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How is the perception and processing of visual motion affected by attention? This review examines recent research in cognition, perception and neurophysiology that explores how ongoing behavioural tasks (and the attentional states they impose) modulate the processing of visual motion. Although traditional views hold that motion is processed in an obligatory, 'pre-attentive' manner, evidence for processing in a task-independent manner is scant. Recent studies of human perception that have measured motion priming, motion aftereffects, uncertainty effects, and motion-interaction effects indicate instead that even simple aspects of motion processing may be substantially affected by whether motion information in a task is used or ignored by the perceiver. Single-unit studies in brain areas sensitive to visual motion in monkeys, and functional imaging studies on humans, also indicate that task and attentional state affect activity levels in brain regions thought to be important in motion perception. This review brings together these converging findings of attentional modulation of motion perception and considers them in light of object-oriented theories of attention.  相似文献   

G L Shulman 《Perception》1992,21(1):7-19
Evidence is reported that indicates that adaptation of the Schroder staircase is affected by attention. In previous work it has been shown that if subjects adapt to an unambiguous staircase, responses to an ambiguous test figure are biased towards the opposing perspective. In the current work, subjects adapted to superimposed upright and inverted Schroder staircases. Both staircases were centered on a common fixation point and were of different sizes and colors. Attention to each staircase was controlled by asking subjects to detect color changes in the line segments that defined one or the other staircase. Responses to an ambiguous test figure depended on which of the adapting staircases was attended.  相似文献   

K Watanabe  S Shimojo 《Perception》1998,27(9):1041-1054
Identical visual targets moving across each other with equal and constant speed can be perceived either to bounce off or to stream through each other. This bistable motion perception has been studied mostly in the context of motion integration. Since the perception of most ambiguous motion is affected by attention, there is the possibility of attentional modulation occurring in this case as well. We investigated whether distraction of attention from the moving targets would alter the relative frequency of each percept. During the observation of the streaming/bouncing motion event in the peripheral visual field, visual attention was disrupted by an abrupt presentation of a visual distractor at various timings and locations (experiment 1; exogenous distraction of attention) or by the demand of an additional discrimination task (experiments 2 and 3; endogenous distraction of attention). Both types of distractions of attention increased the frequency of the bouncing percept and decreased that of the streaming percept. These results suggest that attention may facilitate the perception of object motion as continuing in the same direction as in the past.  相似文献   

The duration of the aftereffect induced by viewing a rotating disc was recorded separately for the four hemiretinae of the left and right eyes using a new method of measurement. The results showed duration of aftereffect to differ between nasal and temporal hemiretinae of the right eye and between left and right cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

The authors examined center-surround effects for motion perception in human observers. The magnitude of the motion aftereffect (MAE) elicited by a drifting grating was measured with a nulling task and with a threshold elevation procedure. A surround grating of the same spatial frequency, temporal frequency, and orientation significantly reduced the magnitude of the MAE elicited by adaptation to the center grating. This effect was bandpass tuned for spatial frequency, orientation, and temporal frequency. Plaid surrounds but not contrast-modulated surrounds that moved in the same direction also reduced the MAE. These results provide psychophysical evidence for center-surround interactions analogous to those previously observed in electrophysiological studies of motion processing in primates. Collectively, these results suggest that motion processing, similar to texture processing, is organized for the purpose of highlighting regions of directional discontinuity in retinal images.  相似文献   

Would a motion-picture film of a rotating spiral induce a spiral aftereffect? This question was studied in two experiments in which Ss viewed an animated film of circles collapsing to a point. The rate of apparent motion of the collapsing circles and the discontinuity of motion—the length of jump between successively projected circles—were varied independently. A visual aftereffect like the spiral aftereffect was created. The aftereffect increased in strength and duration with the rate of motion, but at all rates of motion it declined as discontinuity of motion increased. The results are taken as evidence that motion aftereffects are caused by selective fatigue of small, directionally sensitive motion-receptive fields.  相似文献   

Georgiades MS  Harris JP 《Perception》2000,29(10):1185-1201
The spatial spread of attentional modulation of selective adaptation was investigated in four experiments in which the duration of the movement aftereffect (MAE) was measured with and without processing of intermittently changing digits at the fixation point. In the first experiment, the effects of diverting attention on MAE duration were found to reduce as the distance between the fixation digits and the inner edge of the surrounding adapt/test grating was increased. A second experiment suggested that eye movements were unlikely to underlie the attentional effects. In experiment 3, the attentional effect stayed constant as the outer diameter of the adapt/test gratings was increased. In experiment 4 (as in experiment 1) the modulatory effects of attention were larger the closer the adapt/test gratings were to the locus of attention, when the area of the grating was held constant but its eccentricity varied. In experiments 1 and 4, an intermittently changing fixation digit was found to reduce MAE durations more than an unchanging digit, even when subjects were not required to process it, suggesting that exogenous as well as endogenous attentional processes modulate early motion processing.  相似文献   

