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本文考察了《道藏》中道士王文卿的传记及与他有关的经典,并在此基础之上对王文卿的雷法理论进行了探讨。介绍了王文卿雷法的操作方法、实践,并讨论了他的雷法的推理思路。王文卿将雷法置于宇宙的框架内,吸收阴阳、五行理论,并将雷法放在八卦、《易经》、天干地支所提供的形式网中进行讨论。  相似文献   

南宗肇始于北宋张伯端,历传石泰、薛道光、陈楠。自陈楠开始,出现了新的特色,即在内丹修炼之外,兼传神霄派雷法。白玉蟾得陈楠内丹与雷法真传,和他的弟子们创建了以行持雷法为职事的教团,此即南宗,是相对于北中国的全真教而言的。神霄派雷法在南宗的创建以及发展历程中发挥了重要作用。白玉蟾承陈楠之后,对雷法的传承做了重大贡献,具体表现在以下几个方面。  相似文献   

宋代以来道教革故鼎新,形成了以雷法为核心的道法体系。北宋末天师世家的杰出代表,第三十代天师张继先在雷法创立、兴盛的潮流中多有贡献。本文从史传考辨和思想解析的双重维度出发,梳理了张继先参同诸家学脉,开创龙虎山正一雷法的事迹,并依其著作,对融摄内丹心性学说的正一雷法思想进行了阐释。  相似文献   

本文通过对神霄派主要经典的文本分析,提出天人合一的宇宙论是神霄派行使雷法的理论预设,保神养心的内丹炼养是其行使雷法和得道成仙的最重要的法门,并指出其内炼为本、外用为末的雷法特色。  相似文献   

雷法与雷神崇拜是道教中一门重要的法术及信仰。它源自中国最古老的原始宗教,既包含着人类文明中最原始的对自然的崇拜,也保存着人类企图控制造化的胆略与努力,从而形成了一种非常独特的文化现象。在道教中,对雷神等自然精灵的信仰由来已久,非常广泛。尤其是唐宋以来,由于众多道门高真的倡导,以对雷神信仰为核心的雷法盛行天下,成为道教法门的核心内容,影响颇大,至今犹然。本文就道教雷法的沿革、内涵、特征做一探讨,以进一步揭示道教雷法的奥秘。  相似文献   

本文简明阐述了清微派的法脉,以原典为本对清微雷法与内丹相结合的内炼思想进行了详细阐论;并对其雷法“内炼为本,外用为末”的思想做了梳理,指出此为宋元间新出之符篆道派共同的重要特征。  相似文献   

正在道教雷法的学术研究之中,法力是一个非常特殊却少人关注的概念。英国人类学家马雷特曾研究过原始部落所崇奉的超自然力量——"玛纳",而现代社会学奠基人马克斯·韦伯也在《儒教与道教》中提到了"卡里斯马"。这两者均非仅是抽象构造的名词,更是宗教或法术所确切认定的神圣力量源泉。西方宗教学的探究,对考察中国道教雷法具有一定的启发意义:雷法道士们扭转乾坤、肃清八极的法力,是否即是"玛纳"或"卡里斯马"这  相似文献   

丁强 《宗教学研究》2002,(2):100-103
本文通过对《清微道法枢纽》四部分内容的简析 ,梳理了宋代新出的道教符派清微派雷法思想的理论依据、行法具体方式 ,以及学法之人所应遵守的基本准则和行为规范 ,阐明“以内炼为本 ,符为用”这一清微派雷法思想的核心  相似文献   

陈楠与神霄派   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从北宋张伯端始肇道教南宗丹法,其间经过近二百年的发展,历石泰、薛道光、陈楠、白玉赡,方可谓正式形成内丹派南宗,后人谓张伯端、石泰、薛道光、陈楠、白玉蟾等五人,为道教南宗五祖。五祖皆以精通丹法、弘扬丹道为己任,从而名扬青史。五祖之中,尤以白玉蟾最为杰出,他承其师陈楠的道统,顺应时代的潮流,不仅推重丹道,而且兼习雷法。与其相应,隶属符箓派的神霄派大师王文卿、萨守坚、邹铁壁、莫月鼎等皆修持丹道,以南宗之丹法为神霄雷法的基础。于是,南宗从陈楠开始,即兼习雷法;神霄派从肇源、创立之际,即重视丹道。南宗与神…  相似文献   

