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The magnitude of the kinesthetic spatial aftereffect following different angular displacements from the vertical and horizontal planes during stimulation was examined in two experiments using 278 Ss. Both Gibson’s direct and indirect effect were found when angular displacements were away from the vertical, however, a bimodal pattern was observed in both experiments when stimulation was away from the horizontal. An explanation for the interaxial difference cannot be provided by conventional theories and must be sought in a consideration of the structure of the joints which are involved with the production of the aftereffect.  相似文献   

Research suggests that kinesthetic aftereffect (KAE) scores reflect status on a postulated stimulus intensity modulation (SIM) mechanism that damps down subjective stimulus intensity for some (reducing) and increases it for others (augmenting). Such a mechanism would help account for empirically observed individual differences in such behaviors as pain tolerance, sensory deprivation reactivity, and stimulation seeking. It was hypothesized and confirmed in three adult female samples that KAE varies curvilinearly over the menstrual cycle: Greater KAE reduction occurs at the cycle's beginning and end. Neither tiredness, oral contraception, medication, attention, nor social expectations can explain this finding. Of the behaviors studied in the KAE literature, only five are also encompassed by the menstrual cycle literature. Four of these (antisocial behavior, acute schizophrenic episodes, accidents, and activity level) show similar curvilinearity over the cycle. We hypothesize that cyclical variation in the SIM mechanism mediates the curvilinear pattern observed for both these four behaviors and KAE.  相似文献   

Three experiments in intrasensory kinesthetic discordance are reported. The treatment required both arms to be outstretched in the midsagittal plane. In the absence of vision, a finger of one hand depressed a button that caused a probe to touch the other arm 12.7 cm closer to the body than the position of the finger. This difference was at first clearly sensed, but very rapidly the disparate positions were perceived to be identical: We have called this “the kinesthetic fusion effect.” It was also shown that a delay of up to 4 sec in probe onset after the finger depressed the button did not diminish the extent of fusion. The phenomenon gave rise to a predictable aftereffect, in which a probe directly opposite to the active finger was sensed to be farther away than the finger. The results were not due either to joint adaptation or to postural aftereffects.  相似文献   

Several theories of decision making are based, in part, upon the principles of psychophysics (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979; Thaler, 1985). For example, due to the psychophysics of quantity, the difference between $10 and $20 seems greater than the difference between $110 and $120. To determine whether psychophysics influences consumers' decisions, subjects in four studies made real or hypothetical purchases. It was predicted that as the size of the purchase increased, subjects would be more willing to buy additional smaller items. Small extra purchases should seem like minor expenditures when they follow larger purchases. Results of the four studies supported our hypothesis. In addition, it was found that subjects responded not only to actual changes in purchase size but also to changes in the presentation or framing of a purchase.  相似文献   

A series of experiments considers the extent to which the interrelations among subjective magnitudes aroused by images corresponds to those for subjective magnitudes aroused by physical stimuli. In Experiment 1, 68 undergraduates typed phrases in response to graded categories regarding the imagined magnitude of lights, sounds, and smells. In Experiment 2, 5 undergraduates and, in Experiment 3, 3 graduate students then magnitude estimated the image intensity aroused by each of these stimulus phrases. In Experiments 4 and 5, the same subjects performed cross-modality matches between phrases arousing images for different attributes (light, sound, and smell). Statistical analysis indicates that estimates based on images display many of the same patterns as those based on physical stimuli. The major exception involves sequence effects, present for actual stimuli but not for images.  相似文献   

A series of experiments considers the extent to which the interrelations among subjective magnitudes aroused by images corresponds to those for subjective magnitudes aroused by physical stimuli. In Experiment 1,68 undergraduates typed phrases in response to graded categories regarding the imagined magnitude of lights, sounds, and smells. In Experiment 2,5 undergraduates and, in Experiment 3, 3 graduate students then magnitude estimated the image intensity aroused by each of these stimulus phrases. In Experiments 4 and 5, the same subjects performed cross-modality matches between phrases arousing images for different attributes (light, sound, and smell). Statistical analysis indicates that estimates based on images display many of the same patterns as those based on physical stimuli. The major exception involves sequence effects, present for actual stimuli but not for images.  相似文献   