Anumber of researchers have suggested that deficient visual attention may play a causal role in dyslexia. However, traditional methods for investigating this assertion have been limited by the conflation of sensory and attentional factors and the inability to isolate large attentional effects. In this study, we sought to overcome these problems by combining spatial cuing with a visual search task measuring psychophysical thresholds. In normal readers, uncued search performance was characterized by a strong dependence on the number of elements in the stimulus array. Cuing the location of the target removed much of this effect, suggesting attentional facilitation of performance. Although dyslexic participants' performance in uncued search was nearly identical to that of normal readers, all dyslexic participants failed to gain the same effect of cuing that normal readers did. However, dyslexic participants did not differ from normal readers on tests of magnocellular function, suggesting that this spatial-cuing deficit is not merely a secondary consequence of magnocellular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Orienting attention to a point in time facilitates processing of an item within rapidly changing surroundings. We used a one-target RSVP task to look for differences in accuracy in reporting a target related to when the target temporally appeared in the sequence. The results show that observers correctly report a target early in the sequence less frequently than later in the sequence. Previous RSVP studies predicted equivalently accurate performances for one target wherever it appeared in the sequence. We named this new phenomenon attentional awakening, which reflects a gradual modulation of temporal attention in a rapid sequence. This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science awarded to Kazuhiko Yokosawa.  相似文献   

Perception of the 2nd of 2 targets (T1 and T2) is impaired if the lag between them is short (0-500 ms). The authors used this attentional blink (AB) to index attentional requirements in detection and identification tasks, with or without backward masking of T2, in 2 stimulus domains (line orientation, coherent motion). With masking, the AB occurred because T2 was masked during the attentional dwell time created by T1 processing (Experiments 1, 2, and 3). Without masking, an AB occurred only in identification because during the attentional dwell time, T2 decayed to a level that could support simple detection but not complex identification. However, an AB occurred also in detection if T2 was sufficiently degraded (Experiment 4). The authors drew 2 major conclusions: (a) Attention is required in both identification and detection, and (b) 2 factors contribute to the AB, masking of T2 while attention is focused on T1 and decay of the T2 trace while unattended.  相似文献   

The effects of luminance contrast and spatial frequency on the motion aftereffect were investigated. The point of subjective equality for velocity was measured as an index of the motion aftereffect. The largest effect was observed when a low contrast grating (5%) was presented as a test stimulus after adaptation to a high contrast grating (100%) in the low spatial frequency condition (0.8 cycle deg.-1). On the whole, the effect increased with increasing adapting contrast and with decreasing test contrast or spatial frequency. Small effects were observed at high test contrasts. These results were inconsistent with those of Keck, Palella, and Pantle in 1976. Analysis showed that there was no saturation on velocity of the motion aftereffect above 5% of the contrast although Keck, et al. (1976) found that the incremental increases of the effect above 3% adapting contrast were small.  相似文献   

On the locus of visual selection: evidence from focused attention tasks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Early and late selection models of attention disagree about whether visual objects are identified before or after selection, with recent evidence of interference from to-be-ignored stimuli favoring late selection over early selection accounts. However, these tests may not have permitted optimal attentional focusing. In 4 experiments subjects identified an attentionally cued target letter embedded among distractors. Only minimal effects of information appearing in to-be-ignored locations were observed. This striking efficiency of selection provides support for early selection theories and calls into question some late selection theories holding that stimuli throughout the display are immediately and fully identified prior to attentional selection. In order to explain the larger pattern of results across a variety of focused- and divided-attention paradigms, a hybrid model is advanced with a flexible locus for visual selection.  相似文献   

Responses to recently ignored information may be slower or less accurate than responses to information not recently encountered. Such negative priming effects imply that the mechanism of selective attention operates on unattended, as well as attended, information. In the present experiment, subjects judged the second and fourth letters of five-letter strings (e.g., BABAB) as “same” or “different.” Responses were slower when a target letter was identical to the distractors presented in the immediately preceding trial. This effect did not depend on which response was required on the current or preceding trial. The results suggest that ignored information is functionally disconnected from the response system as a whole, rather than from a specific response.  相似文献   

