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For the first time at degree level in the United Kingdom, modular students at Oxford Polytechnic now have the opportunity of studying independently the complex and stressful task of career decision-making. The proposal to offer a self-contained 'graduate careers' module generated a lively debate, and a survey within the polytechnic revealed that academic staff were evenly divided in their support and opposition to the innovation. The four key issues identified were 'academic rigour', on or off the curriculum, 'mollycoddling' the students, and staff resources. The approval process also threw some light on the perceptions of careers counselling held by academic staff.  相似文献   

Progress is being made in improving employers' attitudes toward women accountants. A few years ago, most organizations did not actively recruit women accountants. Recently, however, accounting firms have become aware of the increasing number of women accounting graduates and are sending women recruiters to college campuses to recruit prospective women applicants. To analyze the progress in employment opportunities available to women during the past five years, a follow-up of a survey was conducted. Chi-square contingency tests were used to analyze some of the results. The survey showed that most accounting firms are either actively trying to solve the problem of discrimination or are at least interested in seeking solutions. Some companies indicated that they would hire more women college graduates if they were qualified accountants. Women need better career planning and counseling. They should be encouraged to study job market forecasts in view of their personal abilities and goals. Many women either have not been aware of job opportunities in accounting or have been interested in the field but discouraged by the attitudes of parents, professors, or guidance counselors, or overt discrimination by employers. In the past, such attitudes may have caused many capable women to select the more traditional “feminine” professions instead.  相似文献   

Data from the 16-year-old follow-up of the National Child Development Study relating to certain aspects of careers guidance are examined. These include the proportion of the 12,000 study children who were in schools with teachers responsible for careers guidance, the amount of training these teachers had received, and whether they were paid a special salary. The children's expected age of leaving school, their plans for further education and work, and their choice of likely first full-time jobs, are considered in relation to the presence of teachers with some training in careers guidance and to contacts with careers officers. The use made of sources of information about job choices is also described.  相似文献   

The chaos theory of careers (CTC; Pryor & Bright, 2011 ) has emerged as a career development theory to describe the reality of career development and account for the changing nature of work in the 21st century. Integrating CTC into a coherent framework accessible to practitioners is an ongoing process. In recent years, CTC has gained traction within some college career centers. Although techniques and interventions have been discussed to address some of the primary issues, no overarching framework has been conceptualized. This article proposes a model to conceptualize CTC in an accessible framework for college career centers, students, and beyond.  相似文献   

In a follow-up study of over 17,000 individuals born 12 years apart (in 1958 and 1970) this article investigates the formation and realization of teenage career aspirations in a changing sociohistorical context. Two types of analytical models, a mediating model and a contextual systems model, were used to analyze the processes by which the effects of social structure influence teenage aspirations and subsequent occupational attainment. Both models suggest that teenage aspirations in combination with educational attainments are a major driving force in the occupational development of young people and that they mediate the effects of socioeconomic background factors. The contextual system model is an elaboration of the mediating model, providing additional insights into the effects of distal and proximal contexts. Differences in the experiences of young people growing up 12 years apart indicate that the sociohistorical context plays a key role in shaping occupational progression. For the later born cohort the importance of educational credentials has increased, both in influencing teenage aspirations and predicting adult occupational outcomes.  相似文献   

While there is much literature on autonomy and the conditions for its attainment, there is less on how those conditions reflect on agents’ ordinary careers. Most people’s careers involve a great deal of subservient activity that would prevent the kind of control over agents’ actions that autonomy would seem to require. Yet, it would seem strange to deny autonomy to every agent who regularly follows orders at work—to do so would make autonomy a futile ideal. Most contemporary autonomy accounts provide purely theoretical analysis without reference to any practical goal that autonomy could serve. These accounts are likely to resolve this issue in one direction: either almost entirely including or excluding subservient workers from autonomy. Either solution would fail to distinguish agents who sufficiently control their lives, in spite of limited subservience, according to their own standards, from agents for whom subservience precludes a fulfilling life. I suggest the solution lies in a return to goal-oriented autonomy accounts, which can use the goal to distinguish when subservience overwhelms autonomy from when subservience and autonomy can coexist. I present an account that anchors autonomy in the happiness that it provides for agents who sufficiently control their lives as determined by their more important prudential standards. On this account, agents in subservient careers can be autonomous if they determine how to make their careers consistent with their happiness.  相似文献   

Redundancy among qualified people is a continuing problem. Those affected can be helped by group programmes providing both career guidance and training in job-getting skills. Re-employment rates are high, regardless of age, gender, and ethnic origin. The long-term unemployed also respond well to this type of programme. An important factor in re-employment is the ability to change occupation in mid-career, which is dependent upon confidence rather than qualifications or mental skills. Confidence-building by means of social support is suggested as the primary objective and particular competence of group programmes. An opportunity for future development is the provision of language training for members of ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

