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不良生活方式影响健康的途径包括:病从口入;生活放纵造成机体的衰竭;享受型生活方式“废用”性的机体退化;生活中的失慎与失范导致直接的伤亡;生活压力导致的机体受损;挑战生理极限的心理、生理代价.改变不良生活方式应当遵从科学的原则和一定的标准。  相似文献   

论生活行为方式致病作用的一般特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 生活行为方式致病作用的基本概念随着社会文明程度和工业化水平的不断提高 ,疾病谱和疾病死因顺位排列发生了显著的改变。一个严峻的问题凸现在人们面前 ,这就是不良生活行为方式的致病作用。对于相当一部分疾病而言 ,不良生活行为方式是一种更为重要的致病因子。冠心病是一种受多种因素制约的疾病。据文献报道这些具有致病作用的因素共有 2 4 6种 ,诸如高血压、高血糖、过量进食、缺乏体力活动、吸烟、A型行为类型等等 ,其中绝大多数与生活行为方式有关[1] 。值得强调的是 ,在全球疾病死因顺位中 ,前几位都是与生活行为方式关系密切的…  相似文献   

关系性攻击是对他人人际关系的攻击。儿童关系性攻击受到很多因素的影响,其中主要包括父母的教养方式、同胞、同伴和媒体等。由于儿童关系性攻击具有隐蔽性的特点,所以儿童关系性攻击的测量方法主要包括社会测量评价、教师评定和自我报告等,每种方法都具有各自的优点和缺点,多种方法联合使用会更准确。  相似文献   

关于生活方式的探讨,在我国是近一两年才开始的,而文明、健康、科学的生活方式的探讨,更是一个新的课题,因此,对于这个问题谈不到什么论证,只是谈一点自己的理解。“文明”本意是指人类社会的进步状态,包括物质和精神两个方面。因此文明的生活方式当然也是指人类生活方式的进步状态,也应该包括物质的和精  相似文献   

互联网使用动机、行为与其社会-心理健康的模型构建   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张锋  沈模卫  徐梅  朱海燕  周宁 《心理学报》2006,38(3):407-413
以581名大学生为被试,采用结构方程模型技术构建了互联网使用动机、病理性互联网使用行为与其相关社会-心理健康的关系模型。其中,互联网使用动机包括信息获取性动机和人际情感性动机两种模式;病理性互联网使用行为包括上网冲动性、分离/逃避和网上优越感三个初级因素;互联网相关社会-心理健康包括孤独感、社会参与度、一般抑郁、生活幸福感和生活满意度五个初级因素,并进一步概括为社会健康和心理健康两个维度。研究结果表明,基于信息获取性动机而使用互联网有助于相关社会-心理健康水平的提高;基于人际情感性动机而使用互联网更容易导致病理性互联网使用行为,并由此对使用者的社会-心理健康产生负面影响;大学生使用互联网的积极效应大于消极效应,且信息获取性动机对社会健康具有更大的积极效应,而人际情感性动机对对心理健康具有更大的消极效应  相似文献   

生活方式具有多层次性,我们可以从不同的层次、不同的角度去研究和把握它。社会学从人们的具体生活方式入手,直接研究个人和社群的各种生活活动的具体表现形式及其变迁状况。这是生活方式问题研究的最基本层次。科学社会主义从社会的生活方式入手,研究社会主义社会与人们生活方式的关系,揭示社会主义生活方式的特征。这是生活方式问题研究  相似文献   

道德是劳动者生活活动的产物,并证明是社会主义生活方式的一个重要方面。新的生活方式的原则和传统,有助于个人道德面貌的形成,也有助于在社会实践中体现道德理想。道德因素存在于个人一切形式的生活活动中,从而形成生活方式的道德基础。在社会主义生活方式中,道德基础的职能作用在于:制定行为的战略方向(社会的、集体的);确定整个行为的主要动机(造福社会);确立社会对作为最高价值的个人的关系(人道主义);决定个人安排和实施道德生活活动的机制(行为的选择和对此承担的责任、道德上的自我控制和自我评价)。  相似文献   

初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以北京地区398名初中学生为被试,以适度睡眠、合理饮食、口腔卫生、体育锻炼、防止久坐五类健康促进行为与冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为为对象,对其健康行为的因素结构特点进行了分析。研究结果表明,初中阶段青少年的健康危害行为间具有显著的正相关,而健康促进行为间的关系则较为复杂。验证性因素分析结果表明,初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构主要包含了两个因素,其中健康生活习惯因素主要包括适度睡眠、合理饮食与口腔卫生三类健康促进行为;冒险生活方式因素则包括了冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为以及体育锻炼、防止久坐两类健康促进行为。  相似文献   

