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《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):305-315
Starting from an experiment she coordinated among a group of educational psychologists, the author reflects on psychological intervention programmes. Following the group's questions, she organises her reflection along three main lines: the function of the institution, the function of the reference theories, and the nature of the process involved in those programmes. As far as the first two points are concerned, the clinical psychologist's practice appears paradoxical. The first paradox is that the institution does not acknowledge him or her as a promoter of subjectivity; the second concerns the lack of articulation of the relationship with theory, i.e. psychoanalytical theory. After questioning those paradoxes, which cannot be resolved, the author shows that the specific action of clinical psychologists can have a legitimate place, providing they ponder deeply on the meaning of their intervention, and ground their reflection on transitional analysis, as it has been defined by several French authors, in reference to Winnicott: the transition period as well as the transitional area.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(2):169-183
This longitudinal study investigated the processes of coping and change for 60 women with breast cancer and their close relations (N = 60). Our study is based on interview's analysis and on the answers to a scale of coping (Ways of Coping Checklist). Results reveal higher rates of seeking social support strategy for patients at the time of the surgical operation (T1) and after the treatments (T2) compared to their close relations (“t Student” tests, p < 0,01). The longitudinal analysis shows an increase of problem solving strategy at T2 only for patients (p < 0,02). The nature of the change perceptions differs according to the status (patient/close relations), and seems to be a constituent of the coping with the serious illness.  相似文献   

According to induced hypocrisy paradigm, participants were led to advocate a pro-attitudinal position (commitment step), such as to respect the driving rules. Subsequently they were made mindful of their own transgressions (mindfulness step). Afterwards, the target-behavior was administered: spending time in a safety road association. We manipulated the declaration of freedom either within the mindfulness step (study 1), either at the twice steps (study 2). Results indicated that declaration of freedom increased the hypocritical effect. Implications for further research in the area of hypocrisy are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test if people express comparative optimism when they evaluate their risk of being confronted to various work accidents compared to their colleagues. We also test the assumption according to which individuals are as much more optimistic as the event is threatening. Thus, an accident which is serious and probable (and consequently more threatening) should generate a maximum of comparative optimism. Our population is composed by employees of a mirror manufacture company. The latter evaluated their personal risk and that of one of their colleagues to be confronted with a severe /rare, severe/frequent, non severe/rare or non severe/frequent accident. Our results reveal the presence of an optimistic bias and this particularly for the severe and frequent accident. These data are discussed in terms of defensive bias and self esteem maintenance.  相似文献   

The psychological brain is an object, invented in the history of psychophysiology, which finds today an epistemological renewal in the neurosciences of the action and the emotion: the moving body is from now on an alive subject in the heart of psychological research.  相似文献   

The article describes an experimental series on causal judgment showing that the extinction can recover: 1) where the extinction has not been learned; 2) with time following extinction; 3) during a simple exposition to the stimulus not presented during extinction. Bouton's theory (1993, 1994) is referred to account for these three conditions about the recovery of the extinguished response. The aim is to offer an experimental and theoretical framework for the study of relapse following a behavioural therapy based upon extinction.  相似文献   

This study deals with the emotional inferences readers generate during the reading of narrative texts. The objective was to show that the accessibility of the representation of the emotional state of the protagonist depends on the reader's and the protagonist's knowledge of the situation. In the texts we used, the reader and the protagonist either shared the same amount of knowledge of the situation, or the protagonist was described as being ignorant of relevant situational information. The main result indicated that, in the presence of a difference between the protagonist and the reader, regarding their situational knowledge, the accessibility of the representation of the protagonist's emotion slowed down. In other words, the protagonist's emotion was more accessible when it was coherent with the situational knowledge of both the reader and the protagonist.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(4):417-436
After a brief recall of the importance of the notion of behaviour in psychology, of its multiple functions and of the complexity underlying this concept. the entries included by ICD 10 and DSM III and IV under the terms "behaviour and conduct disorders" are described. We discuss the nosological status of these diagnosis and the use for deviant behaviours of a medical model in which neurobiological and/or genetic factors are prominent. Contrary to this reductionist position, we sustain the necessity of a psychopathological approach taking account of a polyfactorial model of psychic development, which integrates psychodynamic factors of structuration of personality as well as neuroscience issues. Such a perspective seems to us better represented by the French Classification of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders, in which behaviour disorders are considered as symptoms which can present in various psychopathological structures.  相似文献   

