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创造性与环境因素关系的社会心理学理论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张剑  郭德俊 《心理科学》2003,26(2):263-267
本文介绍了关于创造性研究的社会心理学理论,分析了它们对于环境因素影响创造性行为产生的观点,强调了环境因素与创造性行为关系的动机中介作用的思想,在理论分析的基础上提出探索环境影响因素的结构与动机中介的机制是进一步研究创造性行为的方向。  相似文献   

本介绍了关于创造性研究的社会心理学理论,分析了它们对于环境因素影响创造性行为产生的观点,以及环境因素与创造性行为关系中动机的中介作用思想。在理论分析的基础上,提出探索环境影响因素的结构与动机中介的机制是进一步研究创造性行为的方向。  相似文献   

目的:探究老年人使用数字诊疗产品的影响因素。方法:采用现象学研究方法对15名社区老年人进行有关数字诊疗产品接受度与使用情况的半结构式深入访谈,访谈资料采用Colaizzi七步分析法进行分析。结果:老年人使用数字诊疗产品主要包括动机产生、行动产生和维持行动3个阶段。需求是动机产生的基础,在动机转变为行动的过程中,个人资源(包括线下医疗途径通畅度、自我效能感)和环境因素(包括子女或亲友的推荐、外界的宣传介绍、他人帮助)是重要影响因素。老年人的使用体验(包括对产品功能效果以及操作难易的感受)会影响后续的使用动机和使用行为。结论:为提升老年人对数字诊疗产品的使用频率,要先了解老年人的需求与使用动机,提供有针对性的推动策略,加强宣传介绍与帮助指导,促使动机转化为行动。为维持老年人的使用行为,要发展适合他们的产品,让其拥有良好的使用体验。  相似文献   

保护动机对农村流动人口性病艾滋病高危性行为的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村流动人口已经成为我国性病艾滋病预防干预的重点人群。为了探讨流动人口所存在的性病艾滋病高危性行为,以及保护动机(Protection Motivation)对性病艾滋病高危性行为的预测作用,研究选取2201名从农村到北京打工已有3个月的流动人口为被试,采用问卷调查的形式,要求其报自己报告初始性行为发生的时间、性伙伴的数量、商业性行为、性伙伴的性行为、安全套的使用,对我国性病艾滋病严重程度的评估,以及所拥有的性病艾滋病症状知识和传播知识。对904名已发生性行为的流动人口的统计分析发现:(1)农村流动人口存在较多的高危性行为,男性流动人口的高危性行为明显多于女性流动人口;(2)保护动机理论对农村流动人口的性病艾滋病高危性行为具有明显的预测作用,其中的外在奖励、内在奖励、反应效能和反应代价与农村流动人口的性病艾滋病高危性行为的关系更为密切。研究揭示,保护动机理论可以作为我国今后开展农村流动人口性病艾滋病高危性行为预防干预工作的一个基础  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨最要好同伴吸烟、青少年个性特征与青少年吸烟行为的关系.对北京市一所普通中学和一所重点中学的1042名初一至高三学生进行问卷调查,让被试自我报告他们和最要好同伴的吸烟行为,以及他们的个性特点.结果表明:(1)吸烟和不吸烟的青少年在遵从动机、自我效能感上存在着显著的差异.与不吸烟青少年相比,吸烟的青少年表现出更高的遵从动机和更低的自我效能感;(2)青少年的遵从动机、自我效能感与最要好同伴吸烟行为间存在显著关系.遵从动机高、自我效能感低的青少年,其最要好同伴吸烟率要显著地高于遵从动机低、自我效能感高的青少年;(3)最要好同伴吸烟行为与青少年吸烟行为间存在极其显著的相关;(4)最要好同伴吸烟行为既对青少年吸烟行为产生直接作用,又通过自我效能感、遵从动机对青少年吸烟行为产生间接影响.但最要好同伴吸烟行为对青少年吸烟行为的直接作用要大于间接作用.  相似文献   

心理契约对组织公民行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文从组织公民行为的界定基础、产生背景和行为动机三个方面剖析了心理契约与组织公民行为的内在联系,从逻辑上支持了两者的因果关系。在此基础上文章分直接、间接影响两部分回顾了国内外关于心理契约影响组织公民行为的实证研究,并从总体研究状况、理论视角、实证方法三个方面对研究中存在的问题进行评述,以及提出未来研究方向  相似文献   

