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Thurstone’s method of scaling from paired comparison data was employed to obtain estimates of reaction potential on eight successive presentations of randomly generated polygons. One set of scale values was based upon the magnitude of the GSR made by each of 40 Ss to the onset of each stimulus. Another set of scale values was based upon the Ss looking times, when the S was instructed to press a switch to terminate the stimulus after he finished looking at it. Following termination of each stimulus, a 20-sec period of no stimulation intervened prior to the next stimulus. The GSR reduced in size from trial to trial, describing a typical habituation curve, while looking time increased from trial to trial. Across trials the two sets of scale values were significantly negatively correlated (r=?0.91). The failure to find habituation of looking time was explained on the assumption that the 20-sec period between stimuli was noxious to the Ss, which resulted in longer and longer looking times across trials. These results were interpreted as indicating that habituation of the GSR is not merely a matter of reduced attention in the cognitive sense. In addition, it was pointed out that the use of orienting reflex concepts in dealing with attentional and other cognitive phenomena may be unjustified.  相似文献   

A critique of amplitude analyses in GSR conditioning is discussed. It was pointed out that, when amplitudes are properly analyzed with all Ss contributing equally to each repeated measures point, the concern of latency interval, definition of response probability, and distribution of GSR amplitudes are concerns which apply to analyses of magnitude, probability, and latency, as well as of amplitude. It was concluded that nothing is lost in separating magnitude into its amplitude and probability components, particularly when magnitude, as well, is included in the statistical analyses, and that, to the contrary, we stand to learn something by such a partitioning which could not be learned without it.  相似文献   

Two groups of 20 Ss each were run individually in a soundproof chamber heated to 115 F and humidified to 100%. Ss in the experimental group received brief presentation of cool air contingent upon emitted GSRs during 20 min of acquisition. Control Ss were matched one at a time in operant rate and were yoked one at a time to receive the cool air on a response-independent schedule. Both groups increased significantly in rate of unelicited GSRs during acquisition, with the experimental Ss’ curve rising more rapidly and both groups attaining equivalent terminal levels. During extinction, the groups maintained high levels of responding and did not differ. Examination of basal skin conductance data ruled out an activation hypothesis. In the control Ss, terminal response frequency was significantly correlated with percentage of fortuitous response-contingent reinforcement. It was concluded that both groups were conditioned, with the controls receiving intermittent reinforcement sufficiently often to elevate their responding. The cool air was judged to be an effective reinforcer of unelicited GSRs, perhaps more effective than those used in previous studies.  相似文献   

The effect of repeatedly imagining paired or unpaired CSs and USs on the frequency of post-CS responses during real extinction was studied. Four groups of 10 Ss first received a model tone and shock. For two of the groups the stimuli were paired (delayed conditioning paradigm). For the others the stimuli were arranged in a long trace paradigm. The Ss then received a series of commands requiring them to imagine receiving paired CSs and USs, or to imagine the events singly. Then 10 real tone extinction trials were given. The groups which received delayed conditioning model stimuli were more responsive than trace groups, and groups which had imagined paired stimuli were more responsive than their unpaired controls. Cognitively oriented explanations of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared GSR avoidance and yoked-control conditioning procedures. Classical conditioning at two UCS intensities was followed by extinction and, two months later, by an avoidance session. Matching of Ss was based on GSR responsiveness and classical conditioning in the first session. The strong UCS led to more rapid reduction in CR latency (due to an increase in number of Ss responding) in the first session, and there was a tendency for maximum CR magnitude to occur in fewer trials with the strong UCS. No UCS-intensity difference in level of responding to the CS or UCS was found in the first session. A greater amount of spontaneous recovery in the second session was found in the strong UCS group. The avoidance and yoked control groups did not differ in CR magnitudes, latencies, or frequencies, nor in UCR magnitudes in the second session. They did differ significantly in the rate of decline in intertriai responses, the decline being more rapid in the avoidance condition.  相似文献   

The Ss memorized a long-term set (LT set) of 20 words before participating in a recognition memory test. On each trial Ss were given a new short-term set (ST set) of from one to four words or one to four digits. The Ss gave a positive response to a test item that was a member of either the ST or the LT set and gave a negative response to a test item not in either set; both words and digits were used as test stimuli. The results indicated that reaction time (RT) to positive test items from the ST set was an increasing function 0f the size of the ST set; the same was also true for negative responses to test digits when the ST set was composed of digits. RT to other test stimuli, however, did not depend on ST set size. These results are consistent with the view that Ss access long-term memory (LTM) and short-term memory (STM) simultaneously rather than sequentially. The results also showed that Ss responded more quickly to test items from the LT set when the ST set contained digits than when it contained words. Negative test items that were words, however, were rejected more slowly when the ST set contained digits than when it contained words. These results suggest that the search of LTM was affected by the contents of STM.  相似文献   