心海导航栏目编辑老师: 我们是几位在校大学生,自感生活得很“自在”,只是整天生活没有规律,不喜欢参加体育活动,不喜欢吃早饭。听辅导员老师讲,不良生活习惯对心理健康有害。真有这么回事吗?请予解答。常州×高校申向剑等申向剑等朋友: 生活习惯是由于重复或练习而巩固下来成为需要的自动化了的行动方式,包括劳动习惯、娱乐习惯、饮食习惯、消费习惯等等。现代心理健康研究认为,良好的生活习惯是现代人心身健康的重要保证,生活习惯的好坏是衡量一个人心理健康的标准之  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来,城市社会空间问题在哲学和社会科学研究中受到重视。相对于自然空间而言,社会空间是指人们的活动创造的生活和生产空间,这些空间与一定社会中占据主导地位的社会生产方式和生活方式有密切的关系。城市社会空间外延很丰富,有城市的各种生活和生产的设施和建筑,其中有公共的、也有私人的。城市社会空间问题主要包括城市社会空间中居住隔离、公共场所拥挤、城市生态环境恶化等问题,形成了不同社会阶层、阶级、人群之间在空间上的矛盾、对立甚至冲突。这些问  相似文献   

  • Voluntary simplicity is a lifestyle choice that has received increasing media attention over time. A defining characteristic of voluntary simplicity is reduced material consumption and the removal of clutter from one's life, thus suggesting the topic of disposition may inform our understanding of voluntary simplifier lifestyle behaviour. This paper explores the disposition activities of voluntary simplifiers in the context of their overall consumption behaviour using a series of in‐depth interviews with 12 current voluntary simplifiers. The findings show that disposition plays an important role in voluntary simplifier behaviour, especially during the initial stages of adopting the lifestyle. The consideration of future disposition activities was also found to influence the day‐to‐day consumption behaviour of participants.
Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文在Rowe和Kahn成功老化模型的基础上,结合中国文化背景,提出了生理健康、心理功能、社会参与、生活满意度的四维度成功老化模型。人口学特征、早期经历、社会互动环境、社会历史文化等被动因素,生活方式和习惯、认知活动与训练、老化态度等主动因素,都会影响老年人的成功老化。成功老化是老年人为之奋斗的目标,积极老化是通往该目标的途径。  相似文献   

Unhealthy and healthy eating intentions are predicted in a sample of 154 university students by the theory of planned behavior variables, in interaction with life stress. Specifically, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (PBC) are shown to interact with life stress in relation to intentions to eat unhealthy foods, such that at high stress, the effects of subjective norms and PBC are attenuated. Implications are discussed for studies involving the planned behavior model and the study of life stress and unhealthy eating, for the theory of planned behavior more broadly, as well as for interventions targeting university students' eating intentions.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the role of lifestyle as a significant factor related to the aggression and violence between cohabitating partners. Based on previous research, lifestyle was defined as a special reflection of socialization into society and working life, where different lifestyles should also be able to produce different patterns of socialization into people's roles as partners. It was found that gender and years of cohabitating were significantly related to Emotional aggression and Sexual violence; lifestyle patterns were associated with specific forms of violence. More specifically, the lifestyles of Pleasure & Elegance and the one of Culture-Intellectualism were found to promote Emotional aggression. Also, the lifestyle of Yuppies/Workaholic and that of Physical activities stimulated the appearance of Sexual violence between partners. Moreover, individuals with Tradition-Religiousness lifestyle were more likely to show lower levels of Physical & Sexual violence while the adherents of the Substance abuse lifestyle pattern appeared to have an inclination towards Physical & Sexual Violence. Finally, the occurrence of one form of violent behaviour was likely to be related to the other forms of violent behaviour.  相似文献   

