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青少年期亲子冲突与亲子亲合的发展特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王美萍  张文新 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1196-1198
采用整群随机抽样法,运用亲子冲突与亲子亲合问卷对684名初一、初三和高二学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)大部分青少年与父母冲突的次数较少,强度较弱,亲合度较高,但也有一小部分青少年与父母关系较紧张。(2)初三青少年与母亲的冲突次数和强度均显著高于初一青少年;随年级增长青少年与母亲的亲合缓慢下降,而与父亲的冲突及亲合发展均较稳定。(3)青少年与父母的关系在某些方面存在子代性别和父代性别的主效应及交互作用。  相似文献   

已有研究表明个体心理理论的获得和发展既有文化普遍性, 又表现出文化特异性。为了探讨儿童心理理论发展的影响因素, 越来越多的研究者开始关注社会交流的作用。亲子交流是儿童早期社会交流中很重要的组成部分, 与儿童心理理论的获得和发展密切相关。文章分别比较了抚养者的亲子谈话和儿童情景记忆的中西文化差异, 以及它们与心理理论发展的关系来理解中国儿童心理理论获得与发展的特异性, 最后提出了一些未来研究需要进一步探讨的关键问题。  相似文献   

在亲子沟通观察研究中对观察资料的编码和分析方法有许多种,文章介绍了行为类型编码、行为序列编码、言语内容编码、沟通结构编码等四类主流编码方案,并评析了每种方案的特点和应用背景;最后,指出未来亲子沟通研究编码方案的整合可以考虑如下三个思路:在行为分类基础上进行言语内容分析、从行为序列中发现沟通模式、一般趋势描述和典型个案分析相结合。  相似文献   

父母外出务工带来的亲子分离使许多个体长期遭受抑郁的困扰,但亲子分离对个体抑郁生物-环境作用机制的影响尚不清楚。采用问卷调查、半结构化访谈和实验法,以210名大学生为被试,考察了早期亲子分离经历对大学生抑郁的影响,检验了亲子亲合、交感神经系统活动(SCLR)对大学生抑郁的交互作用是否会因早期亲子分离经历的不同而有所差异。结果发现:(1)亲子分离经历正向预测大学生抑郁,亲子亲合负向预测大学生抑郁;(2)SCLR对父子亲合与大学生抑郁关系的调节作用会受到亲子分离经历的影响。这表明,早期亲子分离经历能够改变大学生抑郁的生物-环境作用机制。  相似文献   

首先对初中生和家长进行访谈,随后设计三份问卷,先后调查了心理学研究生、初中生及其家长对亲子信任的理解。在此基础上编制了适合中国文化背景的初中生亲子信任问卷。初测回收到184份子女信任问卷和169份父母信任问卷,以此为依据进行了探索性因素分析和项目修订。再测回收到495份子女信任问卷,336份父亲信任问卷和358份母亲信任问卷。根据探索性因素分析结果,子女信任包含可依赖性、分享心事和诚实守信三个因素,父亲信任包含诚实守纪、自立、自制和尊重隐私四个因素,母亲信任则包含诚实守纪、自立、自制、怀疑性和尊重隐私五个因素。验证性因素分析证实了亲子信任问卷的构想效度,内部一致性分析与相关分析结果也表明,亲子信任问卷具有较好的信度与效标关联效度。  相似文献   

