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It has been suggested that the power law J = an, describing the relationship between numerical magnitude judgments and physical magnitudes, confounds a sensory or input function with an output function flawing to do with O’s use of numbers. Judged magnitudes of differences between stimuli offer some opportunity for separating these functions. We obtained magnitude judgments of differences between paired weights, as well as magnitude judgments of the weights making up the pairs. From the former we calculated simultaneously an input exponent and an output exponent, working upon Attneave’s assumption that both transformations are describable as power functions. The inferred input and output functions, in combination, closely predict the judgments of individual weights by the same Os. Although pooled data (geometric means of judgments) conform fairly well to a linear output function, individual data do not; i.e., individual Os deviate quite significantly fromlinearity and from one another in their use of numbers. Individual values of the inferred sensory exponent, k, show significantly better uniformity over Os than do values of the phenotypica! magnitude exponent previously found to describe interval judgments of weight.  相似文献   

A dynamic model of judgment, together with a model of stimulus context effects, is applied to magnitude production (MP) and magnitude estimation (ME) experiments. Participants' responses in MP were correlated across trials, as is typically found for ME. The magnitudeof the autocorrelation, however, was small, which suggests that participants in MP tend to rely more heavily on a long-term frame of reference. Second, a stimulus context effect found for ME did not appear for MP, most likely because of the different nature of the task (i.e., intermediate values of the stimulus were heard while the participant produced a response). A fit of an earlier regression model, on the other hand, suggests that the number presented on the previous trial in MP has a large contrastive effect on the current response.The present model offers a different view of this result, in that it shows that a negative coefficient for the earlier model is consistent with a positive judgmental effect. The regression effect noted by Stevens and Greenbaum (1966), which is a value of the estimated ME exponent that is smaller than the inverse of the estimated MP exponent, was also found; it i s shown that the effect did not arise from bias in estimation.  相似文献   

Category judgment: a range-frequency model   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

It is commonly believed that humans are unable to ignore the meanings of numerical symbols, even when these meanings are irrelevant to the task at hand. In 5 experiments, the authors tested the notion of automatic activation of numerical magnitude by asking participants to compare, while timed, pairs of numerical arrays on either numerosity or numerical value. Garner and Stroop effects were used to gauge the degree of interactive processing. The results showed that both effects were sensitive to the discriminability of values along the constituent dimensions, to the number of stimulus values used, and to practice and motivation. Notably, Stroop and Garner effects were eliminated under several conditions. These findings are incompatible with claims of obligatory activation of meaning in numerical processing, and they cast doubt on theories positing automatic processing of semantic information for alphanumerical symbols.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of the Eisler and Ekman (1959) model of similarity judgments for unidimensional continua is presented, based on a general model of relative judgment. This general model assumes that judgments are mediated by perceived relations of pairs of stimuli, that there exists a transformation of the judgmental response that is a function of the sensory ratio of the two stimuli, and that response bias operates in a multiplicative manner. Three structural conditions are presented, each imposing constraints on the structure of observed judgments. The structural conditions define threenested models of relative judgment, with the second a weakened version of the first, and the third a weakened version of the second. The special virtue of the general model is that it is applicable to a variety of judgmental tasks (e.g., ratio estimation, similarity, pair comparison), the key being derivation of theresponse transformation conforming to the structural conditions. The structural conditions thus constitute necessary conditions for several different judgmental models. The theory was first applied with success to ratio estimation judgments (Fagot, 1978), and this paper applies the general model to the Eisler and Ekman similarity “averaging” model. Empirical tests were carried out on published data for pitch, darkness, visual area, and heaviness judgments. Although the strong form of the model presented by Eisler and Ekman was rejected, weakened versions were generally supported by the data. These results were similar to those obtained for ratio estimation (Fagot, 1978), and are interpreted to be very promising for the general model of relative judgment.  相似文献   

Two studies developed and validated a context-independent situational judgment test (SJT) of prosocial implicit trait policy (ITP). The first study developed a SJT based on critical incidents about the prosocial behavior of physicians, lawyers, community service volunteers, and human factors engineers. In a sample of 396 undergraduates, scores obtained from this SJT were internally consistent and correlated significantly with other trait constructs related to prosocial ITP. In the second study with 134 undergraduates, the SJT was significantly correlated with relevant trait constructs and prosocial performance in role-plays simulating scenarios in which others needed help. These results show that a generic SJT developed from items that describe situations and actions specific to several occupations can predict behavior in situations unlike any that appear in its items.  相似文献   

