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The advantages and limitations of using computer-animated stimuli in studying motion perception are discussed. Most current programs of motion perception research could not be pursued without the use of computer graphics animation. Computer-generated displays afford latitudes of freedom and control that are almost impossible to attain through conventional methods. There are, however, limitations to this presentational medium. At present, computer-generated displays present simplified approximations of the dynamics in natural events. We know very little about how the differences between natural events and computer simulations influence perceptual processing. In practice, we tend to assume that the differences are irrelevant to the questions under study and that findings with computer-generated stimuli will generalize to natural events.  相似文献   

Previous studies on attentional biases often show contradictory results. This suggests that important moderating variables have been neglected so far. We suggest that (1) control over potential consequences and (2) satisfaction with the current status are important factors that need to be considered. We explored the influence of these variables using a colour classification task, where colours are associated with financial gains and losses. Data were analysed with hierarchical logistic regression models and with stochastic diffusion models. The latter approach has the special advantage that it allows separating perceptual and judgemental biases. Results show an overall positive judgemental bias. In the absence of control, this positivity bias increases with the amount of money that has been gained, whereas the opposite pattern is present when dangers can be controlled. In the second experiment, no general feedback was given, which led to an increasing negativity bias. Results are discussed within an action theoretic framework.  相似文献   

The selection of a computer visual display system suitable for word recognition and reading research is described. The software character generation routines permit flexible definition of character sets. The display software permits control of size scaling and point density of characters being displayed as well as control over the temporal microstructure of presenting and refreshing the displayed text.  相似文献   

Burbeck & Luce (Perception & Psychophysics, 1982, 32 (2), 117–133) argue that their simple reaction time data is best accounted for by the parallel operation of a change and a level detector. Here a specific example of such a compound model is tested. The primary focus is on the change detector which is modeled after a post inhibitory rebound (PIR) neuron. PIR neurons are plausible candidates for the “off” units found throughout the auditory system. The level detector is assumed to be a simple leaky integrator. Computer simulations of the compound model are compared to simple reaction time data. The results, although not without some deficiencies, support the model.  相似文献   

This study was designed to refine the Decision-Making Questionnaire (DMQ) developed in earlier research for ease of use. Previous work had indicated that the longer forms of the DMQ, whilst reasonably reliable and valid, were too lengthy to be easily incorporated into research and practice. Sixtythree individual workers from different organizations participated in this study by completing the 10-scenario DMQ, which takes about 45 minutes. A series of analyses indicated how this 10-scenario scale was most effectively reduced to a two-scenario scale, which takes less than 15 minutes to complete. The results are discussed in terms of their research value and practical utility. The Decision-Making Task and its scoring protocol are appended.  相似文献   

A noise generator that is capable of delivering long-duration samples of reproducible noise is described. The noise is generated as a pseudorandom telegraph waveform but may be filtered so that its amplitude distribution is approximately Gaussian. The design and construction of the generator are detailed and a few possible applications are given.  相似文献   

Line drawings are commonly used in perception research. A basic strategy used in such research is to remove portions of the line drawings in order to determine what features of an object are important for recognition. However, it is important to monitor the amount of contour and type of information that are deleted when one is making partially deleted or fragmented objects. With the Image Fragmenting Program, researchers can use random or manual contour deletion strategies to create fragmented objects while controlling for the amount of contour removed from the images.  相似文献   

Beginning with the assumption that implicit theories of personality are crucial tools for understanding social behavior, the authors tested the hypothesis that perceivers would process person information that violated their predominant theory in a biased manner. Using an attentional probe paradigm (Experiment 1) and a recognition memory paradigm (Experiment 2), the authors presented entity theorists (who believe that human attributes are fixed) and incremental theorists (who believe that human attributes are malleable) with stereotype-relevant information about a target person that supported or violated their respective theory. Both groups of participants showed evidence of motivated, selective processing only with respect to theory-violating information. In Experiment 3, the authors found that after exposure to theory-violating information, participants felt greater anxiety and worked harder to reestablish their sense of prediction and control mastery. The authors discuss the epistemic functions of implicit theories of personality and the impact of violated assumptions.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1990s, research on interpersonal acceptance and exclusion has proliferated, and several paradigms have evolved that vary in their efficiency, context specificity, and strength. This article describes one such paradigm, Cyberball, which is an ostensibly online ball-tossing game that participants believe they are playing with two or three others. In fact, the “others” are controlled by the programmer. The course and speed of the game, the frequency of inclusion, player information, and iconic representation are all options the researcher can regulate. The game was designed to manipulate independent variables (e.g., ostracism) but can also be used as a dependent measure of prejudice and discrimination. The game works on both PC and Macintosh (OS X) platforms and is freely available.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of effort toward comprehension on subsequent recall, Auble, Franks, and Soraci (1979) generated a series of 40 sentences which varied in comprehensibility. We presented these sentences along with 60 new sentences to 122 undergraduates at the University of New Orleans. Sentences were rated for comprehensibility both before and after cue presentation. Sentences which appear most useful for research are discussed.  相似文献   

The DIS, a 17-item questionnaire, was developed for subject selection in non-clinical research into disinhibitive eating. The DIS was designed to possess a tight and clear subscale structure, lessened impact of concern for dieting and explicit reference to self-esteem. Four subscales tapped the following themes: failed restriction, binge eating, weight fluctuations and self-esteem. DIS and the often used Restraint Scale (RS) were tested psychometrically among 269 female students from the Netherlands. Cronbach alpha was 0.88 for the DIS and 0.84 for the RS; correlation between the scales was 0.78. Factor analysis of the RS yielded the traditional two factors concern for dieting—weight fluctuations, whereas the DIS had a somewhat clearer four factors structure in accordance with its a priori subscales. On both the DIS and RS, high scorers were often currently dieting, and had higher Body Mass Index than low scorers. As to selection, DIS and RS differed in that partly different groups of individuals were selected when applying equally stringent cut-off scores. It was concluded that some of the psychometric and conceptual problems with the RS are alleviated by the DIS and that a next step is to behaviourally validate the DIS in disinhibition research.  相似文献   

Research on the perception of emotional expressions in faces and voices is exploding in psychology, the neurosciences, and affective computing. This article provides an overview of some of the major emotion expression (EE) corpora currently available for empirical research and introduces a new, dynamic, multimodal corpus of emotion expressions, the Geneva Multimodal Emotion Portrayals Core Set (GEMEP-CS). The design features of the corpus are outlined and justified, and detailed validation data for the core set selection are presented and discussed. Finally, an associated database with microcoded facial, vocal, and body action elements, as well as observer ratings, is introduced. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

A method is described for scale-invariant segregation of image structure solely on the basis of orientation content. This kind of image decomposition is an unexplored image-processing method that is complementary to the well-explored method of filtering in spatial frequency bands; the latter technique is rotation-invariant, whereas the former technique is scale-invariant. The complementarity of these two approaches is explicit in the fact that orientation and spatial frequency are orthogonal variables in the two-dimensional Fourier plane, and the filters employed in the one method depend only on the radial variable, whereas those employed in the other method depend only on the angular variable. The biological significance of multiscale (spatial frequency selective) image analysis has been well-recognized and often cited, yet orientation selectivity is a far more striking property of neural architecture in cortical visual areas. In the present paper, we begin to explore some coding properties of the scale-invariant orientation variable, paying particular attention to its perceptual significance in texture segmentation and compact image coding. Examples of orientation-coded pictures are presented with data compression to 0.3 bits per pixel.  相似文献   

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