Responses to recently ignored information may be slower or less accurate than responses to information not recently encountered. Such negative priming effects imply that the mechanism of selective attention operates on unattended, as well as attended, information. In the present experiment, subjects judged the second and fourth letters of five-letter strings (e.g., BABAB) as "same" or "different." Responses were slower when a target letter was identical to the distractors presented in the immediately preceding trial. This effect did not depend on which response was required on the current or preceding trial. The results suggest that ignored information is functionally disconnected from the response system as a whole, rather than from a specific response.  相似文献   

Four experiments tested whether repetition blindness (RB; reduced accuracy reporting repetitions of briefly displayed items) is a perceptual or a memory-recall phenomenon. RB was measured in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams, with the task altered to reduce memory demands. In Experiment 1 only the number of targets (1 vs. 2) was reported, eliminating the need to remember target identities. Experiment 2 segregated repeated and nonrepeated targets into separate blocks to reduce bias against repeated targets. Experiments 3 and 4 required immediate "online" buttonpress responses to targets as they occurred. All 4 experiments showed very strong RB. Furthermore, the online response data showed clearly that the 2nd of the repeated targets is the one missed. The present results show that in the RSVP paradigm, RB occurs online during initial stimulus encoding and decision making. The authors argue that RB is indeed a perceptual phenomenon.  相似文献   

S Mateeff  J Hohnsbein  T Noack 《Perception》1985,14(6):721-727
Apparent motion of a sound source can be induced by a moving visual target. The direction of the perceived motion of the sound source is the same as that of the visual target, but the subjective velocity of the sound source is 25-50% of that of the visual target measured under the same conditions. Eye tracking of the light target tends to enhance the apparent motion of the sound, but is not a prerequisite for its occurrence. The findings are discussed in connection with the 'visual capture' or 'ventriloquism' effect.  相似文献   

Visuospatial attention can be deployed to different locations in space without movement of the eyes. A large body of human electrophysiological studies reveals enhanced sensory-perceptual responses to stimuli that appear at an attended location. However, it is not clear that the mechanisms that underlie visuospatial attention are under the control of attention mechanisms that limit central processing in multiple-task situations. We investigated this question by incorporating a visual task that required the deployment of visuospatial attention as the second task of psychological refractory period (PRP) dual-task paradigms. The N2pc component of the event-related potential was used as an electrophysiological index of the moment-by-moment deployment of visuospatial attention to monitor when and where observers were attending while they performed concurrent central processing known to cause the PRP effect. Electrophysiological evidence shows that central processing interfered with the N2pc, suggesting that visuospatial attention is under the control of capacity-limited central mechanisms.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of negative affect on performance monitoring. EEG was acquired during a lateralized, numeric Stroop working memory task that featured task-irrelevant aversive and neutral pictures between stimuli. Performance accuracy showed a right-hemisphere advantage for stimuli that followed aversive pictures. Response-locked event-related potentials (ERPs) from accurate trials showed an early negative component (CRN; correct response/conflict-related negativity) followed by a positive wave comparable to the Pe (error positivity). The CRN was bi-peaked with an earlier peak that was sensitive to aversive pictures during early portions of the experiment and a later peak that increased with error likelihood later in the experiment. Pe amplitude was increased with aversive pictures early in the experiment and was sensitive to picture type, Stroop interference, and hemisphere of stimulus delivery during later trials. This suggests that ERP indices of performance monitoring, the CRN and Pe, are dynamically modulated by both affective and cognitive demands.  相似文献   

In dot-probe tasks, threatening cues facilitate attention to targets and enhance the amplitude of the target P1 peak of the visual-evoked potential. While theories have suggested that evolutionarily relevant threats should obtain preferential neural processing, this has not been examined empirically. In this study we examined the effects of evolutionarily relevant (e.g. spiders and snakes) and irrelevant (e.g. knifes and syringes) threatening cues. Non-predictive threatening cues (in left or right visual field) were paired with non-threatening cues and were followed by neutral targets in the same or opposite location. The amplitude of the target P1 was increased in contralateral electrodes when the target followed in the same location as the threatening cues. This effect did not interact with evolutionary relevance. Both evolutionary relevant and evolutionary irrelevant threats led to increased P1 amplitude, although the effect was stronger for modern threats. We conclude that the threat-superiority effect is robust and largely independent of the type of threatening stimulus.  相似文献   

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