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Maximum likelihood estimation of item parameters in the marginal distribution, integrating over the distribution of ability, becomes practical when computing procedures based on an EM algorithm are used. By characterizing the ability distribution empirically, arbitrary assumptions about its form are avoided. The Em procedure is shown to apply to general item-response models lacking simple sufficient statistics for ability. This includes models with more than one latent dimension.Supported in part by NSF grant BNS 7912417 to the University of Chicago and by SSRC (UK) grant HR6132 to the University of Lancaster.We are indebted to Mark Reiser and Robert Gibbons for computer programming. David Thissen clarified a number of points in an earlier draft.  相似文献   

In tailored testing, it is important to determine the optimal difficulty of the next item to present to the examinee. This paper shows that the difference that maximizes information for the three-parameter normal ogive response model is approximately 1.7 times the optimal differenceb for the three-parameter logistic model. Under the normal model, calculation of the optimal difficulty for minimizing the Bayes risk is equivalent to maximizing an associated information function.The views expressed herein, are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of the Navy.  相似文献   

Lord developed an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate in the context of the three-parameter logistic model. Using Taylor's expansion of the likelihood equation, he obtained an equation that includes the conditional expectation, given true ability, of the discrepancy between the maximum likelihood estimate and true ability. All terms of orders higher thann ?1 are ignored wheren indicates the number of items. Lord assumed that all item and individual parameters are bounded, all item parameters are known or well-estimated, and the number of items is reasonably large. In the present paper, an approximation for the bias function of the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait, or ability, will be developed using the same assumptions for the more general case where item responses are discrete. This will include the dichotomous response level, for which the three-parameter logistic model has been discussed, the graded response level and the nominal response level. Some observations will be made for both dichotomous and graded response levels.  相似文献   

The paper addresses and discusses whether the tradition of accepting point-symmetric item characteristic curves is justified by uncovering the inconsistent relationship between the difficulties of items and the order of maximum likelihood estimates of ability. This inconsistency is intrinsic in models that provide point-symmetric item characteristic curves, and in this paper focus is put on the normal ogive model for observation. It is also questioned if in the logistic model the sufficient statistic has forfeited the rationale that is appropriate to the psychological reality. It is observed that the logistic model can be interpreted as the case in which the inconsistency in ordering the maximum likelihood estimates is degenerated.The paper proposes a family of models, called the logistic positive exponent family, which provides asymmetric item chacteristic curves. A model in this family has a consistent principle in ordering the maximum likelihood estimates of ability. The family is divided into two subsets each of which has its own principle, and includes the logistic model as a transition from one principle to the other. Rationale and some illustrative examples are given.  相似文献   

This paper brings together and compares two developments in the analysis of Likert attitude scales. The first is the generalization of latent class models to ordered response categories. The second is the introduction of latent trait models with multiplicative parameter structures for the analysis of rating scales. Key similarities and differences between these two methods are described and illustrated by applying a latent trait model and a latent class model to the analysis of a set of life satisfaction data. The way in which the latent trait model defines a unit of measurement, takes into account the order of the response categories, and scales the latent classes, is discussed. While the latent class model provides better fit to these data, this is achieved at the cost of a logically inconsistent assignment of individuals to latent classes.The author wishes to thank Clifford C. Clogg, Otis Dudley Duncan and Benjamin D. Wright for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

A general latent trait model for response processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the current paper is to propose a general multicomponent latent trait model (GLTM) for response processes. The proposed model combines the linear logistic latent trait (LLTM) with the multicomponent latent trait model (MLTM). As with both LLTM and MLTM, the general multicomponent latent trait model can be used to (1) test hypotheses about the theoretical variables that underlie response difficulty and (2) estimate parameters that describe test items by basic substantive properties. However, GLTM contains both component outcomes and complexity factors in a single model and may be applied to data that neither LLTM nor MLTM can handle. Joint maximum likelihood estimators are presented for the parameters of GLTM and an application to cognitive test items is described.This research was partially supported by the National Institute of Education grant number NIE-6-7-0156 to Susan Embretson (Whitely), principal investigator. However the optinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the National Institute of Education, and no official endorsement by the National Institute of Education should be inferred.  相似文献   

Mark Reiser 《Psychometrika》1996,61(3):509-528
Using the item response model as developed on the multinomial distribution, asymptotic variances are obtained for residuals associated with response patterns and first-, and second-order marginal frequencies of manifest variables. When the model does not fit well, an examination of these residuals may reveal the source of the poor fit. Finally, a limited-information test of fit for the model is developed by using residuals defined for the first-, and second-order marginals. Model evaluation based on residuals for these marginals is particularly useful when the response pattern frequencies are sparse.The author would like to thank Yasuo Amemiya and Joseph Lucke for helpful suggestions. This research was supported by a Research Incentive Grant from Arizona State University.  相似文献   

A reparameterization of a latent class model is presented to simultaneously classify and scale nominal and ordered categorical choice data. Latent class-specific probabilities are constrained to be equal to the preference probabilities from a probabilistic ideal-point or vector model that yields a graphical, multidimensional representation of the classification results. In addition, background variables can be incorporated as an aid to interpreting the latent class-specific response probabilities. The analyses of synthetic and real data sets illustrate the proposed method.The authors thank Yosiho Takane, the editor and referees for their valuable suggestions. Authors are listed in reverse alphabetical order.  相似文献   