从自我决定论看动机访谈法疗效机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机访谈法是以病人为中心、促使病人自己改变问题行为的咨询技术和方法。该文从自我决定论角度,解释了动机访谈法取得疗效的机理:动机访谈法起到满足病人基本心理需要(胜任感、归属感、自主性),推动病人产生自主动机的作用,促使病人提高适应性行为的质量和稳定性,提高心理健康水平,从而取得心理治疗效果。  相似文献   

消费者抱怨行为的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
申跃  赵平 《心理学报》2005,37(3):397-402
不满意购买发生以后,消费者可能采取的抱怨方式并不相同。通过对冰箱、空调和洗衣机行业2966位消费者的问卷调查,采用单因素多变量方差分析方法对消费者抱怨行为进行比较研究,发现直接抱怨的消费者在品牌形象感知、满意度和再次购买倾向上都显著地高于负面口碑和沉默抵制的消费者。继而,运用认知心理学理论对抱怨行为方式的选择及影响进行解释,并指出企业应该鼓励消费者进行直接抱怨。  相似文献   

稀缺是由资源的真实缺乏或感知缺乏所引起的个体欲望和需求得不到满足的一种状态。稀缺作为一种普遍存在的现象对个体的情感、认知、以及行为方式产生了重要的影响, 但是不同类型的稀缺(以食物、产品、资金为代表的有形资源稀缺vs.以时间为代表的无形资源稀缺)对个体心理和行为的影响是否存在共性与差异?梳理文献发现, 有形资源稀缺会使个体产生珍惜性行为、补偿性行为和趋近性行为, 而无形资源稀缺只会使个体产生珍惜性和补偿性行为。未来研究应关注稀缺影响个体行为的边界条件, 以及时间稀缺对个体心理和行为的影响。  相似文献   

动机性访谈:一种以咨客为中心的行为改变咨询技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动机性访谈是目前在西方国家比较流行的一种以咨客为中心的行为改变咨询技术,但在我国关于这一技术的研究和应用都还比较少。本文概述了动机性访谈技术的理论基础、应用原则(表达神入;发展差异;接受阻抗;维持自我效能)和基本技能,并介绍了这一咨询技术的应用现状与研究方向。  相似文献   

The important relationship between consumer complaint behaviour and brand and store loyalty is well established. The range of factors that favourably influence the outcomes of complaining have received relatively less research attention. Therefore, this study tests the effects of two salesperson source characteristics: willingness to listen and product/store knowledge, on consumer complaint‐related perceptions and intentions in a retail setting. Mall shoppers participated in a consumer complaint experiment to test the hypothesised effects. The results indicate that both characteristics affect customer complaint responses, as well as consumer perceptions of the salesperson and the retail store. The findings of the study demonstrate that salesperson characteristics are important influences on positive or negative consumer complaint responses. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

In the customer complaint literature, researchers have found that the lack of an incidental sense of power is one of the reasons why customers do not complain. However, two issues are left unanswered: does a chronic sense of power influence consumer complaining behavior, and how individuals who feel chronically powerless can be encouraged to complain when dissatisfied. The present study is intended to address this topic. Drawing on the approach–inhibition theory of power, we argue that the probability of complaint success increases the complaint behavior of customers with a low chronic sense of power, thereby mitigating the differences in the complaint behavior of consumers with low and high power. The three studies indicated that a low chronic power was negatively associated with complaining intentions and that this association was mitigated by the perceived success of complaining.  相似文献   

许丹  李亦欣 《心理科学》2020,(5):1243-1249
为了解个体助人行为的发生、发展和变化,本研究采用质性研究方法,围绕日常生活中助人行为深度访谈了10名始成年期的高助人者,运用扎根理论对访谈资料进行分析和理论建构。发现个体助人行为的发展可分成三个阶段:形成期、冲击期及稳固期,各发展阶段以对助人行为的认知和主要动机为核心,呈现出稳定-外控、不稳定-外控、稳定-内控的特点,据此提出助人行为的发展历程,并讨论了研究的理论价值、现实意义及局限。  相似文献   

