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It has been shown that transient attention enhances spatial resolution, but is the effect of transient attention on spatial resolution modulated by the size of the attentional cue? Would a gradual increase in the size of the cue lead to a gradual decrement in spatial resolution? To test these hypotheses, we used a texture segmentation task in which performance depends on spatial resolution, and systematically manipulated the size of the attentional cue: A bar of different lengths (Experiment 1) or a frame of different sizes (Experiments 2-3) indicated the target region in a texture segmentation display. Observers indicated whether a target patch region (oriented line elements in a background of an orthogonal orientation), appearing at a range of eccentricities, was present in the first or the second interval. We replicated the attentional enhancement of spatial resolution found with small cues; attention improved performance at peripheral locations but impaired performance at central locations. However, there was no evidence of gradual resolution decrement with large cues. Transient attention enhanced spatial resolution at the attended location when it was attracted to that location by a small cue but did not affect resolution when it was attracted by a large cue. These results indicate that transient attention cannot adapt its operation on spatial resolution on the basis of the size of the attentional cue.  相似文献   

Five groups of Ss were tested under conditions of intra- and intermodal equivalence matching for free-form unfamiliar shapes originally designed by Gibson. Findings indicated that visual intramodal matching was superior to intermodal matching, a result consistent with previous research. The order of accuracy in forming equivalence was: (1) intramodel visual, (2) intramodal haptic, (3) haptic to visual, (4) visual to haptic. A difference, but not a significant one, in accuracy occurred for intramodal haptic matching when Ss wore goggles and when they did not.  相似文献   

Block capital letters were displayed to experienced and inexperienced Ss, using a 20 x 20 matrix of vibratory tactors placed against the back. In two separate experiments, a total of five modes of stimulus presentation, three of them employing a linear scanning slit, were studied. The poorest method, stationary flashing of the letter, allows performance that is well above chance, implying that a purely spatial presentation does convey information. Performance is improved when the letter is moved horizontally across the display. The best performance is achieved when the amount of simultaneous stimulation is limited by using a linear scanning slit. In one method, the letter moves behind a stationary slit, with the result that its horizontal dimension is portrayed only in time. In the other two methods, the scanning slit moves across the stationary letter, portraying the letter both in time and in space. The results of all five display modes indicate that Ss can use whichever representation, spatial or temporal, is available, although patternings which most closely approximate sequential tracing by a single moving point lead to the highest recognition accuracy. We interpret these results in terms of the limited spatial resolution of the cutaneous sense. While the perception of a letter presented in either full-field condition is limited by the spatial resolution, the best measure being the two-point limen, the perception of a letter traced sequentially is limited by the localization acuity of the cutaneous sense, the best measure being the “error of localization,” which is known to be considerably smaller than the two-point limen. Inasmuch as the slit methods of presentation are a compromise between simultaneous and sequential display, letter-recognition accuracy is better with slit presentation than with the corresponding full-field mode of display.  相似文献   

Accountability: a social magnifier of the dilution effect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This research demonstrated that accountability can not only reduce judgmental bias, but also exacerbate it--in this case, the dilution effect. Ss made predictions from either diagnostic information alone or diagnostic information plus mixtures of additional data (nondiagnostic information, additional diagnostic data pointing to either the same conclusion or the opposite conclusion). Relative to unaccountable Ss, accountable Ss (a) diluted their predictions in response to nondiagnostic information and (b) were more responsive to additional diagnostic information. The accountability manipulation motivated subjects to use a wide range of information in making judgments, but did not make them more discriminating judges of the usefulness of that information.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of stimulus valence on two levels of selection in the cognitive system, selection of a task-set and selection of a response. In the first experiment, participants performed a spatial compatibility task (pressing left and right keys according to the locations of stimuli) in which stimulus-response mappings were determined by stimulus valence. There was a standard spatial stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effect for positive stimuli (flowers) and a reversed SRC effect for negative stimuli (spiders), but the same data could be interpreted as showing faster responses when positive and negative stimuli were assigned to compatible and incompatible mappings, respectively, than when the assignment was opposite. Experiment 2 disentangled these interpretations, showing that valence did not influence a spatial SRC effect (Simon effect) when task-set retrieval was unnecessary. Experiments 3 and 4 replaced keypress responses with joystick deflections that afforded approach/avoidance action coding. Stimulus valence modulated the Simon effect (but did not reverse it) when the valence was task-relevant (Experiment 3) as well as when it was task-irrelevant (Experiment 4). Therefore, stimulus valence influences task-set selection and response selection, but the influence on the latter is limited to conditions where responses afford approach/avoidance action coding.  相似文献   