That observers tend to agree in their ratings of a target even if they have never interacted with that target has been called consensus at zero acquaintance. The basic finding that consensus is highest for judgments concerning a target's degree of extraversion (EV) and somewhat weaker for judgments of conscientiousness is replicated. Several potential observable cues that might be used by judges when rating targets are examined. The finding that ratings of physical attractiveness correlate with judgments of EV is replicated. In Study 1, rapid body movements and smiling were also found to correlate with EV judgments. The level of consensus declined when initially unacquainted Ss interacted one-on-one (Study 2), but did not decline--and even increased--when Ss interacted in a group (Study 3). Ss judged as extraverted at zero acquaintance were also seen as extraverted after interacting with others.  相似文献   

Demand characteristics and risk are confounded on the choice dilemma items. Thus, it is difficult using that instrument to determine if individuals view themselves as more risky than others because of a cultural value of risk or instructional demand characteristics. The present study asked Ss to make judgments for themselves and for others on either the choice dilemmas (with risk-oriented or risk-neutral instructions) or on one of three other measures of risk taking (behavior prediction scale, risk of aversive consequences, zero expected value bets) which have exhibited the risky shift but do not have the instructional problems of the choice dilemmas. Only on the choice dilemmas did Ss view themselves as being more risky. On all other measures, Ss viewed themselves as either equal to or more conservative than others. These findings cast doubt on the validity of value type theories as general explanations for the risky shift.  相似文献   

Twenty right-handed Ss listened to a dichotic tape in which one of six consonant-vowel syllables was paired with a burst of white noise on each trial. Eight blocks of 40 trials were presented, with the syllables within a block presented to, the same ear. On each trial, Ss decided if/ ba/ was presented. Mean RT to right-ear items was 440.0 msec, while mean left-ear RT was 453.6 msec. Responses indicating the presence of /ba/ were made significantly more quickly than responses indicating its absence, with no significant interaction of ear and type of decision. This study demonstrated a right-ear advantage in the perception of spoken syllables when noise is presented to the opposite ear. An interpretation of the RT differences between ears in terms of callosal transmission time is discussed, and implications of this study for the perceptual origins of the ear advantage effect are considered.  相似文献   

Self-embedded sentences of any degree beyond one are permitted by the syntactic rules of English, yet previous studies report that Ss typically reject these sentences as being ungrammatical and, in addition, often cannot recover the meaning of these sentences. The present paper investigated the possibility of introducing specially structured self-embedded sentences as “aids” to the discovery of the structure of more complex self-embedded sentences. The group of Ss who received these aids performed significantly better in discovering the subject-verb and subject-object assignments in the complex sentences (many achieved perfect scores) in contrast to Ss who did not initially receive these aids (these latter Ss obtained close to the minimum possible scores).  相似文献   

Alternating stimuli with herringbone patterns were used to obtain visually evoked cortical potentials (VECPs) from three human Ss. Two sets of stimulus patterns were used, one with sharp corners and one with the corners rounded off. Each set ranged in angularity from 180 to 45 deg in 45-deg steps. Results showed that: (a)VECP response amplitude was greatest for the 90-deg-corner pattern, (b) response amplitude was greater for the 45-deg-corner pattern than for the 135-deg-corner pattern, and (c) cornered and rounded patterns evoked responses of greater amplitude than those evoked by the straight (180-deg) patterns. Also, the peak latency of responses to cornered patterns was shorter than that of responses to rounded and straight patterns.  相似文献   

The Stoffregen and Riccio (1988) hypothesis that perceived orientation is determined primarily by balance dynamics was tested. Perception of orientation was evaluated in the context of a task that required Ss to control the roll orientation of a device in which they were seated. The device's direction of balance was manipulated across trials and thus was independent of gravity. Eighteen Ss participated in the investigation. After each trial, Ss estimated their mean tilt with respect to upright. Correlations of perceived tilt with tilt from balance were consistently higher than the correlations with gravity tilt. The dominance of balance over gravity depended on the magnitude of tilt from balance.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, three stimuli were presented on each trial; the second and third were simultaneous. Ss said which of the three they saw first and then made a different second guess. Second guesses were correct more often than chance when first guesses were wrong, contradicting the predictions of a psychological moment theory. Psychometric functions are inconsistent with a theory which holds that Ss can order their perceptions and that errors result from lack of correspondence between this order and that of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, two pairs of stimuli, each simultaneous or successive, were presented on each trial, the interval between their onsets varying, and Ss guessed whether each was successive. A moment-like cyclic process affecting the perception of successive stimuli should raise the correlation between responses when both pairs were successive and beginning at the same time; this was not found.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of item order and questionnaire content on faking good or intentional response distortion. It was hypothesized that intentional response distortion would either increase towards the end of a long questionnaire, as learning effects might make it easier to adjust responses to a faking good schema, or decrease because applicants' will to distort responses is reduced if the questionnaire lasts long enough. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that certain types of questionnaire content are especially vulnerable to response distortion. Eighty‐four pre‐selected pilot applicants filled out a questionnaire consisting of 516 items including items from the NEO five factor inventory (NEO FFI), NEO personality inventory revised (NEO PI‐R) and business‐focused inventory of personality (BIP). The positions of the items were varied within the applicant sample to test if responses are affected by item order, and applicants' response behaviour was additionally compared to that of volunteers. Applicants reported significantly higher mean scores than volunteers, and results provide some evidence of decreased faking tendencies towards the end of the questionnaire. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that lower variances or standard deviations in combination with appropriate (often higher) mean scores can serve as an indicator for faking tendencies in group comparisons, even if effects are not significant.  相似文献   

