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情境模型图式和情境模型是本理解中的重要表征形式。本分别介绍了它们各自在本理解中的表征结构和功能,并对两种表征形式进行了比较。最后,提出两种表征研究对当前阅读教学的启示。  相似文献   

认知项目设计起源于理论驱动的测量模式,要求在详尽阐述测量建构理论的基础上,鉴别测验项目类型的任务特征,建立和标定与测量建构认知变量之间的对应关系,从而通过系统变换任务特征生成项目.本文以Greeno (1994)提出的代理者-情境交互作用(agent-situation interaction)的问题解决观为基础,对代数应用题解决的认知过程和任务蕴含性(affordance)进行了系统分析.具体而言,代数应用题被视为以文本形式呈现的,嵌套在现实情境中的某种量化结构.在代数应用题解决的转译、整合、计划、执行的认知过程中需要形成三种不同的表征,即文本基、情境模型和问题模型.其形成及解决过程受到个体问题图式知识的深刻影响.对应于不同表征方式,对代数应用题语法/语义结构、量化元素及结构、问题情境特征进行了系统分析和综合.该分析表明,为了保证代数应用题项目生成的科学性,当前研究的关键在于建立任务特征与问题解决认知变量之间的经验关系,并在问题领域整体水平上检验这种关系的可推广性.  相似文献   

新课程借鉴了建构主义课程观,有其独特的知识观、学生观、教师观、教学观,以及相应的教师核心素养。建构主义理论所强调的"重视个体学习的积极主动性、社会文化互动性、思维情境性",以及"整合个体原有知识经验来建构新的知识"等,对于美术教学有很大的启示,对美术教师的核心素养提出了新的要求,美术教师必须更新自己的观念,转型成为研究型的教师,建构自己的核心素养以适应时代的要求。  相似文献   

情境模型的实质:命题符号与知觉符号之争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阅读理解中情境模型的建构是当今阅读研究的热点。传统命题符号理论认为情境模型是组相关命题,是非模式符号系统;随着知识表征理论的发展,知觉符号理论认为情境模型的建构包括模式符号系统,即含有知觉符号。文章对比了两种理论对情境模型的不同解释,并介绍了相关的实证研究,最后对未来验证两种理论的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

尝试用新的视角——取向研究视角,对竞争情境中的人格进行整合研究,建构一种与社会情境结合更紧密,更具概括性的人格取向理论。人格取向理论的假设建构模型包括四种人格取向维度:社会取向,个人取向,积极取向和消极取向。根据理论模型编制竞争情境人格取向量表,以1399名被试为研究对象,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法对该理论模型进行实证研究。结果证明了该理论建构的存在,理论建构中各维度的因素负荷和拟合指数良好,竞争情境人格取向量表具有良好的信度和建构效度,既可作为证明该理论建构的有效工具,亦可作为评估竞争情境人  相似文献   

正学生的学习是主动建构知识的过程。不同的学生是用不同的方式来建构知识的,看到的事物是不同方面,对学习有着不同的理解。学生之间的这种差异是客观存在的。一方面,我们要理解和尊重这种差异,另一方面,学生之间的差异为学生的交流和合作提供了可能和心理基础。从这个角度讲,合作和交流是人的一种需要。合作学习是新课程改革大力倡导的一种重要学习方式,也是教学中极力体现的一种理念,通过学生之间的合作,培养学生的团队精神和责任感,锻炼学生发展交往与自主学习的能  相似文献   

年老化与文本理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年老化与文本理解的研究表明,老年人在表层形式和文本基础两个低水平表征上的理解和记忆能力下降,而在情境模型的建构和提取、更新等加工过程中都没有发现由于年老化引起的能力下降。在介绍这些研究的基础上,从情境模型与另两个低水平加工的不同特点和老年人自身的特殊性两个方面分析了老年人在不同层次表征水平加工能力差异的原因。对情境模型水平加工能力保持的潜在机制及相关的影响因素,以及如何弥补在低水平加工中认知能力因年龄而产生的下降等问题还需要进行探讨  相似文献   

于虹 《四川心理科学》2014,(21):134-134
数学教育提倡在情境中解决问题,教师要学会创设情境,把课本里的知识转化为问题,引导学生探究,帮助学生自己建构知识。一堂生动活泼的具有教学艺术魅力的好课犹如一支婉转悠扬的乐曲,“起调”扣人心弦,“主旋律”引人入胜,“终曲”余音绕梁。这就要求教师要善于设计一个好的教学情境,引领学生进入数学殿堂,展开思维的翅膀,开启智慧的大门。  相似文献   

一、利用信息技术创设情境,激发学生学习兴趣 低年级的小学生活泼好动,对于形象生动、色彩鲜艳的物体十分感兴趣,容易形成有意注意。而且儿童学习时的认真程度,取决于对该知识的认识,取决于对该知识的兴趣。根据这一特点,在教学中,可以运用信息技术的多媒体功能,为学生创设丰富多彩的教学情境,让学生感到新异,激发学生获取知识的求知欲,充分调动学生的学习积极性,快速进入学习状态。  相似文献   