Protecting the self from the negative consequences of risky decisions.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Three experiments tested the idea that a motive to protect self-esteem (SE) from the threat of regret can influence decision making. Threat to SE was manipulated by varying whether people expected to know the outcome of their decisions. Study 1 showed that when Ss expected feedback about their decisions, only Ss low in SE made regret-minimizing choices. Study 2 showed that when Ss did not expect to know the outcome of their decisions, SE differences in choice strategies disappeared. Study 3 manipulated expectations about feedback on chosen and unchosen alternatives and showed that the more feedback that was expected, the more likely low but not high SE Ss were to make regret-minimizing choices. These studies suggest that people base decisions not only on objective attributes of choice alternatives, but also on the damage to SE that is perceived to result from a poor-decision outcome.  相似文献   

The present study explored variations of Bender-Gestalt constriction and their relation to depression. 20 Ss showing constriction of drawings on the upper half-page and 20 Ss showing constriction of drawings on the left half-page were compared with regard to MMPI Depression scores. No significant difference was found between these groups. However, when the constricted groups were combined and then compared with 40 Ss who did not show constriction of Bender drawings, the constricted group had significantly higher (p less than .05) MMPI Depression scores. Thus, variations in Bender constriction are not differently related to depression, but presence of constriction is an indicator. However, its rate of occurrence is so infrequent, appearing in only 5% of the records examined, that its clinical usefulness in the detection of depression is quite limited.  相似文献   

In the literature on visual contrast thresholds for sine wave gratings, little attention has been paid to the psychophysical methods used to obtain these spatial-frequency response curves. Here we report a comparison of such data obtained by two quite different psychophysical methods, but otherwise under identical conditions, using five Ss. Both experiments were run by computer: (1) In the method of adjustments, the computer program merely controls the order of the stimuli and records S’s contrast settings. (2) In the forced-choice staircase (FCS) technique, the program determines how often S can discriminate the sinusoidal grating from a uniform field, informs S of his accuracy, controls the stimulus contrast on the basis of S’s preceding responses, and brackets his threshold by a series of successive approximations. Method 2 eliminates criterion effects that occur in Method 1, and hence tends to minimize individual differences. However, the FCS technique requires an order of magnitude more observing time to obtain equally smooth contrast sensitivity curves. FCS also increases the/overall sensitivity of some Ss by as much as five times, but it does not significantly change theshape of the contrast sensitivity curve; both methods show strong effects of lateral inhibition at low spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

That observers tend to agree in their ratings of a target even if they have never interacted with that target has been called consensus at zero acquaintance. The basic finding that consensus is highest for judgments concerning a target's degree of extraversion (EV) and somewhat weaker for judgments of conscientiousness is replicated. Several potential observable cues that might be used by judges when rating targets are examined. The finding that ratings of physical attractiveness correlate with judgments of EV is replicated. In Study 1, rapid body movements and smiling were also found to correlate with EV judgments. The level of consensus declined when initially unacquainted Ss interacted one-on-one (Study 2), but did not decline--and even increased--when Ss interacted in a group (Study 3). Ss judged as extraverted at zero acquaintance were also seen as extraverted after interacting with others.  相似文献   

A product axiom for ratio judgments and an additive axiom for difference judgments were tested for six Ss judging brightness. The product axiom was rejected for all six Ss whereas the additive axiom was accepted for two Ss. Power functions did not fit the data well, although somewhat better for difference judgments than ratio judgments. A two-stage model fitted somewhat better, but failed to satisfy one important implication of that model, previously confirmed for lifted weights. The data gave stronger support for a theory of brightness estimation based on an additive axiom for difference judgments than a product axiom based on ratio judgments.  相似文献   

