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This article provides an overview of the experiences of 4 psychologists‐in‐training as supervisees in multicultural supervision relationships. Grounded in the supervision and multicultural literature, this article helps both supervisors and supervisees to (a) understand supervisees' needs and perspectives for culturally integrated supervision and (b) discuss multicultural issues during supervision. Recommendations are provided to facilitate the development of effective multicultural supervision. Este artículo muestra un resumen de las experiencias de 4 psicológos‐en‐entrenamiento bajo supervisión en relaciones de supervisión multiculturales. En base a la literatura multicultural y de supervisión, este artículo ayuda a supervisores y supervisados a (a) entender las necesidades de los supervisados y sus perspectivas hacia temas que integran la cultura en la supervisión, y (b) a discutir temas multiculturales durante la supervisión. Se proveen recomendaciones para facilitar el desarrollo de supervisión multicultural eficaz.  相似文献   

Intergenerational transmission of trauma (ITT) has increasingly been a topic of interest among researchers. What still appears lacking is the thorough understanding of ITT in various marginalized cultural groups. This special issue is the second part of a 2-part series that systematically reviews the literature, synthesizes the literature, and conducts original research in ITT in marginalized groups. Due to known devastating and far-reaching effects of ITT, the authors of the 4 articles in this special issue attempt to shed light on ITT mechanisms and salient sociocultural factors that might lead to or exacerbate ITT in 4 marginalized communities. The authors also offer suggestions on culturally responsive ways of healing from ITT in these cultural groups.  相似文献   

Doss  Brian D.  Hopkins  J. Roy 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):719-741
The Multicultural Masculinity Ideology Scale(MMIS) measures an individual's adaptation andinternalization of a culture's norms about how menshould act. This study extends previous research onmasculinity ideology by generating a scale representingmultiple cultural perspectives using 190 Chilean, 283Anglo-American, and 296 African-American undergraduates.The psychometric properties of the MMIS were established using principal components analysis, convergentvalidity tests, and internal-consistency and test-retestreliability. Two components consistent across culturesemerged: Hypermasculine Posturing and Achievement. In addition, there were culturally-specificcomponents: Toughness, Pose, and Responsibility amongChileans; Sensitivity among Anglo-Americans; and SexualResponsibility among African-Americans. Results indicate that the MMIS can be useful forexamining a variety of research questions relating toculture and masculinity.  相似文献   

This article presents a definitive and explicit interpretation of multicultural education and proposes several viable approaches for emphasis in professional education programs for teachers and counselors.  相似文献   


The term “grandparenthood” was first coined by the psychoanalyst P. Redler, to denominate the intrapsychic and interpersonal relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Grandparenthood involves a specific relationship with specific conflict areas and with its own process of development, named by this author “grandparenthood crisis”. In this phase, grandparents must cope with different experiences of mourning. The joys of becoming a grandparent help compensate for these sorrows. For children, the figure of grandparents evolves during their development and implies different functions across each development stage.

Despite the importance of grandparenthood in the family context, this is a poorly studied topic in Child Psychology. In this paper, we make a review of the scarce literature on this subject, aiming to relate it with the theory of the “Narcissistic scenarios of parenthood” described by Manzano and Palacio (2005). We emphasize the importance not only of the figure of the grandparents in the child’s development, but also the importance of the relation with the grandchild holds for the grandparent in this life stage. We also try to explore the subject of intergenerational transmission.  相似文献   

Appalachians have been referred to as the forgotten people and are often overlooked in multicultural counseling. A case study is presented using the extended case method to enhance counselor awareness and demonstrate how counselors can apply knowledge of the Appalachian culture in the provision of best practices for this population. Los Apalaches se han referido como la gente olvidada y se pasan por alto a menudo en el asesoramiento multicultural. Un estudio de caso es presentado usando el método extendido del caso para realzar conocimiento del consejero y demuestre cómo los consejeros pueden aplicar el conocimiento de la cultura Apalache adentro de la disposición de las mejores prácticas para esta población.  相似文献   