作为父母,爱孩子应该讲究爱的方法、爱的战略,切忌无原则地溺爱。  相似文献   

亲子冲突与青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从北京市四所普通中学选取 82 9名初一、初二、高一和高二学生为被试 ,采取匿名的方式让被试报告自己在过去半年内分别与父亲和母亲在学业、做家务、交友、花钱、日常生活安排、外表、家庭成员关系和隐私等八个方面发生冲突的频率 ,以及自己的问题行为、抑郁和社交焦虑的情况 ,以此探讨亲子冲突与青少年社会适应之间的关系。结果发现 :(1 )父子和母子在冲突内容上有很大的差别 ;母子冲突多于父子冲突 ,且母子冲突和父子冲突的侧重点也有所不同。 (2 )在学业和生活方面 ,发生亲子冲突的青少年远多于没有亲子冲突的青少年 ,但在其余六个方面却是没有亲子冲突的青少年多于发生亲子冲突的青少年。在发生亲子冲突的青少年中 ,与双亲均发生冲突的青少年最多 ,其次是只与母亲发生冲突的青少年 ,与父亲发生冲突的青少年最少。 (3 )亲子冲突与青少年的抑郁和问题行为具有较为一致的关系 ,即与双亲发生冲突的青少年所表现的问题行为和抑郁最多 ,其次是与单亲发生冲突的青少年 ,问题行为和抑郁表现最少的是与双亲均无冲突的青少年 ;但亲子冲突与青少年社交焦虑之间的关系并没有一致的趋势。  相似文献   

由于体内受精,父亲面临着父亲身份不确定性的风险,亲子间面孔相似性是辨别父亲身份的一个常用的有效线索,因此,父亲往往依据亲子间面孔相似性程度调整着亲子投资。而中国传统文化强调重男轻女,因此,父子间面孔相似性比父女间面孔相似性对父亲的亲子投资的预测效应更强。本研究采用自我报告的方法测量了212名中学生感知到亲子间面孔相似性、亲子虐待以及人口学变量。结果表明:(1)感知到的亲子间面孔相似性与亲子虐待中的精神虐待存在显著的相关,与身体虐待的相关没有达到显著水平;(2)父母的性别显著地调节着感知到亲子间面孔相似性对精神虐待的预测,具体而言, 父子(女)间面孔相似性显著地预测父亲的精神虐待,而母子(女)间面孔相似性对母亲精神虐待的预测没有达到显著水平;(3)进一步的分析表明,子女的性别显著地调节着感知到父子(女)间面孔相似性对父亲精神虐待的影响,具体而言,父子间面孔相似性显著地预测父亲对儿子的精神虐待,但父女间面孔相似性对父亲对女儿的精神虐待的预测没有达到显著水平。研究结果支持并拓展了父亲身份不确定性假设。  相似文献   

由于体内受精,父亲面临着父亲身份不确定性的风险,亲子间面孔相似性是辨别父亲身份的一个常用的有效线索,因此,父亲往往依据亲子间面孔相似性程度调整着亲子投资。而中国传统文化强调重男轻女,因此,父子间面孔相似性比父女间面孔相似性对父亲的亲子投资的预测效应更强。本研究采用自我报告的方法测量了212名中学生感知到亲子间面孔相似性、亲子虐待以及人口学变量。结果表明:(1)感知到的亲子间面孔相似性与亲子虐待中的精神虐待存在显著的相关,与身体虐待的相关没有达到显著水平;(2)父母的性别显著地调节着感知到亲子间面孔相似性对精神虐待的预测,具体而言, 父子(女)间面孔相似性显著地预测父亲的精神虐待,而母子(女)间面孔相似性对母亲精神虐待的预测没有达到显著水平;(3)进一步的分析表明,子女的性别显著地调节着感知到父子(女)间面孔相似性对父亲精神虐待的影响,具体而言,父子间面孔相似性显著地预测父亲对儿子的精神虐待,但父女间面孔相似性对父亲对女儿的精神虐待的预测没有达到显著水平。研究结果支持并拓展了父亲身份不确定性假设。  相似文献   

吴思源 《天风》2012,(9):41-41
著名作家龙应台在《目送》一书中,曾经这样写道:“我慢慢地、慢慢地了解到,所谓父女母子一场,只不过意味着,你和他的缘分就是今生今世不断地目送他的背影渐行渐远。”  相似文献   

Using color photographs donated by burned and nonburned children as stimulus materials, the authors compared attitudes of 218 practice teachers, senior nursing students, and counselors-in-training toward children and adolescents described as typical, having emotional and psychological problems, or having been severely burned and scarred. With the Adjective Generation Technique and a researcher-designed Attitude Scale, the authors found that children with severe burns and facial scarring were regarded less favorably and were given fewer predictions of future success than the other 2 groups. Significantly fewer of the students expressed a willingness to work with them, and many had little confidence that they would be able to help burned clients. Questions generated by participants concerning things they wanted to know about the 3 groups before working with them revealed that burned children were most often asked about their injuries and scarring but were rarely asked about school, leisure activities, or friends.  相似文献   

