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This study was designed to examine mental and motor development in infants with vertically transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Early neurodevelopment was examined in 25 young children with HIV infection acquired through vertical transmission. Compared with 25 children born to HIV-positive mothers but not infected with the virus, and after controlling for developmental risk factors, the HIV-infected group showed impairments in mental and motor development. Mental and motor development were assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. On the mental scale (MDI), the HIV-infected infants obtained significantly lower scores than the uninfected infants. On the performace scale (PDI), the HIV-infected infants obtained significantly lower standard scores than the uninfected infants. CT scan results were available for 20 of the HIV-infected children. CT abnormalities were associated with developmental delays, particularly for motor development. The results point to the importance of early abnormalities in myelination and of subcortical lesions of cognitive and motor development.  相似文献   

The presence and prevalence of mental health problems in young children ad well as therapeutic interventions is less well understood than the same problems in adults, Long-term consequences of childhood mental health problems have been noted, yet provision of services at the age appropriate level is ofter limited. This sudy presents a case note audit of 540 children attending an innovative programme for counselling and therapy in school-based centres based in 8 inner London Primary schools. This represented 22.4% of all children attending the schools, with an overage age at referral of 8.1 Years. 53.8% of boys compared to 46.2% girls ew referred emanating from varied backgrounds. The majority of the children spoke English at home (86%) and the only significant differences according to home language related to concern over social interactions. Comparisons between children cared for by both parents(48%) and those cardd for by a single parent (37.3%) showed the latter group to have higher distress and concerns affection school work, home situation, stress for significant life events and lowered coping. Atendance and defaulting rates were good, with no significant differences among those who attended regularly. Many of the conderns surrounded self-esteem and social/family factors. The level of distress was significantly lowered after counselling (t = 17.5 p_.001) 51.45 of the children experienced significant life events which preceded their referral, 30.9% triggered the referral and 45.6% during the course of counselling. Distress caused by life events was generally high with coping levels moving down after multiple exposure. The data is discussed in the light of future provision of care for children.  相似文献   

Children and young people exhibiting behavioural difficulties present a major challenge not only to parents but also to education and health professionals and to society as a whole. In this paper, I shall address some key issues regarding these parenting programmes, based particularly on a programme of research over 13 years in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research at the University of Warwick. This has comprised large‐scale studies across all areas of England, both programmes targeted at parents whose children are presenting or at risk of developing behavioural difficulties: the Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder and Parenting Early Intervention Programme; and universal programmes aimed at all parents, as a positive contribution to behavioural development across the population: the CANparent trial. All were funded by the Department for Education plus the continuation of the CANparent trial was funded by the Department of Health. In addition, I consider studies that have built on this research to examine the use of parenting programmes with parents of children and young people with special educational needs; and also the effectiveness of programmes during sustained implementation, beyond formal trials and similar research initiatives, that is, as day‐to‐day practice. I show that well‐constructed parenting programmes that are acceptable to parents are effective, that these positive effects on parents can remain over time, and also that the positive effects found in well‐organised trials can be maintained when programmes are delivered by community services as part of their normal practice.  相似文献   

We investigated the order of acquisition of concepts and cognitive processes in children with emotional and behavioral difficulties and the extent to which these children show similarity to ordinary children in sequence and structure of development. Similarity in developmental sequence was strongly supported by scalogram analyses and has clear implications for organizing teaching, but similarity in structure was less clear. Cognitive processes however, and the nature of the children's reasoning were clarified by the method of exploration used. This was particularly fruitful for providing insight into the difficulties children may have. The findings thus contribute to understanding with a view toward furthering concept development in children with emotional and behavioral difficulties.  相似文献   

Reinforcement, instruction giving, partner support strategies, bedtime routine, and standard extinction were taught to the parents of three boys (aged 5–10 years) with an intellectual disability and sleeping difficulties. Sleep was measured using sleep diaries and actigraphy, and daytime behaviour was monitored using diaries and direct observation. At referral, all children needed a parent present to fall asleep, two had co‐sleeping difficulties, and two had night waking difficulties. At post‐intervention, all children were falling asleep independently, co‐sleeping was eliminated for two children, and night waking was reduced in one child. An extinction burst was experienced by two children, with one family putting their child back to bed 259 times on the first night. Though one child still had night waking difficulties following intervention, actigraph recording demonstrated an improvement in his sleep quality. In addition to the children's independence, improvements were seen for sleep length, sleep latency, and morning wake time. However, improvements in daytime behaviour showed inconsistency across behaviours and settings. Improvement in sleep was maintained at a three month follow‐up. It was concluded that using extinction to address sleep problems in children with an intellectual disability is effective and approved of by parents, but any impact on daytime behaviour is equivocal. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, several factors related to psychological adjustment of schoolage children were examined in a sample of 40 lower-class families in which the parents were separated. It was hypothesized that parental conflict and other indices of family adversity, including maternal depression, income, and the length of time past since parental separation, would be important predictors of children's behavioral adjustment. Parental acrimony was found to be a significant correlate of children's behavioral problems, even when other family variables were taken into account. In addition, independent and additive effects on children's functioning were found for parental discord and maternal depression, with some support found for an additional variable, family income. In contrast to some prior investigations, the length of time since parental separation was unrelated to children's functioning. Results are discussed in terms of Rutter's cumulative stress hypothesis and previous research on parental discord.This research was supported in part by a grant to Robert E. Emery from the William T. Grant Foundation.  相似文献   