知识教学中认知策略与原有知识间关系的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱燕 《心理科学》1998,21(5):415-419
模拟课堂教学情境,探讨知识教学中学习者的认知策略与原有知识间的相互关系。研究表明,二者存在明显的相互作用,策略学习只有在学习者具备适当原有知识的基础上才能有效地促进学习;当原有知识缺乏时,策略教学对学习成绩没有显著性影响;原有知识水平的高低可直接影响学生的学习成绩。该结论对于实际教学工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

We argue that learning about the nature and utility of scientific models and engaging in the process of creating and testing models should be a central focus of science education. To realize this vision, we created and evaluated the Model-Enhanced ThinkerTools (METT) Curriculum, which is an inquiry-oriented physics curriculum for middle school students in which they learn about the nature of scientific models and engage in the process of modeling. Key components of our approach include enabling students to create computer models that express their own theories of force and motion, evaluate their models using criteria such as accuracy and plausibility, and engage in discussions about models and the process of modeling. Curricular trials in four science classes of an urban middle school indicate that this approach can facilitate a significant improvement in students' understanding of modeling. Further analyses revealed that the approach was particularly successful in clarifying and broadening students' understanding of the nature and purpose of models. The METT Curriculum also led to significant improvements in inquiry skills and physics knowledge. Comparisons of METT students' performance with that of prior ThinkerTools students suggest that the acquisition of metamodeling knowledge contributed to these gains. In particular, METT students wrote significantly better conclusions on the inquiry test and performed better on some of the far-transfer problems on the physics test. Finally, correlational results, including significant correlations of pretest modeling and inquiry scores with posttest physics scores, suggests that developing knowledge of modeling and inquiry transfers to the learning of science content within such a curriculum. Taken together, the findings suggest that an emphasis on model-based inquiry, accompanied by the development of metamodeling knowledge, can facilitate learning science content while also developing students' understanding of the scientific enterprise.  相似文献   

The present experiment tested the hypothesis that development of syntactic comprehension through verbal modeling is enhanced by referent concreteness as a contextual influence. Young children heard a model narrate a series of events in passive form while the model either performed the corresponding activities, showed pictures portraying the same activities, or displayed no referential aids. In accord with prediction, verbal modeling with enactive referents produced higher levels of comprehension of passives than modeling with pictorial referents or modeling without referential aids. Modeling with pictorial referents and modeling without referents did not differ in overall efficacy. However, modeling alone produced results that were less consistent across different measures of comprehension. Children who lacked understanding of passives were more dependent on concrete referents than those who had some initial comprehension of the linguistic form. The results suggest that verbal modeling with pictorial referents and verbal modeling alone facilitate comprehension of passives, whereas verbal modeling with enactive referents promotes learning. Findings of a supplemental experiment reveal that the effects of verbal modeling on comprehension are enhanced when syntactic forms occur in a meaningful verbal context.  相似文献   

Biological phenomena can be investigated at multiple levels, from the molecular to the cellular to the organismic to the ecological. In typical biology instruction, these levels have been segregated. Yet, it is by examining the connections between such levels that many phenomena in biology, and complex systems in general, are best explained. We describe a computation-based approach that enables students to investigate the connections between different biological levels. Using agent-based, embodied modeling tools, students model the microrules underlying a biological phenomenon and observe the resultant aggregate dynamics. We describe 2 cases in which this approach was used. In both cases, students framed hypotheses, constructed multiagent models that incorporate these hypotheses, and tested these by running their models and observing the outcomes. Contrasting these cases against traditionally used, classical equation-based approaches, we argue that the embodied modeling approach connects more directly to students' experience, enables extended investigations as well as deeper understanding, and enables "advanced" topics to be productively introduced into the high school curriculum.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine whether the language of math word problems would affect how Filipino-English bilingual problem solvers would model the structure of these word problems. Modeling the problem structure was studied using the problem-completion paradigm, which involves presenting problems without the question. The paradigm assumes that problem solvers can infer the appropriate question of a word problem if they correctly grasp its problem structure. Arithmetic word problems in Filipino and English were given to bilingual students, some of whom had Filipino as a first language and others who had English as a first language. The problem-completion data and solution data showed similar results. The language of the problem had no effect on problem-structure modeling. The results were discussed in relation to a more circumscribed view about the role of language in word problem solving among bilinguals. In particular, the results of the present study showed that linguistic factors do not affect the more mathematically abstract components of word problem solving, although they may affect the other components such as those related to reading comprehension and understanding.  相似文献   


Efforts toward improving K-12 science education emphasize teachers noticing students’ thinking as they engage in disciplinary practices and reasoning. This noticing requires specialized teacher knowledge and skills as it involves attending to students’ ideas, as well as making sense of and responding to those ideas so that the disciplinary substance in them is recognized, made explicit, and supported. This study investigates three elementary teachers’ in-the-moment noticing of students’ ideas while teaching science and their thinking about what it means to engage in this teaching practice. Results indicate that teachers notice many different kinds of student science ideas, and also that teachers have different ways of thinking about which student ideas are substantive during a science lesson. This research contributes to our theoretical understanding of the nature of teacher noticing in science. Noticing students’ science ideas involves not only the presence of ideas and the ability to notice them, but also a teacher’s understanding of this teaching practice in the moment.  相似文献   

