因子与认知失败的关系间起到部分中介作用;(3)是否独生能够调节无聊倾向内部刺激因子与手机成瘾倾向之间的关系,只有独生群体中内部刺激才能显著预测手机成瘾倾向。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生公正世界信念与学业倦怠的关系,以及应对方式和无聊倾向在其中的中介作用,采用公正世界信念问卷、大学生无聊倾向性问卷、简易应对方式量表和大学生学习倦怠量表对955名大学生进行调查。结果显示:(1)以积极应对与无聊倾向为中介变量,公正世界信念不能直接显著预测学业倦怠,无聊倾向在其中起完全中介作用;以消极应对与无聊倾向为中介变量,公正世界信念能负向显著预测学业倦怠,消极应对与无聊倾向在其中起部分中介作用;(2)积极/消极应对-无聊倾向的链式中介作用在公正世界信念与学业倦怠的关系中均成立,且达到显著性水平。本研究结果有助于理解公正世界信念对学业倦怠的作用机制,并为大学生学业倦怠的缓解提供建议。  相似文献   

本文通过两个研究揭示歧视知觉对初中生合作倾向与行为的影响, 研究1采用问卷法对752名初中生进行为期一年的追踪, 运用潜变量交叉滞后结构方程模型分析歧视知觉与合作倾向之间的纵向预测关系; 研究2采用动态公共物品困境实验考察歧视知觉对合作行为的影响, 以及群体类型的调节作用。结果发现:(1)初中生的歧视知觉与合作倾向存在显著负相关; T1合作倾向可负向预测T2歧视知觉, T2歧视知觉可负向预测T3合作倾向; (2)在公共物品困境前三轮投资比和贡献率上, 歧视知觉和群体类型的交互效应显著; 而在后三轮仅发现歧视知觉在投资比和贡献率上的主效应, 以及群体类型在贡献率上的主效应。以上结果表明, 歧视知觉与合作倾向之间存在纵向螺旋式影响; 歧视知觉对前期合作行为的影响受到群体类型的调节, 但随着互动时间延长, 该调节作用消失。  相似文献   

大学生的时间管理倾向与主观幸福感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以499名在校大学生为对象,采用青少年时间管理倾向性量表、幸福感指数量表和情感平衡量表,探讨其时间价值感、时间监控感和时间效能感与主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生的时间价值感、时间监控感和时间效能感与其主观幸福感间存在显著的相关关系;时间管理倾向和主观幸福感得分不存在显著的性别和年级差异;(2)时间管理倾向不同因子对大学生主观幸福感的影响作用存在一定差异。时间监控观和时间效能感能显著正向预测大学生的主观幸福感指数,时间效能感能显著正向预测大学生的积极情感和情感平衡,同时也能显著地负向预测其消极情感。  相似文献   

认识亲社会行为倾向、内化问题和外化问题的发展级联对青少年心理健康促进具有重要价值。采用个体内分析方法分析了894名初中生3年的追踪数据, 并与传统的交叉滞后面板模型进行比较。结果发现:(1)在个体内水平, 亲社会行为倾向与内化问题和外化问题具有中等或较弱的协同变化关系, T1亲社会行为倾向可负向预测T2内化问题, T2亲社会行为倾向可负向预测T3外化问题, 具有较弱的预测作用; (2)在女生群体中, T2内化问题可正向预测T3外化问题, 而在男生群体中, 内化问题和外化问题没有相互预测作用; (3)亲社会行为倾向的4个因子(公开的、依从的、情绪的和利他的)可负向预测内化问题, 它们仅在T2可负向预测外化问题, 具有较弱的预测作用; (4)个体内分析方法得到的研究结果与传统交叉滞后分析方法不同, 不同的个体内分析模型得到的研究结果也不同。结论: 青少年早期亲社会行为倾向的发展可降低内化问题和外化问题, 这种作用具有性别差异; 个体内分析方法在青少年心理病理发展研究中具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

以409名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察无聊倾向对于主观幸福感的影响,以及情绪调节自我效能感的中介作用。结果表明:无聊倾向负向预测积极情绪调节效能感、抑郁情绪调节效能感及愤怒情绪调节效能感;无聊倾向负向预测主观幸福感水平。积极情绪调节效能感和抑郁情绪调节效能感在无聊倾向和主观幸福感的关系中起到了部分中介作用。  相似文献   

