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The aim of this work was (a) to examine the coping responses in fencers from a motivational viewpoint and their previous experiences and (b) to specify the consequences that the coping could have on their performances. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with six fencers. Results obtained from the inductive analyses revealed that coping responses deployed with stressors are various and appear to be influenced by the previous experiences and motivation. Problem-focused coping would be really favourable for the achievement of the objectives. Emotion-focused coping and avoidance could have positive and/or negative consequences according to the individual and situational characteristics. Some of these results seem to be in agreement with preceding research, like that of Kim and Duda (2003). Future research would be necessary in order to better understand the dynamics of the coping process.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the empirical literature about the use of hypermedia for learning. It uses the cognitive load theory as a framework to interpreter the results. This framework enables us to structure the review in four main parts, corresponding to the principal sources of the variations of the cognitive cost: the hypermedia, the learner, the leaning task, and the using task, and to their under-components. According to us, the user of an hypermedia for learning carries out a learning activity and a hypermedia using activity, the first being the goal, the second being the means and representing a specific overcost. We propose to interpret the data observed not in reference to a linear correlation training-use but in reference to the implication training-use.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):331-345
The aim of this paper was to study how the activation of intersexes relations affected the choices of activities linked to “relational” or “market” individualism. Firstly, as in Marro's research (1998), stories were presented in which the protagonists, being female or male, for different reasons (personal, professional, etc.) must decide or not to modify the time allocation that they devote to various activities, such as family, work, leisure, or voluntary help. Next, the subjects had to point out which choice they would personally advise. In addition, an activation of intersexes relations was carried out. The results have shown: 1) that personal advice in favour of “relational” or “market” individualism are found in both sexes ; 2) that the activation of intersexes relations modified more personal advice of female subjects than of male subjects (then more oriented, to family and work for women, to leisure for men).  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(4):413-416
Many professionals are involved with the children who present behaviour disorders. One question is “How to develop a medical and psychological care project which involves the child, the family and the school”. In order to respond to that question, four papers with different theoretical approaches will follow in this issue of Pratiques Psychologiques. They present: 1) the different nosological status of behaviour disorders; 2) an example of an analytic work with children and their relatives; 3) a behavioural intervention at school; 4) the problems of treatment access and possibilities of new responses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine self and objet representation disorders defined by bulimic women. 113 bulimics and 115 non-bulimics, aged 18 to 58, both outpatient women, where assessed by the Rorschach test according to the french method. 14 topics were selected from ther international psychopathological literature then translated into 14 Rorschach indices from the analysis of each protocol. Ten of the fourteen selected indices distinguish the two groups in a significant way. A multivariate analysis (AFCM) reveals in the bulimic group five dimensions corresponding to 63% of the inertia. If the first dimension appears to be related to general psychopathology, the four others are more specific to bulimic representation disorders.  相似文献   

This study analysed the masking activity of table tennis players, and any activity attempting to influence opponent's perceptions. We studied the activity of five French table tennis players during national matches in reference to the course of action theory (Theureau, 1992). Matches were videotaped, and the players' verbalizations as they viewed the tapes were collected a posteriori. The data were analysed by 1) transcribing the players' actions and verbalizations, 2) decomposing their activity into elementary units of meaning, and 3) analysing the meaningful structures of the course of action. The results showed that a large part of the table tennis players activity attempts to influence opponent's judgments. This activity aims to 1) modify the opponent's emotional experience, and 2) influence the opponent's perception of adversarial relationship. It is expressed through strokes and behaviors not related to the game. Our results lead to a new perspective of table tennis matches analysis in term of collective activity and “shared context” (Salembier and Zouinar, 2004).  相似文献   

The positive psychology movement promotes a better quality of life and subjective well being for all people of every age. The supporters of this approach acknowledge the problems associated with aging, but emphasize the possibility of personal development and happiness in the third and fourth ages. From the numerous suggestions proposed by researchers, we recommend three methods, the efficiency of which is demonstrated by empirical results: the use of our signature strengths, the pursuit of our significant goals and the experiencing of flow (optimal experience). These activities certainly contribute to the happiness of aging.  相似文献   