Two separate experiments were conducted to study the visual evoked potential (VEP) correlates of sequential blanking, a phenomenon in which up to one-half of a discrete train of stimulus inputs are not perceived for certain orders of input. A PDP-7 digital computer was used to present stimuli (from 2 to 5 letter Xs) on a CRT display in both experiments. In Experiment 1 there were four basic conditions designed and counterbalanced to indicate the nature of the VEP when stimuli were blanked and when Ss reported all stimuli. All of the stimuli were of equal intensity. The main finding was that although the eight Ss did not perceive and report blanked stimuli, they did respond to them physiologically as indicated by the VEP. The implications of these findings were discussed in relation to recent studies of visual masking and metacontrast in which VEP was recorded. In Experiment 2 the normally blanked and the normally blanking stimuli were alternately increased in intensity to determine the effect on sequential blanking and the VEP. Six Ss were tested under three basic counterbalanced conditions. It was found that sequential blanking could be reliably overcome by increasing the intensity of the normally blanked stimuli. In addition, when the normally blanking stimuli were of greater intensity than the blanked stimuli, not only did perceptual suppression occur, but the evidence indicated that there was no VEP to the first of the two blanked stimuli.  相似文献   

One of the functions of automatic stimulus evaluation is to direct attention toward events that may have undesirable consequences for the perceiver's well-being. To test whether attentional resources are automatically directed away from an attended task to undesirable stimuli, Ss named the colors in which desirable and undesirable traits (e.g., honest, sadistic) appeared. Across 3 experiments, color-naming latencies were consistently longer for undesirable traits but did not differ within the desirable and undesirable categories. In Experiment 2, Ss also showed more incidental learning for undesirable traits, as predicted by the automatic vigilance (but not a perceptual defense) hypothesis. In Experiment 3, a diagnosticity (or base-rate) explanation of the vigilance effect was ruled out. The implications for deliberate processing in person perception and stereotyping are discussed.  相似文献   

Rizza A  Price MC 《Cognitive processing》2012,13(Z1):S299-S303
Sequence-space synaesthesia is a type of visuo-spatial imagery in which numbers or calendar units are experienced to occupy locations in space. Previous studies have claimed that these synaesthetes (1) have stronger self-reported visual (but not spatial) imagery and (2) perform unusually well on mental rotation tasks that are usually taken to reflect spatial (but not visual) imagery. To further investigate whether this form of synaesthesia is related to spatial imagery, we compared synaesthetes to controls on the Object Spatial Imagery Questionnaire, a paper folding test and a mental rotation task. The synaesthetes did not differ from controls in self-reported spatial imagery, but showed a strong trend to report better visual imagery, replicating previously reported data patterns. Consistent with this, their paper folding and mental rotation performance was no better than controls. We also confirmed that, in our pooled sample, performance on both these tasks was positively correlated with self-reported spatial imagery. We suggest our data are more consistent with the view that sequence-space synaesthesia is related to visual than to spatial imagery, and we suggest reasons why previous studies may have found superior mental rotation performance.  相似文献   

The cognitive system adapts to disturbances caused by task-irrelevant information. For example, interference due to irrelevant spatial stimulation (e.g., the spatial Simon effect) typically diminishes right after a spatially incongruent event. These adaptation effects reflect processes that help to overcome the impact of task-irrelevant information. Interference with (or interruption of) task processing can also result from valent (i.e., positive or negative) stimuli, such as in the ??affective Simon?? task. In the present study, we tested whether the resolution of valence-based task disturbances generalizes to the resolution of other cognitive (spatial) types of interference, and vice versa. Experiments 1 and 2 explored the interplay of adaptation effects triggered by spatial and affective interference. Incongruent spatial information modified the spatial Simon effect but not affective interference effects, whereas incongruent affective information modified affective interference effects to some extent, but not spatial Simon effects. In Experiment 3, we investigated the interplay of adaptation effects triggered by spatial interference and by the interruption of task processing from valent information that did not overlap with the main task (??emotional Stroop?? effect). Again we observed domain-specific adaptation for the spatial Simon effect but found no evidence for cross-domain modulations. We assume that the processes used to resolve task disturbance from irrelevant affective and spatial information operate in largely independent manners.  相似文献   

