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This research demonstrates the effect of framing on applicants' reactions to two personnel selection methods: undergraduate grade point average and personnel interview scores. Presenting a selection situation framed positively (to accept applicants) caused applicants to rate both selection methods more favorably relative to presenting them with an identical selection situation framed negatively (to reject the remaining applicants). Framing affected reactions that emphasized distributive justice aspects of the selection situation and procedural justice aspects. The results are consistent with Prospect theory and with Fairness Heuristic theory. The paper offers a theoretical explanation for the effect of framing on applicants' reactions to personnel selection methods, discusses the implications of this effect, and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study expands upon Steiner and Gilliland's selection fairness research. Professionals (N = 114) from Mumbai, India rated 12 employee selection methods on favorability and provided the bases for those ratings. In line with previous research, interviews and resumes were rated most favorably, while graphology and honesty tests were rated least favorably. Perceived face validity, opportunity to perform, and widespread use of selection methods were highly correlated with favorability ratings, while interpersonal warmth, scientific evidence, and respectful of privacy exhibited weak correlations with favorability ratings. Work sample tests, which have previously been rated favorably, were rated unfavorably. Exploratory analysis showed that participants viewed assessment centers favorably and online information unfavorably. Outcome favorability was highly correlated with favorability ratings.  相似文献   

This paper defines and formulates the construct of negative psychological effects (NPEs) of selection and assessment methods upon applicants. The results of an empirical study into NPEs in an operational assessment center are also reported. Applicants (n=107) completed measures at three timepoints: Time 1 (just before the AC), Time 2 (immediately after the AC but before outcome decisions were known), and Time 3 (6 months after the AC). Both accepted and rejected candidates completed all three measures, which included self‐esteem, mental health, positive and negative affect, and career exploration behavior. No evidence of NPEs was found for rejected candidates despite significant between‐group differences on feedback reactions level items. Interestingly, well‐being and positive affect declined slightly for successful candidates at subsequent measurement compared against baseline Time 1 norms. Reactions level outcomes did, however, differ significantly between accepted and rejected candidates, with the latter rating feedback dimensions far less favorably. These results are discussed in relation to future research into the psychological impact of selection procedures upon candidates and the need for applied psychologists and HR practitioners to demonstrate that assessment methods do not exhibit NPEs upon applicants.  相似文献   

The assumptions and statistical implications of six methods of test use in em- ployment contexts were examined by using an actual distribution of test scores of 3,377 candidates for jobs as firefighters in a large U.S. city. The six methods examined were: (a) strict top-down referral in order of test score; (b) within-group percentile referral; (c) fied bands, using random referral within bands; (d) fied bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands; (e) sliding bands, using random referral within bands; and (f) sliding bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands. The six strategies yielded significant differences on two related criteria: the percentages of minority and nonminority candidates referred for selection, and the relative level of adverse impact produced by each referral strategy. Average test scores of selectees at two different selection ratios did not differ significantly across the six referral strategies. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of their impact on merit hiring and the achievement of economic and social goals. In general, use of any strategy other than strict top-down referral results in some loss in utility. However, if the goal is to optimize social and economic objectives simultaneously, then tradeoffs are necessary. In some situations, use of the sliding band (with diversity-based referral) may be best suited to this purpose.  相似文献   

The assumptions and statistical implications of six methods of test use in em- ployment contexts were examined by using an actual distribution of test scores of 3,377 candidates for jobs as firefighters in a large U.S. city. The six methods examined were: (a) strict top-down referral in order of test score; (b) within-group percentile referral; (c) fixed bands, using random referral within bands; (d) fixed bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands; (e) sliding bands, using random referral within bands; and (f) sliding bands, using nonrandom, diversity-based referral within bands. The six strate- gies yielded significant differences on two related criteria: the percentages of minority and nonminority candidates referred for selection, and the relative level of adverse impact produced by each referral strategy. Average test scores of selectees at two different selection ratios did not differ significantly across the six referral strategies. Implications of the findings are discussed in terms of their impact on merit hiring and the achievement of economic and social goals. In general, use of any strategy other than strict top-down referral results in some loss in utility. However, if the goal is to optimize social and ec- onomic objectives simultaneously, then tradeoffs are necessary. In some situ- ations, use of the sliding band (with diversity-based referral) may be best suited to this purpose.  相似文献   

