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We investigated optic and somesthetic contributions to perceived body orientation in the pitch dimension. In a within-subject factorial design, each of 12 subjects attempted to set his/her body erect or 45° back from erect while restrained in a movable bed surrounded by an adjustable box The box provided a visual environment consisting of either a grid pattern, two luminous lines, or complete darkness. Both the grid pattern and the luminous lines were effective at-biasing settings of body position when the box was pitched; the pitched grid was more effective than the pitched lines. Although the pitch of the box influenced orientation to both goals, the effect was greater for the diagonal goal than for the erect goal. We present a model of postural orientation in the median plane that involves vestibular, somatosensory, and visual inputs.  相似文献   

The influence of background sounds (frames) on vertical localization of single sound sources (targets) was examined in four experiments. Loudspeakers (five targets and four frames) were positioned in the median plane, ranging from +30 degrees to -30 degrees above and below the subject's ear level. The subjects determined the vertical position of the targets by either verbal judgments or manual pointing. Frame and target sounds were presented concurrently or successively with a 1-sec interval; both consisted of (1) 300-Hz square waves, (2) noise, or (3) targets of noise and frames of 300-Hz square waves. Particularly in the second condition, the subjects consistently shifted the apparent target positions away from the frame locations. This contrast effect persisted even 1 sec after the offset of the frames. No effect was found with different waveforms for the frame and the target. Results are related to recent findings indicating a similar effect in the azimuthal dimension. Possibly the effect is based on a mechanism in which the auditory system adapts to recently heard sound source positions.  相似文献   

The subjective visual horizontal (SVH) and the subjective head transversal plane (STP) were measured by means of an adjustable luminous line in darkness during centrifuging. Subjects (N = 10) were seated upright, facing forward in a swing-out gondola. After acceleration of the centrifuge to 2G (vectorial sum of the earth's gravity and the centrifugal force; gondola inclination 60 degrees), subjects had to set the line either so that it was perceived as gravitoinertially horizontal (SVH) or so that it was perceived as parallel with the transversal ("horizontal") plane of the head (STP). Initially after acceleration, the SVH was tilted with respect to the gravitoinertial horizontal of the gondola (M = 16.6 degrees). This tilt was compensatory with respect to the gondola inclination. However, the STP was tilted in the opposite direction (M = 12.4 degrees), which might suggest a vestibular-induced distortion of the mental representation of one's own body. Similar results were obtained when measuring the subjective visual vertical (SVV) and the subjective midsagittal plane (SSP) in 5 subjects. The perceived roll angle (obtained as SVH-STP or SVV-SSP) was considerably larger than had previously been reported. Time constants for exponential decay of the tilt of the SVH or SVV were often 2-3 min, indicating a memory for semicircular canal information on changes in head orientation--a position-storage mechanism.  相似文献   

Two variable-interval 3-min schedules functioned concurrently to arrange reinforcement of a pigeon's pecks on a single key, the main key. Each schedule was associated with a distinct color of the main key; a response on a second key alternated the color and schedule assignment of the main key. A changeover delay, a period of time following schedule and key-color alternation during which reinforcement of responding on the main key could not occur, was arranged with equal or with unequal durations for the two directions of alternation. Durations were varied from 0.33 sec to 27 sec, in addition to no delay. With equal delays for the two directions of alternation, the pigeon alternated the schedules less often the larger the delay duration. When the delays in the two directions of alternation were unequal, it could be shown that alternation of the schedules was reduced both by a delay just incurred by the last alternation and by a. delay to be incurred by the next. The latter delay was more potent in reducing the frequency of alternations.  相似文献   

This study examined whether regrets are associated with age and subjective well-being in a sample of 176 participants ranging in age 19 to 82 years. Participants were asked to name unattained goals or events which they currently regret, and appraise these along a number of dimensions such as changeableness and consequences. The results showed that those who appraised their regret-related goals or events as having an impact on their present lives, reported a lower level of life satisfaction and more physical symptoms than those who appraised their regrets as having less consequence. There were also age differences in the regret appraisals. The older adults evaluated their regret-related goals or events as being less likely to change than did the younger adults.  相似文献   

