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Probably due to the rarity of the disorder and the general inability of catatonic patients to cooperate with standardized assessment, no data exist documenting the psychological features associated with catatonic schizophrenia that may appear on psychological tests. This study utilized standard assessment techniques to examine clinical hypotheses regarding the psychogenic correlates of catatonic conditions from the performance of one man on psychological tests. In accordance with previous theory, test findings indicated frequent constriction, rigidity, and negativism in conjunction with compulsive traits. Experiences of cognitive and self-fragmentation were juxtaposed with a formal, mechanistic body ego; disorganization and discontinuity were countered with attempts at self-cohesion. Depressed feelings and human interest were apparent, although interpersonal relatedness was frequently characterized by an avoidant, distancing style.  相似文献   

The history of a case of mutism, where the patient had been silent for more than twenty-five years, caused by the author to study and discuss this relatively infrequent catatonic symptom which is a type of schizophrenia, with frequent references being made to the results of psychiatric studies made by authors ranging from Kahlbaum to Leonhard. Permanent mutism as a possible phenomenal form was logically classified, by Leonhard, as a type of mannered catatonia.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the major conceptual and clinical influences and trends in the history of couple therapy to date, and also chronicle the history of research on couple therapy. The evolving patterns in theory and practice are reviewed as having progressed through four distinctive phases: Phase I–Atheoretical Marriage Counseling Formation (1930–1963); Phase II–Psychoanalytic Experimentation (1931–1966); Phase III–Family Therapy Incorporation (1963–1985); and Phase IV–Refinement, Extension, Diversification, and Integration (1986–present). The history of research in the field is described as having passed through three phases: Phase I–A Technique in Search of Some Data (1930–1974), Phase II–Irrational(?) Exuberance (1975–1992), and Phase III–Caution and Extension (1993–present). The article concludes with the identification of Four Great Historical Ironies in the History of Couple Therapy.  相似文献   

The scientific adventure of the Ivan Pavlov Department of Physiology is traced from Pavlov's and his students pioneer work on "psychic salivation" to the times of the Biological Station at Koltushi. The development of the Department after Pavlov's death is described and the research trends of the three present laboratories (Neurobiology of Integrative Brain Functions, Psychophysiology of Emotions, and Neurodynamic Correction of Psycho Neurological Pathology) are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to show that catatonia is a predisposing factor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and to review the nosological relationship between catatonia and NMS. Seventeen consecutive cases of NMS were analyzed prospectively with reference to clinical and investigative findings before and after exposure to a neuroleptic. The series comprised eight males and nine females, ranging in age from 18 years to 65 years. Prior to neuroleptic exposure, all patients exhibited features compatible with criteria for catatonia (mutism/excitement) according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition-Revised, (DSM-III-R). Following neuroleptic administration (single dose in nine cases), patients deteriorated into a febrile, rigid, and obtunded state accompanied by autonomic dysfunction and raised creatine phosphokinase levels. These features were consistent with a diagnosis of NMS. Neuroleptics were discontinued and supportive medical treatment instituted. Benzodiazepines were beneficial in eight cases in relieving stupor, but bromocriptine and dantrolene were generally ineffective. In all patients diagnosed with NMS in the authors' series, catatonia was an invariable prodromal state. It appears that the administration of a neuroleptic intensified the preexisting catatonic state and precipitated a malignant variant of the disorder, which is currently recognized as NMS. The authors, therefore, challenge the separate nosological status of NMS and catatonia and suggest that these syndromes are part of a unitary pathophysiological disorder.  相似文献   

The illumination of history   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Formulations regarding the patient's history have not only played an important part in understanding the patient, but interpretations explicitly linking the present with the past have been seen as central to the therapeutic process. In this paper the author considers the role of historical reconstruction in bringing about psychic change. He emphasizes the therapeutic value that lies in the exploration of the way the patient's history is embodied in his internal object relationships, becoming manifested in the transference-countertransference relationship. The author presents clinical material which he suggests allowed the analyst to follow the way the patient's internal object relations, coloured by her history, became expressed and played out in the sessions. He suggests that, when these processes can be followed and addressed in the present, this may lead to a diminution in the underlying anxieties. This can thus promote psychic change by freeing the patient's capacity to achieve a sense of connection with her history, and to tolerate the meaning of what emerges, which illuminates both the present and the past.  相似文献   

The case history     
Case histories report the basic data of psychoanalysis, and yet they are strikingly infrequent in the psychoanalytic literature. This reflects not only the methodological problems in describing psychoanalytic cases, but also the complex intentions of psychoanalysts who want both to present and to conceal aspects of their work. The history of the case history is discussed, as are the nature and purpose of case reports, the differences between oral and written reports, the relation between case reports and psychoanalyses, and case reports as countertransferential enactments. A plea is made for including authorial intention as an explicit part of the report, rather than concealing it behind a scientific facade.  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, the "new history of psychology" and its adherents have advocated a critical approach to scholarship, increased use of primary sources, a focus on sociopolitical forces, and the active inclusion of psychologists from underrepresented groups. This article argues that many scholars exaggerate the differences between old and new history of psychology, and that where the differences are indeed large, those discrepancies reveal certain limitations unique to the new history approach. These limitations, presented in the form of 5 questions posed to new historians, lead to a discussion of professional issues in the history of psychology.  相似文献   

ObjectiveRegular dog walking is likely a symbiotic relationship between the needs of the dog and its owner. This relationship has seen limited attention. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between dog characteristics, dog owners' perceptions of responsibility and attachment to their dogs, and the qualities of dog owner exercise motivations (self-determined regulations) with dog walking behavior.MethodParticipants were 228 adult dog owners who completed an online survey that included demographics, dog walking, dog responsibility/attachment and exercise regulations.ResultsUsing mediation procedures, the results showed that the owner's sense of dog walking responsibility and walking relationship was completely mediated by identified (indirect β = .06; bootstrapped lower CI = .02, bootstrapped higher CI = .17) and intrinsic (β = .05; bootstrapped lower CI = .01, bootstrapped higher CI = .15) regulations but these regulations could not account for substantial variance in the dog-related factors. Instead, intrinsic regulation (β = .27), identified regulation (β = .20), dog size (β = .22), and energy level of the dog (β = .13) all contributed to explain 30% of walking behavior.ConclusionA sense of responsibility to walk the dog, generally the most reliable correlate in past dog walking research, appears to align with more self-determined forms of motivation than controlled. The findings, however, support the premise that dog walking behavior may be a complex mix of human and dog-related factors. This dog and owner relationship may need consideration for successful future dog walking promotion initiatives.  相似文献   

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