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Little previous research has examined attitudes about societal and ethical issues (SEI) among interns participating in research experience for undergraduate programs (REUs) in nanotechnology, thus neglecting an important population for understanding the burgeoning views of the next generation of nanotechnology researchers. This study surveyed a sample of interns (N?=?85) participating in the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s (NNIN) REU program during the summer of 2012. Our questions focused on interns’ experiences with education on ethical issues, as well as their attribution of responsibility for considering ethical issues, motivations to talk about ethical issues, and comfort level of discussing ethical issues with faculty, mentors, lab staff, and other REU students. Among key findings was that lab culture related to the extent to which REU interns felt comfortable discussing ethical issues. In addition, those who reported more discussions about ethical issues with their mentors were more likely to consider themselves as responsible for considering ethical issues. We conclude with recommendations and future research directions.  相似文献   

神经成像技术的应用不仅会影响人的大脑活动,甚至可以读出人类思想的内容.因此,在使用神经成像技术时,既要遵循技术规范,还要遵循生命伦理学的基本原则.概述了神经成像技术的成就及其研究和应用价值,讨论了神经成像技术在应用过程中的知情同意、隐私保护等伦理问题,以及运用神经成像技术进行测谎可能涉及的伦理问题.  相似文献   

The nonspecificity of the ethical guidelines forces counselors to develop personal philosophies in regard to serving culturally unique clients. The resulting variability in the quality and availability of services threatens the growth and dilutes the integrity of the counseling profession. The worldview of the counselor is discussed as it affects client welfare, self-determination, and cultural autonomy in the counseling alliance. Ethical issues surrounding the development and implementation of cross-cultural training programs are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

责任的伦理意蕴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
责任,在现代汉语中有三个基本含义:分内应做的事;特定的人对特定事项的发生、发展、变化及其成果负有积极的助长义务;因没有做好分内的事情或没有履行助长义务而应承担的不利后果或强制性义务.[1]康德指出,责任"这一概念就是善良意志概念的体现","道德行为不能出于爱好,只能出于责任".[2]  相似文献   

[]生态文明是人与自然、人与人、人与社会、人与自我身心这四种关系的和谐生态的文明。它蕴含着人尊重自然、管理自然、保护环境等自然道德的根基,人尊重他人、宽容他人、与他人合作等人际伦理要求,社会尊重个人、个人认同接纳并融入社会等社会伦理精神,个体自尊、自律等自我伦理价值。  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):259-271
The process of admittance to membership in a psychological organization is an opportune time to take into consideration any questionable behavior in the professional background of a prospective member. Membership application forms of the American Psychological Association (APA) and 58 affiliated organizations are reviewed to determine the kinds of questions that are asked about ethical misconduct. The nature of the inquiry differs considerably from one association to another, with a preponderance of organizations avoiding any direct questions about professional ethics. Discussion is focused on how these different screening strategies impact on the applicant and the organization. There is a demonstrated need for appropriately formulated queries. A case is made for resolving current inconsistencies among associations by adhering to a unified procedure in the ethical screening of psychologist applicants.  相似文献   

The nature of warfare is changing. Increasingly, developments in military technology are removing soldiers from the battlefield, enabling war to be waged from afar. Bombs can be dropped from unmanned drones flying above the range of retaliation. Missiles can be launched, at minimal cost, from ships 200 miles to sea. Micro Air Vehicles, or ‘WASPS’, will soon be able to lethally attack enemy soldiers. Though still in the developmental stage, progress is rapidly being made towards autonomous weaponry capable of selecting, pursuing, and destroying targets without the necessity for human instruction. These developments have a profound — and as yet under‐analysed — impact on just war theory. I argue that a state under attack from remote weaponry is unable to respond in the traditional, just war sanctioned, method of targeting combatants on the battlefield. This restriction of options potentially creates a situation whereby a state is either coerced into surrender, or it must transgress civilian immunity. Just war theory in conditions of remote warfare therefore either serves the interests of the technologically advanced by demanding the surrender of targeted states, or else it becomes redundant.  相似文献   