Higher-order latent trait models for cognitive diagnosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Higher-order latent traits are proposed for specifying the joint distribution of binary attributes in models for cognitive diagnosis. This approach results in a parsimonious model for the joint distribution of a high-dimensional attribute vector that is natural in many situations when specific cognitive information is sought but a less informative item response model would be a reasonable alternative. This approach stems from viewing the attributes as the specific knowledge required for examination performance, and modeling these attributes as arising from a broadly-defined latent trait resembling theϑ of item response models. In this way a relatively simple model for the joint distribution of the attributes results, which is based on a plausible model for the relationship between general aptitude and specific knowledge. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for parameter estimation are given for selected response distributions, and simulation results are presented to examine the performance of the algorithm as well as the sensitivity of classification to model misspecification. An analysis of fraction subtraction data is provided as an example. This research was funded by National Institute of Health grant R01 CA81068. We would like to thank William Stout and Sarah Hartz for many useful discussions, three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions, and Kikumi Tatsuoka and Curtis Tatsuoka for generously sharing data.  相似文献   

In this note, we describe the iterative procedure introduced earlier by Goodman to calculate the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters in latent structure analysis, and we provide here a simple and direct proof of the fact that the parameter estimates obtained with the iterative procedure cannot lie outside the allowed interval. Formann recently stated that Goodman's algorithm can yield parameter estimates that lie outside the allowed interval, and we prove in the present note that Formann's contention is incorrect.This research was supported in part by Research Contract No. NSF SOC 76-80389 from the Division of the Social Sciences of the National Science Foundation. The author is indebted to C. C. Clogg for helpful comments and for the numerical results reported here (see, e.g., Table 1).  相似文献   

Many probabilistic models for psychological and educational measurements contain latent variables. Well‐known examples are factor analysis, item response theory, and latent class model families. We discuss what is referred to as the ‘explaining‐away’ phenomenon in the context of such latent variable models. This phenomenon can occur when multiple latent variables are related to the same observed variable, and can elicit seemingly counterintuitive conditional dependencies between latent variables given observed variables. We illustrate the implications of explaining away for a number of well‐known latent variable models by using both theoretical and real data examples.  相似文献   

Samejima has recently given an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait in the general case where item responses are discrete, generalizing Lord's bias function in the three-parameter logistic model for the dichotomous response level. In the present paper, observations are made about the behavior of this bias function for the dichotomous response level in general, and also with respect to several widely used mathematical models. Some empirical examples are given.  相似文献   

Assuming a nonparametric family of item response theory models, a theory-based procedure for testing the hypothesis of unidimensionality of the latent space is proposed. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is derived assuming unidimensionality, thereby establishing an asymptotically valid statistical test of the unidimensionality of the latent trait. Based upon a new notion of dimensionality, the test is shown to have asymptotic power 1. A 6300 trial Monte Carlo study using published item parameter estimates of widely used standardized tests indicates conservative adherence to the nominal level of significance and statistical power averaging 81 out of 100 rejections for examinee sample sizes and psychological test lengths often incurred in practice.The referees' comments were remarkably detailed and greatly enhanced the writeup and sensitized the author to certain pertinent issues. Discussions with Fritz Drasgow, Lloyd Humphreys, Dennis Jennings, Brian Junker, Robert Linn, Ratna Nandakumar, and Robin Shealy were also very useful.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N00014-84-K-0186; NR 150-533, and by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 85-03321.  相似文献   

项目反应理论是测量被试潜在特质的现代测量理论, 潜在类别分析是基于模型的潜在特质分类技术。混合项目反应理论将项目反应理论与潜在类别分析相结合, 能够同时对被试分类并量化其潜在特质。在阐述混合项目反应理论概念、原理的基础上, 介绍了MRM、mNRM和mPCM等几种常见混合模型及其参数估计方法, 并从心理与行为特征分类、项目功能差异检测、测验效度评价等方面评述了其在心理测验中的应用发展轨迹。  相似文献   

A normally distributed person-fit index is proposed for detecting aberrant response patterns in latent class models and mixture distribution IRT models for dichotomous and polytomous data.This article extends previous work on the null distribution of person-fit indices for the dichotomous Rasch model to a number of models for categorical data. A comparison of two different approaches to handle the skewness of the person-fit index distribution is included.Major parts of this paper were written while the first author worked at the Institute for Science Education, Kiel, Germany. Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily of Educational Testing Service. The results presented in this paper were improved by valuable comments from J. Rost, K. Yamamoto, N.D. Verhelst, E. Bedrick and two anonymous reviewers.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a latent class distance association model for clustering in the predictor space of large contingency tables with a categorical response variable. The rows of such a table are characterized as profiles of a set of explanatory variables, while the columns represent a single outcome variable. In many cases such tables are sparse, with many zero entries, which makes traditional models problematic. By clustering the row profiles into a few specific classes and representing these together with the categories of the response variable in a low‐dimensional Euclidean space using a distance association model, a parsimonious prediction model can be obtained. A generalized EM algorithm is proposed to estimate the model parameters and the adjusted Bayesian information criterion statistic is employed to test the number of mixture components and the dimensionality of the representation. An empirical example highlighting the advantages of the new approach and comparing it with traditional approaches is presented.  相似文献   

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