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Priming effects in perceptual classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Priming stimuli that spatially flank a fixated target stimulus may cause either facilitation or interference with target classification, depending on experimental context. Two experiments demonstrated distinct effects of response compatibility and semantic congruity between flankers and target. Response competition occurred when targets were flanked by context stimuli associated with the opposite response, but this effect diminished when the target was delayed relative to the flankers. Facilitative priming by response-compatible flankers, in contrast, required prior exposure of the flankers, and was strongly influenced by the semantic congruity of flankers and targets. These differing time courses suggest that perceptual priming encompasses a variety of distinct underlying cognitive and motor events.  相似文献   

By employing new methods of analysis to the physical signal, a number of researchers have provided evidence which suggests that there may be invariant acoustic cues which serve to identify the presence of particular phonetic segments (e.g., Kewley-Port, 1980; Searle, Jacobson, & Rayment, 1979; Stevens & Blumstein, 1978. Whereas previous studies have focused upon the existence of invariant properties present in the physical stimulus, the present study examines the existence of any invariant information available in the psychological stimulus. For this purpose, subjects were asked to classify either a series of full-CV syllables ([bi], [bε], [bo], [??], [di], [d∈], [do], [??]) or one of two series of chirp stimuli consisting of information available in the first 30 meec of each syllable. The full-formant chirp stimuli consisted of the first 30 msec of each syllable, whereas the two-formant chirps were composed of the first 30 msec of only the second and third formants. The object of the present study was to determine whether or not there was sufficient information available in either the full- or two formant chirp series to allow subjects to group the stimuli into two classes corresponding to the identity of the initial consonant of the syllables (i.e., [b], or [d]). A series of classification tasks were used, ranging from a completely free sorting task to a perceptual learning task with experimenter-imposed classifications. The results suggest that there is information available in the full-formant chirps, but not in the two-formant chirps, which allows subjects to group the sounds into classes corresponding to the identity of the initial consonant sounds.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that a procedural-based classification system mediates the learning of information-integration categories, whereas a hypothesis-testing system mediates the learning of rule-based categories. Ashby, Ell and Waldron (2003) provided support for this claim by showing that a button switch introduced during classification transfer adversely affected information-integration but not rule-based performance. Nosofsky, Stanton and Zaki (2005) showed that increasing "cognitive complexity" can lead to button switch costs on rule-based performance. They argue that "cognitive complexity," and not the existence of separable classification systems, accounts for Ashby et al.'s empirical dissociation. The present study shows that experimental manipulations that increase "cognitive complexity" often have dissociable effects on information-integration and rule-based classification that are predicted a priori from the processing characteristics associated with the procedural-based and hypothesis-testing systems. These results suggest that manipulations of "cognitive complexity" can be dissociated, suggesting that "cognitive complexity" in not a unitary construct that affects a single psychological process.  相似文献   

Participants often respond more quickly and more accurately to a repeated stimulus compared to a non-repeated one, a phenomenon known as repetition priming. In semantic classification tasks priming appears to be largely attributable to the learning of stimulus-decision and stimulus-response associations, which allow participants to bypass many of the processes engaged during initial stimulus analysis. The current study tested whether stimulus-response learning plays a similarly dominant role in priming that occurs in perceptual classification tasks. Unfamiliar objects were used as stimuli to reduce the influence of semantic processes on priming and the task switched for all test trials to eliminate stimulus-decision learning. The results showed across-task priming as measured by reaction time facilitation and improved accuracy when the response remained the same during the encoding and test phases. When the response switched, similar levels of reaction time facilitation were observed, but priming as measured by accuracy was significantly reduced and no longer significant. These findings indicate that stimulus-response learning contributes to priming in perceptual classification tasks, but does not play a dominant role. Significant stimulus-level learning that is independent of the task and response also occurs and likely indexes facilitated perceptual processing of the objects.  相似文献   

A model of perceptual classification in children and adults   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The developmental trend from overall-similarity to dimensional-identity classifications is explained by a quantitative model. I begin with the assumption that objects are represented in terms of constituent dimensions and that the representation of objects changes little with development. Given this assumption, the model has three major parts. First, the similarity between objects is a function of the combination of the constituent dimensional differences. I propose developmental change in the likelihood that dimensions are differentially weighted in the calculation of similarity. Second, the perceived similarities between objects are valued for the purpose of constructing classifications. I propose that similarities are valued more dichotomously with age, such that identity becomes increasingly special. Third, the valued similarities are used to choose the best classification of those possible. The model provides good qualitative fits to the extant data. Three experiments examining classifications in 2- to 8-year-olds and in adults support specific new claims of the model. The data and the model provide new insights about development, classification, and similarity.  相似文献   