Listeners were requested to locate sounds originating in the median sagittal plane (MSP). The stimuli, 75-Msec pulses, were repeated at a rate of 200 times/sec and were filtered to transmit narrow bands centered about 0.63, 1.6, 2.5, or 6.3 kHz. Despite the sameness of pitch generated by all stimuli, Os perceived the 0.63-, 1.6-, and 2.5-kHz-centered sounds as originating low, middle, and high, respectively, in the MSP, regardless of their actual positions. The stimuli centered about 6.3 kHz, on the other hand, were located accurately by most Os. These findings were interpreted to mean that under conditions of inadequate auditory cues, timbre, not pitch, influences perceived elevation. The implication is that timbre also served as the cue for the apparent elevation of those sounds which, due to their high-frequency components, can be located accurately.  相似文献   

The authors explored the effects of the components of a harm-doer's account of her transgression on the victims' emotional reactions to the transgression and to the character traits that she attributes to the harm-doer. Participants were 480 people whom the authors asked to imagine an incident in which they were harmed by the careless behavior of a friend. Subsequently, the authors offered participants an account of the harm-doer. In a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 between-subjects design, the authors manipulated 5 account components: Admitting Fault, Admitting Damage, Expressing Remorse, Asking for Pardon, and Offering Compensation. The authors measured the participants' perceptions of these components. Results indicated that (a) the subjective perception of account components occurs schematically so that components are implicitly perceived without being objectively present, (b) objective components affect victims' reactions via subjective perceptions of these components, (c) personality factors (Irreconcilability, Interpersonal Trust, and Trait Anger) affect victims' reactions directly. Finally, certain configurations of account components are more effective than others. Specifically, asking for pardon had an effect on forgiving only when it was combined with an acknowledgment of the damage and a compensation offer. This result suggests that in this situation, the victim perceives a harm-doer's asking for pardon without the other components as an insincere apology.  相似文献   

In the years prior to 1994, there were very high rates of inflation in Poland, and the zloty depreciated relative to the U.S. dollar. However, the new zloty, introduced in 1995, was associated with greatly decreased rates of inflation and provided a more stable currency. We report a series of three experiments that take advantage of these changes to examine the effects of inflation on the subjective value of delayed and probabilistic rewards. Subjects were Polish citizens familiar with both zlotys and dollars. The first two experiments, conducted in 1994, used dollars and old zlotys, and the third experiment, conducted in 1996, used dollars and new zlotys. In all three experiments, the dollar and zloty rewards were of equivalent worth, according to the then current exchange rates. In Experiment 1, subjects chose between immediate and delayed rewards and, in Experiment 2, chose between certain and probabilistic rewards. The subjective value of a delayed reward was greater when its amount was specified in dollars than when it was specified in old zlotys. In contrast, the currency in which a reward was specified had no effect on the subjective value of probabilistic rewards. The results of these two experiments suggest a selective effect of inflation on decisions involving delayed rewards. This was verified in the third experiment, in which, using new zlotys, no differences in discounting were observed between the two currencies with either probabilistic or delayed rewards. Importantly, in all three experiments, the discounting of both delayed and probabilistic rewards was well described by the same simple mathematical model, suggesting that similar decision-making processes underlie both phenomena. However, the present results argue against a single-process theory in which the discounting of probabilistic rewards is derived from the discounting of delayed rewards.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the dependence of illusory colors on boundary salience and depth stratification by using flicker-induced depth. The first used a subjective-contour stimulus that appeared as a translucent colored rectangle covering a set of inducing circles and a dark background. The circles were then flickered so as to be perceived as background, and the previously dark background moved forward and appeared as foreground. Simultaneously, the chromatic subjective contour was eliminated. In the second experiment, a subjective-contour (faces/vase-concentric squares) figure was tinted with the McCollough effect, which produced a strong subjective color edge. This edge was visible only with the faces/vase percept and not in the squares percept. Flickering the target locked it into the square configuration because in this case the flicker held the entire pattern in the same depth plane. This eliminated the subjective color edge. Depth stratification and subjective color blockage were maximal at a flicker rate of 6 Hz.  相似文献   