The Children in the Community (CIC) Study is an ongoing investigation of the course of psychiatric disorders including personality disorders (PDs) in an epidemiological sample of about 800 youths. In addition to tracking developmental trajectories over 20 years from adolescence into adulthood, the CIC Study has used prospective data to investigate early risks for Axis II disorders and symptoms (including both environmental factors and early characteristics), implications of comorbidity with Axis I disorders, and associated negative prognostic risk of adolescent PDs into adulthood. The substantial independent impact of PD on subsequent Axis I disorders, suicide attempts, violent and criminal behavior, interpersonal conflict, and other problematic adult outcomes confirms the importance of attention to these problems when they manifest in early adolescence. The implications of study findings for potential changes in the DSM are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the relation between TV-violence viewing and aggression in childhood has been clearly demonstrated, only a few studies have examined this relation from childhood to adulthood, and these studies of children growing up in the 1960s reported significant relations only for boys. The current study examines the longitudinal relations between TV-violence viewing at ages 6 to 10 and adult aggressive behavior about 15 years later for a sample growing up in the 1970s and 1980s. Follow-up archival data (N = 450) and interview data (N = 329) reveal that childhood exposure to media violence predicts young adult aggressive behavior for both males and females. Identification with aggressive TV characters and perceived realism of TV violence also predict later aggression. These relations persist even when the effects of socioeconomic status, intellectual ability, and a variety of parenting factors are controlled.  相似文献   

People have a strong motivation to maintain a self-concept that is coherent and consistent over time. Religion is an central source of social identity for many people, but its importance is prone to dramatic change across the life course. To maintain a consistent perception of self, recollections of one's own past religiousness may shift to better fit with the present. This study examined changes between early and middle adulthood in retrospective perceptions of religious behavior and identity in childhood. Data from a population-based birth cohort sample were matched with data from individuals who participated in at least two of three adult follow-up studies, at intervals of approximately 10 years. Logistic regression was used to analyze the association of final recollections of childhood behavior and identity with previous recollections and current religious characteristics. Consistent with the predictions of temporal self-appraisal theory, participants' perception of their religious identity as children tended to change over time to match their adult religious identity. Recollections of childhood religious behavior were more stable than recollections of religious identity, and change was unrelated to adult behavior. These results have implications for studying religious characteristics using retrospective measures, regarding their accuracy and their independence from contemporary measures.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the genetic and environmental influences on childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior were examined in a large community sample of 6,383 adult male, female, and opposite-sex twins. Retrospective reports of childhood conduct disorder (prior to 18 years of age) were obtained when participants were approximately 30 years old, and lifetime reports of adult antisocial behavior (antisocial behavior after 17 years of age) were obtained 8 years later. Results revealed that either the genetic or the shared environmental factors influencing childhood conduct disorder differed for males and females (i.e., a qualitative sex difference), but by adulthood, these sex-specific influences on antisocial behavior were no longer apparent. Further, genetic and environmental influences accounted for proportionally the same amount of variance in antisocial behavior for males and females in childhood and adulthood (i.e., there were no quantitative sex differences). Additionally, the stability of antisocial behavior from childhood to adulthood was slightly greater for males than females. Though familial factors accounted for more of the stability of antisocial behavior for males than females, genetic factors accounted for the majority of the covariation between childhood conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior for both sexes. The genetic influences on adult antisocial behavior overlapped completely with the genetic influences on childhood conduct disorder for both males and females. Implications for future twin and molecular genetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Depue RA  Collins PF 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》1999,22(3):491-517; discussion 518-69
Extraversion has two central characteristics: (1) interpersonal engagement, which consists of affiliation (enjoying and valuing close interpersonal bonds, being warm and affectionate) and agency (being socially dominant, enjoying leadership roles, being assertive, being exhibitionistic, and having a sense of potency in accomplishing goals) and (2) impulsivity, which emerges from the interaction of extraversion and a second, independent trait (constraint). Agency is a more general motivational disposition that includes dominance, ambition, mastery, efficacy, and achievement. Positive affect (a combination of positive feelings and motivation) is closely associated with extraversion. Extraversion is accordingly based on positive incentive motivation. Parallels between extraversion (particularly its agency component) and a mammalian behavioral approach system based on positive incentive motivation implicate a neuroanatomical network and modulatory neurotransmitters in the processing of incentive motivation. A corticolimbic-striatal-thalamic network (1) integrates the salient incentive context in the medial orbital cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus; (2) encodes the intensity of incentive stimuli in a motive circuit composed of the nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, and ventral tegmental area dopamine projection system; and (3) creates an incentive motivational state that can be transmitted to the motor system. Individual differences in the functioning of this network arise from functional variation in the ventral tegmental area dopamine projections, which are directly involved in coding the intensity of incentive motivation. The animal evidence suggests that there are three neurodevelopmental sources of individual differences in dopamine: genetic, "experience-expectant," and "experience-dependent." Individual differences in dopamine promote variation in the heterosynaptic plasticity that enhances the connection between incentive context and incentive motivation and behavior. Our psychobiological threshold model explains the effects of individual differences in dopamine transmission on behavior, and their relation to personality traits is discussed.  相似文献   

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