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佛牙舍利塔是中国佛教界修建的一座新塔,塔址在北京西山著名胜地八大处的第二处,即灵光寺原址。塔内供奉着一颗释迦牟尼佛的灵牙舍利。这颗灵牙舍利在我国已经供奉了一千五六百年。根据佛教史籍记载,佛陀入灭荼毗后,有两颗灵牙留在人间。一颗传到斯里兰卡,一颗传到当时的乌苌国(今巴基斯坦境内),后由乌苌国传到于阗(今我国新疆和阗县)。五世纪中,南朝高僧法献(424~498)西游于阗,从而把这颗佛牙请回南齐首都,即现  相似文献   

《华严经传记》,又名《华严传》,五卷。唐京兆崇福寺沙门法藏集。收入《大正藏》第五十一卷。《华严经传记》撰时阙载。考本书卷一实叉难陀传中,有唐景云元年(710)十月十二日实叉难陀卒于大荐福寺,“至十二月十三日,本国门人悲智、敕使哥舒道元送其余骸及斯灵舌遂归于阗,起塔供养。后人复于焚尸之所起七层塔焉”的记载(第155页中)。而法藏本人又卒于先天元年(712)  相似文献   

东晋南北朝时期,涌现出一大批舍身求法的高僧。法献是继法显、宝云、智猛和法勇等之后的又一位西行求法僧。法献的西行,往返均取"青海道";在西域,法献先后游历了吐谷浑管辖的鄯善国故地,和芮芮控制下的于阗、龟兹和高昌等国。法献取得的佛牙,是从乌缠国流入于阗国的,乌缠国即汉代的乌秅国、法显记载的於麾国,也即玄奘记载的乌铩国;佛牙来到汉地后,曾经由陈武帝、隋文帝和唐宣宗等帝王公开供奉,流传有绪,是中国佛教史上最著名的佛教圣物之一。  相似文献   

东晋南北朝时期,涌现出一大批舍身求法的高僧。法献是继法显、宝云、智猛和法勇等之后的又一位西行求法僧。法献的西行,往返均取"青海道";在西域,法献先后游历了吐谷浑管辖的鄯善国故地,和芮芮控制下的于阗、龟兹和高昌等国。法献取得的佛牙,是从乌缠国流入于阗国的,乌缠国即汉代的乌秅国、法显记载的於麾国,也即玄奘记载的乌铩国;佛牙来到汉地后,曾经由陈武帝、隋文帝和唐宣宗等帝王公开供奉,流传有绪,是中国佛教史上最著名的佛教圣物之一。  相似文献   

在新疆达玛沟乡出土的托普鲁克墩佛寺遗址群中,发现了于阗坚牢地神壁画残片,该造型体现了地神崇拜从印度传入于阗后的本土化发展。旨在探究于阗地神崇拜主要是自然地理环境、统治阶级推动、佛教文化盛行三方面原因,其内蕴理念的变化反映出人类的主体欲望,其造型则为我们带来陌生化的独特审美体验。  相似文献   

于阗画派在历史上是一个影响甚大的画派,兴于于阗,通过丝路,流传四方。纵览其发展史,可知此派在兴起过程中,广吸印度、中原、波斯、粟特、希腊罗马等各种文明要素,并有机融合,终成独具一体的画派。于阗画派的多元性特征也使其得到广泛传播,对世界绘画史产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

这里,取西域之狭义,特指今新疆。弄清佛教初传西域的时间问题,关系着中国佛教史。历来学界众说纷纭。但较有代表性的看法是,遵循佛教由印度经西域传入内地的程序,若根据《魏略》、《大唐西域记》等汉文献,再对照藏文《于阗国授记》、《于阗教法史》等史料,佛教在公元前1世纪(约前82年)时传入于阗,以毗卢折那阿罗汉感化于阗王兴建赞摩帝寺为标志。汤用彤、吕澂、羽田亨、羽西了谛等中外学者所  相似文献   

至明代,地处贵州铜仁地区印江江口的梵净山已有兴隆的佛教活动。其时,因得明神宗母亲作佛法外护,山中各处均有起寺造塔的记载。万历神宗皇帝(1573-  相似文献   

五台山显通寺清凉妙高处,屹立着两座精雕细镂的铜塔。两座塔造型相似,均为十三层,东面的略高,代表东台,西面的略低,代表西台。据《五台县志》载,铜塔铸于明万历三十四年(公元1606年)。三百八十年的风风雨雨,使西面铜塔塔身和塔龛的衔接处,出现了一道裂缝,致使塔身略微有点倾斜。为了保护好这一凝结着古代劳动人民智慧的文物,五台山管理局于去年七月进行了翻修。七月十日,当建筑工匠小心翼翼地逐次揭去塔顶、拆开  相似文献   

