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The aim of this study was to examine self and objet representation disorders defined by bulimic women. 113 bulimics and 115 non-bulimics, aged 18 to 58, both outpatient women, where assessed by the Rorschach test according to the french method. 14 topics were selected from ther international psychopathological literature then translated into 14 Rorschach indices from the analysis of each protocol. Ten of the fourteen selected indices distinguish the two groups in a significant way. A multivariate analysis (AFCM) reveals in the bulimic group five dimensions corresponding to 63% of the inertia. If the first dimension appears to be related to general psychopathology, the four others are more specific to bulimic representation disorders.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(4):425-441
The research purpose is to examine the internal consistency, test–retest reliability and factorial validity of the Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R), translate into French language. Three studies, containing 965 persons, are undertaken to accomplish these purpose. Participants have completed the EDS-R. Adequate internal consistency and test–retest reliability for the scale are evidenced in the two first studies. Confirmatory analysis (Lisrel) in study 3 supported a correlated seven-factor model, the model fit are acceptable (TLI = 0,93; CFI = 0,94; RMSEA = 0,062; SRMR = 0,06). These studies provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the EDS-R into French. Language. This instrument can be thus used in the clinical and studies framework on the exercise dependence.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(2):213-225
Desocialisation of the Aged leads to physical and psychic pathologies (Pellissier, 2003). Some old age homes propose to their residents to participate in social activities in order to counter the loss of social roles. However more than half of them never attend these activities. In study 1 (before and after experimental design) and in study 2 (control and experimental design), free compliance procedures (Joule et Beauvois, 1998, 2002) turn out to be useful for helping residents to get out of their isolation: performing both the "But you are free of…" procedure (Guéguen et Pascual, 2000) and the "touching" one (Kleinke, 1977) leads more residents to express the intention to participate in the proposed activity, and to actually participate.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a performance decrease related to normal aging can be accounted for by a decrease in activation and inhibition processes. An original categorical decision task was performed by young participants (mean: 21.46 years) and older participants (mean: 66.48 years). The task was to decide whether affirmative or negative sentences including a categorical component were correct or not. A self-space presentation was used in order to measure separate processing times for different parts of the sentence. The results showed a differential processing of the sentence components related to the participant age, which suggests a decrease in activation and inhibition processes with aging.  相似文献   

This study presents a validation of a French version of the Transactive Memory Scale (TMS, Lewis 2003) adapted to educational context. The system of transactive memory refers to three distinct components: coordination, credibility and specialization. Studies using this scale confirm the importance of this construct on the group processes and collective performance. The results of this study, among a field sample of 45 learning groups (N = 180), indicated that the French TMS scale adapted in an educational context is internally consistent, and had good convergent, predictive and discriminant validity. These findings provide a valuable instrument that managers can use to better understand and regulate the coordination between members of their work-teams.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(2):177-190
Resting against an research-action which related to six districts known as “sensitive” and touched approximately 400 professionals and 500 parents, this text consolidates the report of a dysfunction in the relations between the professionals and the professionals and the parents. It clarifies the idea of a genesis of the passage to the act and conduits at the risk which would be nourished of this dysfunction. A setting in network, which places work on the level of the processes will intra, inter psychic and interpersonal which took part in the emergence of the problems and with the failure of the solutions which were proposed to them, could constitute an alternative to this dysfunction. This text gives a report on the strong moments of the work of development by which the parents and the professionals within the framework of this setting in network pass and whose result could be a protected environment, more stable even indestructible.  相似文献   

This research examines the contexts in which verbal agitation (VA) behaviours occur. The study was conducted with 15 participants suffering from dementia who live in an institution and display agitated behaviours. Participants were subject to observation assisted by a hand-held computer. The frequency and duration of agitation episodes were calculated. The time of day, the location, and the activity engaged in, the presence of other persons and use of physical restraint were noted. A total of 180 observation hours were conducted, with each participant being observed for 12 hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The results show that the participants are verbally agitated 10% of the time. VA is manifested when participants are in their rooms (94%), not engaged in a specific activity (81%), alone (80%) and physically restrained (78%). VA occurs mainly after 2 p.m. (73%). Certain contextual characteristics rather than others are associated with greater VA concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of the multivariate analysis of a situational judgement test (problem-situations contextualized with multiple choice questions) used as a tool to recruit highway patrollers. The main goal was to study the structure of the test. To do so, we carried out a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) over 849 participants' answers to twelve questions. This analysis has highlighted three main dimensions in the test, which we named "hierarchy" (axis 1), "discernment" (axis 2) and "safety" (axis 3). The score, calculated according to expert criteria, yields an overall assessment of candidates, while the MCA allows a more varied diagnosis, that takes into account the dimensions underlying the test as well as individual differences.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(4):279-294
Each revision of the law on bioethics triggers a political and social debate in public space and communication. This article examines the analysis of this arena of discourse during the second revision of the bioethics law in 2011, in order to observe what representational systems are involved by the members of the French parliament to think about and discuss on these socially important issues. More specifically, we focus on what may have led parliamentarians to decide in 2011 to maintain the anonymity of gamete donation, whereas this issue had been at the heart of intense public controversy since the mid-2000s.  相似文献   