A review of the extant literature and new empirical research suggests that social desirability is not much of a concern in personality and integrity testing for personnel selection. In particular, based on meta-analytically derived evidence, it appears that social desirability influences do not destroy the convergent and discriminant validity of the Big Five dimensions of personality (Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness). We also present new empirical evidence regarding gender and age differences in socially desirable re- sponding. Although social desirability predicts a number of important work variables such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and supervisor ratings of training success, social desirability does not seem to be a predictor of overall job performance and is only very weakly related to specific dimensions of job performance such as technical proficiency (r = -.07) and personal discipline ( r = .05). Large sample investigations of the moderating influences of social desirability in actual work settings indicate that social desirability does not moderate the criterion-related validities of personality variables or integrity tests. The criterion-related validity of integrity tests for overall job performance with applicant samples in predictive studies is .41. Controlling for social desirability in integrity or personality test scores leaves the operational validities intact, thereby suggesting that social desirability functions neither as a mediator nor as a suppressor variable in personality-performance.  相似文献   

Cette recherche a examiné la validité d'un centre d'évaluation pour la sélection de pilotes. Les scores de N = 1,036 participants ont été utilisés pour étudier la validité de construit. Un sous-échantillon de participants performants a été suivi et les évaluations des pairs ont été retenus comme mesures du critère. Les résultats démontrent une première évidence de validité de construit et de critère pour cet outil d'évaluation des compétences interpersonnelles et liées à la performance. Par ailleurs, les résultats ont aussi montré que le type d'évaluateur (psychologue vs pilote) modère la validité prédictive des scores du centre d'évaluation. Cet effet "type d'évaluateur" dépend de la sorte de variables prédictives. Les résultats sont discutés et des implications pratiques sont suggérées.
This study examined the validity of an assessment center in pilot selection as a new field of application. Assessment center ratings of N = 1,036 applicants were used to examine the construct validity. A subsample of successful applicants was followed up and peer ratings were chosen as criterion measures. The results provide first evidence of the construct and criterion validity of this assessment center approach for rating interpersonal and performance-related skills. Furthermore the type of assessor (psychologist versus pilot) moderates the predictive validity of the assessment center ratings. This type-of-assessor effect depends on the kind of predictor variables. The results are discussed and practical implications are suggested.  相似文献   

履历数据测评的效度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严进  吴英杰  张娓 《心理学报》2010,42(3):423-433
履历数据是人员测评的重要手段, 但其组织情景性限制使得国外同类工具不能适用于国内人事选拔, 国内也缺乏实证研究验证其信度、效度。本研究结合某通信企业的招募选拔工作, 开发履历数据分析工具, 选取250名应聘者的履历数据、一般认知能力、大五个性和面试结果数据, 通过效标关联效度、增量效度思想, 分析履历数据有效性。结果表明, 以面试结果为效标, 履历数据具有良好的效标关联效度, 与其他测评工具组合使用时有良好的增量效度。  相似文献   

The stability and replicability of the Five‐Factor model of personality across samples and testing purposes remain a significant issue in personnel selection and assessment. The present study explores the stability of a new Greek Big Five personality measure (TPQue) across different samples in order to explore the suitability of the measure in personnel selection and assessment. The factor structure of the measure across three samples (students, employees, and job applicants) is examined. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses show that the five‐factor structure remains intact for the students’, the applicants’ and the employees’ samples – contrary to previous studies – with all the sub‐scales of the personality measure (TPQue) loading on the intended factors. Furthermore, congruence coefficients between the samples justify the stability of the model in the working settings.  相似文献   