2002年12月15日至2003年3月1日,中国北京灵光寺佛牙舍利远赴泰国供奉76天,佛牙一经抵泰,即有成千上万的信徒顶礼膜拜,同时也引起了世人广泛的关注。佛牙舍利是佛教创始人释迦牟尼入灭后留下的牙齿。据说释迦牟尼火化后,全身都变成细粒状舍利,但牙齿完整无损,因此被称为佛牙舍利。根据佛教史籍记载,释迦牟尼涅后留有2颗灵牙,一颗传到斯里兰卡,一颗传到当时的乌苌国(今巴基斯坦境内),后由乌苌国传到于阗(今我国新疆和田县)。5世纪中,南朝高僧法献西游至于阗,将佛牙舍利带回都城。至隋代,佛牙舍利被迎请到长安。五代时期,朝…  相似文献   

The concept of omnipotence refers to a primitive fantasy, a mechanism of defense, and a pathological psychic structure. Omnipotence and its derivative defensive operation, omnipotent control, are highly prevalent in borderline personality organization. Three clinical vignettes illustrate these mechanisms in the treatment of patients with borderline, narcissistic, and obsessive personality disorders, respectively. These vignettes illustrate the transference developments when omnipotence and omnipotence control are dominant, and the therapeutic approach to these conditions.  相似文献   

The notion that the family is “the unit of care” for family doctors has been enigmatic and controversial. Yet systems theory and the biopsychosocial model that results when it is imported into medicine make the family system an indispensable and important component of family medicine. The challenge, therefore, is to provide a coherent, plausible account of the role of the family in family practice. Through an extended case presentation and commentary, we elaborate two views of the family in family medicine — treating the patient in the family and treating the family in the patient — and defend both as appropriate foci for care by family doctors. The practical problem that arises when the family is introduced into health care is deciding when to concentrate on the family system. The moral problems that arise concern how extensively doctors may become involved in the personal lives of their patients and families. The patient-centered clinical method provides a strategy for handling both problems. Thus, making the family a focus of care in family medicine can be justified on theoretical, practical, and moral grounds.  相似文献   

There is a branch of modern medicine that relies on information rather than on biochemical substances to maintain health and cure disease. Known as information medicine, it offers an important complement to the dominant biochemical approach of mainstream medicine. This note offers a few reflections on the potentials of information medicine in reference to what is currently known regarding the role of information in the universe, and in the living organism.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or "fractal scaling", during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that experiences of frustration, confusion, and anxiety are embodied phenomena, very little is known about how these processes modulate presumably unconscious, but constantly present, subtle bodily movement. We addressed this problem by tracking the low-level dynamics of body movement, using 1/f noise, pink noise, or “fractal scaling”, during naturalistic experiences of affect in two studies involving deep learning and effortful problem-solving. Our results indicate that body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration. We orient our findings within theories that emphasise the embodied nature of cognition and affect and with perspectives that view affective and cognitive processes as emergent products of a self-organising dynamical system (the brain) that is inextricably coupled to the body.  相似文献   

历史上对伏牛山地区的佛教记载较散,资料较详的是在明代。当时来山修行的僧人很多,但是到现在为止还没有人对伏牛山的佛教进行过研究,笔者根据掌握的禅宗史料提出这时伏牛山佛教已经有了明显的禅宗派系特征,在这里传教修行的僧人,主要是元代禅宗断桥伦一支的浙江天目山高峰原妙及其弟子中峰明本一系,其中受四川禅宗无际明悟禅师一派的影响很大,早期来山的僧人大多数都是无际明悟的弟子与后人,可以说成立了无际伏牛山禅派一系。  相似文献   

孕育中的旅游伦理学--近年来西方国家旅游伦理研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
旅行和旅游是一项历史悠久的人类活动,旅游活动中的伦理问题的存在也和旅游发展的历史一样久远.二战以后,"大众旅游"经过半个多世纪的高速发展,对自然环境和社会文化的负面影响已经凸显出来,因此,旅游研究便开始关注旅游发展伦理问题;与此同时,应用伦理学研究也开始从不同的角度关注旅游发展这一新领域.  相似文献   

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