La coherence attendue entre des traits de personnalité et d'une part des choix de carrière, d'autre part des préférences pour des types de culture organisationnelle a été examinée en termes de parallélisme conceptuel différentiel. On s'est aperçu que, dans un grand échantillon d'adultes britanniques, les rapprochements dépendaient de l'existence d'un recouvrement logique entre un trait de personnalité et une préférence. Quand un choix de carrière ou une dimension culturelle était logiquement reliéà in trait de personnalité, les variations interpersonelles sur ce trait étaient significativement associées aux choix culturels ou de carrière. Dans d'autres cas, le personnalité n'était pas pertinente. Les résultats confirment certains aspects du modèle attraction-sélection-désintérêt et précisent en particulier les origines des effets différentiels de personnalité dans ce modèle et d'autres analogues.
Expected consistency between personality traits and preferences for particular career anchors and for forms of organisational culture was examined in terms of differential conceptual alignment. In a large sample of British adults, associations were found to depend on the presence of logical overlap between a personality trait and a preferred outcome. When a career anchor or a cultural feature was logically related to a personality trait, between-person variations in that trait were significantly associated with career or cultural preferences. In other cases, personality was irrelevant. Findings support aspects of the attraction-selection-attrition model, and more precisely specify the basis of differential personality effects in that and similar models.  相似文献   

As part of a larger study concerning academically gifted college women, gifted freshman women who graduated (723) were compared with those who did not graduate (526) on certain academic variables. Graduates took an average of 12.6 quarters to complete their degrees. Average length of attendance before departure for Nongraduates was 5.8 quarters. Graduation with honors was achieved by 51.9 per cent of the Graduates. Graduates and Nongraduates differed significantly in GPA (3.06 to 2.50), contact with the Counseling Bureau (43.6 to 30.9 per cent), and in major fields of study. More Graduates had Liberal Arts (CLA) “social science,” CLA “interdepartmental and double,” Education, and Home Economics majors. More Nongraduates had CLA “English, linguistics, and languages,” CLA “natural science and mathematics,” and Business Administration majors. These results are discussed in relation to findings of the larger study concerning personality characteristics and vocational interests of gifted women, and a follow-up study of the Nongraduates.  相似文献   

The author proposes the artist and her quilt as a metaphor for the woman and her career. She suggests that quilts and quilting provide a woman-centered context to help counselors gain an understanding of women's lives and work.  相似文献   

Before discussing how to innovate the study of career development using insights from life-span psychology and life course sociology, researchers might benefit from reconsidering whether they are studying careers or studying vocational behavior. While the word “career” seems ubiquitous in vocational psychology research, there are important differences between the study of vocational behavior, occupational roles, and career development. In this article, I urge researchers to (a) reconsider the meaning of career and research on career development, (b) adopt prospective, longitudinal research designs, and (c) concentrate first on processes of development and then on the content of careers. Considering these suggestions may ready vocational psychology for true innovations such as studying human development through work and relationships.  相似文献   

This paper discusses Lippert-Rasmussen’s [Philosophical Studies 104, (2001) 123–141] claim that there are reasonable question-begging arguments. It is first argued that his arguments devalue the distinction between justifiable and justified beliefs, a distinction that is important for the fallacy theory. Second, it is argued that the role of the argument in the discussed cases can be questioned. In addition, the role of second order beliefs is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of large-scale socio-political movements and policy changes on individual attitudes and behaviours have been the focus of attention of social scientists and policy-makers in different countries. For example, concerns have been expressed regarding the effects of the so-called “fundamentalist” Islamic movements on attitudes and behaviours in relation to marriage, family structure, and the roles/rights of women. The Islamic Revolution of 1978 in Iran is usually assumed to have affected such beliefs and behaviours. To test the accuracy of such an assumption, three data sets collected in the same geographical location in 1982, 1984, and 1986 were compared within sex and SES groups. The intentions and aspirations of high school seniors regarding education, marriage, and careers were closer to conservative/traditional expectations in the 1982 sample than in the 1984 and 1986 samples. It is concluded that, even if there was an increase in traditionalism shortly after the Revolution, traditional tendencies have not returned to extreme levels within the few years surveyed, at least among the urban educated youth under study. Alarm regarding a ‘return to fundamentalism” in relation to marriage, family, and women's roles/rights might be less warranted than is commonly assumed.  相似文献   

中国哲学的"合法性"叙事及其超越   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自2001年以来,由郑家栋、陈来等学者提出的关于中国哲学"合法性"问题的讨论,触动了不少学者的思想神经和文化情感,众多研究中国哲学的学者一时间都或者兴致盎然或者义不容辞地参与到对这个问题的讨论中来.一些眼光敏锐的学术期刊则不失时机地连续推出多组这方面的专题文章,国内学术界也召开了多次以"合法性"问题为中心议题的研讨会.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated a health careers program in a U.S. urban public high school. After small subgroups of the original sample were removed, participants included 162 Asian American and Pacific Islander students. Analyses of covariance indicated that, compared with the comparison group, the treatment group reported significantly higher levels of social support, school engagement, interest in learning, vocational expectations, and ethnic identity. Implications for multicultural counseling in schools are discussed. Los autores evaluaron un programa de carreras sanitarias en una escuela secundaria pública de Estados Unidos. Tras la eliminación de pequeños subgrupos de la muestra original, los participantes incluyeron 162 estudiantes Asiático‐Americanos e Isleños del Pacífico. Los análisis de covarianza indicaron que, comparado con el grupo de comparación, el grupo de tratamiento expresó unos niveles significativamente mayores de apoyo social, participación escolar, interés en el aprendizaje, expectativas vocacionales e identidad étnica. Se discuten las implicaciones para la consejería multicultural en escuelas.  相似文献   

Technology has caused changes that created gaps in the careers of many individuals. A proposal is suggested to develop a counseling system for individuals to begin at the formative years of their careers.  相似文献   

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