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Thurstone’s method of scaling from paired comparison data was employed to obtain estimates of reaction potential on eight successive presentations of randomly generated polygons. One set of scale values was based upon the magnitude of the GSR made by each of 40 Ss to the onset of each stimulus. Another set of scale values was based upon the Ss looking times, when the S was instructed to press a switch to terminate the stimulus after he finished looking at it. Following termination of each stimulus, a 20-sec period of no stimulation intervened prior to the next stimulus. The GSR reduced in size from trial to trial, describing a typical habituation curve, while looking time increased from trial to trial. Across trials the two sets of scale values were significantly negatively correlated (r=?0.91). The failure to find habituation of looking time was explained on the assumption that the 20-sec period between stimuli was noxious to the Ss, which resulted in longer and longer looking times across trials. These results were interpreted as indicating that habituation of the GSR is not merely a matter of reduced attention in the cognitive sense. In addition, it was pointed out that the use of orienting reflex concepts in dealing with attentional and other cognitive phenomena may be unjustified.  相似文献   

Sokolov’s 1963 report of return of the orienting reaction (OR) to repeated stimulus presentations following habituation was examined in 18 S’s using the galvanic skin response (GSR) component of the OR and an auditory stimulus of 60 db intensity and 1000 cps. Both group and individual S data analysis indicated a return of the OR which habituated quickly. The number of stimulus presentations to the OR return point showed an inverse relationship to rate of initial OR habituation for individual S’s.  相似文献   

Habituation as an index of the intrasensory and intersensory integration of form was investigated in nine-year-old children. In Habituation Period One, Ss were habituated to either a visual or a haptic 14″-perimeter standard stimulus. During Habituation Period Two, groups were subdivided and presented with one of the following stimuli: (a) 14″ visual, (b) 16″ visual, (c) 14″ haptic, or (d) 16″ haptic. The dependent variables were GSR frequency and amplitude, visual fixation time, and touching time. Subjects required more trials to habituate to the different stimulus presented in Habituation Period Two than Ss who received repeated presentations of the same stimulus. GSR frequency and amplitude habituated more consistently than did fixation and touching response measures. The results supported the use of the habituation paradigm for the study of intersensory and intrasensory integration, as well as providing support for extending Sokolov's theory to intersensory functions.  相似文献   

Overextinction of the GSR component of the orienting response was examined in a sample of 68 socially disturbed adolescents. Continued stimulus repetition beyond the point of habituation resulted in GSR return after 50–60 stimulus presentations. However, division of Ss into sleep and non-sleep groups using behavioral and self-report criteria, failed to support Sokolov’s (1963) notion that overextinction is accompanied by drowsiness. A possible explanation of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Studied the effects of cognitive dissonance on pain perception and attitudes towards injections in 48 student subjects of both sexes (average age = 20.5). In a ‘forced compliance’ design, subjects received sets of painful radiant heat stimuli, projected to their inside forearms, which they rated for painfulness and to which their GSR amplitude was recorded. During these stimuli, they ‘chose’ to receive an experimental (placebo) injection. The degree of justification for agreeing to be injected was varied. Subjects in the high-justification (HJ) condition were paid for their compliance, while subjects in the low-justification (LJ) condition were not paid. Two predictions were made from dissonance theory. The first prediction, that only LJ subjects would manifest significant post-injection analgesia when compared to subjects in a no-choice control condition, was confirmed, considering both pain ratings (p < 0.01) and GSR (p < 0.025). The second prediction, that only LJ subjects would rate injections more favourably than control subjects on a post-experimental measure, was not confirmed. The relevance of these findings to explanation of the placebo effect is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses and compares the methods of attitude scale construction of Thurstone (method of equal-appearing intervals), Likert (method of summated ratings), and Guttman (method of scale analysis), with special emphasis on the latter as one of the most recent and significant contributions to the field. Despite a certain lack of methodological precision, scale analysis provides a means of evaluating the uni-dimensionality of a set of items. If the criteria for uni-dimensionality are met, the interpretation of rank-order scores is made unambiguous, and efficiency of prediction from the set of items is maximized. The Guttman technique, however, provides no satisfactory means of selecting the original set of items for scale analysis. Preliminary studies indicated that both the Likert and the Thurstone methods tend to select scalable sets of items and that their functions in this respect are complementary. A method of combining the Likert and Thurstone methods in order to yield a highly scalable set of items is outlined. Sets of 14 items selected by the method have, in the two cases where the technique has been tried, yielded very satisfactory scalability.  相似文献   