A new approach is described for the development and structure of perceptual knowledge-based systems. This systematic method for acquiring perceptual knowledge for use in knowledge-based systems and for representing perceptual knowledge within the systems has revealed that two broad classes of perceptual activity can each be characterized by a single logical operator. The number of rules necessary to accomplish particular perceptual tasks can also be estimated.  相似文献   

Four experiments tested for perceptual priming for written words in a semantic categorization task. Repetition priming was obtained for low-frequency words when unrelated categorizations were performed at study and test (Experiment 1), but it was not orthographically mediated given that written-to-written and spoken-to-written word priming was equivalent (Experiments 2 and 3). Furthermore, no priming was obtained between pictures and words (Experiment 4), suggesting that the nonorthographic priming was largely phonological rather than semantic. These results pose a challenge to standard perceptual theories of priming that should expect orthographic priming when words are presented in a visual format at study and test.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in which observers learned to classify simple perceptual stimuli into low-variability and high-variability categories. Similarities between objects were measured in independent psychological-scaling tasks. The results showed that observers classified transfer stimuli into the high-variability categories with greater probability than was predicted by a baseline version of an exemplar-similarity model. Qualitative evidence for the role of category variability on perceptual classification, which could not be explained in terms of the baseline exemplar-similarity model, was obtained as well. Possible accounts of the effects of category variability are considered in the General Discussion section.  相似文献   

The authors compared the exemplar-based random-walk (EBRW) model of Nosofsky and Palmeri (1997) and the decision-bound model (DBM) of Ashby and Maddox (1994; Maddox & Ashby, 1996) on their ability to predict performance in Garner’s (1974) speeded classification tasks. A key question was the extent to which the models could predict facilitation in the correlated task and interference in the filtering task, in situations involving integral-dimension stimuli. To obtain rigorous constraints for model evaluation, the goal was to fit the detailed structure of the response time (RT) distribution data associated with each individual stimulus in each task. Both models yielded reasonably good global quantitative fits to the RT distribution and accuracy data. However, the DBM failed to properly characterize the interference effects in the filtering task. Apparently, a fundamental limitation of the DBM is that it predicts that the fastest RTs in the filtering task should be faster than the fastest RTs in the control task, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in our data.  相似文献   

This article builds a bridge between research on regulatory focus in motivation and classification learning. It tests the hypothesis that a fit between the situational regulatory focus and the reward structure of the task leads to greater cognitive flexibility than does a mismatch between situational focus and the reward structure and that the fit between the regulatory-focus-induced processing characteristics and the nature of the environment influences performance. In Experiment 1, we used a classification task for which cognitive flexibility should be advantageous and examined both gains (Experiment 1A) and losses (Experiment 1B) reward structures. In Experiments 2 and 3, we used a classification task for which cognitive flexibility should be disadvantageous. In Experiment 2, we used a gains reward structure, and in Experiment 3, we used a losses reward structure. As was predicted, when cognitive flexibility was advantageous, the participants in a regulatory fit showed faster learning and more quickly shifted toward the optimal response strategy. Also as was predicted, when cognitive flexibility was disadvantageous, the participants in a regulatory mismatch showed faster learning and more quickly shifted toward the optimal response strategy. Implications for current theories of motivation and classification learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Wood (1975) suggested that information specifying consonant identity is dependent on the earlier processing of pitch. Is vowel identification also dependent on the prior processing of pitch? In contrast with the results obtained with consonants, Kuhl (1975, 1976) reported that infants responded selectively to differences in vowel color when pitch varied but not to differences in pitch when vowel color varied. Miller (1978) has also reported that adults show mutual, symmetric interference effects in speeded classification of vowel color and pitch, In the present study, judgments of vowel color and pitch were examined in a reaction time task in order to assess the effects of the relative discriminability of vowel and pitch quality on speeded classification. In addition, we also compared the classification of isolated vowels to vowels in consonantal context. The overall results were consistent with both Kuhl’s and Miller’s earlier findings but refine our understanding of the interaction between various dimensions by showing that vowel identification is also dependent on the processing of pitch information. Such an interaction, however, becomes evident only when the processing dependencies are examined across a wide range of stimulus values for each dimension. The present findings provide additional information about the nature of processing dependencies among dimensions in speech and the methods by which such dependencies may be studied.  相似文献   