This study examines applicant reactions to ten popular selection methods in China. Using a sample of 294 graduates we found that Chinese applicants’ reactions were highly favorable for work sample tests, interviews, and written ability tests, whereas Guanxi (i.e., relying on personal contacts when applying for a job) and graphology were perceived as the least favorable selection methods. Guanxi was also perceived as significantly less fair method compared with all others on all seven procedural dimensions studied. These findings suggest that Guanxi as an informal selection channel might threaten the fairness of personnel selection in China. Implications for the design of selection systems in Chinese companies are discussed, and ramifications for future research into applicant reactions are considered.  相似文献   

范巍 《心理科学》2012,35(1):220-225
传统的人事选拔是以胜任力或者说是人-职匹配为基础的,即强调基于胜任力,但研究者和实践者们越来越多的强调人-组织匹配在人事选拔中的重要性,即强调人事选拔过程中招募者匹配评价的多维性。本研究通过实验运用策略捕捉技术,检验多种职位特征和不同层次的匹配评价对选拔雇佣结果的影响。通过HLM分析结果发现四种匹配类型需要-供给匹配、要求-能力匹配、个性匹配和价值观匹配对雇佣决策都有显著的独立主效应,招募者在长期招募比短期招募中更多依靠个性匹配来评价应聘者,招募者在对管理类职位更多依靠价值匹配来进行评价,而对专业类职位则更多依靠要求-能力匹配进行评价。  相似文献   

Cascio, Outtz, Zedeck, and Goldstein (1991-this issue) examined the effects of various selection rules, including topdown, topdown within-group, fixed- band, and sliding-band approaches, on the mean test score of selected appli- cants and the proportion of minority-group members among those selected using one illustrative data set. A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to examine the generalizability of their findings across various selection ratios, proportions of minority-group members in the applicant pool, magnitudes of majority-minority mean test score differences, and majority-minority test standard deviation differences. These characteristics were found to have large effects on minority-group hiring; thus in applied setting, values of these char- acteristics must be known before one can determine the consequences of vari- ous selection rules for minority-group hiring.  相似文献   

In response to theory and research suggesting that positive individual and organizational outcomes are associated with person-organization fit, there is growing interest in the use of personnel selection practices to achieve fit between individuals and organizations. Research is needed to confirm the value of assessing applicant-organization fit in the selection process and to test alternative approaches for measuring the match between applicants and organizations. This article provides guidance for future research on the assessment of applicant-organization fit. Criteria for assessing applicant-organization fit are indentified and four techniques for assessing fit are then evaluated in the light of these criteria. In addition, the article identifies issues that should be addressed in future research on applicant-organization fit.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a theoretically-based substance abuse scale to be used for personnel selection. Twenty-eight studies were conducted to validate the predictor. A meta-analysis was conducted using all 28 of the studies (N = 4,118). The mean validity coefficients for bare bones and fully corrected analyses were .25 and .43, respectively. The studies were analyzed according to the type of subject (students, applicants, employees), method used to collect the criteria (self-report, not self-report), and job relevance of the criteria (job-related, not job-related). The method used to collect the criteria was a moderating variable: mean validity coefficients for studies using self-report and nonself-report criteria were .64 and .33, respectively.  相似文献   

人员选拔中人格问卷可用性之争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个性调查问卷旨在通过一系列专门设计问题的施测结果来预测候选人的工作绩效。以往的研究由于对工作绩效内涵及对应参照效标的界定、问题设计的逻辑基础等方面存在各自的局限, 一直以来对个性调查问卷的有效性存在分歧。文章对此进行了全面综述与分析, 并提出了从平衡计分卡四个维度定义工作绩效参照效标, 采用内嵌并纵贯模式跟踪候选人工作绩效参照效标, 应是检验并提升个性调查问卷预测效度值得探索的研究方向。  相似文献   

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