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The hippocampal region along with rhinal structures seems to support learning and memory in an important manner. Structures adjacent to the rhinal fissure in the rat have recently been suggested to be divided into the perirhinal and postrhinal cortices. Some effects of perirhinal lesions on cognitive processing are known, whereas effects of postrhinal lesions appear to be unknown. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relative effects of perirhinal and postrhinal lesions in a three-choice visual discrimination test. The results show that both types of lesions impaired acquisition of the task, but only perirhinal lesions impeded subsequent retention. Because the initial phase of acquisition was unaffected by both lesions, it is suggested that the deficits observed may be of mnemonic nature. The apparent differential involvement of the perirhinal cortex and postrhinal cortex in cognition may be associated with differences in anatomical connectivity among these structures.  相似文献   

Reports that the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists may facilitate memory led to the present study of the behavioral effects of nifedipine. Ninety-two 4-day-old male chicks received 0, 100 nM, 100 microM, or 10 mM nifedipine. Drugs were administered in volumes of 2 microliters into the fourth cerebral ventricle 5 min before training on a visual discrimination task. Nifedipine did not produce any detectable changes in behavior during acquisition trials. Retention, however, was impaired 24 h after training in the 100 nM and 100 microM nifedipine-treated chicks, which made significantly more errors than controls. Nifedipine did not affect the amount of time required to complete the task. No effects on body weight gain were detected, suggesting that the memory impairment was not due to a change in feeding behavior. These data are discussed in terms of the role of calcium-dependent processes in memory.  相似文献   

Chicks 5 days old received intraperitoneal injections of nimodipine 30 min before training on either a visual discrimination task (0, 0.5, 1.0, or 5.0 mg/kg) or a test of separation-induced distress vocalizations (0, 0.5, or 2.5 mg/kg). Chicks receiving 1.0 mg/kg nimodipine made significantly fewer visual discrimination errors than vehicle controls by trials 41-60, but did not differ from controls 24 h later. Chicks in the 5 mg/kg group made significantly more errors when compared to controls both during acquisition of the task and during retention. Nimodipine did not alter separation-induced distress vocalizations at any of the doses tested, suggesting that nimodipine's effects on learning cannot be attributed to a reduction in separation distress. These data indicate that nimodipine's facilitation of learning in young subjects is dose dependent, but nimodipine failed to enhance retention.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries that calcium sensitive proteases (calpains) may play an important role in memory led to investigation of the effects of leupeptin, a calpain inhibitor, on learning. Intracerebral injections of either 0.9% saline, 80 micrograms aprotinin, 306 micrograms glutamate, or 8 or 80 micrograms leupeptin were administered to 95 two-day-old chicks. On Day 10 posthatch, animals were then tested on a task requiring discriminations between pebbles and food pellets. Chicks receiving 8 or 80 micrograms leupeptin or 306 micrograms glutamate were found to be deficient in acquiring the task. Aprotinin, a control serine protease inhibitor, did not retard discrimination learning. None of the drugs tested altered body weight or gross visual skills. These results suggest that retardation produced by leupeptin is not due to nonspecific changes in protease activity, visual competency, or growth. The reported results confirm earlier reports of leupeptin-induced memory impairments in rats.  相似文献   

The effects of met-enkephalin on the acquisition and retention over 10 days of a perceptual motor skill were investigated. Mice were randomly assigned to either one of two experimental groups (1-mg or 3-mg injections per 1-kg of body weight of met-enkephalin) or one of two control groups (dH2O injections). During the acquisition phase of the study, they were separated into "slow" and "fast" learners on the basis of their skill in negotiating a water maze. The results indicated an inhibitory effect of met-enkephalin in the 3-mg condition in the retention phase of the experiment. Subjects' skill was not implicated as a critical factor in retention of this simple task.  相似文献   

This experiment compared the visual sensory sensitivity of deaf and hearing subjects in a signal detection paradigm. Subjects (ns = 6) were required to give forced-choice responses to a brightness discrimination task under three stimulus probability conditions (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75). A total of 1,800 trials were given to each subject and utilized to construct isosensitivity functions and d' and Beta, indices for sensory sensitivity and response bias, respectively. The results showed that no enhanced sensory sensitivity is present for these deaf children and questions the classical sensory compensation hypothesis. Furthermore, the deaf subjects responded in a relatively bias-free manner to variations in stimulus probability.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys with lesions of lateral striate cortex, monkeys with superior colliculus lesions, and unoperated monkeys were tested for retention of a preoperatively acquired pattern discrimination. The three groups of monkeys were then tested in two-choice, color, color discrimination tests, one involving varying degrees of stimulus-response (S-R) separation and the other, administered several months later, involving various directions of S-R separations. The monkeys were also tested in a series of two-choice pattern discriminations, following each of which they were tested for relearning when the patterns were masked with bars or circles. The monkeys with lateral striate lesions were moderately retarded in retention of the pattern discrimination, whereas those with superior colliculus lesions were not. The monkeys with colliculus lesions, but not those with lateral striate lesions, were impaired in both S-R separation tests, which demonstrates that their deficit was not transient or solely due to a difficulty in shifting the gaze in one direction. The lateral striate monkeys, unlike those with colliculus lesions, were dificient in relearning discriminations between masked patterns. These findings suggest that superior colliculus and striate cortex may be involved in two different aspects of attention: respectively, shifting attention (and orientation) from one spatial locus to another and maintaining attention on fixated stimuli. Alternative interpretations of the effects of the lesions, based on their retinotopic loci, are discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to learn to depress a bar using concurrent visual feedback, which was removed for test. The overshooting found in test is attributed to visual dominance of the feedback traces; the way in which it occurs is not clear, since the reduction of the ratio of movement to display gain from 1:15 to 1:7.5 did not reduce overshooting. Performance improved after extended practice, but the direction of error remained positive. The results are discussed in terms of motor programming and feedback control of movement and are interpreted as evidence against Adams' (1971) two-trace theory.  相似文献   