Revealing how health-related lifestyle behaviors are associated with competences during adolescence can contribute to understanding the complexity of factors that intervene in adolescents’ health. The objectives of this study were to explore the clustering of different lifestyle behaviors and their connection to personal and community competence. Participants were 795 adolescents who were taking part in the initial assessment of a Spanish community-based intervention program. They were asked to complete four self-report measures: the Lifestyle Questionnaire, the Self-Concept and Social Realization Questionnaire, the Coping Scale for Children and Youth Questionnaire, and the Perceived Community Support Questionnaire. Cluster analysis was then used to discover different patterns of lifestyle behaviors and associate them with sociodemographic and competence factors. The cluster analysis revealed three groups of adolescents: a first group that presented all-round healthy habits, a second group with abusive screen use and a third group with unhealthy habits related to going out at night. These clusters were modulated by age, student status, psychosocial risk status and mothers’ level of education. Further analysis showed higher levels of Self-worth, Task-oriented strategy, Empathy and Community participation in the Healthy group compared to those in the Unhealthy group, whereas the Screen-user group had more Behavioral avoidance than the Healthy group and less Community integration than both of the other groups. The identification of personal and community competences as health-promoting factors associated with adolescents’ lifestyles may help professionals to prioritize certain strengths for best results in intervention programs.  相似文献   

Beyond keeping active: concomitants of being a volunteer in old-old age   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study examines concomitants of volunteering in the context of other lifestyle activities. Investigating formal volunteering in old-old age, the authors analyzed data of 148 volunteers versus 1,195 nonvolunteers in a national sample of the Israeli Jewish population aged 75-94. As hypothesized, being a volunteer related (whether as a cause or effect) to more positive functioning on psychosocial markers and prospectively resulted in reduced mortality risk even when other activity outlets (physical activity, everyday activities, having a hobby) were controlled. These findings suggest that the benefits of volunteering in late life are not reducible to those of other activities.  相似文献   

Data from the Victoria Longitudinal Study were used to examine the hypothesis that maintaining intellectual engagement through participation in everyday activities buffers individuals against cognitive decline in later life. The sample consisted of 250 middle-aged and older adults tested 3 times over 6 years. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to examine the relationships among changes in lifestyle variables and an array of cognitive variables. There was a relationship between changes in intellectually related activities and changes in cognitive functioning. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that intellectually engaging activities serve to buffer individuals against decline. However, an alternative model suggested the findings were also consistent with the hypothesis that high-ability individuals lead intellectually active lives until cognitive decline in old age limits their activities.  相似文献   

Dietary behaviours, dietary attitudes, dietary knowledge and personality were surveyed in a group of 451 Scottish schoolchildren aged 11–15 years. A factor analysis of the behaviour items gave a three-factor structure with factors designated Healthy Eating, Unhealthy Eating and Health Habits. A general healthy vs. unhealthy eating factor was also extracted. A factor analysis of the attitude statements gave factors designated Pickiness, Neophobia and Food Interest. Dietary knowledge was found to be positively correlated with Healthy Eating score and negatively correlated with Unhealthy Eating score. The personality trait of Psychoticism was positively correlated with Unhealthy Eating score and negatively correlated with dietary knowledge, whilst Neuroticism was significantly negatively correlated with Healthy Eating and Health Habits and significantly positively correlated with Pickiness and Neophobia. Gender and socio-economic status differences in behaviour and attitude factor scores are also reported.  相似文献   

Busier people tend to perform better on cognitive tasks than less busy individuals. Nevertheless, the characteristics that are associated with greater perceived busyness are unknown. To address this question participants (N?=?463) from the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study (ages 20–89) completed a self-report busyness assessment and demographic, health, personality, and lifestyle measures. Results revealed that perceived busyness peaked in 30-year-olds, showed age-related decreases until age 60, and then remained stable. Moreover, women generally reported being busier than men. Analysis of age by gender interactions revealed that men exhibited a significant cubic age effect for busyness, whereas women did not. Overall, younger age, female gender, agreeableness, neuroticism, frequent participation in novel activities, and enjoyment of cognitive processing were independently associated with being busier, and the characteristics related to busyness were generally stable across age. Notably, participation in novel activities and need for cognition were the most predictive lifestyle characteristics, supporting the framing of busyness as an indicator of mental engagement. We also propose personality-based sources of self-generated and other-generated busyness.  相似文献   

Despite recent improvements in general road safety levels, young male drivers in most western countries continue to be overrepresented in road traffic accidents. Lifestyle related motivational factors are a key element in the young male driver problem. Based on 379 posted questionnaires completed by the same male drivers at the age of 18 and again at the age of 23, this study examined changes in the relationship between lifestyle and driving style over a 5 year period. A number of changes in car use, driving style and engagement in different leisure time activities were found. Cruising was related to an extrovert social life as well as problem behaviours such as drink driving. At the age of 18 cruising was a part of the normal social life of the majority of the participants. However, while most drivers reduced their level of cruising as well as related problem behaviour over time, a smaller group still showed a similar life style at the age of 23. The study confirmed the importance of lifestyle related motivational factors for driving behaviour among young drivers.  相似文献   

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