Educating undergraduates about current genetic testing and genomics can involve novel and creative teaching practices. The higher education literature describes numerous pedagogical approaches in the laboratory designed to engage science and liberal arts students. Often these experiences involve students analyzing their own genes for various polymorphisms, some of which are associated with disease states such as an increased risk for developing cancer. While the literature acknowledges possible ethical ramifications of such laboratory exercises, authors do not present recommendations or rubrics for evaluating whether or not the testing is, in fact, ethical. In response, we developed a laboratory investigation and discussion which allowed undergraduate science students to explore current DNA manipulation techniques to isolate their p53 gene, followed by a dialogue probing the ethical implications of examining their sample for various polymorphisms. Students never conducted genotyping on their samples because of ethical concerns, so the discussion served to replace actual genetic testing in the class. A basic scientist led the laboratory portion of the assignment. A genetic counselor facilitated the discussion, which centered around existing ethical guidelines for clinical genetic testing and possible challenges of human genotyping outside the medical setting. In their final papers, students demonstrated an understanding of the practice guidelines established by the genetics community and acknowledged the ethical considerations inherent in p53 genotyping. Given the burgeoning market for personalized medicine, teaching undergraduates about the psychosocial and ethical dimensions of human gene testing seems important and timely, and introduces an additional role genetic counselors can play in educating consumers about genomics.  相似文献   

Using the Phobic Origin Questionnaire (Ost, L. G. & Hugdahl, K. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 19, 439-477, 1981), the present study examined the extent to which severe spider phobics (N = 42) attributed their phobia to conditioning experiences, modeling experiences and/or informational learning experiences. Modeling was most often reported (71%), followed by conditioning (57%), and informational learning experiences (45%). It was also found that patients with a conditioning background reported less extreme cognitive symptoms when confronted with the phobic stimulus than patients with an indirect mode of acquisition (modeling and/or informational learning).  相似文献   

Achieving community‐level goals to eliminate the HIV epidemic requires coordinated efforts through community consortia with a common purpose to examine and critique their own HIV testing and treatment (T&T) care system and build effective tools to guide their efforts to improve it. Participatory system dynamics (SD) modeling offers conceptual, methodological, and analytical tools to engage diverse stakeholders in systems conceptualization and visual mapping of dynamics that undermine community‐level health outcomes and identify those that can be leveraged for systems improvement. We recruited and engaged a 25‐member multi‐stakeholder Task Force, whose members provide or utilize HIV‐related services, to participate in SD modeling to examine and address problems of their local HIV T&T service system. Findings from the iterative model building sessions indicated Task Force members’ increasingly complex understanding of the local HIV care system and demonstrated their improved capacity to visualize and critique multiple models of the HIV T&T service system and identify areas of potential leverage. Findings also showed members’ enhanced communication and consensus in seeking deeper systems understanding and options for solutions. We discuss implications of using these visual SD models for subsequent simulation modeling of the T&T system and for other community applications to improve system effectiveness.  相似文献   

Megan Staples 《认知与教导》2013,31(2-3):161-217
Recent mathematics education reform efforts call for the instantiation of mathematics classroom environments where students have opportunities to reason and construct their understandings as part of a community of learners. Despite some successes, traditional models of instruction still dominate the educational landscape. This limited success can be attributed, in part, to an underdeveloped understanding of the roles teachers must enact to successfully organize and participate in collaborative classroom practices. Toward this end, an in-depth longitudinal case study of a collaborative high school mathematics classroom was undertaken guided by the following two questions: What roles do these collaborative practices require of teacher and students? How does the community's capacity to engage in collaborative practices develop over time? The analyses produced two conceptual models: one of the teacher's role, along with specific instructional strategies the teacher used to organize a collaborative learning environment, and another of the process by which the class's capacity to participate in collaborative inquiry practices developed over time.  相似文献   


In the United States, constitutional and statutory law reinforce the right of all children to receive an education, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. In a time of heightened anti-immigrant sentiment and law enforcement, however, partnerships among school districts, local law enforcement, and the U.S. Departments of Justice and Homeland Security subject undocumented and unaccompanied minor students to indefensible levels of risk for detention and deportation. We identify three stances that U.S. schools may take in the face of a potential ‘school-to-deportation pipeline.’ Schools that engage in intentional collaboration actively increase detention and deportation by referring students to immigration officials for criminal, non-criminal, and even non-disciplinary activity. Schools that engage in predictable complicity may not intend to subject their undocumented and unaccompanied minor students to detention or deportation, but still put students at risk by involving police in school policies. We argue that U.S. schools should instead engage in proactive protection of immigrant students and families, including actively resisting federal policies when necessary.  相似文献   

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