Albino rats, trained in a miniaturized WGTA, were found to learn an olfactory discrimination despite the fact that visual cues were relevant and obvious. The results provide a further warning against the use of macrosmatic animals in visual discrimination tasks in which olfactory cues may be relevant.  相似文献   

While research on observational learning has typically employed visual models of correct performance, the characteristics of perceptual systems support the suggestion that an auditory model may be more effective in developing a cognitive representation of tasks for which timing is essential. Therefore, it was the purpose of this study to compare the relative effectiveness of auditory and visual models in the acquisition of a timing task. Subjects were provided with an auditory model, a visual model, a combined auditory and visual model, or no model of correct performance. There were significant main effects of groups and trials during acquisition. While performance of all groups improved during acquisition, the audio and audiovisual groups had generally better performance. The same effects were significant on immediate transfer, again reflecting the superior performance of the two auditory model groups. The results suggest an important role for audition in the development of a cognitive representation of movement timing.  相似文献   

A card-sorting task involved discrimination of patterns from the same equivalence set, patterns from different sets of the same size, and patterns from different sets of different sizes. Instructions, experimental conditions, and the number of different patterns to be sorted into two trays were varied in an attempt to change Ss’ strategies from whole-pattern processing to single-element processing. Instructions alone were ineffectual in preventing whole-pattern processing, and physical masks over most of the criterion stimuli (patterns used as guides in sorting) were only somewhat effective. Differences among tasks that were attributable to size of equivalence set were eliminated only by arranging the stimuli so that a whole-pattern strategy required a great deal more information processing, or so that such a strategy could not lead to the required discrimination. The results were interpreted as confirming the influence of the properties of sets of stimuli, as well as the strength of the tendency of human Ss to process and categorize patterns in their entirety. nt]mis|This research was supported in part by a University Research Council grant.  相似文献   

Abstract: A two-interval forced-choice of constant stimuli was used to measure the point of subjective equality (PSE) and discrimination threshold for standard contour curvature (1.91, 3.24 deg−1) held in short-term visual memory (STVM). At both standard curvatures, the PSE for remembered curvature was nearly constant for standard curvature from 2 s to 16 s retention intervals, while the discrimination threshold increased as a linear function of retention interval. These results show that the decay in STVM for contour curvature is due to the noisy representation of curvature, neither to fading of the represented curvature nor to converging to the constant curvature. Furthermore, the Weber fraction was nearly constant for both standard curvatures at any delay from 2 to 16 s.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of learning history on the acquisition of a matching-to-sample task. Twelve preschool children learned four stimulus classes through instructions, shaping, or imitation. After reaching criterion, the subjects were exposed to changed discrimination contingencies to determine how each learning history affected the acquisition of responses appropriate to the new contingencies. All subjects reached criterion on the new relations, although the subjects with a shaping history adapted slightly more quickly than those subjects with a history of instructions or imitation. Given sufficient exposure to changed contingencies, rule-driven insensitivity to contingencies was overcome by experience with consequences. This result may be specific to younger subjects, but it suggests that instructions can be used in education without creating insensitivity to contingencies.  相似文献   

Optimal cognitive ability is likely important for military working dogs (MWD) trained to detect explosives. An assessment of a dog’s ability to rapidly learn discriminations might be useful in the MWD selection process. In this study, visual discrimination and reversal tasks were used to assess cognitive performance in Labrador retrievers selected for an explosives detection program using a modified version of the Toronto General Testing Apparatus (TGTA), a system developed for assessing performance in a battery of neuropsychological tests in canines. The results of the current study revealed that, as previously found with beagles tested using the TGTA, Labrador retrievers (N = 16) readily acquired both tasks and learned the discrimination task significantly faster than the reversal task. The present study confirmed that the modified TGTA system is suitable for cognitive evaluations in Labrador retriever MWDs and can be used to further explore effects of sex, phenotype, age, and other factors in relation to canine cognition and learning, and may provide an additional screening tool for MWD selection.  相似文献   

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