雷神崇拜是道教雷法实行的信仰基础。从对雷神崇拜演变的历史图景进行考察,我们可以发现,雷神崇拜以及由雷神崇拜本身所透露出的传统中国人具有的心理状态与思维模式,是后来道教构建雷法体系的潜在渊源。崇拜的产生,源于先民对自然界雷电现象的“畏惧”。然而,在雷神形象的历史演变中,世人对雷神形象的塑造有典型的人格化倾向。此后,道教沿用了民间社会的这一人格化方式,构想了可供道士召遣役使的庞杂的雷部诸神系统。随着雷部诸神体系的建立,世人的心理也完成了由“畏惧”雷神,心生敬畏,并向“策役”雷神,济物利人的转变。一、雷神形象的历…  相似文献   

首先在详细分析工程中利益冲突已有定义的基础上,本文从不同角度提出了一种不同的定义。然后,分析了利益冲突的构成,并列举了利益冲突的情形。接着,分析了利益冲突的伦理问题,并提出解决方法。最后介绍了美国工程社团以及大型企业有关利益冲突的伦理章程和行为规范。  相似文献   

The author describes problems facing Armenia in reorganization of the structure of science in the post-socialist era with the aim of utilizing limited state resources more efficiently by reducing the number of separate scientific institutes, concentrating on essential core subjects required by the nation and encouraging all other projects to compete in the international arena for grant sponsorship. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002.  相似文献   

PTSD在中国的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
PTSD是近十年来在中国精神病学界逐渐引起重视的一种反应性精神障碍。随着国外对PTSD的深入研究以及中国心理卫生事业的发展,相关领域的学者开始从事这一方面的研究并取得了不少成就。文章对中国PTSD的流行病学、神经生物学基础、病因学以及诊断和治疗等各个方面的研究作了初步总结和探讨。  相似文献   

Observers viewed visual stimuli in which one object moved to a position of partial occlusion by another. The objects were presented as two-dimensional profiles moving in an undefined space, so the partial occlusion supports several different physical interpretations. In fact some stimuli reliably gave rise to a perceptual impression that the moving object penetrated or pierced the stationary one. This kind of interaction impression has not previously been reported. The impression was maximized by rapid deceleration to a halt with minimal occlusion. If the object decelerated more slowly, so that it was completely occluded or projected from the far side of the stationary object, it was perceived as moving behind the stationary object. The shape of the moving object and its speed prior to occlusion had significant but small effects.  相似文献   

Atypical attention, while not a diagnostic feature, is common in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The study of these atypicalities has recently gained in both quantity and quality, due in part to an increased focus on attentional atypicalities as one of the earliest signs of ASD in infancy. A range of attentional processes and components have been investigated, and the methods used are varied, from Posner-type paradigms, to the more recent use of eye-movement recording and change-detection techniques. This methodological complexity is one factor in the production of conflicting evidence on the topic of attention in ASD. This review uses a focus on methodology to clarify the literature to date and provide a resource for researchers wishing to study attention in ASD. Other factors that have contributed to the current discrepancies in findings are discussed, particularly the role of individual and group differences within the population of people with ASD.  相似文献   

A refined analysis of the peck order in chickens was offered as a test of the notion that for this species, different responses such as leaping and various types of pecking need not be interchangeable indexes of aggression. Indeed, tests showed that particular response types of the birds were differentially mediated by organismic or environmental factors. In large cages pecking at the body was most frequent by birds that had a home-cage advantage. Contrarily, rates of aggressive leaping were independent of this environmental influence, with males having an advantage over females. Males showed more head pecking than females, but the profile for this sex difference did not resemble the profile for leaping. Correlational analyses revealed that whereas head pecking between testmates was not matched in frequency, leaping was positively related. Finally, the behavior of birds tested in small cages differed from that of the large-cage subjects. Although there was more head pecking in the small cages, males did not have an edge, and leaping was infrequent. Such results indicate that these responses cannot be viewed as interchangeable indicators of aggression in fowl.  相似文献   

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