Infants 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 months of age were seated in a dark room directly facing an array of nine loudspeakers positioned along the median vertical plane. One loudspeaker was positioned at ear level, 0 degree, and four others each were positioned above and below 0 degree. To examine infants' resolution of auditory space in the median vertical plane we sought to determine the smallest angular shift in the vertical location of a sound that infants could reliably detect (i.e., minimum audible angle). A two-alternative forced-choice procedure was used in which a sequence of white noise bursts was presented initially at 0 degree, and then shifted vertically (i.e., above or below 0 degree) and continued to be presented until the infant made a directional response; correct responses were visually reinforced. The smallest angular shift in vertical location that was reliably detected systematically decreased with increasing age between 6 months (15 degrees) and 18 months (4 degrees), suggesting a finer partitioning of auditory space along the vertical axis over this age range. By 18 months infants' performance matched that of a group of adults tested under the same circumstances.  相似文献   

Joann M. Montepare 《Sex roles》1991,24(5-6):323-333
This research examined young adult men's and women's subjective perceptions of their age along several dimensions including how old they felt, looked, acted, desired to be, and thought they were regarded by others. The relationship between young adults' subjective age identities and other perceptions of the self were also examined. It was found that both men and women felt and believed that they acted and were regarded by others as older than their chronological age. On the other hand, same age identities were maintained along other age dimensions. Results also indicated that how old men and women thought they were regarded by others was strongly linked to how dominant, affiliative, confident, and socially potent they viewed themselves. Results are discussed within a life-span developmental framework which calls attention to the need for assessing the components and implications of younger as well as older adults' subjective age.Portions of this paper were presented at the 95th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, August, 1987. This research was conducted when the author was a post-doctoral fellow supported by a NIMH post-doctoral training grant (#RERC 5-T32-MH17058) awarded to the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. Thanks are extended to Jennifer Fleet who helped in the coding and analysis of the data. Correspondence regarding this research may be addressed to: Joann M. Montepare, Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155.  相似文献   

To make a convincing argument that cognitive stimulation moderates age trends in cognition there must be (a) a negative relation between age and level of cognitive stimulation, (b) a positive relation between level of cognitive stimulation and level of cognitive functioning, and (c) evidence of an interaction between age and cognitive stimulation in the prediction of cognitive functioning. These conditions were investigated in a study in which 204 adults between 20 and 91 years of age completed an activity inventory and performed a variety of cognitive tasks. Only the 1st condition received empirical support, and, thus, the results of this study provide little evidence for the hypothesis that cognitive stimulation preserves or enhances cognitive functioning that would otherwise decline.  相似文献   

Organizations in the twenty-first century face the challenges of an increasingly ageing workforce, which have an effect on organizational health and productivity. As chronological age has shown to be an insufficient indicator of employees’ health and, in particular, absenteeism, we apply the subjective age concept (i.e., how old an employee feels) at the team-level to explain the average chronological age/average short-term absenteeism relationship. We develop a theoretical framework for underlying processes, combining the subjective age research with the socioemotional selectivity theory and team contagion processes. We test our predictions in a time-lagged team-level sample of 1,015 teams with 12,926 employees to find a significant interactive effect of average chronological age and average subjective age on average short-term absenteeism in teams. The relationship is negative and significant when average subjective age is low. Under high-average subjective age, the relationship is non-significant. Furthermore, this interactive effect (average chronological age/average subjective age) is moderated by job type (white versus blue collar) in the form of a three-way interaction, indicating that the effect is only significant among white collar teams. We hope to enrich the theoretical debate on age and absenteeism and provide organizations with a new perspective on ageing work teams.  相似文献   

信任倾向与主观参照对网上购物意向的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究对225名大学生、在职人员进行问卷调查,通过分层回归分析探讨了信任倾向与主观参照对网上购物意向的影响。结果表明:男性在职人员的信任倾向要显著大于男大学生的信任倾向,而对于女性,这种差异不显著。工作与否、性别、学历在信任倾向、主观参照以及网上购物意向上差异不显著。主观参照对网上购物意向的影响受到信任倾向的缓冲,相对于高信任倾向的人,低信任倾向人的网上购物意向更容易受到主观参照的影响。信任倾向和主观参照对网上购物意向都有显著影响,但主观参照的回归效应更大。  相似文献   

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