In a task of the same form as the standard Stroop test, the relevant attribute was ellipse size and the required responses were the numbers 1 through 6 assigned to each of the ellipses in order of increasing size. The irrelevant attribute consisted of either alphabet letters or the numerical symbols 1 through 6 displayed in the center of each ellipse. The numerals produced more interference with the classification of the relevant attribute than the alphabet letters, supporting Klein’s (1964) results. In addition, the interference due to the irrelevant numerical symbols increased as the distance between the values of the relevant and irrelevant attributes was decreased. Since “distance” is a structural property of the number system, this indicated that the competing response tendencies aroused by the irrelevant numericals involved the semantic structure for numbers. The same results were obtained when numerical quantity, rather than ellipse size, was the relevant attribute.  相似文献   

Performance on selective-attention and divided-attention tasks shows strong and consistent interactions when participants rapidly classify auditory stimuli whose linguistic and perceptual dimensions (the words low vs. high, low and high pitch, low and high position in space) share common labels. Compared with baseline performance, response times were greater when one or two irrelevant dimensions varied (Garner interference) and when combinations of attributes were incongruent rather than congruent (congruence effects). Performance depended only on the congruence relationships between the relevant dimension and each of the irrelevant dimensions and not on the congruence relationships between the irrelevant dimensions themselves. In selective attention, an additive multidimensional model accounts well for the patterns of both Garner interference and congruence effects.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in which Ss made classification, recognition, and similarity judgments for 34 schematic faces. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) solution for the faces was derived on the basis of the similarity judgments. This MDS solution was then used in conjunction with an exemplar-similarity model to accurately predict Ss' classification and recognition judgments. Evidence was provided that Ss allocated attention to the psychological dimensions differentially for classification and recognition. The distribution of attention came close to the ideal-observer distribution for classification, and some tendencies in that direction were observed for recognition. Evidence was also provided for interactive effects of individual exemplar frequencies and similarities on classification and recognition, in accord with the predictions of the exemplar model. Unexpectedly, however, the frequency effects appeared to be larger for classification than for recognition.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported to explore the hypothesis that young children perceive integrally some stimuli that older children perceive separably. In both, kinder-garteners, second graders, and fifth graders (approximately 5, 8, and 11 years old) are required to classify sets of stimuli that vary in size and brightness. Triads are used in Experiment 1 and tetrads are used in Experiment 2. Also, in Experiment 2, second classifications, judgments of which classification is “best,” and verbal justifications for classifications are obtained. The general finding is that the kinder-garten data systematically implicate integrality of size and brightness while the fifth-grade data systematically implicate separability of size and brightness. The second-grade data are more ambiguous. Issues related to refining the developmental hypothesis and to extending its supportive data base are considered in a final discussion.  相似文献   

Attention and perceptual priming in the perceptual identification task   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Prior research indicates that manipulations of attention during encoding sometimes affect perceptual implicit memory. Two hypotheses were investigated. One proposes that manipulations of attention affect perceptual priming only to the extent that they disrupt stimulus identification. The other attributes reduced priming to the disruptive effects of distractor selection. The role of attention was investigated with a variant of the Stroop task in which participants either read words, identified their color, or did both. Identifying the color reduced priming even when the word was also overtly identified. This result held regardless of whether color and word were presented as a single object (Experiments 1 and 2) or as separate objects (Experiment 4). When participants read and identified a color, the overt order of the responses did not matter; both conditions reduced priming relative to reading alone (Experiment 3). The results provide evidence against the stimulus-identification account but are consistent with the distractor-selection hypothesis.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which Ss had to indicate whether pairs of simple geometric forms were “same” or “different.” In Experiment I the two forms were either both in the left visual hemifield or both in the right hemifield. Reaction times were unaffected by the locus of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, in addition to left and right pairs, there were pairs in which one of the stimuli was on the left and the other was on the right. Under these conditions, reaction times were faster for pairs totally on the left than for pairs totally on the right. The data support the notion that implicit scanning patterns are important in determining laterality differences. When such scanning is not involved and when simple nonverbal stimuli and responses are employed, laterality differences are eliminated.  相似文献   

Erickson and Kruschke (1998) provided a demonstration that in certain situations people will classify novel stimuli according to an extrapolated rule, even when the most similar training exemplar is an exception to the rule. This result challenged exemplar models. Nosofsky and Johansen (2000) have called this finding into question by offering an exemplar-based explanation for those data based on the perceptual features of the stimuli. Here, we describe the results of a new experiment that yields results similar to those found previouslywithout the questionable perceptual features:Participantswho learn to classify all the training stimuli have patterns of generalization that indicate a combination of rule and exemplar representation. ATRIUM, a hybrid rule and exemplar model (Erickson & Kruschke, 1998), is shown to account for these data much better than ALCOVE, an exemplar model (Kruschke, 1992).Moreover, four alternate exemplar explanations, including one suggested by Nosofsky and Johansen, cannot account for our new findings.  相似文献   

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