以510大学生为被试,采用无聊倾向量表、意志控制问卷和认知失败问卷考察无聊倾向对认知失败的影响机制。结果发现:(1)意志控制在无聊倾向与认知失败间起到显著的调节作用,在低意志控制水平下无聊倾向能够显著正向预测认知失败,而在高意志控制水平下无聊倾向对认知失败的预测作用不显著;(2)无聊倾向能间接地通过意志控制对认知失败产生影响,意志控制起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between boredom proneness, mood monitoring, mood labeling, and tendency to experience flow; and explored some qualitative, phenomenological aspects of boredom. College students (N= 170) responded to an anonymous questionnaire containing the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986), the Mood Awareness Scale (Swinkels & Giuliano, 1995), a measure of flow proneness, and questions about the experience of boredom. As predicted, Boredom Proneness was positively correlated with mood monitoring, negatively correlated with mood labeling, and negatively correlated with flow. Respondents provided interesting information about their perceptions of boredom, its causes, and their strategies for coping with and planning for boring situations. A majority of participants described positive aspects of boredom, and 10% volunteered that they were never bored.  相似文献   

The contributions of private self-consciousness and absorption in explaining boredom proneness were investigated. University students enrolled at a public university in the southeastern United States completed a packet containing the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS; R. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986), the Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS; A. Fenigstein, M. F. Scheier, & A. H. Buss, 1975), the Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS; A. Tellegen & G. Atkinson, 1974), the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS; J. T. Cacioppo, R. E. Petty, & C. F. Kao, 1984), and a demographic questionnaire. Scores on the Boredom Proneness subscale, Internal Stimulation, which indicates the difficulty in keeping oneself interested and entertained, were significantly lower for individuals high in absorption (a measure of attention). Individuals high in positive self-awareness, representing awareness of one's internal states, reported lower overall boredom. Individuals high in negative self-awareness, which focuses on evaluation and judgment, reported increased total boredom proneness scores. Implications of these findings for the treatment of boredom proneness and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of boredom proneness as measured by the Boredom Proneness Scale (R. F. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986) on college students' psychosocial development was investigated via the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA; R. B. Winston, T. K. Miller, & J. S. Prince, 1995). Low boredom-prone students had significantly higher scores on the following SDTLA measures: career planning, lifestyle planning, peer relationships, educational involvement, instrumental autonomy, emotional autonomy, interdependence, academic autonomy, and salubrious lifestyle. Gender differences on boredom proneness and psychosocial development measures are discussed.  相似文献   

To identify sex differences in boredom proneness, 146 undergraduates (66 men and 80 women) were asked to complete the Boredom Proneness Scale. An independent groups t test indicated a statistically significant mean difference in boredom proneness as men scored significantly higher than women.  相似文献   

Boredom proneness in pathological gambling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To test the hypothesis that pathological gamblers seek stimulation as a means of reducing aversive under-aroused states of boredom and/or depression, the Beck Depression Inventory, Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale and a Boredom Proneness Scale were administered to 48 diagnosed pathological gamblers and a control group of 40 family physician patients. Analyses of variance showed pathological gamblers obtained significantly higher boredom proneness and depression scores than those of controls. That the Boredom Proneness Scale failed to correlate with the Zuckerman Boredom Susceptibility subscale suggested the two measure differing dimensions. Results indicated the possible existence of three subtypes of pathological gamblers, one group characterized by boredom, another by depression, and a third by a mixture of both depression and boredom.  相似文献   

Boredom proneness--the development and correlates of a new scale   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article reports the development, validation, and correlates of a self-report measure of boredom proneness. The 28-item Boredom Proneness (BP) Scale demonstrates satisfactory levels of internal consistency (coefficient alpha = .79) and test-retest reliability (r = .83) over a 1-week interval. Evidence of validity for the BP is supported by correlations with other boredom measures and from a set of studies evaluating interest and attention in the classroom. Other hypothesized relationships with boredom were tested, with significant positive associations found with depression, hopelessness, perceived effort, loneliness, and amotivational orientation. Additional findings indicate boredom proneness to be negatively related to life satisfaction and autonomy orientation. The relationship of boredom to other affective states is discussed, and directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which boredom proneness and sleep disturbances were related to attention deficit scores in college-aged adults. In a sample of 148 college students, Attention scores on the Adult Behavior Checklist were best predicted by Boredom Proneness (BP) subscale scores, which assess one's inability to maintain internal stimulation and feelings of constraint, and scores on the Epworth Daytime Sleepiness Scale and Athens Insomnia Scale (R2 = .57). Hyperactivity scores were best predicted by the BP subscales, which assess one's need for a stimulating environment, the perception of time passing slowly, and feelings of constraint, and the Epworth Scale (R2 = .51). The findings contribute to the understanding of the symptomatology of attention deficit in adults and provide further evidence of the validity of this measure.  相似文献   

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