Ninety subjects were tested in a single-cue Pavlovian conditioning paradigm involving three groups which differed with regard to the contingency relationship between CS and US (negative contingency, zero contingency, positive contingency). To examine the relationship between conditioned GSR performance and subject’s cognitive beliefs regarding the CS-US relationship, both GSR and CS-US relational learning were constantly measured on a continuous scale over the entire experimental session. The data suggest the independence of autonomic and cognitive responding in the single-cue Pavlovian paradigm.  相似文献   

李静  郭永玉 《心理科学》2012,35(1):160-164
以价值观冲突理论为依据,探讨中国社会转型时期物质主义与儒家传统价值观的并存给当代大学生带来的心理冲突。采用测谎仪记录被试回答价值观选择两难情境问题时的皮电值,结果发现:对于高儒家传统价值观的大学生而言,物质主义水平的上升会引起其皮电值的显著增加,而对于低儒家传统价值观的大学生则没有这种效应。表明同时拥有高水平的物质主义和儒家传统价值观的大学生会体验到大量的心理冲突。  相似文献   

Illusion decrement is the reduction in the magnitude of visual geometric illusions with continued exposure, and it has been explained in two ways. The first explanation is the selective adaptation, or fatigue, of neural channels carrying orientation and/or spatial frequency information; the second explanation involves perceptual learning, in which the observer changes viewing strategy after continued exposure to a stimulus. Either mechanism could cause changes in the perception of a stimulus over time. One hundred twenty observers were tested in an illusion-decrement paradigm under exposure conditions that altered the amount of selective adaptation of specific neural channels. Observers were also measured on the magnitude of the transfer-of-decrement effect. Both decrement and transfer of decrement occurred, but there was no significant difference across exposure conditions. In addition, the pattern of transfer differed from that observed in selective adaptation paradigms. These results argue against a neural adaptation interpretation of illusion decrement.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the fan effect in recognition memory for pictures and sentences. Subjects in the first experiment memorized sets of pictures (N= 13) or sentences (N=13) in which the study items comprised concept combinations (e.g., the clock is on the television) that could be unambiguously depicted in each modality. The fan effect, contrasting study items involving unique- and shared-concepts combinations, was observed in the recognition reaction time data for sentences but not for pictures. Subjects in the second experiment (N= 17) memorized sets of pictures and sentences in which, in addition to the unique and shared intramodality conditions used in Experiment 1, subjects memorized items in each modality that shared concepts with items in the alternative modality. Although the fan effect was reduced for sentences in the second experiment, the intramodality results were qualitatively comparable to those obtained in Experiment 1. The results in the intermodality conditions indicated that, although pictorial study items influenced reaction time to sentences with which they shared a concept, the reverse was not the case. The results were thought to be inconsistent with the view that pictures and sentences enjoy a common representational format in long-term memory.  相似文献   

A 2 by 3 factorial design was used to investigate the effects of the instructions and the presence of E on looking time. Two hundred thirty-nine college students viewed 30 colored stimuli of landscapes, single objects, and arrays of objects under three different sets of instructions, with E either present or absent while S viewed the stimuli. The results demonstrated that E’s presence depressed the time spent looking at the stimuli Evidence was also found suggesting that ambiguity in the typical instructions given Ss in looking-time experiments may result in artifactually long looking times. It was concluded that a more appropriate situation to investigate looking time would (1) utilize sham GSR instructions to reduce S’s uncertainty concerning the experiment’s purpose, and (2) arrange for E’s absence while S is viewing the stimuli  相似文献   