Health Wearable Devices enhance the quality of life, promote positive lifestyle changes and save time and money in medical appointments. However, Wearable Devices store large amounts of personal information that is accessed by third parties without user consent. This creates ethical issues regarding privacy, security and informed consent. This paper aims to demonstrate users’ ethical perceptions of the use of Wearable Devices in the health sector. The impact of ethics is determined by an online survey which was conducted from patients and users with random female and male division. Results from this survey demonstrate that Wearable Device users are highly concerned regarding privacy issues and consider informed consent as “very important” when sharing information with third parties. However, users do not appear to relate privacy issues with informed consent. Additionally, users expressed the need for having shorter privacy policies that are easier to read, a more understandable informed consent form that involves regulatory authorities and there should be legal consequences the violation or misuse of health information provided to Wearable Devices. The survey results present an ethical framework that will enhance the ethical development of Wearable Technology.  相似文献   

In a recent report on focus group discussions of GMOs in Britain, Celia Deane Drummond et al. observed that public anxieties about emerging biotechnologies often reflect concerns that are ultimately theological in nature. Such concerns (whether in relation to biotechnology or other areas of technological development) may be easily dismissed as peripheral or irrelevant to the core secular issues of health, safety, environmental impacts, the politics of commercialization and research integrity. However, I shall argue that theological questions are actually integral to the ongoing development of technology and that there is a need for a public discourse that enables such questions to be articulated and debated.  相似文献   

The use of psychotropic medications (pharmacotherapy) in conjunction with psychotherapy is regarded as the standard of care for many mental health disorders. Counselors, therefore, need to be knowledgeable about psychopharmacology to monitor its impact on the therapeutic relationship and on client outcome. Discussed are potential ethical dilemmas with pharmacotherapy interventions, case studies demonstrating proper support of pharmacotherapy with diverse clientele, and critical elements of master's level training in psychopharmacology.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - A number of social factors are combining to raise the profile of ethical issues for behavior analysts and behavior-modification professionals, as for all psychologists....  相似文献   

Biology, during the last decade in particular, is making substantial headway into our social theories of business and behavior. While the social sciences rush to keep up with the advancement of knowledge, we highlight the need for an ethics discussion to also keep pace. Although the implications to theory are important, our focus is on how new knowledge has the capacity to alter the formulation and practice of business policy, which we believe is potentially profound. Furthermore, the ethicality of a set of issues can depend heavily on one’s perspective, and differing views may not always be compatible. With this in mind, we discuss the ways in which one area of emerging biological knowledge—behavioral genetics—invites a rethinking of the nuances of four long-standing topic areas of business ethics surrounding personnel selection; and we do so from two perspectives—that of the employer and of the job seeker. The four ethical topics are (a) the static (mostly) nature of genetic information that is out of an individual’s control, (b) faking and lying during selection processes, (c) privacy, and (d) stigmatization of minority groups.  相似文献   

Of all money matters in group psychotherapy, one of the most neglected in the literature is the issue of raising the fees. The premise of this paper is that there are ethical and clinical considerations to group fee increases. One consequence of the lack of attention to the subject of raising of fees is that many neophyte group leaders do not learn about its complexity. It will be argued that the raising of fees is not merely a straightforward matter of informing groups about an impending change in the amount of money that they will pay but rather, it is a knotty, emotionally charged issue with both realistic and subjective components for members and leaders alike. Further, it will be argued that the issue of raising fees in group therapy is dissimilar, in significant ways, from raising fees in individual treatment. When leaders use subjective criterion to decide an increase, then the group process may be disrupted. Suggestions for reform will be offered.  相似文献   

In 2001, a federal appeals court upheld the job termination of a counselor who requested being excused from counseling a lesbian client on relationship issues because homosexuality conflicted with the counselor's religious beliefs (Bruff v. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc., 2001). This article provides the facts of the case and the legal reasoning of the court. The authors also explore the legal and ethical issues related to this case.  相似文献   




人类辅助生殖技术是医学领域的一门新兴学科,随着此项技术的逐步成熟,也伴随着出现了各种诊疗及伦理问题.探讨对不孕症夫妇诊疗过程中的心理关怀与策略、人类辅助生殖技术治疗过程中的诊疗策略及其引起的伦理及相关法律等问题,认为在实施此项技术的过程中需要更规范、合理和人性化的诊疗策略.  相似文献   

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