Terror management research has shown that reminding Ss of their mortality leads to intolerance. The present research assessed whether mortality salience would lead to increased intolerance when the value of tolerance is highly accessible. In Study 1, given that liberals value tolerance more than conservatives, it was hypothesized that with mortality salience, dislike of dissimilar others would increase among conservatives but decrease among liberals. Liberal and conservative Ss were induced to think about their own mortality or a neutral topic and then were asked to evaluate 2 target persons, 1 liberal, the other conservative. Ss' evaluations of the targets supported these hypotheses. In Study 2, the value of tolerance was primed for half the Ss and, under mortality-salient or control conditions, Ss evaluated a target person who criticized the United States. Mortality salience did not lead to negative reactions to the critic when the value of tolerance was highly accessible.  相似文献   

120 Ss from age groups 8, 12 and 16 years were tested for their understanding that another person's (O) sadness response was related to a preceding behaviour in S. The understanding was tested after experimental interaction episodes where E's assistant (O) worked on an (easy or difficult) task, was helped by S, and responded (immediately or delayed) with sadness. The results showed that a relating of O's behaviour to S was shown primarily for Ss in the two oldest age groups, and primarily when O's response was immediate. A delay of 11/2 min in O's response resulted in attributions of O's behaviour to psychological processes in O rather than to S's behaviour. The youngest Ss focused on O in explaining O's behaviour. Task difficulty did not effect Ss causal attributions.  相似文献   

Twenty-five Ss heard a random list and a context (food-elated) list of 50 words masked in white noise for a total of three trials each. The Ss were required to write the word and indicate their certainty that it was correct. Confidence rating accuracy (Type 2 d’) was greater for context than for random lists (p < .001). Probability correct also improved with context (p < .001). Unlike the context factor, repetitions led to greater probability correct (p < .001) but did not lead to changes in Type 2 d’. The results were interpreted as support for a feedback model of context and confidence rating accuracy.  相似文献   

Adult age differences in learning and retention of a nonverbal sequence were examined using the serial reaction-time task of Nissen and Bullemer (1987), with 20 younger and 20 older Ss. An asterisk appeared in one of 4 spatial locations, and the Ss responded with a corresponding key press. The first 4 blocks each contained 10 repetitions of a 10- or 16-element spatial sequence, and the 5th block contained a random sequence. The difference between response time on Blocks 5 and 4 served as an indirect measure of pattern learning. The direct measure was accuracy in a final generation block in which the Ss predicted which location would appear next. Results were similar to those with verbal materials; the indirect measure revealed age similarity for patterns of both lengths, but the direct measure yielded age differences favoring the young. For both ages and types of measures, the long patterns led to poorer learning than did the short patterns.  相似文献   

Subjects classified sets of eight stimuli, constructed from three binary dimensions, into discrete groups in any way they wished. The stimuli were presented either simultaneously (all atonce) or sequentially (one at a time). When stimuli were presented simultaneously, different spatial arrangements did not produce different classifications. When stimuli were presented sequentially, in some sequential orders the level of each dimension varied at a different position in the sequence. For these orders, Ss tended to use the two levels of the first dimension that varied to classify the stimuli into two groups. But, other orders in which the levels of all dimensions varied on the second stimulus did not influence Ss’ classification. A comparison of sequential and simultaneous presentation showed for sequential presentation: (a) a smaller number of classifications was made using the dimensional structure to classify the stimuli, and (b)of those classifications that were dimensional, fewer dimensions were used to classify the stimuli into groups.  相似文献   

Do Ss compare multidigit numbers digit by digit (symbolic model) or do they compute the whole magnitude of the numbers before comparing them (holistic model)? In 4 experiments of timed 2-digit number comparisons with a fixed standard, the findings of Hinrichs, Yurko, and Hu (1981) were extended with French Ss. Reaction times (RTs) decreased with target-standard distance, with discontinuities at the boundaries of the standard's decade appearing only with standards 55 and 66 but not with 65. The data are compatible with the holistic model. A symbolic interference model that posits the simultaneous comparison of decades and units can also account for the results. To separate the 2 models, the decades and units digits of target numbers were presented asynchronously in Experiment 4. Contrary to the prediction of the interference model, presenting the units before the decades did not change the influence of units on RTs. Pros and cons of the holistic model are discussed.  相似文献   

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