Despite the great number of researches available on self-esteem, the conceptualization and measurement of this construct present weaknesses, especially when trying to understand the social dimension of self-esteem among young adults. This article works towards the following objectives: a) to present a conceptualization of global self-esteem; b) to create a model of social self-esteem peculiar to young adults by identifying the principal components of this construct and the weaknesses of the questionnaires used in most studies measuring social self-esteem; c) to examine the validity of a new french instrument intended to measure social self-esteem in young adults aged 16-24, Évaluation sociale de Soi chez les jeunes adultes. The theoretical model of social self-esteem in this research is composed of two dimensions: 1-the feeling of self-competence in various social gatherings; 2-the feeling of social acceptance, popularity and interest in social relationships. Each of these two dimensions are respectively composed of four and three scales. Two studies of the statistical validity of this instrument offer support to the use of this scale to measure the aspects involved in the self-valuation of young adults in the social area.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research is to study the content of the stereotypes associated with students' high and low socio-economic status (SES), using free association, Brigham's percentages and McCauley & Stitt's diagnostic ratio methods. Independently of the method used, the results show that low SES students are somehow positively perceived. This is not the case with negative traits, in particular those related to intellectual abilities, which are differently associated to the stereotype depending on the method used. Additionaly, the results show that a stereotype of high SES students can be identified, for which intellectual and academic dimensions seem to be central. Limits of this study and particular interest regarding its implications (i.e. stereotype threat) are discussed.  相似文献   

"The whole of the personnel was put in strike… the reason… one of their colleagues was violently attacked by a user with a knife…". Far from being a news in brief, workplace violence is present within the media; privileged witnesses of an iceberg. Indeed, according to last figures of European investigations, close of an employee on one on ten (9%) known as to have been victim of intimidation on its workplace, and 6% were victims of physical violence. And, however, some advance the idea that the official figures are well far from reality from the company, the majority of the figures relates the violence with even morbid serious after-effects more (Eurogip, 1998). This article will thus stick to work out an inventory of workplace violence and more specifically of physical violence. With this intention, an analysis of 28 articles was carried out starting from various criteria in order to raise conceptual nebula around this phenomenon. Which are the definitions suggested, methodologies used and the results obtained by this research? Thus, this article will open a track of reflexion on the perception of violence at work like occupational hazard but also like a stake of health at the work and public safety.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(3):337-351
Placing in a theoretical prospect d'interstructuration for the subject and institutions, the article consists of a clinical study of the case of the Young person Khaled Kelkal. The evil being of the teenager, his delinquency and its extremism religious are analyzed in close connection with a singular socioeducative experiment and notorious disorders of the identity in a context of social and cultural antagonism.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):395-410
At this centennial of the Binet-Simon test (1905), the edition of the WISC-IV (Wechsler, 2005) raises some questions about general intelligence. After outlining the different approaches of its evaluation, especially global versus factorial approaches, and its evolution, the objective is to show how that contributes to understand the changes presented in the WISC-IV. The scale is built on four factorial homogeneous indices corresponding to dimensions which are the most studied today: fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, working memory and fast processing abilities. Nevertheless, this multidimensionality is accompanied by certain redundancies and the reduction of some aspects, especially knowledge, visual-spatial intelligence and social intelligence. In conclusion, some fundamental principles are noted, which were defined by Binet, yielding a “flash-back to the source”.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(2):137-151
The object of this study is to identify old people's resistances and their family's, concerning advance directives and the personhood's nomination. Semi-structured interviews were realized by 20 hospital patients and 14 persons living in an old people's home. Families named as “personhood” by their parents were also interviewed. Writing advances directives spark off anguish and defence mechanisms among the elderly people and their families, curbing the law's application. But these protocols seem to be used as a tool of the trade by the psychologist in geriatrics. It allows indeed old people to enter in an grieving process and to prepare themselves for the end-of-life.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(3):283-290
Hysterical crisis shows unexpected hallucinations and delirium happening into hysterical structure. Although subject of many psycho-analytical works, hysterical crisis is always matter of debate. That kind of crisis happens when hysterical women and their lover have fallen out. Analysing the case of madam M., we will propose a reflexion about the real raison of those love-affairs to reconsider hysteria in relation to feminity. We will propose a new conception of feminine climax in connection with hallucinations and delirium happening into hysteria. We will debate about position of psycho-clinician, precisely the transference-using face to hysterical subject in state of emergency. Finally, we will propose to think over singularity of subjective structure using the supply concept.  相似文献   

The present article is a comparative case study that explores the manifestations of psychological distress of two types of narcissistic organizational leaders. More specifically, the aim of this case study is to check for possible differences between a grandiose narcissistic leader and a vulnerable narcissistic leader in relation to three main variables associated with the manifestation of psychological distress. These variables are: trigger factors, the modulation of negative emotional reactions, the presence of early maladaptive schemas and the use of dysfunctional coping strategies. The results obtained indicate that the manifestation of psychological distress by the grandiose narcissistic leader varies in certain respects from that of the vulnerable narcissistic leader. Indeed, the psychological distress manifested by the grandiose narcissistic leader is mainly characterized by anxiety and cognitive problems. Moreover, his psychological distress appears to be accompanied by a fear of public achievement failure and the partial use of two types of dysfunctional coping strategies – self-aggrandizement with reference to ostentation and self-softening underpinned by social withdrawal. With regard to the psychological distress of the vulnerable narcissistic leader, it is essentially characterized by a profound sense of depression and irritability. Moreover, it is associated with a fear of public interpersonal rejection; the internalization of negative emotions (feelings of guilt, self-criticism and feelings of worthlessness); and the partial use of two types of dysfunctional coping strategies – self-softening underpinned by social withdrawal and self-aggrandizement with reference to ostentation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was (a) to examine the coping responses in fencers from a motivational viewpoint and their previous experiences and (b) to specify the consequences that the coping could have on their performances. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with six fencers. Results obtained from the inductive analyses revealed that coping responses deployed with stressors are various and appear to be influenced by the previous experiences and motivation. Problem-focused coping would be really favourable for the achievement of the objectives. Emotion-focused coping and avoidance could have positive and/or negative consequences according to the individual and situational characteristics. Some of these results seem to be in agreement with preceding research, like that of Kim and Duda (2003). Future research would be necessary in order to better understand the dynamics of the coping process.  相似文献   

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