A two-stage visual search model is described. Four experiments show that in a VM paradigm sequential presentation of the display leads to increases in accuracy and decreases in latency. Slower presentation rates allow for faster transfer of the target from iconic to short-term memory. When target and background items are dissimilar, transfer to short-term memory need not take place and decisions can be made on the basis of the Stage 1 analysis. These results are taken as confirming evidence for the proposed model.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the human sentence parsing device assigns phrase structure to word strings in two steps. The first stage parser assigns lexical and phrasal nodes to substrings of roughly six words. The second stage parser then adds higher nodes to link these phrasal packages together into a complete phrase marker.This model of the parser is compared with ATN models, and with the two-stage models of Kimball (1973) and Fodor, Bever and Garrett (1974). Our assumption that the units which are shunted from the first stage to the second stage are defined by their length, rather than by their syntactic type, explains the effects of constituent length on perceptual complexity in center embedded sentences and in sentences of the kind that fall under Kimball's principle of Right Association. The particular division of labor between the two parsing units allows us to explain, without appeal to any ad hoc parsing strategies, why the parser makes certain ‘shortsighted’ errors even though, in general, it is able to make intelligent use of all the information that is available to it.  相似文献   

Research on the perception of temporal order uses either temporal-order judgment (TOJ) tasks or synchrony judgment (SJ) tasks, in both of which two stimuli are presented with some temporal delay and observers must judge the order of presentation. Results generally differ across tasks, raising concerns about whether they measure the same processes. We present a model including sensory and decisional parameters that places these tasks in a common framework that allows studying their implications on observed performance. TOJ tasks imply specific decisional components that explain the discrepancy of results obtained with TOJ and SJ tasks. The model is also tested against published data on audiovisual temporal-order judgments, and the fit is satisfactory, although model parameters are more accurately estimated with SJ tasks. Measures of latent point of subjective simultaneity and latent sensitivity are defined that are invariant across tasks by isolating the sensory parameters governing observed performance, whereas decisional parameters vary across tasks and account for observed differences across them. Our analyses concur with other evidence advising against the use of TOJ tasks in research on perception of temporal order.  相似文献   

采用重复测验的自信判断范式,检验自我一致性模型。项目一致性与项目共识性的分析表明:被试从大量共享的信念总体中抽取样本进行正误判断,自信判断则基于各个样本信念的一致性,并反映新样本做相同判断的可能性;建立在代表性样本上的判断有更高的一致性或共识性,信念建构的反应时更短且自信更高;项目一致性与项目共识性存在交互关系:高一致性的判断也是高共识性的判断。结果验证了自我一致性模型在中国文化背景下的存在。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a construct-based situational judgment test of the HEXACO personality dimensions. In four studies, among applicants, employees, and Amazon Mechanical Turk participants (Ns = 72–305), we showed that it is possible to assess the six personality dimensions with a situational judgment test and that the criterion-related validity of the situational judgment test is comparable to the criterion-related validity of traditional self-reports but lower than the criterion-related validity of other-reports of personality. Test–retest coefficients (with a time interval of 2 weeks) varied between .55 and .74. Considering personality is the most commonly assessed construct in employee selection contexts (Ryan et al., 2015), this situational judgment test may provide human resources professionals with an alternative assessment tool.  相似文献   

The main objectives in this research were to introduce the concept of team role knowledge and to investigate its potential usefulness for team member selection. In Study 1, the authors developed a situational judgment test, called the Team Role Test, to measure knowledge of 10 roles relevant to the team context. The criterion-related validity of this measure was examined in 2 additional studies. In a sample of academic project teams (N = 93), team role knowledge predicted team member role performance (r = .34). Role knowledge also provided incremental validity beyond mental ability and the Big Five personality factors in the prediction of role performance. The results of Study 2 revealed that the predictive validity of role knowledge generalizes to team members in a work setting (N = 82, r = .30). The implications of the results for selection in team environments are discussed.  相似文献   

The mathematical representation of E. Brunswik's (1952) lens model has been used extensively to study human judgment and provides a unique opportunity to conduct a meta-analysis of studies that covers roughly 5 decades. Specifically, the authors analyzed statistics of the "lens model equation" (L. R. Tucker, 1964) associated with 249 different task environments obtained from 86 articles. On average, fairly high levels of judgmental achievement were found, and people were seen to be capable of achieving similar levels of cognitive performance in noisy and predictable environments. Further, the effects of task characteristics that influence judgment (numbers and types of cues, inter-cue redundancy, function forms and cue weights in the ecology, laboratory versus field studies, and experience with the task) were identified and estimated. A detailed analysis of learning studies revealed that the most effective form of feedback was information about the task. The authors also analyzed empirically under what conditions the application of bootstrapping--or replacing judges by their linear models--is advantageous. Finally, the authors note shortcomings of the kinds of studies conducted to date, limitations in the lens model methodology, and possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

Harvard Medical School and Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 The model treats the detection of targets in a visual search task as a concatenation of two serial detection stages. Preattentive visual mechanisms in the initial stage function as a filter, selecting specific features of a visual pattern for the observer’s explicit attention and final cognitive evaluation. The model uses bivariate normal distributions to represent the decision variables for the two serial stages, assuming different parameters for the target and nontarget features in a test set. The model is applied to the detection performance of radiologists interpreting chest x-rays under various conditions of search. It accounts for the substantial improvement in radiologists’ ability to distinguish between target and nontarget test features when they had to search the x-ray images, compared to their performance without visual search. A change in the ROC curve between two different search tasks could be interpreted as a shift in the selection cutoff used by the preattentive filter.  相似文献   

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