The inability to maintain signal detection performance with time on task, or vigilance decrement, is widely studied in people because of its profound implications on attention-demanding tasks over sustained periods of time (e.g., air-traffic control). According to the resource depletion (overload) theory, a faster decrement is expected in tasks that are cognitively demanding or overstimulating, while the underload theory predicts steeper decrements in tasks that provide too little cognitive load, or understimulation. Using Trite planiceps, a jumping spider which is an active visual hunter, we investigated vigilance decrement to repetitive visual stimuli. Spiders were tethered in front of two stimulus presentation monitors and were given a polystyrene ball to hold. Movement of this ball indicates an attempt to turn towards a visual stimulus presented to a pair of laterally facing (anterior lateral) eyes for closer investigation with high acuity forward-facing (anterior median) eyes. Vigilance decrement is easily measured, as moving visual stimuli trigger clear optokinetic responses. We manipulated task difficulty by varying the contrast of the stimulus and the degree of ‘noise’ displayed on the screen over which the stimulus moved, thus affecting the signal:noise ratio. Additionally, we manipulated motivation by paired testing of hungry and sated spiders. All factors affected the vigilance decrement, but the key variable affecting decrement was stimulus contrast. Spiders exhibited a steeper decrement in the harder tasks, aligning with the resource depletion theory.  相似文献   

IPSAPRO, an ipsative scoring program written for the IBM PC, aids in the detection and transformation of response sets that often contaminate rating scale and reaction time experiments. Response sets such as the tendency to use only extreme points of a rating scale or to work for speed over accuracy in reaction time experiments are removed in IPSAPRO by standardizing each subject’s ratings or times against their own means and standard deviations. Ipsatization can be applied to existing data sets or take place automatically at the data collection stage in a text-stimuli presentation manager that is provided with the program.  相似文献   

Although Likert ratings of social skill are widely used in behavioral assessment, such ratings may have limited replicability potential and social validity. The present study compared the reliability of Likert and Thurstone Equal-Appearing Interval scales. The Thurstone-derived scale was slightly more reliable than its Likert counterpart. Moreover, the empirical and clinical potential of Thurstone scaling substantially exceeds that of Likert and other rating methods.  相似文献   

Domestic dogs are reported to show intense but transient neophilia towards novel objects. Here, we examine habituation and dishabituation to manipulable objects by kennel-housed dogs. Labrador retrievers (N?=?16) were repeatedly presented with one toy for successive 30-s periods until interaction ceased. At this point (habituation), a different toy was presented that contrasted with the first in both colour and odour (since the dog’s saliva would have accumulated on the first), colour alone, or odour alone. No effect of the type of contrast was detected in the number of presentations to habituation, the difference in duration of interaction between the first presentation of the first toy and the presentation of the second toy (recovery), or the duration of interaction with the second toy (dishabituation). Varying the time interval between successive presentations of the first toy up to habituation between 10?s and 10?min had no effect on the number of presentations to habituation, nor did it alter the extent of dishabituation. Varying the delay from habituation to presentation of the second toy, between 10?s and 15?min, affected neither the recovery nor the dishabituation. Overall, the study indicates that loss of interest in the object during object-orientated play in this species is due to habituation to the overall stimulus properties of the toy rather than to any single sensory modality and is also atypical in its insensitivity to the interval between presentations.  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位技术考察无空间线索化下视觉注意资源的在不同空间等级的分布情况。在“预警信号-目标探测”范式下,目标刺激随机出现在直径视角为3.2°、6.4°以及9.6°的三个空间等级圆上。反应时结果显示:随着注意空间直径视角增大,对目标刺激的探测速度逐渐下降。脑电结果显示:三种条件下目标刺激诱发的早期N1和晚期P3成分产生了不同程度分离,主要表现为两成分的波幅随着注意空间视角增大而减小。这说明个体在无空间线索化下自动地对不同空间等级进行有选择性的资源分配。  相似文献   

