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Perceptual learning was studied under reduced stimulation conditions. We found that, simply as a result of previous close temporal and spatial concurrence, discriminably different stimuli disappear together more frequently than without such association. Moreover, it was shown that the extent to which the stimuli subsequently “operated” together was a linear function of the-frequency of the previous joint occurrence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether auditory experience with stimuli would produce predictable changes in disappearances of these same stimuli when later presented visually under simplified stimulation conditions. Modifications in disappearance phenomena were observed which supported the inter-modal perceptual learning hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments analysed memory encoding in human perceptual learning. Both experiments started with preexposure without feedback to four checkerboards composed by a unique feature each and sharing a common feature (AX, BX, CX, and DX). Elements of one pair were presented intermixed and elements of the other pair were presented in separate blocks. Immediately after preexposure participants completed a memory recognition task in which the characteristics of the distractors were manipulated. Experiment 1 showed that only intermixed presentation results in good encoding of the unique features of the stimuli. Experiment 2 demonstrated that intermixed preexposure results in different encoding of unique versus common features of the stimuli: Participants are able to remember A and B better than they remember X, whereas for the blocked condition memory for C, D, and X does not differ. Overall, the results presented here support the proposal that intermixing stimuli results in differential memory traces for unique versus common features and that this contributes to the intermixed/blocked effect.  相似文献   

Within the domain of metacognition, there is disagreement whether different processes underlie evaluations of confidence in perceptual versus conceptual decisions. The relationship between confidence and accuracy for perceptual and conceptual decisions was compared using newly created stimuli that could be used to elicit either decision type. Based on theories of Brunswikian and Thurstonian uncertainties, significant underconfidence for perceptual decisions and overconfidence for conceptual decisions were predicted. Three within‐subjects experiments did not support this hypothesis. Participants showed significant overconfidence for perceptual decisions and no overconfidence for conceptual decisions. In addition, significant hard‐easy effects were consistently found for both decision types. Incorporating our findings with past results reveals that both over‐ and underconfidence are attainable on perceptual tasks. This conclusion, in addition to the common presence of hard‐easy effects and significant across‐task correlations in over/underconfidence, suggests that confidence judgments for the two decision types may depend on largely shared processes. Possible contributions to confidence and over/underconfidence are explored, focusing on response time factors and participants' knowledge bases. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concurrent learning of temporal and spatial sequences   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In a serial reaction time task, stimulus events simultaneously defined spatial and temporal sequences. Responses were based on the spatial dimension. The temporal sequence was incidental to the task, defined by the response-to-stimulus intervals in Experiment 1 and stimulus onset asynchronies in Experiment 2. The two sequences were either of equal length and correlated or of unequal length. In both experiments, spatial learning occurred regardless of sequence length condition. In contrast, temporal learning occurred only in the correlated condition. These results suggest that timing is an integrated part of action representations and that incidental learning for a temporal pattern does not occur independently from the action. Interestingly, sequence learning was enhanced in the correlated condition, reflecting the integration of spatial-temporal information.  相似文献   

Rats received exposure to two compound flavours, AX and BX, where A and B were sucrose and saline and X was acid. For group intermixed (I), exposure consisted of alternating trials with AX and BX; group blocked (B) received a block of AX trials and a separate block of BX trials. Experiment 1 showed that generalization to BX after conditioning with AX was less profound in group I than in group B. Separate examination of the elements of the compound showed that the source of this difference lay in the strength acquired by the X element. X acquired less strength in group I than in group B (Experiments 1 and 2), whereas for the A element (Experiments 3 and 4) the reverse pattern was obtained. These results support the proposal that the perceptual learning effect (restricted generalization from AX to BX in group I) depends on a process that enhances the effectiveness of unique stimulus elements (A and B) and reduces that of common elements (such as X).  相似文献   

The present experiment was to investigate the effects of foreperiod interval upon reaction time (RT), alpha blocking, and heart rate (HR) under conditions in which learning factors and conditional probability were minimized. Twenty college students were given a series of 44 randomized foreperiod intervals (0–30 sec). The fastest RT was obtained at 0.6 sec foreperiod. Alpha blocking provided the same trend as that of RT, showing that the 0.6 sec foreperiod yielded the largest alpha blocking. Positive correlation was observed between the speed of RT and alpha blocking (r = 0.56, p<0.001). HR curve was different from those of RT and alpha blocking. No significant correlation was obtained between RT and HR. The results were discussed, particularly, in terms of the theory of classical conditioning.  相似文献   

Craik and Lockhart (1972) have proposed a framework for human memory research which is based on levels of processing. Most of the studies which support this approach have been concerned with comparing structural vs. semantic tasks. The present paper extends the levels of processing approach to earlier stages of processing and emphasizes levels ofperceptual processing. It is suggested that depth of perceptual processing depends on the nature of the stimulus material. Neisser’s (1967) theory of preattentive mechanisms and focal attention is shown to be a theory of levels of perceptual processing. Differences in the nature in which these two processes operates are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus duration on perceptual onset and offset latency were compared in vision and audition. It was found that perceptual onset latency was independent of stimulus duration but that the perceptual offset latency was longer for brief stimuli than for stimuli that exceeded a critical duration. For stimuli longer than the critical duration, the perceptual onset and offset latencies were equal: The same temporal relationships were found in both modalities. The results indicate that for any specific stimulus parameters, reduction of stimulus duration results, ultimately, in a perception of fixed duration.  相似文献   