This research deals with the controversy stated by Bandura about the level of generality-specificity it is advisable to appraise self-efficacy beliefs. The authors argue that the stake is not to challenge or not the interest of a general self-efficacy appraisal (compared with specific self-efficacy appraisals) but to study the conditions of general self-efficacy efficiency, for instance in the regulation of disruptions. With reference to the model of System of Activities, the data collected among 157 teachers recently recruited show how general self-efficacy beliefs attenuate the effects of an occupational disruption (the mismatches related to the mastery of required skills) on occupational satisfaction and general well-being, only if newcomers develop a middle level of exchanges between their different domains of life.  相似文献   

Induced-hypocrisy is directly derived from cognitive dissonance theory. This paradigm involves the combination of two factors: commitment factor, in which the individual advocates a pro-normative position and mindful factor in which the past transgressions are made salient. This combination arouses dissonance, which is usually reduced by changing the behavior in line with the normative advocacy. We used the induced-hypocrisy paradigm to test one of the original hypotheses of dissonance: it exists a tolerance towards dissonance. This tolerance was operationalized via the frequency of self-reported transgressions (e.g. familiarization with transgressions). Participants were made hypocritical; then they were given the opportunity to reduce dissonance through trivialization scale. According to the hypothesis, less frequent were the transgressions and higher was their trivialization.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):255-260
The psychology of the end of the life is this part of the psychology, which studies operations of the subject during old age, last period of the life. Death is the major element of this phase. It can be regarded as an event, which stops the life, but also as a process of transformation, which defines the life itself. In this space, which remains to live the psychic activity and more particularly anticipation, constitutes a resource. In his practice the psychologist fights against the negative effects of ageing and also works to accompany the old subject by integrating the context in which he lives.  相似文献   

In Lacan's writing the matheme is a logical construction aiming to correspond to the bone structure of the subject. In what respect can the formalization of fantasy enlighten us as regards the adolescent “passage”? Is this passage from child neurosis to the adolescent period accompanied by a different positioning in fantasy? This is the assumption which will be illustrated and defended with clinical cases. Fantasy is logically constructed. The matheme unite and separate through the awl, the two sides of the subject: the “barred subject” and the “object a”. The recasting of fantasy at adolescence will consist in revisiting the three terms while gauging the worth of the link-break operation which is the awl.  相似文献   

Numerous theoretical models have been proposed to explain motivation in organizational settings. Several authors such as Herzberg, Deci and Ryan distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. A new approach to intrinsic motivation (François, 2003) is now developping in France. It consists of considering that “intrinsic motivation” is a social norm. We have tested the normativity of intrinsic motivation in two field studies using the judge's paradigm. The first study was conducted on 52 recruiters, the second was conducted on 25 experts evaluating a project concerning the creation of an organization. Results show that evaluators prefered intrinsically motivated than extrinsically motivated candidates in both studies. Finally evaluators used utilitarians traits to describe intrinsically motivated candidates. This result gives force to a normative interpretation of intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

This article questions congruence between the contents of the definition of the concept of normative perspicacity and Jellison and Green's paradigm to obtain its measurement. It centres the discussion on the capacity of the subjects to answer the changes of instructions and restores it in the study of complex mechanisms governing the relations of the individuals with the social standards.  相似文献   

In this article, we present Semasit, a semantic database for French verbs developed for the purposes of experimental research in psycholinguistics and neuropsychology. This database features the distribution of the agents and patients of 96 verbs of interpersonal relations, and 60 verbs of change of state, based on their probability of occurence for 100 participants. It also provides the free-association norms of these 156 verbs. The degree of imagery is also presented for some of them. For 24 verbs of interpersonal relations, this semantic database is completed by the distribution of the patients, when an agent and a verb are presented together. It also provides the free association norms of the patients in this case. This database in freely accessible and can be downloaded from the Internet: http://www.mshs.univ-poitiers.fr/lmdc/semasit/frame-index.htm.  相似文献   

Our article analyses the conditions and the factors of acceptance of technologies intended for a particular professional environment: the banking advisers customers. It is in particular a question of locating the evolutions, the contributions, the changes, as well as the emergence of new uses generated by the tools data processing and mobilized in the presence of the customers. The objective is to be able to include/understand the methods of appropriation by the actors and the organizations. The principal results show that technology can be an opportunity for the ones and a constraint for the others, invalidating the thesis of a technological determinism. The acceptability of technology depends at the same time on the experiments, competences and the resources of the individuals as well as stakes and strategies, which the latter project on these devices.  相似文献   

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