Spatial and metrical parameters of the eye and arm movements made by human subjects (N = 7) in response to visual targets that were stepped unexpectedly either once (single step) or twice (double step) were studied. For the double-step, the displacement of a visual target was decreased or increased in amplitude at intervals before and during a movement. Provided the second target step occurred more than 100 ms before the onset of movement, the amplitude of the subjects' first response was altered in the direction of the new target location. But this amplitude scaling was not always sufficient to reach the new target location, and a second corrective response was required. The latency in producing this second response was greatly increased above reaction time latencies of movements to single-step targets, especially when the target change occurred 100 ms or more before movement onset. These findings suggest that even though serial processing limitations delay the production of a second corrective response, continuous parallel processing of visual information enables the amplitude of the first response to be altered with minimal delay. This enables some degree of real-time continuous control by the visuomotor control system.  相似文献   

Memory for location of a dot inside a circle was investigated with the circle in the center of a computer screen (Experiment 1) or with the circle presented in either the left or the right visual field (Experiment 2). In both experiments, as in Huttenlocher, Hedges, and Duncan’s (1991) study, the task was to relocate the dot by marking the remembered location. When errors in angular and radial estimates were considered separately, it was found that, in both experiments, the angular locations of estimates of the dots’ positions regressed toward different locations inside each quadrant of the circle; the radial locations of the estimates of dots’ positions tended to regress toward locations near the circumference. These variations in the direction of bias appeared to reflect a general shift of estimates toward the upper left arc of the circle. The second experiment replicated the preceding effects but also revealed that the regressions within quadrants of angular values were stronger after right visual field than after left visual field presentations. We interpret the dissociation between visual fields as evidence that memory for categorical spatial relations (Kosslyn, 1987) is more dependent on left-hemisphere than on right-hemisphere processing.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that listeners are able to estimate speaking rate when listening to a talker, but almost no work has been done on perception of rate information provided by looking at a talker’s face. In the present study, the method of magnitude estimation was used to collect estimates of the rate at which a talker was speaking. The estimates were collected under four experimental conditions: auditory only, visual only, combined auditory-visual, and inverted visual only. The results showed no difference in the slope of the functions relating perceived rate to physical rate for the auditory only, visual only, and combined auditory-visual presentations. There was, however, a significant difference between the normal visual-only and the inverted-visual presentations. These results indicate that there is visual rate information available on a talker’s face and, more importantly, suggest that there is a correspondence between the auditory and visual modalities for the perception of speaking rate, but only when the visual information is presented in its normal orientation.  相似文献   

The present investigation is concerned with determining whether or not differences in the reaction times exist in a human subject’s responses to 6 different wavelengths equated at 5 levels of luminance. The heterochromatic matching was done by the method of flicker photometry and checked by the method of direct comparison. Simple reaction time, the time interval starting with the presentation of a visual stimulus and terminating in a manual response, was used as the method of determining the latencies for the establishment of equal sensory effects for the different wavelengths. Monocular viewing of the stimuli was used by two subjects and reaction times are determined over a luminance range of 5.2 log units around a central value of I millilambert. The results indicated that simple reaction time is inversely related to stimulus luminance. There were no differences in the reaction times to the different wavelengths at the four highest luminance levels; at the lowest luminance level, the wave-lengths fan out in a manner that is in line with the classical data of vision. In other words, the visual functions obtained with simple reaction time parallel certain well-known visual functions in intensity discrimination, flicker and visual acutty-the results may be accounted for by the Duplicity Theory of vision.  相似文献   

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