Multicultural Democracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Résumé Dans cet article, on s’attache à décrire une expérience d’enseignement à distance biculturelle franco-américaine pendant l’année universitaire 1997/98. Les étudiants d’une classe de 2e année du département GEA (option GAPMO internationale) de l’IUT de Poitiers ont été associés à des étudiants américains de Advanced Technical Studies de l’Université d’Illinois à Carbondale. Deux projets très différents (un par semestre) ont été proposés à ces équipes binationales, le point commun restant l’utilisation du courrier électronique et de la Toile. Au premier semestre, l’objectif fixé par les deux enseignants était la discussion et la résolution en commun d’une étude de cas (à dominante éthique). Le deuxième projet était plus complexe : il s’agissait d’étudier une véritable petite entreprise des environs de Carbondale et d’analyser ses opportunités d’exportation vers l’Europe. Un site a été construit (Poitidale, nom-valise pour Poitiers + Carbondale) où les étudiants des deux bords de l’Atlantique pouvaient se retrouver virtuellement et écrire tous leurs commentaires et propositions. Le site offrait même la possibilité théorique de dialoguer en direct, possibilité qui, compte tenu du décalage horaire et des contraintes de l’emploi du temps, n’a jamais été utilisé. Les difficultés rencontrées pour cette expérience, les réflexions suscitées par les profondes différences culturelles entre les deux populations étudiantes, sont riches d’enseignement et ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes pour d’autres types de collaboration.

David Clarke is the Editor of KT&P and he would like to dedicate this article to his friendship with Jean-Charles Khalifa. Also, thanks to J-C for the précis above and for making helpful suggestions regarding the text (but all errors and rank opinions are my own alone). This article is non-peer reviewed.  相似文献   

A national survey of practicing school counselors (N = 755) revealed significant differences between participants’ perceived multicultural competence based on the type of multicultural training received. Participants who took infused multicultural coursework had significantly higher mean scores in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills than participants who reported taking a single multicultural course. Una encuesta nacional de consejeros escolares en activo (N = 755) reveló diferencias significativas en la competencia multicultural percibida de los participantes según el tipo de capacitación multicultural recibida. Los participantes que tomaron cursos que incluían contenidos multiculturales obtuvieron puntajes medios significativamente más altos en consciencia, conocimientos y habilidades multiculturales que aquellos participantes que indicaron haber tomado un único curso multicultural.  相似文献   

Multicultural counseling has been a major source of diversity. Recently, however, it has been recognized that multicultural counseling is generic in nature, and therefore that all counseling is multicultural. Thus multiculturalism has joined the movement toward a universal system of counseling.  相似文献   

This article addresses multicultural counseling competencies from the perspective of quantitative assessment. A conceptual review of the current measures identifies 4 relevant issues: (a) diverse factor structures, (b) the working definition of multicultural awareness, (c) test takers' frame of reference, and (d) the implications of an inclusive definition of culture for assessment. Este artículo se dirige aconsejar las capacidades multiculturales de la perspectiva de la evaluación cuantitativa. La revisión conceptual de las medidas actuales identifica 4 asuntos pertinentes: (a) factor de estruturas diversas, (b) preparaciones de la definición del conocimiento multiculturales, (c) tomadores de examenes marco de referencia, y (d) las implicaciones de una definición inclusiva de la cultura para la evaluación.  相似文献   

Respect for the dignity and autonomy of patients has long been a fundamental principle of ethical decision making. As a practical matter, a primary way of maintaining this ethical standard is by obtaining an individual’s informed consent prior to intervening or collecting data. By giving individuals clear information about alternative treatments and potential risks and benefits, the practitioner tries to ensure that the patient can make an informed choice. However, there are cases in which those seeking informed consent have very different values and belief systems from those whose consent is being sought. In this article we explore such discrepancies using informed consent with Navajo clients as an example, illustrate potential challenges with case examples, and propose ways in which ethical dilemmas may be successfully navigated.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):27-61

Psychological theory needs to be representative of the full range of human experience by being based in the experience of all groups of people. The women honored in this chapter, Jean Lau Chin, Lillian Comas-Diaz, Oliva Espin, Beverly Greene, and Monica McGoldrick, are all feminist therapists, researchers, scholars, clinicians and writers who have directed some substantial portion of their professional attention toward understanding the critical nature of minority and dominant group status on the development of psychological and feminist therapy theory. Together, their professional contributions and personal stories provide a powerful understanding of the nature of the intersection of race, culture  相似文献   

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