The amygdala is a key region in emotion processing. In particular, fMRI studies have demonstrated that the amygdala is active during the viewing of emotional faces. Previous research has consistently found greater amygdala responses to fearful than to neutral faces in adults, convergent with a focus in the animal literature on the amygdala’s role in fear processing. Studies have shown that the amygdala also responds differentially to other facial emotion types in adults. Yet the literature regarding when this differential amygdala responsivity develops is limited and mixed. Thus, the goal of the present study was to examine amygdala responses to emotional and neutral faces in a relatively large sample of healthy school-age children (N?=?52). Although the amygdala was active in response to emotional and neutral faces, the results did not support the hypothesis that the amygdala responds differentially to emotional faces in 7- to 12-year-old children. Nonetheless, amygdala activity was correlated with the severity of subclinical depression symptoms and with emotional regulation skills. Additionally, sex differences were observed in frontal, temporal, and visual regions, as well as effects of pubertal development in visual regions. These findings suggest important differences in amygdala reactivity in childhood.  相似文献   

This study aimed to cross-validate the factor analysis of the McCarthy Scales and to determine the construct validity of these scales for children who score one standard deviation below the normative mean on general cognitive ability. The sample was comprised of 77 children aged 6 to 812 with a mean General Cognitive Index (GCI) of 61.6. Principal factor analysis produced four meaningful factors which corresponded closely to four of the scales on McCarthy's battery. The present findings discourage the interpretation of the Quantitative Scale for school-age children with GCIs below 84. Other implications of the results for the interpretation of McCarthy profiles for low-scoring school-aged children are discussed.  相似文献   

The predictors of academic achievement and self-regulation in 95 high-risk children studied from birth were investigated during the second grade. Parenting, early maternal adjustment, child adjustment and temperament were hypothesized to predict the emergence of self-regulation. Although parenting, maternal adjustment, and child adjustment were related to achievement and classroom adjustment, they were not related to children's self-regulation, which was the strongest predictor of teacher ratings of academic performance, standardized achievement in math and reading, and classroom adjustment.  相似文献   

Using the standardization sample from the NEPSY, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor structure for ages 5 through 12 of the NEPSY sample, as well as for the younger (5 to 8 years, n=400) and older (9 to 12 years, n=400) age bands, to explore possible differences in test structure at different developmental epochs. Using four standard fit indices, results indicated that a 5-factor model was less than adequate for the entire sample and produced negative error variance for the younger and older age groups, making any solutions for the two subgroups inadmissible. A 4-factor model without the Attention/Executive Function subtests produced satisfactory fit statistics for the entire sample and the younger group, but did not fit the data as well for the older group. A 1-factor model did not fit well for the full sample. These results indicated that the structure for the NEPSY is not invariant across development, with the 4-factor model best fitting the data for the younger age group and for the entire school-age sample.  相似文献   

听写困难是一种发生率较高的儿童学习障碍现象。听写困难的认知机制,主要包括语音加工缺陷、字形表征缺陷以及形音联结编码缺陷。本研究通过两个实验,考察了整字语音竞争和部件语音竞争,对听写困难儿童形音联结编码的影响。结果发现,在不同条件下,听写困难儿童的形音联结水平都落后于正常儿童;整字语音竞争显著干扰了正常儿童的形音联结编码,但对听写困难儿童的影响并不明显;与之相反的是,部件语音竞争对听写困难儿童的干扰更为明显。研究结果支持听写困难儿童的形音联结编码缺陷理论。在此基础上,听写困难儿童的形音联结较少受到整字语音的竞争干扰,但更容易受到部件语音的竞争干扰,这可能是因为,他(她)们的整体字形加工或表征存在缺陷,导致原生字字形和语音信息难以被激活,以及合体字的部件信息得到更多的加工所致。  相似文献   