When a fixation point moves under a row of identical targets at a speed of one target for each flash of a strobe, smooth apparent movement of the targets is seen (the "picket-fence illusion"). When the fixation point is removed, the eye continues to pursue the apparent target movement. Pursuit continues through small changes in target configuration, but is interrupted by a change to a very dissimilar target (such as 1 vs. x) in the middle of a row. This new method, the "pursuit-interruption method," showed that large differences in the number of pixels in a line did not interrupt tracking if the end points of the line were preserved. Pursuit interruption by changes in line orientation (such as /vs./) corresponded to the orientation bandwidth of orientation-sensitive cortical neurons. The maximum number of consecutive missing targets that does not interrupt pursuit depends on frequency of target presentation as well as on parameters of the pursuit system.  相似文献   

Some simple models of iconic storage, based on the persisting responses of photoreceptors, were tested in two experiments. Substantial changes in such physical parameters as adapting luminance, stimulus luminance, and stimulus contrast produced little or no change in the duration of partial-report performance. This is at odds with most receptoral models. It seems unlikely that any model based on receptoral persistence can accommodate the results, thus forcing one to locate the icon beyond the receptors and probably beyond the retina as a whole.  相似文献   

The psychophysics of perceptual memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The authors previously described a procedure that permits rapid, multiple within-participant evaluations of contingency assessment (the "streamed-trial" procedure, M. J. C. Crump, S. D. Hannah, L. G. Allan, & L. K. Hord, 2007). In the present experiments, they used the streamed-trial procedure, combined with the method of constant stimuli and a binary classification response, to assess the psychophysics of contingency assessment. This strategy provides a methodology for evaluating whether variations in contingency assessment reflect changes in the participant's sensitivity to the contingency or changes in the participant's response bias (or decision criterion). The sign of the contingency (positive or negative), outcome density, and imposition of an explicit payoff structure had little influence on sensitivity to contingencies but did influence the decision criterion. The authors discuss how a psychophysical analysis can provide a better understanding of findings in the literature such as mood and age effects on contingency assessment. They also discuss the relation between a psychophysical approach and an associative account of contingency assessment.  相似文献   

Day and Wade (1969) proposed that visual “normalization” and the visual tilt aftereffect depend upon the gravitational orientation of test and inducing figures and that the retina! orientation of these figures is irrelevant. Their failure to distinguish between “normalization” and aftereffect is pointed out, and an analysis of their experiment suggested that it could not yield data which would unambiguously support either the gravitational or the retinal viewpoint. An experiment was reported in which a tilt aftereffect was found to occur under conditions where inducing and test figures could not vary in gravitational orientation. It was concluded that retinal orientation is a sufficient factor in the tilt aftereffect situation; whether it is a necessary factor or whether gravitational orientation is also sufficient remains to be determined.  相似文献   

In previous studies subjects who have learned a positioning response with kinesthetic feedback tended to make greater errors when visual feedback was provided during later trials. These subjects have always performed with both kinesthetic and visual feedback available. This study determined whether subjects with only visual feedback would produce errors similar to those who received kinesthetic plus visual feedback. Blindfolded subjects learned to move a handle to a criterion location with knowledge of results following each trial. Subjects then were assigned to one of three experimental groups, with only kinesthetic feedback, with kinesthetic plus visual feedback, or with only visual feedback. Subjects had 9 trials without knowledge of results in these feedback conditions. When visual feedback was available, subjects tended to make longer response errors. This finding replicates previous studies. Also, the similarity of performances from the conditions with visual feedback indicated the dominance of visual information in the condition with kinesthetic plus visual feedback.  相似文献   

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