Fifty circular lights differir.g in diameter from 4 to 53 cm and increasing by 1 cm were presented 135 times each to five Ss who were asked to identify each circle. Presentations were in random order. Indices of information transmission (T), response equivocation H S(R), and response uncertainty H(R) were calculated for different phases of the experiment for individual and pooled (across Ss) responses. Results have shown systematic rising of transmission and lowering of H S(R), while H(R) remained almost constant. All transmission indices calculated from pooled responses were systematically lower than comparable indices calculated from individual responses. Individual and pooled T values calculated from all responses given during the experiment were not representative for the level of identification performance at the end of the experiment. Conclusions were reached that (1) channel capacity indices should not be calculated from all individual responses given during the experiment or from pooled responses of different Ss, and (2) indices of channel capacity should be calculated only after the performance of Ss has reached a final and stable level, which means after enough repetitions of each stimulus.  相似文献   

People's own beliefs, values, and habits tend to bias their perceptions of how widely they are shared. The present research examined whether this "false consensus effect" is partly due to people's failure to recognize that their choices are not solely a function of the "objective" response alternatives, but of their subjective construal of those alternatives. Study 1 provided initial support for the importance of differential construal in people's consensus estimates by showing that larger false consensus effects tend to be obtained on items that permit the most latitude for subjective construal. Study 2 replicated this effect experimentally by asking Ss either a general or specific version of the same question. Larger false consensus effects were obtained on the general version that offered more latitude for construal. Studies 3 & 4 provided further support by showing that (a) Ss who made different choices tended to interpret the response alternatives in ways that reflected the choices they made and (b) subjects who were led to construe the alternatives in the same way tended to make the same choices.  相似文献   

Ss were allowed to use zero, one, two, four, or eight markers to signify the category (positive or negative) of previously selected stimuli in an attribute identification problem. The more markers available and used, the fewer trials were required for problem solution. Ss were indifferent to marker valence (positive or negative) in disjunctive problems but showed a definite preference for (the more informative) negative markers in conditionals. Performance of Ss was correlated with their tendency to move markers from lesser to more informative instances. An interpretation of results based on individual differences in information processing activities is suggested.  相似文献   

Overconfident behavioral predictions and trait inferences may occur because people make inadequate allowance for the uncertainties of situational construal. In Studies 1-3, Ss estimated how much time or money they would spend in various hypothetical, incompletely specified situations. Ss then offered associated "confidence limits" under different "construal conditions". In Study 4, Ss made trait inferences about someone they believed had responded "deviantly"--again with situational details unspecified and construal conditions manipulated. In all 4 studies, Ss who made predictions or trait inferences without being able to assume the accuracy of their situational construals offered confidence limits no broader than those of Ss who made their responses contingent on such accuracy. Only in conditions where Ss were obliged to offer alternative construals did they appropriately broaden their confidence limits or weaken their trait inferences.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that certain positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. In Study 1, 60 subjects (Ss) viewed an initial fear-eliciting film, and were randomly assigned to view a secondary film that elicited: (a) contentment; (b) amusement; (c) neutrality; or (d) sadness. Compared to Ss who viewed the neutral and sad secondary films, those who viewed the positive films exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. In Study 2, 72 Ss viewed a film known to elicit sadness. Fifty Ss spontaneously smiled at least once while viewing this film. Compared to Ss who did not smile, those who smiled exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. We discuss these findings in terms of emotion theory and possible health-promoting functions of positive emotions.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that certain positive emotions speed recovery from the cardiovascular sequelae of negative emotions. In Study 1, 60 subjects (Ss) viewed an initial fear-eliciting film, and were randomly assigned to view a secondary film that elicited: (a) contentment; (b) amusement; (c) neutrality; or (d) sadness. Compared to Ss who viewed the neutral and sad secondary films, those who viewed the positive films exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. In Study 2, 72 Ss viewed a film known to elicit sadness. Fifty Ss spontaneously smiled at least once while viewing this film. Compared to Ss who did not smile, those who smiled exhibited more rapid returns to pre-film levels of cardiovascular activation. We discuss these findings in terms of emotion theory and possible health-promoting functions of positive emotions.  相似文献   

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