Building on career stage theory and contingency theory, the exploratory study considers the influence of career stage on job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Findings show that salespeople in exploration report higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions when paid a fixed salary, whereas salespeople in establishment report higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions when given incentives. Further, during the establishment stage, salespeople employed by firms pursuing a prospector or analyzer strategy indicate higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions than those employed by defender firms. Suggestions are provided concerning how to effectively manage salespeople as they progress through the various career stages.  相似文献   


Challenged by Lynn White's sharp criticism of Christianity's responsibility for earth's ecological crisis, both Ian Barbour and Philip Hefner have proposed theological anthropologies based upon the imago Dei that supports an ecological ethic. Russell, while supporting the ecological ethic, turns not to anthropology but rather to eschatology and the proleptic vision of a new creation.  相似文献   

A sociometric evaluation of 120 (60 male, 60 female) preschool children was made, using the Parent Attitude Research Instrument (PARI; Shaefer & Bell, 1958). Questionnaires were completed by the parents of a sample of children who had been sociometrically identified as belonging in one of four categories: popular, amiable, isolated, and rejected. Discriminant function analysis revealed that children who were identified by their peers as rejected or isolated had parents that reported child-rearing attitudes reflecting patriarchal family structure, low self-confidence, low preference for young children, infrequent use of praise, lack of promotion of independence, low use of disciplining (mothers) coupled with the view that child rearing is a mother's duty, definite expectations about child behavior, a feeling of responsibility for child-rearing activities, low child orientation, infrequent use of threat, and negative reaction to children's intrusive behavior (fathers). The four sociometric categories accounted for 42% of mothers and 62% of fathers variance in reported child-rearing attitudes. The mothers' function correctly classified 49% and the fathers' correctly classified 44% of the children into the correct sociometric category. These data suggest a potentially important relationship between parents' perception of their child-rearing role and peer relations during early childhood.  相似文献   

Using two survey experiments, I reconsider the role that the racialized physical traits and level of assimilation of salient immigrants play in shaping attitudes toward immigration. In the first experiment, a nationwide sample of 767 White, non‐Latino adults was exposed to a story about a family of undocumented immigrants living in the Unites States who were at risk of deportation. Subjects were randomly assigned to view a version of the story in which the immigrants were depicted with light skin and stereotypically Eurocentric features, or dark skin and stereotypically Afrocentric features, and their level of assimilation to mainstream American culture was suggested to be high or low. Similar to previous research, the study's results show that assimilation has a direct effect on attitudes toward immigration. Yet in contrast to previous studies, the racialized physical traits proved to be a much more important factor in shaping attitudes toward immigration than previously demonstrated. The role of an immigrant's racialized physical traits was replicated in a second survey experiment of 902 White, non‐Latino adults. Overall, the findings shed new light on how media depictions of immigrants are affecting immigration attitudes, as well as the nuanced ways that race continues to shape public opinion in the United States today.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the validity of mediating pathways in predicting self-assessed negative affect from shyness/social withdrawal, peer rejection, victimization by peers (overt and relational), and the attitude that aggression is legitimate and warranted. Participants were 296 3rd through 5th graders (156 girls, 140 boys) from 10 elementary schools. Self-report measures of victimization, attitudes, and negative affect, and a teacher-report measure of shyness/social withdrawal and peer rejection were completed during the spring semesters of 2 consecutive years. Hierarchical regression analyses supported the mediational model in predicting negative affect at Time 2. However, an increase in negative affect over the 12-month study period was best accounted for by direct effects of increased victimization and changes in attitudes/attributions regarding aggression. Implications for the planning of school interventions designed to interrupt these victimization-maladjustment pathways are discussed.  相似文献   

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