The Sternberg Additive Factor Method was used to draw inferences about the flow of information under single- and dual-tasks conditions which were identical in terms of the stimuli involved but different in terms of response requirements. In both conditions, subjects pressed a left- or right-hand key in response to the onset of an X or O (intact or degraded) which was accompanied by a monaural or binaural tone. In the dual-tasks condition, subjects responded verbally to the tone location while also making the key-press response, whereas, in the single-task condition, no response to the tone was required. The pattern of main effects and interactions suggested that the same model of information flow described both single- and dual-tasks conditions; i.e., visual and auditory stimuli were encoded separately but shared capacity at the response selection stage.  相似文献   

Within-subjects procedures were used to assess the influence of stimulus comparison on perceptual learning in humans. In Experiment 1, participants received intermixed (A, A', A, A',…) or blocked (B, B,…, B', B',…) exposure to pairs of similar female faces. In a subsequent same/different discrimination task, participants were more accurate when the test involved A and A' than when it involved B and B' (or novel faces: C and C'). This perceptual learning effect was reduced by placing a visual distractor (*: either another face or a checkerboard) between successive presentations of the faces during the exposure stage (e.g., A - * - A'). The attenuation of the intermixed versus blocked difference was particularly marked when faces were used as the distractor. In Experiment 2, this reduction in perceptual learning was more marked when * was positioned between the pairs of intermixed faces (i.e., A - * - A') than when it preceded and succeeded those faces (i.e., * - A - A' - *). These results provide the first direct evidence that the opportunity to compare stimuli plays a causal role in supporting perceptual learning. They also support the specific view that perceptual learning reflects an interaction between a short-term habituation process, that ordinarily biases processing away from the frequently presented common elements and toward their less frequently presented unique elements, and a long-term representational process that reflects this bias.  相似文献   

Second grade Ss and college students were tested under three conditions of the temporal relationship of feedback and stimulus information. In one condition (/+3) feedback was delivered immediately upon S's response while the stimuli were still in view. In another (/0) feedback was also immediate but stimuli were extinguished immediately upon S's response. In the third condition (/?3), stimuli were extinguished immediately upon response and feedback was delayed 3 sec. Major findings among the children were (a) Ss of all conditions coded information at the same (high) average efficiency, (b) Ss of conditions /0 and /?3 recoded with significantly less efficiency than those of /+3, and (c) Ss in condition /+3 manifested primarily efficient information-processing strategies, those in condition /0 showed intermediate performance, and those of condition /?3 showed relatively primitive stereotyped behavior. Among adult Ss performance was uniformly high with little effect on any response measure investigated.  相似文献   

Training people on temporal discrimination can substantially improve performance in the trained modality but also in untrained modalities. A pretest–training–posttest design was used to investigate whether consolidation plays a crucial role for training effects within the trained modality and its transfer to another modality. In the pretest, both auditory and visual discrimination performance was assessed. In the training phase, participants performed only the auditory task. After a consolidation interval of either 5 min or 24 h, participants were again tested in both the auditory and visual tasks. Irrespective of the consolidation interval, performance improved from the pretest to the posttest in both modalities. Most importantly, the training effect for the trained auditory modality was independent of the consolidation interval whereas the transfer effect to the visual modality was larger after 24 h than after 5 min. This finding shows that transfer effects benefit from extended consolidation.  相似文献   

In two experiments an imprinting procedure was used to familiarize chicks with two stimuli, A and B, that subsequently served as the discriminanda in a simultaneous discrimination. On the first day of each experiment, subjects either received presentations of A and B that were intermixed within a session (mixed exposure) or presentations of A in one session and of B in another (separate exposure). For half of the subjects in each of the exposure conditions, A and B differed in both colour and form; for the remainder A and B differed in form alone. On the second day of the experiments, the chicks were placed into a cool test apparatus and given training in which approaching A was rewarded by the delivery of a stream of warm air, but approaching B was not. Acquisition of this discrimination was more rapid when A and B differed in two respects than when they differed in form alone. When A and B differed in both colour and form, the heat-reinforced discrimination was acquired more rapidly after separate exposure than after mixed exposure; but when A and B differed in form alone, discrimination learning was more rapid following mixed exposure than separate exposure. The latter finding, that the opportunity to compare stimuli differing in only one dimension facilitates subsequent discrimination learning, is consistent with earlier suggestions (Gibson, 1969) regarding the conditions that promote perceptual learning.  相似文献   

Using an adjustment procedure, human observers matched the apparent spatial frequencies of sinusoidal gratings presented in different orientations (0, 45, 90, and 135 deg). Matches were made between all possible pairwise orientation combinations. Significant match deviations indicated that the apparent frequency of a grating depends on its orientation. The most consistent deviations were found between horizontal and vertical gratings, with horizontal gratings appearing to be of a lower spatial frequency than vertical gratings. These effects were relatively independent of stimulus contrast and persisted when the optics of the eye were bypassed with laser interferometry. A neurophysiological explanation of these effects is proposed.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, rats were given intermixed or blocked preexposure to an array of landmarks that subsequently defined the location of a hidden goal in a Morris pool task. Previous research has shown that intermixed preexposure to pairs of adjacent landmarks retards learning whereas preexposure to individual landmarks facilitates subsequent learning (J. Prados, V. D. Chamizo, & N. J. Mackintosh, 1999). Accordingly, in Experiment 1, intermixed and blocked preexposure to pairs of adjacent landmarks was found to retard learning. In Experiment 2, however, a scheduling effect was found: Rats given intermixed preexposure to the individual landmarks learned faster than rats given blocked or no preexposure. Experiment 3 showed that intermixed (but not blocked) preexposure to pairs of landmarks resulted in a facilitatory effect when preexposure and test were carried out in different contexts. Experiment 4 replicated within a single experiment the main results observed in Experiments 1 and 3. This pattern of results suggests that intermixed preexposure engages learning processes other than latent inhibition that facilitate subsequent learning of the navigation task.  相似文献   

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