This article examines the place of emotions in mediated activity. The literature has shown that management tools produce emotions for users. However, this literature mainly analyses users in isolation and without taking into account their work context. Building on the work of Rabardel and 15 interviews with managers, this article shows how the emotions produced by the use of management tools transform the relationship to the activity, the relationship to oneself and the relationship to others and contribute to the transformation of the mediated activity. These results allow to underline the place of emotions in the mediated activity but also to discuss the relevance of the usual distinction between positive and negative emotions.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(2):157-175
The “Baby Steps” network includes a multi-disciplinary team and aims to accompany parents-to-be and young parents as they meet their newborns. The exchange and development relationships that professionals develop among themselves help to support the notion of parenthood and circumscribe any potential risk. The professionals in the network hail from a variety of backgrounds but they are all involved in perinatal care and by grouping their skills can adapt and optimise the assistance and care they offer to parents. The “Parent Island” reception area and the mother-baby therapy group with a separate father oriented structure are the truly original aspects of the network. Prevention is vital, as is providing therapeutic care for disturbances related to early parent-child relationships. With a strong “group psychology focus” the network creates a sufficiently solid structure to receive any unconscious negative projections from momentarily or deeply distressed parents.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):395-410
At this centennial of the Binet-Simon test (1905), the edition of the WISC-IV (Wechsler, 2005) raises some questions about general intelligence. After outlining the different approaches of its evaluation, especially global versus factorial approaches, and its evolution, the objective is to show how that contributes to understand the changes presented in the WISC-IV. The scale is built on four factorial homogeneous indices corresponding to dimensions which are the most studied today: fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, working memory and fast processing abilities. Nevertheless, this multidimensionality is accompanied by certain redundancies and the reduction of some aspects, especially knowledge, visual-spatial intelligence and social intelligence. In conclusion, some fundamental principles are noted, which were defined by Binet, yielding a “flash-back to the source”.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(2):221-238
This article proposes a review of the literature in English language and French language published these 20 last years on the words groups intended for the siblings of child sick or reached of a handicap. If the theories, the objectives and methodologies of the French studies and Anglo-Saxon's studies diverge, however, does everything state of the benefit that these groups bring to the brothers and sisters. After having described these studies and analysed their results, we propose tracks of research for future works.  相似文献   

Continental Philosophy Review - This review of Bettina Bergo’s book, Anxiety, draws attention both to the interweaving method of her account and to the substance of its implications. Her...  相似文献   

If placebo cure is self-cure, a fundamental question, as proposed by N. Humphrey, is why this capacity remains blocked until primed by a symbolic event such as the injection of an inert substance. In our view, this event induces a rearrangement of the ongoing predictions by which the brain generates expectancies of what is likely to happen next. These predictions are akin to anticipations simulating an increased comfort in the case of the administration of an antalgic treatment. In some cases, this anticipation promotes the reinforcement… of its prediction, mediated by a dopamine surge, together with a release of endogenous opiates. This priming of a circular causal chain might represent the basis of a placebo effect… normally followed by the action of the pharmacological event itself. Somehow, the placebo effect is akin to a risky bet.  相似文献   

This article explores the implementation of Patient-Centered Care approaches that have been spreading since the 2000s in French hospitals. Questioning their acceptance, the authors mobilize the framework of analysis of the management dispositive, applied to the orthopedic department of a Parisian hospital (3 weeks of observations and 43 interviews). They identify the socio-material resources mobilized (spaces, instruments and language) and their arrangement under the influence of an ideology. The article underlines the hybrid and situated nature of the arrangements as well as the reciprocal influences between the resources of the arrangement. The article thus extends the reflection on situated acceptance, showing that the dispositive studied is not fixed, but is the result of a collective activity, both mediated and subject to retroactions.  相似文献   

The major dimension of this article is to point out the importance of psychological follow-up with sporting teenagers. Emma's example illustrates the inherent transitions from this period of age in the specific context of the high level sport. For Emma, the passage of hurdle becomes the metaphor of its psychical conflict. The counter performance which appears in the passage of hurdle announces its ambivalence with regard to its personal history within realities of sport cultures. This making sense of the sporting problems within the framework of the psychological follow-up can help to exceed this difficulty of passage and to support its engagement like subject of its own desire on the way of its realization in the sporting act.  相似文献   

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