The present study examines the potential of sequencing a neurocognitive intervention with behavioral parent training (BPT) to improve executive functions (EFs), psychiatric symptoms, and multiple indices of functional impairment in school-age children aged 7 to 11 years who have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Specifically, in a randomized controlled trial design, 85 children were assigned to either Cogmed Working Memory Training (CWMT) followed by an empirically supported, manualized BPT intervention, or to a placebo version of CWMT followed by the same BPT intervention. Working memory maintenance (i.e., attention control/short-term memory), working memory processing and manipulation, ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms, impairment in parent–child dynamics, familial impairment, and overall functional compromise were evaluated as outcomes. The results suggest specific effects of the combined CWMT and BPT program on verbal and nonverbal working memory storage and nonverbal working memory processing and manipulation but no incremental benefits in regard to ADHD symptoms, ODD symptoms, and functional outcomes. The present findings do not support the hypothesis regarding the complementary and augmentative benefits of sequenced neurocognitive and BPT interventions for the treatment of ADHD. These results, the study’s limitations, and future directions for research are further discussed.  相似文献   

The heterosexual nature of the HIV epidemic in Lothian is such that a number (50 to date) of babies have been born to women who have HIV. Some have needed social work services such as Children Centre placement, foster parents or adopters. Since this work began in 1986, our understanding of the transmission and manifestation of HIV infection in children has grown. However, it is still not possible until children reach the age of two to be certain whether or not they have been infected, or what the outlook is for them. Even then there are some further areas of uncertainty. We have developed a programme of preparation, training and support which has enabled a number of families to live with this uncertainly in offering placements to children at risk of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) are physically less active, preferring more sedentary behavior and are at risk of developing health problems or becoming overweight. 18 children (age 6–10 years) with lower levels of motor coordination attending a primary school in a low-income community in South Africa (score on Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second edition equal to or below the 5th percentile) were selected to participate in the study and were age-matched with typically developing peers (TD). Both groups of children engaged in 20 min of active Nintendo Wii Fit gaming on the balance board, twice a week for a period of five weeks. All children were tested before and after the intervention using the lower limb items of the Functional Strength Measurement, the 5 × 10 meter sprint test, the 5 × 10 meter slalom sprint test, and the Balance, Running speed and Agility subtest of the Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2).After intervention, both groups of children improved in functional strength and anaerobic fitness. The magnitude of these changes was not related to participant’s motor coordination level. However, differences in change between the TD and DCD group were apparent on the motor performance tests; children with DCD seemed to benefit more in balance skills of the BOT-2, while the TD children improved more in the Running speed and Agility component of the BOT-2. Compliance to the study protocol over 5 weeks was high and the effect on physical functioning was shown on standardized measures of physical performance validated for children with and without DCD.  相似文献   

This paper explores how emotions mediate the research process. I draw upon a collaborative ethnography with children in a primary school to make a case for the practice of emotional reflexivity in research. More specifically I explore this in the context of a series of den-building research workshops I initiated with the young participants. Drawing upon a series of vignettes, I illustrate how reflecting upon and through my emotional responses to video data captured by children during these workshops gave presence to my movements through the data, thus recognising moments when meaning-making was entangled with prominent memories I had of the field and hidden shifts I made whilst interpreting the data. I suggest that as researchers we can use emotional reflexivity to recognise, on the one-hand, how our personal histories influence our research engagements, and on the other, how the spaces and places we inhabit as researchers shape our thoughts and feelings. I will show how emotional reflexivity offers opportunities for researchers to engage with their own relational emplacement during fieldwork and to use this awareness to develop their understandings of children's lives.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships of the traits associated with Gray's behavioural approach system (BAS) and behavioural inhibition system (BIS) with cognitive processing of emotional information. Initially, participants completed questionnaires covering trait impulsivity and anxiety, and BAS and BIS sensitivities. They were then tested individually. After completing a questionnaire of current positive and negative moods, they completed three tasks measuring processing of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral information. Consistent with Gray’s theory, the results showed that impulsivity and BAS sensitivity were associated with the processing of pleasant information, while anxiety and BIS sensitivity were associated with the processing of unpleasant information. These findings imply that Gray’s BAS–BIS theory can be extended to cognitive processing of emotional information.  相似文献   

A study was conducted of the outcomes of all children and adolescents (N=114) with serious emotional disturbance who had been placed by school districts in residential treatment facilities for educational purposes over a three-year period. Both cost and outcome analyses were conducted. Cost analyses indicated a total annual expenditure in excess of $5 million, or $80,000 per youth per length of stay. Outcome analyses, consisting of ratings of outcomes and outcome interviews with special education directors, revealed that 63% of the youth had either made no or minimal progress, had been discharged with a negative outcome, or had run away. Positive outcomes were achieved in only 25% of the cases, measured by the students' return to school or placement into a vocational training program. Another 11% of the youth were making substantial progress. Analyses of the relationships between outcomes and cost revealed no relationship. However, positive outcomes were associated with shorter lengths of stay. Further, students in the positive outcome categories had more severe functioning deficits at intake than students in the negative outcome categories. The availability of community-based services for the student and family was the single most likely reason reported by special education directors for positive discharge status.  相似文献   

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